
Excuse me how dare you.
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Tunnel Hydra
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Energy: 48/50
This dragon’s natural inborn element is Lightning.
Female Guardian
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Personal Style


Red-Tailed Boa
Aged Book Collection
Peace Dove
Rattle Snake
Green Tree Python
Copper Halfmoon Spectacles
Ancient Broadsword
Gentle Healer's Reference
Corn Snake
Ball Python
Gold Filigree Helmet
Shabby Tailcoat
Shabby Waistcoat
Spiffy Dress Shirt
Shabby Pants
Sweet Tea Cups
Shabby Tail Spat
Shabby Spats
Gold Filigree Wing Guard
Gold Filigree Gauntlets


Accent: Ancient Radiance


Scene: Enchanted Library


10.26 m
18.25 m
6664.71 kg


Primary Gene
Secondary Gene
Tertiary Gene


Mar 17, 2023
(1 year)



Eye Type

Eye Type
Level 5 Guardian
EXP: 71 / 5545




  • none


A. Z. Fell
born Aziraphale
The Guardian of the Eastern Gate

A Tale of a Charge Found

I sit at the gate of the garden just outside the Observatory, connected to the Starwood Strand as I look over the land. I still remember what I'd seen before, the land before the Pillar fell, and I cannot help but wonder about this new change by this Arcanist fellow. The poor dear had been inside for quite some time now. I may not have been a Guardian back then. Honestly, I don't recall what exactly I was. Just a lot of curly fur, soft corners and great antlers, really. All I know for certain is that I stood guard over the Starwood Gardens, once a place called Arcadia, to keep the warring of the two sisters from encroaching on this Arcanist's observations. I jump when a voice speaks next to me.

"Y'know he'ss gonna check out that ssky sspot, right?" I turn my head to spot him. He's long, and thin. Honestly, at first I believe him to be some Remnant of the darkness above, but that voice is draconic in nature. This may be a strange creature, but he isn't like that thing above. I simply nod my head, looking back out over the garden. I know. This Arcanist is curious. I wouldn't be surprised if he left. The deep brown creature tilts his head at me. "...Not much of a talker, are ya." I sigh, looking over at the creature.

"I don't see much of a reason to talk with you, really. You came from inside the garden, after all. Even if you startled me at first." I look back out over the land. He mentions how there isn't much to guard, and I scoff in reply. The young god's peace is most definitely much to guard! He seems amused that he managed to get a bit of a rise out of me, settling beside me. I don't care at the time. Then there's something bright red in my face, causing me to rear back. I expect this to be some sort of strike, and round on the creature, only to realize he's holding out an apple to me. He has this little grin on his face as he tilts his head.


That was my first encounter with my eventual fiance, and what I would soon suspect to be my Charge. Raphael. A remnant of old magic mixed with the Lightweaver and the Shadowbinder, stranded in the land of the warring sisters. He has a love for botany despite the fact his golden eyes place him as a scholar, and I couldn't help but wonder if he were a star given life sometimes. It... fascinated me. Perhaps the Arcanist rubbed off on me, but I would find myself drawn to him time and time again.

The most notable instances were... well, pivotal, to say the least. The night he revealed that he cared for the dragons of Sornieth, the drakes we now call Ancient Breeds (very much like we appeared to be back then), was the night we ran into each other while acting as couriers between the Banescales and the Gaolers with their respective factions. I was sending word to a Gaoler Sentinel, and he to a Banescale Songsmith. As it turned out, we were working against each other, making all our traipsing about quite redundant, but I had to do what I felt was just, and he had to counter me, so we were at an impasse.

Another time was earlier, when we saw the Pillar fall. He said he wouldn't follow a specific god of the lot, and that they were acting like children. I may have agreed, but I felt there was promise in the lot of them. I believe I connected with the Earthshaker the most that day, watching the others disembark. It wasn't their fault that their united effort had failed before. They couldn't have predicted the creation of a god and two goddesses in their absence. So I left to eventually serve all of them, to an extent at least. They all deserved a second chance at working together.

A third was quite the grand adventure, with the wily serpentine drake dragging me off beyond the western coast of the lands we knew so well. I'd once asked him if he'd created the magic found beyond the mist in the far lands of Remnant. Of course he denied it. We spent countless years there, learning more of the drakes who lived there. I remember some of how that venture had ended. My snout itched for ages afterwards, and he became a lot fluffier from it. Which, of course, had been a pleasant surprise. The fire that came with it... not so much.

The last time was when I found him in the wreckage of the Wanderers Plague outpost just outside of the Wyrmwound. The attack that had stolen the lives of so many, and he was somehow alive. He didn't know who had attacked, or what for that matter, and I was shocked that he wasn't involved in it. We worked together to try and keep the Wanderers together, only to watch them split apart at the absence of one of their leaders. Feeling lost ourselves, I went with Raphael to try and find Clockwork, to no avail. Then he had an idea. Surely we could track many things via the Observatory, right? So we followed the Wanderers who went to the Starwood Strand, and we settled just outside of the Observatory itself among what eventually became known as the Archivists.

We've lived together ever since, with him striking out to try and find the missing Fae while I usually stay inside and try to convince the other Archivists to actively search for her. I've had no luck so far, and Raphael constantly loses the trail. We thought we'd lost all hope...

Until I found my old sword in the garden.
I bustle about my little "shop" within the Observatory, moving aside snakes and stray plants as I make sure everything is perfectly in place. Old relics, really, from times long gone, but they're my Charge, or so I think. Perhaps it's the memories attached to them. After all, I find myself watching over trinkets that aren't books, and I almost always return to my fiance when one of his plants finally pass on in my care to pick out a replacement. They seem wary of the fact that I'm leaving them in his care, actually. I'm still fidgeting with the books on the higher shelves when I hear someone clear his throat. I spin around, and there he is.

He's smiling at me, tilting his head as he holds a small house palm in his paws. He looks amused. "Sso, sstill sstalling? You really want to go through with thiss, Angel?" I can't help but smile at him. That hiss of his is what drew me to the serpents in my home now, especially since they seem attracted to him. I can't help but laugh.

"But of course, dear! Surely I'll be fine. It'd be entirely immoral of anyone to send me somewhere too dangerous, and it should just be to deliver flowers. I'll be fine, dear." I can tell he's still worried. Of course he is. He's always worried about me, really. I don't blame him. If anything, I feel sorry for him sometimes. He's scooped up one of my snakes after setting down the plant, and the little boa just curls into his paws as he gently pets her behind her little head. I can tell he's still worried. I walk over to him, placing a hand on his shoulder.

"Dear, do you want me to stay?" I watch the shock in those serpentine eyes, then the worry. Finally, it settles down to a general unease as he just looks down.

"Look Angel, ever since we finally figured out how we were feeling, we've almost never split up. Every time I leave you, or end up missing you, things go wrong. Things I regret. I..." He shook his head, and I can only give him a gentle smile as I lift his chin.

"Dear, none of that is your fault. It never was, and it never will be." He still looks uncertain, and I can't help but hum a little as I hold him close. He may be taller, but he's also thinner. It's so much easier to hold him close, really. "...Would it make you feel better if I trained a little with you before I left on my journey?" He nods his head slightly, smiling a bit. "Right then. Best get a wiggle on to the Arena then!" He pulls back and gives me a strange look.

"Wait, what?" he asks, scowling in confusion. I must look just as confused as I cradle my Ultramel Amphithere Precious with my tail.

"The Arena? You know, the lovely little spot where some drakes go to train? Certainly more fitting in comparison to the Mire, with how grim that can be, and-" He cuts me off by putting a claw over my mouth.

"Yeah, I heard that. It's the wiggle on." Oh, right. He really does get caught up on my phrasing sometimes. I simply smile and hand him Precious as I give him a little peck on the cheek.

"Well, it's true and you know it. Do take care of him while I'm gone, will you? I'll be back in a tick!"

I swear I can hear hissed out frustration as I leave for the Arena to train up a little. Hopefully I can do myself some justice without my sword to keep myself safe on my journey. I'd hate to worry him too much, after all.


I've spent days in the Arena, apologizing to the poor creatures as I strike them down. Some follow me home. Some give trinkets of their own to me to seemingly bribe me to stop fighting them in particular. Many even gave me food~! I was grateful, of course, and thanked each one. I believe some of them understood my gratitude for what it was, but most of them just seemed frightened. I felt sorry for the poor dears.

I'm on my way back with honed claws and stronger jaws when I slow by the old gate to the garden I once guarded years ago, back when the Pillar was whole. I'd only ever gone inside it a few times, and never did I stay longer than a day. However, it had been years since I'd gone inside. Surely a quick stroll would be fine?

I enjoyed the shade, the sunlight, the perfect spots to settle down and read a good book with a little pastry or two. I'd lost track of time when I stumbled across it. It was an old pedestal, a spot where Raphael had settled to bask in the sunlight every now and then. There, leaning against that pedestal, was an old sword in it's scabbard. Short, humble... and unscathed by time. I was shocked, to say the least. It even had the little inlay inscribed into it still. I had misplaced it years ago! I never thought I'd see it again, much less in the garden. I was sure I'd caught glimpses of it in the mouth of a Banescale, the talons of an Imperial, and even hung on the wall of a blacksmith's shop, but never had I been able to return it to my side.

When I return to Raphael that day, I simply hold up the sword with a smile on my face. He seems surprised, setting Precious down as I simply ask one final question.

"Now do you believe I can defend myself?"

He knows the answer. He still has a scar in his side from when a Banescale had taken that very sword and run him through with it. I had healed him of the injury with patience and time, of course, but he knows it's bite. He knows the fury behind it, and he knows that I can defend myself now.

"Of coursse, Angel. How could I not?"

Not long after, I give my goodbyes and begin my journey to deliver some flowers, and perhaps return with a few new stories to tell. I cannot wait to return to my dear Raphael, and I am certain he cannot wait for me to return as well. I don't want to know what he'd do if I never returned. I doubt anyone in Sornieth would want to know.

I hope my ventures go well.


Day 1
~JayKatt, The Radiant Thunder #272749

Aziraphale had arrived at the Sunbeam Ruins themselves to visit his first host clan. Sunflowers in tow, he made his way carefully through the ruins, before the sound of soft muttering made him halt. Tilting his head slightly, the Guardian made is way toward it, soon spotting a Skydancer pacing back and forth with a rather hefty book in her hands. His eyes lit up at the sight and he cleared his throat, causing the Skydancer to spin around to face him. "Greetings! I'm looking for the clan called The Radiant Thunder. I'm here to deliver these sunflowers," he spoke, motioning to the flowers he had with him. The Skydancer's feather's ruffled, her red eyes glinting as her gaze swept over him. "I see. Marhena had mentioned someone would be coming..." She trailed away and motioned with her head, "You're not far from it. I'm Amaia." Aziraphale smiled, "Wonderful! I'm Aziraphale, it's a pleasure to make your acquaintance. Perhaps you can accompany me the rest of the way? Then I can be there in a jiffy!" Amaia lifted a claw to push her glasses up, the other hand closing her book with a soft thump. "Of course."

Amaia began to take the lead as they headed toward the home of the small clan. "May I ask what that book you are reading is? I'm quite a fan of books myself," Aziraphale asked, his gaze lingering on the book now tucked under her arm. She cast him a sideways glance and tapped it lightly with her claw. "It's not exactly a book. It's a record I wrote. A part of a series," she explained. Before he could ask for more information, Amaia motioned with her hand, "We're here."

As they stepped into the home of the clan, Aziraphale smiled brightly at all the shining trinkets and decorations that filled the clan. It seemed they had certainly taken to decorating in the likeness of Lightweaver. "Ah, hello. You must be our visitor." Aziraphale turned, noticing Amaia had vanished, but instead, an Imperial approaching him slowly. "Yes! I'm Aziraphale, here to deliver these lovely sunflowers," he said with a smile. The Imperial returned the smile with a kind one. "I am Rasul. Lightweaver whispered of your arrival. I appreciate the delivery." Rasul stretched his hands out to grasp at the the flowers, his head tilting, "Please feel free to mingle with the rest of the clan and participate in all of the festival events. The clan knows of your arrival."

Aziraphale, still wishing to chat with the Skydancer he had met, set off to find her. It didn't take too long, thankfully, to spot her chatting with a male Skydancer. They appeared to be going over some sort of stack of papers. "Hello again," he greeted as he approached, making Amaia look up from the papers. "Hello Aziraphale," she replied, lifting a claw to point at the other Skydancer, "This is Everett, my partner." Everett smiled brightly in greeting. "Hello, a pleasure! What is it you two are looking over?" Aziraphale inquired. Everett's eyes shone with delight and he tapped his papers a few times, "Well, I'm writing a story to read tonight! It's gonna be a story about Brightshine Jubilee and Lightweaver, with special emphasis on these wonderful sunflowers! However I'm having a bit trouble with piecing it all together," he explained. "May I offer my assistance? I've read my fair share of books, perhaps I can help guide you in the right direction?" Everett beamed with delight, happy to have a new set of eyes to look over his work.

The three dragons chatted over the papers, well, Everett and Aziraphale did most of the chatting, until the light of the setting sun had begun to flood the clan's home. That was when Everett took the stage, along with Kiran, a young Fae dancer. Aziraphale and Amaia sat close to the stage as the performance began. Everett's story filled the air with imagery and stories of Lightweaver and the magic of the sunflowers that She blessed the land with. As he read, Kiran danced and spun in the air, twisting the fabric that was draped over her, decorated with sunflowers and small gems. The gems glinted in the light and the images of the flowers rippled and twisted as she used her Light magic to fill the air with a dazzling display. Aziraphale was enthralled with the whole performance, and all too soon, it was over.

The air filled with applause as the sun finally sunk into the horizon. And then the clan gathered for a delightful feast, their table decorated with lovely orbs and candles that gave the whole place a soft glow. Aziraphale deeply enjoyed the taste of the food, each dish seeming to taste even better than the last! He continued chatting with Everett and Amaia, the pleasant conversation and warm energy seeming to make the feast even better.

Once it came time for him to leave, Everett was the one to see him off, gifting him with some leftover food to eat during his trip, as well as a gift from himself and something Amaia insisted he take as well. Aziraphale left The Radiant Thunder with a full belly and warm heart.

Sweet Tea Cups Honeycomb Fragment Toridae Mythology


Day 2
~RisenWolf, Dawn of the Blood Moon Clan #312471

Aziraphale followed the sounds of bustling dragons and hatchling’s laughter. He pushed his way through some overgrown brambles and found himself in a clearing. The hollow was nestled fairly out of sight with dens dotting the land. A fae smiled when she caught the guardian’s eye. She flew over and hovered in front of the guest.

“Welcome! My name is Akali,” the small fae greeted. “We don’t have much going on today, but I can show you around our small home.”
The fae turned and fluttered away, leaving the guardian to follow.

Their first stop was to a small little den. The fae pushed the vines aside, causing bells to ring. Stepping inside, Aziraphale saw the source of the sweet smell. A display case was lined with colorful cookies and fruity pastries. For dragons who didn’t like fruits or plants, he saw some meat and seafood treats. An interesting combination (meat and sweets), but who was he to judge. He might see about taking some back to the clan.

Juniper! Where have you been lately?” Akali greeted. “This is Aziraphale. He’s just passing through and I thought I would show him around a bit.”

“Always love meeting new dragons,” he said, greeting the visitor. “And to answer your question, I was in a place called Glimmering Spires a couple hundred years ago. Interesting place and even more interesting food.”

Aziraphale let the two dragons talk and took a look around. Ancient trinkets hung on the walls, covered in dust and moss. Tablets with ancient hieroglyphs sat on small tables. Judging by what the coatl had said earlier, he must have found all of these himself. He ran a paw over one of the tablets, trying to make out the faded symbols.

“Ah, that was from my trip to Mesa Canopy. Strange place that was. No idea why they called it that. There wasn’t a mesa or a canopy anywhere in sight.” The coatl went behind the counter and grabbed a small bag, “I figured you could use some treats on your journey. I hope you enjoy them.”

The guardian thanked Juniper and followed the fae to the next place. For the final stop, they found themselves at the clan’s smith. A soft orange glow emanated from inside the stone den. Upon entering, he saw the glow coming from not just the smith, but from the dragon beside it as well. She seemed to be changing form little by little as she moved and worked. Small magma drops fell to the floor and wisps of smoke rose from her back. She turned around and took of her mask, revealing shimmering ice eyes.

“I was told we would have a visitor,” the tundra said. “My name is Sterling. I’m sorry if I seem in a rush, but I have an order to finish today.” She paused. “I don’t want to send you away empty handed, and with the name of an angel, this will suit you. It’s one of my finer works.”

Aziraphale took the gold armour from Sterling. It look like it took her a long time to complete. Intricate details were carved into the metal. “Thank-you,” he said, casting a smile her way. “It was come in handy during training.”

Akali lead him out and into a small den he could stay the night. He had a good time here and wouldn’t forget this soon. Thinking of what his next host clan would be like, he drifted off to sleep.

Day 3
~quotesnmiracles, #360562

His third destination was nameless, oddly quiet both for the time and the place -- not Brightshine Jubilee nor the Shifting Expanse were exactly known for their quietness.

Well, Aziraphale thought, were is only so much festivities one can endure. Perhaps it was for the better.

He had a dragon waiting for him -- skydancer, he realised, barely reaching the underside of his wing. She was blindfolded, but Aziraphale had more than a string of suspicion that she could see him perfectly fine, as well as everything around them.

"It's nice to have you here", she said, the voice with a lightest touch of humor.

"Name's Shimmer. Let me show you around".


Day 4
~Jaspernoir, Alstroemeria clan #363800

Sour Strawberry Travelled to the Alstroemeria Clan
Your dragon appeared during their sunflower delivery route, through the brambles and blacksand beaches, to end up with the Alstroemeria clan for a time~
With a renewed sense of whimsy and a few weird trinkets, they head off to their next destination!
Achieved: BSJ 2020


Day 5
~AlmightyAmu, The Meandering Market #345601

The journey from the Tangled Wood to Dragonhome was a quick and simple one, and it was not long before Aziraphale found himself wandering the streets of a crowded market. Or, at least, he would have been had he not been almost immediately approached by a skydancer, shifting nervously from foot to foot. The skydancer introduced himself as Battlestance, the market's veterinarian, although Aziraphale could tell quite easily that introductions were among the last things he wished to discuss. Apparently afraid to make his point immediately, he began to question the guardian,
"I see you have some scaled friends! That's good! Do you, perchance, have experience tending to... serpents?"

The time spend deliberating upon wording was not lost on him, but he answered affirmatively regardless, if only to ease the nerves of the frazzled stranger. He could detect a fleeting glow of relief in the other's eyes, but was quickly distracted from the observation by a proposition,
"Very good! You see, I've just acquired a new... patient, and I believe I'm in over my head as far as her treatment goes. I'd love to have another with experience by my side, if you have it in you to assist me in my work?"

Aziraphale could tell that this was not the entirety of the story and that the skydancer was deliberately withholding details, and yet he could not turn his mind's eye away from the image of the snakes that loved his partner so. Would Raphael have turned his back on both a stranger and a serpent that needed aid? Taking a deep breath to calm his nerves, he agreed to assist however he could and asked where in the market this 'patient' was awaiting treatment. With a meek laugh and no further elaboration, the skydancer informed him that the only place he was able to safely keep this patient was in a cave on the market's outskirts.


As they set out and the noise of the market faded, Aziraphale's anxiety regarding the situation at hand grew. He had promised Raphael he would be cautious, but here he was, leaping over crags to an unknown location with a dragon he knew nothing about. As the pair approached their destination and he entered the cave after the skydancer, he came to the conclusion that, in this moment, he had truly and utterly broken his oath of caution. In the darkness of the cave, he could see a large, serpentine head rise to meet him.

Then another.

And another.

It was with a cold shock of realization that Aziraphale came to understand that the 'serpent' in question was none other than a fully grown tunnel hydra. He was frozen in the place where he stood, and it seemed that so too was the hydra, although for a very different reason. His racing heart stirred with sympathy at the sight of several, razor sharp spears sticking out from the rocky hide of the creature; although the spears that ailed it were comparatively small to the size of its body, they were present in such a multitude that the hydra was rendered unmoving and defenseless, coiled up miserably on the stone floor.

His gaze turned to one of wonder as the middle head of the creature reached out to sniff at him gently. Seemingly satisfied by what she found, the head returned to twist itself up with the other two, just as Battlestance spoke again,
"I hope you understand why I misled you. I'm very sorry for that by the way, but I just couldn't leave her here like this, and I'll need help removing some of the spears lodged in at poor angles. If you're still willing, of course."

Deciding that, if nothing else, this would make an exciting story to bring home to Raphael, he took up one of the many bowls of clean water strewn about the cave and set to work, guided by experience from an age far older than even the hydra herself. Some spears were removed simply, but others forced one of the pair to abandon their own station to assist the other, either by holding back a particularly intrusive scale or by calming the head of the hydra that was most affected. To achieve the latter, Aziraphale was amused to find that his beard served as a fine distraction; all three of the heads, though they differed in other ways, seemed infatuated with the ample curls of the guardian's beard, often trying to shove their entire head under his own, with varying degrees of success.

Many hours passed before the work was done, resulting in several discarded centaur spears and a peacefully sleeping hydra in the center of the cave. Taking their own time to rest, Battlestance speculated with Aziraphale as to how the hydra came to be here in such a poor state,
"As far as I could guess, she must have run into a pack of centaurs on the western coast of the Viridian Labyrinth and tunneled back here. That tunneling very well could have caused the groundquake I came to this cave to investigate in the first place."

The pair took the time to laugh at the utter shock of expecting to find some small creatures in distress at the natural disaster, only to find such a large and typically imposing one instead. Apologizing again for his dishonesty regarding the situation, Battlestance turned his gaze upward with a wide smile just as a flash of yellow petals rained down upon the pair.

The hydra, seemingly recovered from her treatment, had nosed her way into Aziraphale's satchel and snagged a bundle of sunflowers which the three heads now fought over, taking turns ripping the flowers to shreds. The guardian might have otherwise been upset at the destruction of something so beautiful, but his elation at the hydra's quick recovery overcame any remorse for the flowers. Deciding he could spare a few more, the pair took to tossing the flowers up at the heads, seeing which would catch it first and basking in the rain of petals that fell upon them as a result.

After Battlestance assured him that this most certainly counted as a completed delivery, Aziraphale turned to go, but was stopped by a shadow looming over him, obscuring the light of the torches that lined the walls. It seemed the hydra was more interested in where he was going than staking her claim over the small cave. Dropping a scale of hers into the satchel she had previously burglarized, she dove into the ground with a mighty quaking of the stones below. As Aziraphale made his way to his next destination, there were times he swore he could feel the ground shake beneath him.

Ebon-Edged Spear Tunnel Hydra Expertly-Crafted Spear


Day 5.5
~Teewie, #429506

i feel super bad leaving you hanging but something came up IRL that needs to be tended to - i'll get you something in a week or two so consider this an IOU, hopefully that's okay <3

in the meantime please do accept this bundle of sunflowers ^_^


Day 6
~Enen16106, Crystalstar Clan #484804

“Welcome!” The dragons cried. Aziraphale landed in front of the clearing, immensely pleased. They held small yellow flags and behind them was a large yellow banner with sunflowers, obviously drawn by the claws of young hatchlings.

An energetic long dragon came out of the crowd, waving a flag enthusiastically. “Hello!” she said, beaming. “I’m Mistletoe. And you must be the next traveller.

“Yes.” Aziraphale nodded. “Aziraphale, here at your service.”

“Hm. You look very bookish.” Mistletoe remarked, inspecting him. Aziraphale gave a slight nod, remembering his supposed Charge. He wondered how Raphael was doing. Poor him. He was so, so close. Aziraphale’s wings twitched to go back to the Observatory.

“Yes. I’m quite fond of books,” the Guardian said, looking down at Mistletoe.

“Well, make yourself at home! Rest for a while till your next travels. Perhaps you would enjoy the library?”

Aziraphale nodded again and lumbered after the surprisingly quick drake as they proceeded to the structure in the middle. It was big, compared to the other tents, but wasn’t as big as the Observatory, nor the garden. But well, this clan was growing, and it may just join the ranks of the Arcanist’s home someday.

Inside were rows of bookshelves, stacked with scrolls. Some were even flaking by the sides. Aziraphale peered at those. How old were there? As old as him? How old was him, really? Aziraphale can’t remember.

He waved goodbye to Mistletoe and settled down with a few scrolls. His mind wandered to the small little area he owned with Raphael, his snakes, and the plants that his fiance so very cared for. He smiled. He missed them.

“The traveller?”

Aziraphale turned around quickly, and his claws went for the sword at his waist. In front of him was a young orange Gaoler, with large racks of horns and a pinkish mane. His body glowed mysteriously, something Aziraphale hasn’t seen before.

“A Gaoler!” Aziraphale cried. He stood up, grinning. “What a fine lad you are! What’s your Order?”

The Gaoler tipped his head, lines of confusion etched in his face. “I’m not sure…… I left before I got one.”

Now it was Aziraphale’s turn to be confused. “‘Left’?” he echoed. “I thought Gaolers were supposed to have one.”

“Yes, but I disliked it.” The Gaoler stamped his foot. “I don’t really see the need to contain the Shade. We have the essence of the Shade, albeit a little, in our flesh and soul. Now it’s such a small force. Sure, we may contain the creatures imbued by the Shade already, but it’s not my job. I don’t want such jobs.” The Gaoler’s eyes, Azuraphale then noticed, wasn’t a shade of light blue. It was light green, pale and light, flowing like the air. The Gaoler was not blessed by the Icewarden, but instead the Windsinger, the First Four.

“Oh.” Aziraphale stumbled back a bit. He didn’t know the Ancient Breeds had…… changed. He still remembered the time he had to deliver a message to the Gaolers, who had such a rigid society of the Five Orders. This dragon in this Clan was very much an exception. It held Aziraphale’s interest. Time really did change dragons, after all.

“Well, it’s nice knowing ya’ll.” Aziraphale grinned, a little uneasily. He thrust the bundle of sunflowers into the young Gaoler’s claws and walked off. The Gaoler must have been confused by the abrupt leaving but did nothing to stop the Guardian.

As he prepared to head for the next clan, he reflected on the encounter in the library. Was the world changing? What about the deities? None of the gods had gone out of their domains for a time now, even the Arcanist, who would do anything to pursue the theories of the star and the cosmos. The two sisters of Plague and Nature left it to the dragons now to fight, little skirmishes sent to mark their rivalry. Sornieth was evolving, really. Had Aziraphale ever noticed it at all?

The brown Guardian shook his head, clearing his thoughts. If needed, he shall consult Raphael with his thoughts, and about the rather confusing Gaoler with his ideas.

Aziraphale spread his wings and took off.


Day 7
~ReginaChaos, ClanName #457490
~RaiStarDragon, #361447

On the seventh and last day of BSJ2020 Aziraphale came by the meadows of the RaiStarDragon clan. Once a meager little plot has now expanded as far as the eye can see in either direction. While nestled close to the contested borderlands of the Nature flight and the beastclans the clan does it's best to live in harmony with the land and those that occupy both sides of the border. Quick to assist both dragon and beast the clan is a happy and friendly bunch (well, for the most part). The BSJ festivities begin with a breakfast feast at day break. Ripe fruits, cakes, colorful eggs, sizzling strips of meat and seared fish and crunchy insects adorn the tables at every den or tree house in the area. Pomegranate, the clan's party planner, bounces up to greet Aziraphale and suggests a multiple array of festivities the clan is holding in honor of the Lightbringer. "If you hurry you can reach the leeward side of the hill where the Prism Crocuses will be opening as soon as the light touches their petals, Hana is waiting for those sunflowers so don’t delay!" She continues on to other exciting events as well as some places to go for solitude or for later meals. "Also, make sure not to forget your travel guide, Dewdrop. He'll give you the clan's history and answer any questions you may have. As the founder of this clan he knows a thing or two about the history though he does ramble on just a bit." She laughs as she points the little fae out who looks more like a firefly than a Nature clan progenitor. "We'll expect you back here at sundown. The clan has a special present they'd like to present to you before your rest and departure from our lands."

Hana smiles warmly as she sees you approach. “Oh those are just lovely! About the biggest flowers I have ever seen! If you will place them right over there,” she waves to some runed vases that were the size of barrel drums. “Those will be perfect. I’ll tell the others they can come pick out the flowers for their outfits. The hatchlings will be so adorable.” She winked and gestured towards the barrels. A flash of light catch the corner of Aziraphale’s eye while he set down the flowers in the barrel. “What was that?”

Hana laughed a sweet and light chuckle and waved it off. “Oh, no worries friend, just a test for the show later tonight. You’ll see after dinner.”

After a day of feasting and celebration Dewdrop leads Aziraphale back to the guest house set up at the base of an old oak tree standing tall in the middle of the meadow. "The house also stands for our clan meetings and regularly holds our celebrations. We are so pleased to have you with us. I promise the celebration won't go too late into the night. It is the light festival after all. And you will be leaving no later than the first thing in the morning if I'm not mistaken. So why don't you come inside and have some dinner with the rest of the clan. Everyone wants to wish you happy trails."

After dinner a furry tree, no a tundra that looks like a tree, comes over and presents a wrapped package to Aziraphale. "We hope that you have enjoyed your company here and ask that you take this as a reminder of your time here." RiverWillow bows and hands it over. "Safe travels home! Thanks so much for visiting our clan. We are so glad you have come to visit and please come back again soon!"



After thanking the Nature clan for their hospitality, and of course the wonderful gift I was given, I take to the skies, my sights locked not on the former tallest monument of the land that I'd seen shatter so many years ago, but the Observatory from an age past, the current home of the Arcanist. The place that happens to also be so very near my own home. I don't miss the weight of golden filigree armor in my bags, nor do I forget the flowers I still have from my travels. Honestly, the most obvious gift may not be the painting I'd been given just yesterday, but my new traveling companion of a few days, large enough to cause the trees above her tunnel to shudder. If I didn't know any better, I'd swear I was soaring over the back of the Gladekeeper herself.

As I dive down to the clearing where I usually stand guard, I spot a Skydancer who looks like she's delivering her flowers for the final day as well. She has a love for the garden I'd once watched over when the deities were sealed in the Pillar of the World, and soon enough she's asking for stories I can tell. I'm happy to tell them, and I spend the day sharing what I know. By the time she leaves for her new home, the sun is setting. I'm glad my new companion hasn't followed me inside. She'd have likely broken the statues.

As I stay there, beneath the statue of myself and my dearest Raphael, I realize why the big girl hadn't followed me in. Or, to put it another way, why I hadn't noticed her follow me in. She'd come to the surface, and had taken a longer, winding path to reach me, it seems. It was as if she didn't want to scare the Skydancer from earlier. She seems to know not to tunnel into the ground here, and while she isn't happy about it, she respects that. She coils herself around the statue's base, her three heads resting on the Imperial statue under the Gaoler statue's wing.

I'm reading from my own book in the dying light when I feel something press against my side. I know that sensation well, and look up with a small smile. There's my partner, my precious Raphael. The Kitsune rests his head on my shoulder, letting out a contented hiss as he relaxes with me.

"...I didn't think I'd find you where we firsst met, Angel." I let out a happy hum at that, my eyes closed as I just enjoy being by his side. We stay like that for a little while, enjoying the sunlight as he basks in the warm, red glow of the sunset. Finally, after some time passes, he speaks again. "Sso... wass your journey memorable? Anything big happen? Perhapss something to write home about?" I know he's poking a little fun. Surely a flower delivery couldn't be that interesting, right? I open my satchels, showing him the gold filigree armor, trinkets, and even the lovely art piece drawn by my last host of the journey. He's reading through my journal as I tell him about the dragons themselves when he stops me.

"Angel? What'ss thiss about helping a sserpentine creature on your fifth day?" I pause my rambling, looking at him in confusion. "It ssayss that you made a new friend and... are bringing her home?" It's then that I remember what day he's talking about.

"Oh, that! Well, dear, the answer is quite simple really." I give my best smile to him, my chest puffing out as I do. It's a look that Raphael often calls my proud lion look, or my proud sparrow look. Either way, he knows I've done something big when I have that look. He waits for my blow, for the words that'll send him reeling. He certainly doesn't expect what I say next.

"Look up~!"

Needless to say, it takes a lot of puppy eyes and pleading, but eventually I convince Raphael that she can stay with us. We're still trying to settle on a name. He wants to name each head, but I know she needs an overall name as well. He's thinking Empress, since he practically fainted when he first saw her. He apparently thought I had brought an Emperor home with me! We'll think of something fitting for her. For now, though, we'll be caring for her in my old den by the Garden, her new home. We just need to make a little warning sign so drakes don't wander in and get themselves hurt.

Well, I'd best be off. I'll come back with more stories someday, but for now, our new Tunnel Hydra needs her hearty breakfast! So, until next time, toodle loo~!

~Aziraphale, Principality of the Eastern Gate

Ancient Aziraphale
Formerly Basic/Peregrine/Basic Tundra Female with Uncommon Eyes
Cherub/Seraph/Underbelly/Guardian/Silhouette obtained on 03/25/2023
Hit Level 25 on ??/??/????


53775609.png . .
This dragon embarked on a trip across Sorneith during Brightshine Jubilee 2020 from June 21 to June 27. He is one of many who are traveling to various lairs and clans in the hopes of spreading love and joy to those they encounter. When it's over, they'll be able to look back at the adventures they had and dragons they met and remember the journey they went on.

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Aziraphale is a timid Guardian who has a habit of throwing himself into danger to collect what he thinks is his Charge, which happens to be books. With a somewhat curly beard to rival the curls of a cumulus seal and more than enough optimism to go around (seemingly stored in his somewhat chubby lovable stomach), he hopes to venture out and write of new memories to bring back home to his partner Raphael. Even if his phrasing may be a tad... confusing, to say the least, the chap means well, and he seems to have an air of good fortune around him. He has as much of an uncanny knowledge for things long past as he does for delicacies around Sornieth. It's almost as if he's lived through it all...


Other Notes
This is his fiance, Raphael. He was once an Imperial, but was changed in Remnant into a Foxfire Dragon Kitsune. Aziraphale is considering a transformation himself.
He has an Ultramel Amphithere named Precious (and now a Tunnel Hydra named Levia).
He hoards books under the guise of a simple bookshop.
His beard is curly, like a lamb's (used to be all his fur as a Gaoler).
He will take great risks for a good meal.
He loves using old slang terms.


Went Trick-or-Treating in the Collector Tier

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