
sorcerer of flame
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Die of Bargaining
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Energy: 47/50
This dragon’s natural inborn element is Fire.
Male Fae
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Personal Style


Will o' the Wisp
Charming Sage Lantern
Amethyst Flourish Bracelet
Fire's Charm



Scene: Strange Chests


1.43 m
1.08 m
1.07 kg


Primary Gene
Secondary Gene
Tertiary Gene


Sep 26, 2021
(2 years)



Eye Type

Eye Type
Level 1 Fae
EXP: 0 / 245




  • none


Tangelo | they/them | sorcerer | young adult

The power of Fire is not a tool of destruction, though that misconception is widespread. Like water, nature, light, and the rest, fire is yet another life-bringing force, a tool that carries dragons forth rather than setting them back. Though an errant spark may bring an entire forest to ashes, and has many times throughout history, fire is used across the globe daily to cook delicious meals, dry soggy fur, and warm frozen wings. Few other elements are so deeply integrated into the lives of dragons of other flights!

As the child of two dragons with intensely powerful elemental magic, it was no surprise that Tangelo's raw ability far exceeded a typical hatchling. Fire is known as one of the more difficult elements to master - a dragon cannot conjure water nor earth from within their bodies, but a Fire dragon must learn to create, manipulate, and suppress their element. Thankfully, Tangelo's parents' gifts allowed them to safely supervise and teach their hatchling, and the Fire elementals in their clan were eager to help the little dragon learn about their magic.


Though Tangelo is still young, they are already at a master level in the use of their magic. Fires are created and extinguished with ease, and Tangelo is eager to show off their newly developed technique - flames that can be manipulated in color and form to display vivid pictures! In their old clan, their power was often needed to stand-by on extinguishing duties, though that's no longer necessary now that Tangelo lives near the sea. They'll be free to enjoy getting to know their entire extended family, and perhaps even share some of their magic!
performing at the family reunion wrote:
After sunset, the energy on the beach is still going strong! As the sky mellows from the vivid watercolors of sunset to a deep indigo, Aurora invites a group of dragons to join her at the top of the cliff that holds the cave dens of Sunbeam Grotto. It's a short flight, but there is a winding path up the side of the cliff for dragons who choose to hike. The cliff juts out from a bamboo forest, arching over the beach below. A makeshift seating area has been set up on the grassy swathe of land. Tonight, a fire pit is built at the very edge of the cliff.

The full moon is already rising in the sky, bathing the beach in soft blueish-white light. Its sister is waxing tonight, a subtle crescent halfway across the sky. From up here, overlooking the ocean, the view of the night sky is uninterrupted. Distant stars twinkle above on the violet canvas.

As the crowd is awed into silence by the clear, bright sky, Aurora begins to introduce the stars. The first constellation she points out is that of a great whale that swims through the sky - and she starts to tell its story, which was passed down to her when she lived deep in the Leviathan Trench.

Below her, the fire sparks to life - a tiny Fae is silhouetted against its light. They wave their arms and wings, and the flames dance up to the sky as colorful puppets. As Aurora weaves through the sky, speaking her poetic tale, Tangelo manipulates the flames to follow, acting out the story in brilliant blaze for the pleasure of the dragons below.

As midnight approaches, Aurora tells the stories of each of the constellations - some familiar to the dragons gathered, others something new altogether. Tangelo continues with their fiery accompaniment, and the bright colors of the flames dance across the faces of the transfixed crowd. When the full moon crests high in the sky, and dragons are failing to withhold their yawns, Aurora finishes her tale as the fire sparks behind her. The colorful wisps fall from the sky, and the only light that remains is the glowing fire pit.

To commemorate the performance, dressy silks crafted by August are gifted to the dragons in attendance. He makes sure to mention the address of his fabric shop, as well as the fact that he's brought samples of his merchandise. Inspired, other dragons chime in, gifting each other knicknacks they've collected during their stay in Sunbeam Grotto!

by coolrat
Fantivity wrote on 2023-10-18 07:33:51:
The scent of oranges strongly blow in on the breeze

A unfamiliar Pearlcatcher with 5 hatchlings is talking closely with Clementine who is helping her carry them by utilizing the wind hence why the whole place now smells like oranges. Star seems very in awe by this place she’s looking around hoping to see Bastion or someone who knows where he is so she can get their hatchlings to him.

Clementine smiles as he see’s the island he’s missed it here unfortunately he hadn’t been able to attend last year due to issues with the orchard his windy eyes bright once he lands he goes off to seek out his son Tangelo who he hasn’t seen for a year or so
perfectoranges wrote on 2023-10-18 09:06:10:
Clementine searches around for Tangelo on the beach but doesn't have any luck finding them. Finally, he asks one of the dragons volunteering as a runner for the vendors - she says Tangelo is working to set up an event for the following day, and points him in the right direction. Clementine finds Tangelo at the top of the cliff building what looks like a towering bonfire.

"Steady...steady..." Tangelo says aloud, carefully stacking another log on top of the pile.
perfectoranges wrote on 2023-10-18 13:27:34:
Far above sea level, Tangelo catches a familiar scent on the wind, and turns to see Clementine. A big smile spreads over Tangelo's face when they see their father.
72630763.png "You really came!" Tangelo double-checks the bonfire is stable before scurrying over to hug Clementine. "Do you remember when I performed up here at the first family reunion? This year, Aurora is planning something a little different, but she asked me to build the biggest fire I could!"
Fantivity wrote on 2023-10-18 14:04:43:
Clementine grins hugging his son back “if anyone knows anything about how to make a fire it’s certainly you” he chuckles recalling Tangelo’s child hood before he left home when he accidentally set his nest on fire the first time he used his magic even by accident
perfectoranges wrote on 2023-10-18 14:51:09:
Tecumbo reclines against the rock wall behind her, making room for Yoshino to climb in the nest as well while Bastion watches over them both. Star leans down to coo at the newborns.

"How did you know when they were going to hatch?" Tecumbo asks, and Bastion turns to her. She clarifies: "You came just at the right time! I didn't even know it would happen today for certain, and they're my eggs!"

Tangelo pouts as Clementine recounts the embarrassing story. At least there's no one around to overhear. "You know, I've grown up a lot since then! It's been...almost three years since I accidentally set anything on fire, and that time wasn't even my fault!" It's a story Clementine hasn't heard, in which Tangelo tried to set a bunch of candelabras alight and one flame missed its mark. "Everyone was so mad at me, just because we were on a wooden ship...it's like they didn't even realize we were surrounded by water!"
Fantivity wrote on 2023-10-18 15:23:31:
Clementine smirks “even with water around a ship, a fire can still cause a lot of damage hence why they were upset.
perfectoranges wrote on 2023-10-18 17:07:49:
Tangelo just pouts at his father's admonishment. "Well, it's in the past, anyway! Like I said, I haven't had an accident in years! Must be nice having wind magic, there's not a lot you can do to make others mad with it..."
Fantivity wrote on 2023-10-18 19:58:11:
Clementine chuckles and proceeds to tell a story about his childhood further proving the day. That wind magic especially that of a primals is no easier to master at a young age.
perfectoranges wrote on 2023-10-19 08:47:09:
Tangelo, mollified by Clementine's shared story, decides to drop the subject. "Okay, okay, I get it..." Clementine offers to help finish building the bonfire, and once it's towering high above the rest of the clifftop, the pair head back down to the beach.
Fantivity wrote on 2023-10-23 07:36:49:
Clementine had been wishing his son well before leaving, Tychi had also wishes her mother well promising to visit again eventually.

Paddyfowl Die of Bargaining Boran Alpha
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