
Art Sales

For commissions and flat-sale of your creative efforts.
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@tigercule , @nirak , @Scream , @Skiatha - OKAY! WHO HERE IS [i]READY TO BRO?[/i] (Starting with the smaller orders and finishing with the bigger ones [s]FOR MAXIMAN MANPACT[/s]. Just like last time, they'll be edited in over a couple of hours, so please stay patient!) [b]Posted:[/b] Skiatha, Scream, tigercule, nirak (in that order) - so 6/6 pieces are now up! Yay? [b]Skiatha[/b]: [url=] [img][/img] [/url] [quote] When I heard I was to be interviewing A MAN AS HOT AS THE SUN ITSELF, I was most understandably hyped for the GLORY OF HELIOS – who was surely named after the GREAT BALL OF FIRE that is a SOURCE OF STRENGTH FOR EVERY BRO. I was not to be disappointed, either – for almost as soon as I had landed, I saw standing over the throngs of swooned ladies and lesser men, a TOUGH BROCLAW, who despite taking in the FULL SIGHT of my MANLY MANGENTA WINGS AND MANBELLY, was STILL ON HIS FEET. It was then that I knew I must be THE MIGHTY MAN who had DE[i]MAN[/i]DED AN INTERVIEW, THE TRUE BRO HELIOS. Despite his very noble look, Helios was more than happy to introduce himself to me; as it turns out, he is an AMBITIOUS MAN of MANY ASSETS. Some may look at Helios's lack of a tertiary gene and laugh, but I believe that if Helios was ANY MOAR MANLY, HE WOULD BE EVEN MANLIER THAN THE SUN AND EVEN THE STRONGEST OF CHIN–UP BARS WOULD BE [i]AFRAID[/i]. You see, since he is bedecked in HEAVY METAL that of course PERFECTLY COMPLI[i]MEN[/i]TS his HANDSOME HIDE, Helios ALREADY LIFTS FAR MORE THAN AVERAGE. In fact, in order to FLY AT FULL STRENGTH, this BRO claw has to REGULARLY REINFORCE HIS MIGHTY, MACHO WINGS. Not that this is a bad thing, of course – Helios has chosen to use this to his advantage. TOUGH TOMANTO brings quite a few different shades of red out with Shimmer, so the MANTURAL CHOICE for Helios is of course MANBURST FEATHERED WINGS. Not only do these result in THE FATHER OF ALL PUNS when the dragon's name is considered, making Helios an instant hit at parties, they [i]also[/i] bring some brownish orange to the secondary, which combined with the reds of his original secondary, makes Helios a very striking dragon without his becoming garish. Just ask the ladies. – Manly McBro [/quote] [b]Scream:[/b] [url=] [img][/img] [/url] [quote][center][b]IDRIS[/b] . [i](puts the sun to shame)[/i][/center] Don't let the carefree attitude or the flower garlands fool you; Idris is a TRUE BRO IF THERE EVER WAS ONE. Many other dragons in his clan aspire to be as MANLY AS THIS [i]ACTUAL BATMAN[/i], with his ROCK–HARD HIDE and MANLY MANGENTA WINGS THAT ARE BRO ENOUGH TO SPARKLE WITH NOTHING BUT MANLINESS. Indeed, the flowers Idris wears are FRESHLY PICKED EVERY DAY BY HIS MANY LADY ADMIRERS – and that he only has two garlands is HIGHLY INDICATIVE OF JUST HOW MANY FEMALES ARE SWOONING BEFORE THEY CAN FINISH. Indeed, Idris is a very lucky dragon – he owes much of his GREAT MANDOM to THE TOUGHEST LADY EVAR, THE MISTRESS LADY LUCK, FALLING FOR HIM. On his second attempt dabbling with THE MANLIEST MAGIC OUT, this TRUE BRO TOOK OUT THE LOTTERY, and nabbed the BROTASTIC combination of PASSIONATE FIRE, MANLY MANGENTA, and LOYAL LEAF. So pleased were the elders of Idris's clan that they sent for scrolls, changing Idris into a MIGHTY MAN–NOODLE. However, this WASN'T EVEN HIS FINAL FORM – that was to come much later, when Idris was finally put into BATMAN mode, where he remains to this day, putting all lesser mans to shame. Though this Nocturne is very carefree, preferring the company of his ladies to the company of familiars, he IS ABSOLUTELY A MAN OF HIS WORD, and WILL NOT HESITATE TO DEFEND HIS MAN–CAVE. Being at a TRUE TWENTY–FIVE means that Idris has dispatched more COWARDLY CREATURES than most; to the point where the areas around his clan live in terror of the name, and many of the local wildlife SURRENDER AT THE MERE MENTION OF THIS MIGHTY MAN. And, perhaps this is quite rightfully so – THE LIFTING INCIDENT alone, in which this MACHO, MANGENTA MAN was CHALLENGED by the Beastclans to PROVE HIMSELF by LIFTING A WHOLE FOREST'S WORTH OF WILDLIFE, is something that has made most familiars too terrified to go anywhere near the guy. Not that I, MANLY MCBRO, was able to divine [i]exactly[/i] what happened during the battle due to the constant fainting of the clan's librarian – but let it never, ever be said that Idris will back down from a challenge. [/quote] [b]tigercule:[/b] [url=] [img][/img] [/url] [quote]The moment I heard the name of the MIGHTY, MACHO MAN [i]POWER[/i], I knew I absolutely had to interview HE WHO STANDS FOR NOTHING BUT BRODOM. With a children list that IS WELL OVER NINETEEN, and [i]AT LEAST[/i] NINETEEN LEVELS IN PURE MAN to boot, Power's reputation more than precedes him, it goes CHARGING AHEAD, YELLING ABOUT HOW BROTASTIC IT IS, whilst ALL LADIES IN A FIFTY METRE RADIUS OF ITS OWNER SUDDENLY FEEL FAINT. And is Power deserving of his reputation? YOU BETTER BELIEVE HE IS! To open, this TOUGH TUNDRA BRO sports one of the MOST MANCREDIBLE accents I have seen yet: GLORIOUS GLITTER–GLAM, which is of course intended for only THE MANLIEST OF MANS. It doesn't just provide yellow highlights matching those BITTER LEMON circuit gives to his paws and wings, it also gives Power a PROUD PINK STAR OVER ONE EYE to show that he is a TRUE SHERIFF OF MANS, and throws in some sparkles because Power is MOAR THAN MAN ENOUGH TO TAKE 'EM. The end result is a GLORIOUS, GLITTERING MAN WORTHY OF HIS NAME; Power definitely has the power to get those ladies swooning. Does he just end it there? [i]Does he?!? [/i] NO, OF COURSE NOT! Always striving to get his swoon–count up, Power has bedecked himself in THE MOST MANXPENSIVE OF BIRDSKULL APPAREL: THE AWESOME AQUA BIRDSKILL KIT, FOR TRUE BROS ONLY. For a long time, this BROSOME MANPPAREL could only be MAN–TTAINED by BEATING THE BEJEEBUS OUT OF MANY LESSER CREATURES, then POUNCING as soon as Swipp offered the relevant trade. Therefore, that Power is wearing ALMOST THE FULL SET is a TESTA[i]MEN[/i]T to not just his INSANE BATTLING SKILLZ, but also to his PROUD PATIENCE. …Have I mentioned that his name is probably the MANLIEST THING I'VE HEARD ALL DAY? – Manly McBro [/quote] [url=] [img][/img] [/url] [quote]RAWR! James is no CROUCHING, COWARDLY TIGER - he is a LOUD AND PROUD MANPERIAL with a MANSTACHE METRES LONG. In fact, that's kind of an understate[i]men[/i]t; I'm not sure even I, MANLY MCBRO, can do FULL BRO-FUELLED JUSTICE to such a fine gentleman as James is, but I will try. No familiar is BRO ENOUGH to sit upon this MIGHTY MANPERIAL'S shoulder, unless it happens to be a HUGE FOX THAT WANTS TO DEVOUR THE SUN ITSELF. Since few dragons are MAN ENOUGH to MANHANDLE THE SHEER TOUGHNESS of that, Sköll and James make an EXCELLENT MAN–PAIR, and due the course of our interview WRESTLED EACH OTHER SEVERAL TIMES. I am much used to the company of BEARS WHO JUST HAPPEN TO BE PRO–WRESTLING CHAMPIONS, however seeing these two almost makes me want to get a SUN–EATING BRO TO CALL MY OWN. Unfortunately for James, even the MIGHTIEST OF MAN–PPAREL refuses to cling to his MANIFICENT HIDE, which is apparently TOO BRO FOR MERE CLOTHES. I can see why – the combination of ORIGINAL (TIGER COLOURS) ORANGE, FIESTY FIRE, and MANIFICENT MAIZE was almost too much for me, let alone my clothes. Indeed, my own STATELY SAKURA flowerfall almost left my MANLY MANGENTA PERSON, so worried it was by James' presence. It is my HONOURED AND MOST MASCULINE opinion that were James to wear MANPPAREL, he would doom half his man–clan to AN ETERNITY OF SWOONING, so it is probably for the best that he chooses to flaunt his most striking colours [i]au naturel[/i]. And striking they are – Tiger and Stripes both bring out a large number of different shades on their primary and secondary, making it difficult to mistake this MIGHTY MAN for any other bro (of which there are many in the Man–Clan of the [s]Cool[/s] Tiger). They also serve to make this MANLY MAN look like a DEADLY DUDE with VIVID, WILD–CREATURE PATTERNS – so not only is James one of the BIGGEST BROS AROUND, he is also the ONE MOST LIKELY TO ROAR AT YOU, BECAUSE HE [i]JUST LOOKS THAT DANGEROUS. [/i] – Manly McBro [/quote] [b]nirak:[/b] [url=] [img][/img] [/url] [quote]It only makes sense to review the MAN SO MANLY, HE GOT [i]A WHOLE CLAN NAMED AFTER HIMSELF[/i]. Nirak is a MANIFICENT MIRROR MAN, to say the least – TOUGH TIGER and STRONG CURRENT just WEREN'T ENOUGH FOR THIS BRO, so he added LOTS OF SPIKY BITS JUST BECAUSE HE COULD. Everything, from his MANPPAREL to his BROTASTIC FAMILIAR to THE FACT THAT HE'S WEARING THE SYMBOL OF HIS CLAN ON HIS HEAD, is just more evidence that Nirak's MAN–CLAN was quite right to go naming itself after this MIGHTY MIRROR. Nirak has taken MANY MANLY LEVELS IN BROSOME, and he WANTS YOU TO KNOW IT. He has therefore taken great care with his MANPPAREL, with the result being some MANCITING layering options that show JUST HOW MUCH MANPPAREL NIRAK CAN LIFT. Special kudos should be given to the hood/veil combo and the bracelets/wraps on his front and back claws, which were SO BROSOME, I MAY OR MAY NOT HAVE THOUGHT THAT THEY WERE SINGLE ITEMS INSTEAD OF SEPARATE APPAREL ITEMS. Of course, his wings are left clothing free so that Nirak can still fly around and BEAT UP ANYTHING THAT IS LESS BROSOME THAN HE IS. Nirak is definitely not one to lie back on his laurels, especially since he DOESN'T HAVE ANY LAURELS. The only crown he does have is on his Crowned Bonepriest – because Nirak is MANLY ENOUGH TO LET A GIANT KILLER INSECT SIT ON HIS HEAD. And if that's not enough, this ULTRA–MANLY MIRROR is BROTERMINED to SHOW HIS CLAN WHO'S BOSS at every opportunity, regularly venturing into the BROLISEUM to PROVE HIMSELF. Nirak might not be MANLY MANGENTA or VIOLENT VIOLET, but if he's NOT A TRUE BRO, I don't know what is. – Manly McBro [/quote] [url=] [img][/img] [/url] [quote]Okay, I'll say it: KIRA[i]MAN[/i] is one of the (WO)MANLIEST BROATLS to ever cross my path. Not only did she not swoon in the least during the interview, nothing but the MOST MACHO OF MANVICE came from her mouth during our meeting. This was [i]BRO[/i]BABLY thanks to her MANLY MAN–MASK FOR MANLY MEN ONLY; as she put it, her eyesight had been traded for wisdom – in a REALLY MANLY WAY, I must add, due to the colour of the mask. Though she might not bear MANLY MANGENTA or VIOLENT VIOLET, Kiramin MOAR THAN MAKES UP FOR IT, with MACHO MULBERRY displaying some very pinkish tones in that shimmer, thanks to the tint her TOUGH TANGERINE circuit gives her wings. It's still a VERY PROUD PURPLE on her crest and tail, however, meaning that Kiramin HAS ACCESS TO THE TWO MANLIEST COLOURS IN ALL OF FLIGHT RISING WITHOUT ACTUALLY HAVING TO SAY THAT SHE HAS THEM. Since any TRUE MAN always knows he is manly without having to announce his colours, this makes Kiramin VERY (WO)MANLY indeed. Not that she's about to leave things there, of course. No, Kiramin's MANTASTIC COMBO is [s]beautifully[/s] REALLY MAN–ILLY set off by her MIGHTY MIDNIGHT hide. I don't think I have to add that the hide in question constantly GLISTENS WITH SWEAT due to Kiramin's SHEER HARD WORK, but I will, because this BROATL is A TRUE (WO)MAN. Kiramin doesn't bother with SOOKY SILKS or FRAGILE FEATHERS; she's ALL ABOUT THE TOUGH, and few things scream TOUGH more than WEARING THE SKULLS OF REALLY BIG BIRDS ALL OVER YOURSELF. The feathers on aforementioned skulls also bring EVEN MOAR shades of PUGNATIOUS PURPLE to Kiramin, meaning that this BROATL effectively has ALL THE PURPLE, PUTTING HER TOUGHNESS LEVELS AT MAX. In short: Definitely not a (WO)MAN you want to mess with. – Manly McBro [/quote]
@tigercule , @nirak , @Scream , @Skiatha - OKAY! WHO HERE IS READY TO BRO?

(Starting with the smaller orders and finishing with the bigger ones FOR MAXIMAN MANPACT. Just like last time, they'll be edited in over a couple of hours, so please stay patient!)

Posted: Skiatha, Scream, tigercule, nirak (in that order) - so 6/6 pieces are now up! Yay?



When I heard I was to be interviewing A MAN AS HOT AS THE SUN ITSELF, I was most understandably hyped for the GLORY OF HELIOS – who was surely named after the GREAT BALL OF FIRE that is a SOURCE OF STRENGTH FOR EVERY BRO. I was not to be disappointed, either – for almost as soon as I had landed, I saw standing over the throngs of swooned ladies and lesser men, a TOUGH BROCLAW, who despite taking in the FULL SIGHT of my MANLY MANGENTA WINGS AND MANBELLY, was STILL ON HIS FEET. It was then that I knew I must be THE MIGHTY MAN who had DEMANDED AN INTERVIEW, THE TRUE BRO HELIOS.

Despite his very noble look, Helios was more than happy to introduce himself to me; as it turns out, he is an AMBITIOUS MAN of MANY ASSETS. Some may look at Helios's lack of a tertiary gene and laugh, but I believe that if Helios was ANY MOAR MANLY, HE WOULD BE EVEN MANLIER THAN THE SUN AND EVEN THE STRONGEST OF CHIN–UP BARS WOULD BE AFRAID. You see, since he is bedecked in HEAVY METAL that of course PERFECTLY COMPLIMENTS his HANDSOME HIDE, Helios ALREADY LIFTS FAR MORE THAN AVERAGE. In fact, in order to FLY AT FULL STRENGTH, this BRO claw has to REGULARLY REINFORCE HIS MIGHTY, MACHO WINGS. Not that this is a bad thing, of course – Helios has chosen to use this to his advantage. TOUGH TOMANTO brings quite a few different shades of red out with Shimmer, so the MANTURAL CHOICE for Helios is of course MANBURST FEATHERED WINGS. Not only do these result in THE FATHER OF ALL PUNS when the dragon's name is considered, making Helios an instant hit at parties, they also bring some brownish orange to the secondary, which combined with the reds of his original secondary, makes Helios a very striking dragon without his becoming garish.

Just ask the ladies.

– Manly McBro



(puts the sun to shame)

Don't let the carefree attitude or the flower garlands fool you; Idris is a TRUE BRO IF THERE EVER WAS ONE. Many other dragons in his clan aspire to be as MANLY AS THIS ACTUAL BATMAN, with his ROCK–HARD HIDE and MANLY MANGENTA WINGS THAT ARE BRO ENOUGH TO SPARKLE WITH NOTHING BUT MANLINESS. Indeed, the flowers Idris wears are FRESHLY PICKED EVERY DAY BY HIS MANY LADY ADMIRERS – and that he only has two garlands is HIGHLY INDICATIVE OF JUST HOW MANY FEMALES ARE SWOONING BEFORE THEY CAN FINISH.

Indeed, Idris is a very lucky dragon – he owes much of his GREAT MANDOM to THE TOUGHEST LADY EVAR, THE MISTRESS LADY LUCK, FALLING FOR HIM. On his second attempt dabbling with THE MANLIEST MAGIC OUT, this TRUE BRO TOOK OUT THE LOTTERY, and nabbed the BROTASTIC combination of PASSIONATE FIRE, MANLY MANGENTA, and LOYAL LEAF. So pleased were the elders of Idris's clan that they sent for scrolls, changing Idris into a MIGHTY MAN–NOODLE. However, this WASN'T EVEN HIS FINAL FORM – that was to come much later, when Idris was finally put into BATMAN mode, where he remains to this day, putting all lesser mans to shame.

Though this Nocturne is very carefree, preferring the company of his ladies to the company of familiars, he IS ABSOLUTELY A MAN OF HIS WORD, and WILL NOT HESITATE TO DEFEND HIS MAN–CAVE. Being at a TRUE TWENTY–FIVE means that Idris has dispatched more COWARDLY CREATURES than most; to the point where the areas around his clan live in terror of the name, and many of the local wildlife SURRENDER AT THE MERE MENTION OF THIS MIGHTY MAN. And, perhaps this is quite rightfully so – THE LIFTING INCIDENT alone, in which this MACHO, MANGENTA MAN was CHALLENGED by the Beastclans to PROVE HIMSELF by LIFTING A WHOLE FOREST'S WORTH OF WILDLIFE, is something that has made most familiars too terrified to go anywhere near the guy.

Not that I, MANLY MCBRO, was able to divine exactly what happened during the battle due to the constant fainting of the clan's librarian – but let it never, ever be said that Idris will back down from a challenge.



The moment I heard the name of the MIGHTY, MACHO MAN POWER, I knew I absolutely had to interview HE WHO STANDS FOR NOTHING BUT BRODOM. With a children list that IS WELL OVER NINETEEN, and AT LEAST NINETEEN LEVELS IN PURE MAN to boot, Power's reputation more than precedes him, it goes CHARGING AHEAD, YELLING ABOUT HOW BROTASTIC IT IS, whilst ALL LADIES IN A FIFTY METRE RADIUS OF ITS OWNER SUDDENLY FEEL FAINT.

And is Power deserving of his reputation? YOU BETTER BELIEVE HE IS! To open, this TOUGH TUNDRA BRO sports one of the MOST MANCREDIBLE accents I have seen yet: GLORIOUS GLITTER–GLAM, which is of course intended for only THE MANLIEST OF MANS. It doesn't just provide yellow highlights matching those BITTER LEMON circuit gives to his paws and wings, it also gives Power a PROUD PINK STAR OVER ONE EYE to show that he is a TRUE SHERIFF OF MANS, and throws in some sparkles because Power is MOAR THAN MAN ENOUGH TO TAKE 'EM. The end result is a GLORIOUS, GLITTERING MAN WORTHY OF HIS NAME; Power definitely has the power to get those ladies swooning.

Does he just end it there? Does he?!? NO, OF COURSE NOT! Always striving to get his swoon–count up, Power has bedecked himself in THE MOST MANXPENSIVE OF BIRDSKULL APPAREL: THE AWESOME AQUA BIRDSKILL KIT, FOR TRUE BROS ONLY. For a long time, this BROSOME MANPPAREL could only be MAN–TTAINED by BEATING THE BEJEEBUS OUT OF MANY LESSER CREATURES, then POUNCING as soon as Swipp offered the relevant trade. Therefore, that Power is wearing ALMOST THE FULL SET is a TESTAMENT to not just his INSANE BATTLING SKILLZ, but also to his PROUD PATIENCE.

…Have I mentioned that his name is probably the MANLIEST THING I'VE HEARD ALL DAY?

– Manly McBro


RAWR! James is no CROUCHING, COWARDLY TIGER - he is a LOUD AND PROUD MANPERIAL with a MANSTACHE METRES LONG. In fact, that's kind of an understatement; I'm not sure even I, MANLY MCBRO, can do FULL BRO-FUELLED JUSTICE to such a fine gentleman as James is, but I will try.

No familiar is BRO ENOUGH to sit upon this MIGHTY MANPERIAL'S shoulder, unless it happens to be a HUGE FOX THAT WANTS TO DEVOUR THE SUN ITSELF. Since few dragons are MAN ENOUGH to MANHANDLE THE SHEER TOUGHNESS of that, Sköll and James make an EXCELLENT MAN–PAIR, and due the course of our interview WRESTLED EACH OTHER SEVERAL TIMES. I am much used to the company of BEARS WHO JUST HAPPEN TO BE PRO–WRESTLING CHAMPIONS, however seeing these two almost makes me want to get a SUN–EATING BRO TO CALL MY OWN.

Unfortunately for James, even the MIGHTIEST OF MAN–PPAREL refuses to cling to his MANIFICENT HIDE, which is apparently TOO BRO FOR MERE CLOTHES. I can see why – the combination of ORIGINAL (TIGER COLOURS) ORANGE, FIESTY FIRE, and MANIFICENT MAIZE was almost too much for me, let alone my clothes. Indeed, my own STATELY SAKURA flowerfall almost left my MANLY MANGENTA PERSON, so worried it was by James' presence. It is my HONOURED AND MOST MASCULINE opinion that were James to wear MANPPAREL, he would doom half his man–clan to AN ETERNITY OF SWOONING, so it is probably for the best that he chooses to flaunt his most striking colours au naturel.

And striking they are – Tiger and Stripes both bring out a large number of different shades on their primary and secondary, making it difficult to mistake this MIGHTY MAN for any other bro (of which there are many in the Man–Clan of the Cool Tiger). They also serve to make this MANLY MAN look like a DEADLY DUDE with VIVID, WILD–CREATURE PATTERNS – so not only is James one of the BIGGEST BROS AROUND, he is also the ONE MOST LIKELY TO ROAR AT YOU, BECAUSE HE JUST LOOKS THAT DANGEROUS.

– Manly McBro



It only makes sense to review the MAN SO MANLY, HE GOT A WHOLE CLAN NAMED AFTER HIMSELF. Nirak is a MANIFICENT MIRROR MAN, to say the least – TOUGH TIGER and STRONG CURRENT just WEREN'T ENOUGH FOR THIS BRO, so he added LOTS OF SPIKY BITS JUST BECAUSE HE COULD. Everything, from his MANPPAREL to his BROTASTIC FAMILIAR to THE FACT THAT HE'S WEARING THE SYMBOL OF HIS CLAN ON HIS HEAD, is just more evidence that Nirak's MAN–CLAN was quite right to go naming itself after this MIGHTY MIRROR.

Nirak has taken MANY MANLY LEVELS IN BROSOME, and he WANTS YOU TO KNOW IT. He has therefore taken great care with his MANPPAREL, with the result being some MANCITING layering options that show JUST HOW MUCH MANPPAREL NIRAK CAN LIFT. Special kudos should be given to the hood/veil combo and the bracelets/wraps on his front and back claws, which were SO BROSOME, I MAY OR MAY NOT HAVE THOUGHT THAT THEY WERE SINGLE ITEMS INSTEAD OF SEPARATE APPAREL ITEMS.

Of course, his wings are left clothing free so that Nirak can still fly around and BEAT UP ANYTHING THAT IS LESS BROSOME THAN HE IS. Nirak is definitely not one to lie back on his laurels, especially since he DOESN'T HAVE ANY LAURELS. The only crown he does have is on his Crowned Bonepriest – because Nirak is MANLY ENOUGH TO LET A GIANT KILLER INSECT SIT ON HIS HEAD. And if that's not enough, this ULTRA–MANLY MIRROR is BROTERMINED to SHOW HIS CLAN WHO'S BOSS at every opportunity, regularly venturing into the BROLISEUM to PROVE HIMSELF.

Nirak might not be MANLY MANGENTA or VIOLENT VIOLET, but if he's NOT A TRUE BRO, I don't know what is.

– Manly McBro


Okay, I'll say it: KIRAMAN is one of the (WO)MANLIEST BROATLS to ever cross my path. Not only did she not swoon in the least during the interview, nothing but the MOST MACHO OF MANVICE came from her mouth during our meeting. This was BROBABLY thanks to her MANLY MAN–MASK FOR MANLY MEN ONLY; as she put it, her eyesight had been traded for wisdom – in a REALLY MANLY WAY, I must add, due to the colour of the mask.
Though she might not bear MANLY MANGENTA or VIOLENT VIOLET, Kiramin MOAR THAN MAKES UP FOR IT, with MACHO MULBERRY displaying some very pinkish tones in that shimmer, thanks to the tint her TOUGH TANGERINE circuit gives her wings. It's still a VERY PROUD PURPLE on her crest and tail, however, meaning that Kiramin HAS ACCESS TO THE TWO MANLIEST COLOURS IN ALL OF FLIGHT RISING WITHOUT ACTUALLY HAVING TO SAY THAT SHE HAS THEM. Since any TRUE MAN always knows he is manly without having to announce his colours, this makes Kiramin VERY (WO)MANLY indeed.

Not that she's about to leave things there, of course. No, Kiramin's MANTASTIC COMBO is beautifully REALLY MAN–ILLY set off by her MIGHTY MIDNIGHT hide. I don't think I have to add that the hide in question constantly GLISTENS WITH SWEAT due to Kiramin's SHEER HARD WORK, but I will, because this BROATL is A TRUE (WO)MAN. Kiramin doesn't bother with SOOKY SILKS or FRAGILE FEATHERS; she's ALL ABOUT THE TOUGH, and few things scream TOUGH more than WEARING THE SKULLS OF REALLY BIG BIRDS ALL OVER YOURSELF. The feathers on aforementioned skulls also bring EVEN MOAR shades of PUGNATIOUS PURPLE to Kiramin, meaning that this BROATL effectively has ALL THE PURPLE, PUTTING HER TOUGHNESS LEVELS AT MAX.

In short: Definitely not a (WO)MAN you want to mess with.

– Manly McBro
Dear IKTR: Fandragons are in my den! Sometimes there's a few stragglers in my lair.

I am impressed that MANLY MCBRO managed to catch Idris's latest wardrobe change.
The MAN-BIO is excellent! I added it to his profile, thank you!
Though I am of the opinion that all gen1 nocturnes should be named BATMAN because they have no parents.
I am impressed that MANLY MCBRO managed to catch Idris's latest wardrobe change.
The MAN-BIO is excellent! I added it to his profile, thank you!
Though I am of the opinion that all gen1 nocturnes should be named BATMAN because they have no parents.
@Scream - Haha, no worries! I'm pleased to have contributed a little to the BROFILE of such a MASCULINE MAN as Idris!


@Scream - Haha, no worries! I'm pleased to have contributed a little to the BROFILE of such a MASCULINE MAN as Idris!


Dear IKTR: Fandragons are in my den! Sometimes there's a few stragglers in my lair.

@Spooner DUDE THAT WAS THE MOST EPIC MANLY THING I'VE EVER READ. SO BROSOME, IN FACT, THAT I MUST GET ANOTHER FROM YOU. I wonder what the Manly Mcbro would say about my elk-ridin party elfdragon: [url=] [img][/img] [/url] Will send da cash once you reply. uvu
I wonder what the Manly Mcbro would say about my elk-ridin party elfdragon:


Will send da cash once you reply. uvu
@spooner did you mean to ping me? Because I got an alert but didn't find anything lol.
@spooner did you mean to ping me? Because I got an alert but didn't find anything lol.
My OC's Name is
My username is in honor of the
@LadySoren - Did I ping you? Wow lol, that must have been accidental. I'll definitely ping you when your stuff's done, though. ;P

@Skiatha - It would be an honor for MANLY MC BRO to RETURN TO THE BROS of your clan and INTERVIEW a dragon TOO BRO FOR THE HORSE, SO HE'S ON AN ELK. Whenever you send the MANey, I can put you down for a slot!
@LadySoren - Did I ping you? Wow lol, that must have been accidental. I'll definitely ping you when your stuff's done, though. ;P

@Skiatha - It would be an honor for MANLY MC BRO to RETURN TO THE BROS of your clan and INTERVIEW a dragon TOO BRO FOR THE HORSE, SO HE'S ON AN ELK. Whenever you send the MANey, I can put you down for a slot!
Dear IKTR: Fandragons are in my den! Sometimes there's a few stragglers in my lair.


Great! owo And don't forget to MENtion his glorious MANe, or else you might MANger him.
(omg the manly is infectious ouO I'm on a roll!)

Great! owo And don't forget to MENtion his glorious MANe, or else you might MANger him.
(omg the manly is infectious ouO I'm on a roll!)
I need to get money :)
I need to get money :)
@spooner Yeah I figured it wasn't done yet because it was too soon.

So does that mean your computer... butt-pinged me??? mind-blown, yo.
@spooner Yeah I figured it wasn't done yet because it was too soon.

So does that mean your computer... butt-pinged me??? mind-blown, yo.
My OC's Name is
My username is in honor of the
@Skiatha - Even one so MANLY as myself would not want to MANGER such a TOTAL BRO. I'll be sure to RESPECT THE MAN!

(IKR... Back in June, I set up a general mangenta buying thread, and everyone just kind of went along with the whole BRO thing and it was wonderful.)

@Waterfall500 - I hope to see you round on the thread at some later point - perhaps a MANSACTION can be made?

@LadySoren - I think my computer just COULDN'T TAKE how BRO your dragons are, so it had to ping you to BRING THE MANLINESS OVERLOAD TO YOUR MAN-TENTION.
@Skiatha - Even one so MANLY as myself would not want to MANGER such a TOTAL BRO. I'll be sure to RESPECT THE MAN!

(IKR... Back in June, I set up a general mangenta buying thread, and everyone just kind of went along with the whole BRO thing and it was wonderful.)

@Waterfall500 - I hope to see you round on the thread at some later point - perhaps a MANSACTION can be made?

@LadySoren - I think my computer just COULDN'T TAKE how BRO your dragons are, so it had to ping you to BRING THE MANLINESS OVERLOAD TO YOUR MAN-TENTION.
Dear IKTR: Fandragons are in my den! Sometimes there's a few stragglers in my lair.

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