
Clan Lore Summary
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Energy: 50/50
This dragon’s natural inborn element is Ice.
Female Obelisk
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Personal Style


Aged Book Collection
Marva's Invisibility Cloak



Scene: Enchanted Library


13.32 m
17.5 m
5539.23 kg


Primary Gene
Secondary Gene
Tertiary Gene


Jun 16, 2021
(3 years)



Eye Type

Eye Type
Level 1 Obelisk
EXP: 0 / 245



  • none


  • none



The Froslands Information Centre

What are The Froslands?

The Froslands are a large territory located in the Cloudscrape Crags, Southern Icefields. The clan started as a small group of outcasts who banded together to combat a breach in the Fortress of Ends' outer wall, but eventually expanded into a small city state with its own language and culture. Part of their success is due to the magic-rich forests that surround the central mountains the clan started in; remnants of wild magic made manifest as Wild Lords are plentiful in this region, which attracts plenty of curious, religious and power-hungry dragons in turn.


Map of the Froslands




House of Stolcir

House of Stricir

House of Kaucir

House of Maecir

House of Kaecir

House of Ihscir

The Froslands are ruled over by a council of Noble Houses; an evolution of their old, founder-led council, which was restructured after a brief but bitter civil war. This council is called the Faeaafe in the local dialect of Taefir, which refers to the trigger of an avalanche. Though the Faeaafe governs over the Froslands, they largely only handle legislation that impacts the clan as a whole. The Noble Houses rule most of their duristiction without the Faeaafe's input, and only involve the other Heads of House when a decision would step outside the bounds of their power, or to settle disputes between Houses.

Civillian Liason

Wild Lord Consultant

Hearthborn Representative

West Guard Representative

Fey Representative

Civillian Liason

icev4.png House of Stolcir

Headed by Prime, the House of Guards - or the Stolcir in Taefir - serves as the Frostguard's standing army to protect it from external threats. The House's forces are predominantly deployed to defend the clan's borders, but a small reserve also work to sure up the clan's internal labour needs, stepping into roles such as local guardsmen and construction workers as required.

The Stolcir are technically based within the Frosthold - the clan's founding capitol city - where they are provided free housing and ameneties within the secretive lower chambers. Prime, however, has chosen to lead his House remotely from his home with his mate at the Roght estate, and only travels to the Frosthold when his direct intervention is required or occassionally for an extended stay when his mate (his Charge) is able to join him. Otherwise, Prime is happy to trust the House's day-to-day dealings to his Second and Third in commands, Crypt and Cinis.

Key among the House's responsibilities is the purging of the Shade from the clan's borders. Though the Bracken does a good job of keeping the Shade out, it can only handle so much and so the House is deployed to aid it by 'cleansing' the land where the Shade grows too dark. Due to the nature of the Shade, this necessitates clear-cutting the infected land using powerful elemental breaths, which in turn makes the Shade's resurgence more rapid. To combat this, the Hewn often work with the Rot-Binders to replenish the razed lands with Bracken, which grows thick and fast, leading to the slow outwards creep of the Froslands' borders.

-Protection of our Home-

House of Stricir xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

The House of Stricir (truth) was founded by Scree during the restructuring to protect the clan from internal threats and conflicts such as those that caused the Broken Shield War (the name given to the civil war). While their House's official mission-statement, 'to seek out truth,' is vague, it is well known by the Frosfoen that the House serves to supply the Froslands with spies and assassins.

The House operates out of the Roght Estate; a secluded location with a mysterious reputation that has only grown with the Bracken as it has spread across the Froslands. First planted by Scree, this plague-imbued network of roots and thorny vines has been encouraged to grow all across the Clandom to protect it from the creeping influence of the Shade. Though the Bracken cannot hold it back for long, the Shade is inherently drawn to the elemental magics it seeks to consume, and so is slowed as it battles the elemental Plague festering within. Ultimately it always wins, slowly corrupting and consuming the Bracken, where it becomes bound to the plant's physical form. Plague dragons connected to the root network, known as Rot-Binders, are then dispatched to reap the infected roots and cultivate new Rot in their place. Most of the corrupted Bracken is destroyed, but some samples are kept and sent to the House of Ihscir for study.

Most Frosfoen have welcomed the Bracken and its proffered protection, though there have been whispers since its spread of disappearances. Some dragons insist that the Bracken is listening, but they are usually laughed off; after all, it's just a plant.
-Protection from our Shadow-

earthv4.png House of Maecir

The House of Maecir evolved from the Maeir (Taefir for mercy), the Frostguard's medical division. Members of the House are trained in both healing magic and traditional medicine, providing the Froslands with everything from emergency care to medications, and even cosmetic surgery. Pi leads the House as Matron, with Mahina as her right hand to ensure that the House's standards are upheld - Pi is infamously strict, and the results speak for themselves. Within the ranks she is referred to as 'Mother Matron', as she trained many of the Froslands' healers herself.

Little has changed about the Maeir since the Restructure; the House is now permitted to run their own hospitals across the territory, which has increased medical access and standards throughout the clan. The House of Mercy also maintains the Froslands' official standards and training board to ensure a consistent level of care throughout, even within independent practices.

-Protection of our Health-

House of Kaucir xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

The most expansive of the Houses, the Kaucir was built atop the foundations of the Forge - the division that once held every crafter and inventor under one vast umbrella. The House now acts as a hub for a secondary network of specialised craft and trade guilds to promote the sharing of resources, inter-professional collaboration, and to set standards of production that protect the Frosfoen, be it from bad food or poor-quality furniture.

Prior to the Restructuring, the Forge was headed by Raion. Since, it has taken on a three-leader system with Star, Raion and Ptomien (a controversial figure due to her involvement in the black market) as heads of the labour, craft and trade guild networks respectively. The trio are responsible for the organisation and moderation of all inter-guild interactions, and the maintenance of standards through audit and inspection. Star, once the leader of the entire clan, is the House's elected representative to the Faeaafe.

-Protection of our Livelihoods-

arcanev4.png House of Ihscir

The Spellweavers were once a division dedicated to the study of magic. Shy, a powerful archmagi, led the division and focused its work towards fields of study that could benefit the clan. Their benefit to the war effort, which ranged from concealing field hospitals with shadow magic to even aiding Ircail in sealing the Breach, earned them great fame within the clan that spread once the Froslands opened its borders. When the Restructuring came, it was natural for the division to graduate into not only its own noble House of Wisdom, or the Ihscir, but to also reopen the first of the rebuilt Eleven Academies - some of the most prestigious magic schools on Sornieth.

The Ihscir now acts as a hub of research within the Froslands. Some magi within the House serve the clan directly, often as partners to the other Houses, while others focus more on research rather than direct action. The House, while technically separate to the Academies, works closely with the Academy of Fros. Many of the House's members are employed as teachers at the Academy, and it is not uncommon for the House to recruit students directly when one proves particularly impressive.

In recent years, the House has become the centre of Shade research. Rot-Binders supply the House's magi and scholars with samples of Shade-corrupted Bracken in the hopes that they might find a more permanent way to bind it, though this work is not without its hazards; Shade corruptions are uncommon but not as rare as in other fields of work, and those who are not cleansed of it quickly... Well, it would be a shame to let all those samples go to waste.

-Protection of our Knowledge-

House of Kaecir xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Originally the division that once acted as the clan's home-guard, the House of Kaecir - Justice in the common tongue - was reborn as the Froslands' peacekeepers. Similar to before the Restructuring, their purpose is to oversee and uphold the clan's laws, though under greater regulation than before. They are the official protectors of the Frosthold, the clan's last line of defence, though it has been a long time since any conflict within the capital has been so simple as to be dealt with in battle.

Members of the House are often referred to as 'Knights' and are led by Xaaru, who once loyally served the ruler of a large clan in the Gladekeeper’s lands before he was framed for their murder and forced to flee to the Icefields. To this day, he keeps his vows of honour and truth, and works tirelessly to keep corruption from creeping into the Frostguard, even if it has led to a fair few… Mysterious disappearances over the years.

While Xaaru is the Knights’ commander, the prisons themselves are Pathounax’s ward, and he guards them fiercely.

-Protection of our Law-



icev2.png The Frosthold

The original lair of the founding clan, The Frosthold now acts as the Froslands’ capital city and home of the Faeaafe.

The permanent residents of the Frosthold are, on the majority, members or family of the Noble Houses, who have lived in the mountain since the clan first carved out the tunnels with tooth and claw. Though many of the marks of the first excavation have been worn smooth over the years, a selection of preserved tunnels and homes - The Frostheart - offer a popular tourist destination for both visitors to the mountain and its residents alike. Other notable locations to visit are the Grand Library, the heated Ice Baths, and the Singing Caverns - a series of tunnels carved from one side of the mountain to the other that fill with an otherworldly melody when the winds blow through them.

Despite its nature as the capital, many dragons are only able to enter the upper chambers of the mountain and the surface level of the city. Entry into the original lair through the Southern Gate is a secret still known only to the Frostguard, and closely guarded to keep it that way.


Windbreak Refuge

A neutral refuge for all those willing to abide by its laws of peace, it also acts as a hub for all couriers in the Froslands. The refuge was founded and is led by Starseer, a powerful and experienced star-reader who uses his prophetic skills to keep the refuge safe and distribute the refuge’s couriers where they are needed.


The second largest trading hub in the Froslands, Snowbank has claimed a prime spot in the centre of the Mount-guard Shore. It also is among the safest settlements in the Froslands, only ranked below the Frosthold and Windbreak Refuge.


Witherbay was originally built next to a thriving bay. However, the sudden shift in the oceans that came with the swelling of the world’s elemental magics caused the bay to dry up, leaving the once booming fishing town stranded in the middle of a now vast beach. While many have made efforts to move the town back to the shore, its residents are stubborn and refuse to leave their homes. Their patience, however, has paid off in recent years as the corruption event that shook the Froslands has terraformed the beach once again into salt flats. Now, the town is known for its high-quality salt.

Nearbrieth and Farbrieth

Sister fishing villages on sister glaciers of the Bleak Floes. They can only be reached from Mount-Guard Shore, with Nearbrieth being the closest to the shore and Farbrieth the furthest. Though the towns have shared a healthy relationship of free trade and mutual protection since their founding, over the years rivalry has formed. Now, each day is a competition between the settlements - one that has caused them to grow into the Froslands’ greatest providers of seafood.

It’s always worth a visit during the Frostfin festivals, when both towns compete to throw the best celebration.




Home of the Froslands’ black market. The town also guards the pass up to the twin peaks of Black Peak Mountain, where you will find Diasera and her experiments. Despite the town’s shady nature the security it employs is excellent, making it a safe place to stay a few nights provided you know where to spend your coin.

The town is also home to Płomien’s estate, which acts as a branch of the House of Guilds to monitor all merchant guilds. However, her appointment as a member of the Faaefe is controversial due to her involvement in the clan’s black market.


Blackfoot Fort

A small, remote fort left over from an old territory war with the tribe of harpies that once inhabited the northern reaches of Ashfall Forest. The warriors here are long separated from their founders in the Frostguard, and treat even the most meek Beastclans with aggression. Numerous attempts have been made to reintegrate them into the House of Guards, though the settlement remains resistant.

In recent years efforts have been made to return the land to the tribe it rightfully belongs to now that the conflict between dragonkind and the Beastclans has largely settled. However, the dragons of Blackfoot Fort still cling to their outdated beliefs and are a constant obstacle.


The southern rest stop for those seeking to cross the Bleak Floes via the Glacial Crossing. The town is chilly and small, but its inns are warm and peaceful – the perfect place to pause and recover from the long journey through the mountains, or prepare for the trek ahead.


Blackbark Landing

The northern rest stop for those seeking to cross the Bleak Floes via the Glacial Crossing. Well sheltered by the trees of the Ashfall Forest, this warm, bustling town is known to invigorate travellers for the rest of their adventures. However one should not forget to take a break amidst the exciting, near-constant festivities before the long journey ahead.


Gaoler Rock

Legends say that the peculiarly-shaped rock the town was built around is actually an entombed Gaoler, waiting for the day his brothers will come to awaken him. This village is steeped in superstition, and the rock is always surrounded by new offerings from dragons seeking protection from the elements. Many laugh at the town’s hopeful people. Many more who have dared to disgrace the rock have left offerings on their next visit.

Stark Hollow

A small, mysterious town. Its streets are filled with an ominous chill that often drives off travellers within the night. Rumours of witches fill these woods, and its people are often seen clad in wicker and vines.
At the core of the town stands an ancient, gnarled tree. Rumour states that the tree is home to a Wild Lord, though the residents will not allow anyone close enough to find out if it’s true.


A small but beautiful town renowned for its stunning view of the beach and the sunset. It is a place beloved by those searching for somewhere peaceful to settle down. However, the bitter winters often drive away all but those with the greatest love for the town, or the most stubborn character.

Redrow Rock

A small hunting village, the dragons of Redrow Rock are distrustful of outsiders and would rather keep their home to themselves. Within the village however, the community is trusting and kind. It is a shame that their kindness is rarely extended beyond their borders.



Those who wish to be with nature find themselves at home in Dryadhome. Creatures of the forest roam freely through the streets, and the townspeople pride themselves on being the forest’s guardians. Worship for the Icewarden within this town is rapidly being abandoned in favour of that of the Gladeskeeper.

Dryad’s Rest

A dense forest guards the woods’ secretive denizens from all but the most persistent travellers. Faelin and Regal, Queen and King of the Fey, rule these woods, and treat visitors with suspicion.



Black Peaks Mountain - The Hearth, and the Depths

The Black Peaks Mountain was given its name for the black ash that coats its twin peaks. The mountain itself is, in fact, a long-dormant volcano. However, it is also home to one of the few surviving tribes of Banescales, who escaped the extinction of their species by taking refuge in the tunnels that surround the volcano’s magma chamber.

Over generations, these Banescales have created a unique culture centred around the worship of the volcano’s core, which they call the Hearth.

Further down the natural tunnels that saved these Banescales, beyond the reach of the Hearth’s light and warmth, are a network of caves that the clan of the Hearthborn call the Depths. These flooded caves hold abominations that date back to the first age, and are best not entered without an experienced guide and a good sword.

Redbark Woods

Famed for the distinct colour of its trees - their vivid red leaves and dark wood, often described as the same black as congealed blood - Redbark Woods is said to be trapped in eternal Autumn. In actuality, the trees have been pigmented by the water they draw from the Iron Lake. Nonetheless, it is counted proudly among the Froslands’ most beautiful locations. The woods are the heart of the Bracken, which winds spiralling roots through the soils that connect the forest to the rest of the Froslands. The Plague magics within thrum below foot, making the forest feel almost sacred.

The Roght estate sits on the banks of the Iron Lake, and guards a direct tunnel through the mountains to the Frosthold. As such, visiting the woodland has never been easier, provided you are willing to tolerate the Houses’ extensive security checks, and a very boring journey through the long, long tunnel.

The Iron Lake

Rich in iron, the Froslands’ infamous red lake runs from the flooded, ore-rich caves of the nearby mountains and through the centre of Redbark Woods. Ritualistic gatherings, often centred around the Plaguebringer, are common on its ominous shores. The forest around it shares its bloody hue, though the eternal autumn is often hidden beneath thick layers of snow that cracks a bit too sharply underfoot.

The river feeds the Bracken, and the Bracken feed the river; as the roots drink, fragments of their elemental power seep back into the river. Crops watered with the river's water grow particularly hardy, immune to most disease and with roots that will quickly spread out to join the Bracken, which rewards them further by sharing the rich nutrients fed to it by Redbark's soils and the Rot-Binders. Because of this, the Iron Lake has become central to the Frosland's agriculture, though the slight metallic tang of the crops is definitely an acquired taste.





While common is spoken fluently by the majority of dragons in the Froslands, the clan’s origins as a mix of outcasts and wanderers from across Sornieth led to an early development of a unique, mixed dialect, with influences most strongly drawn from languages of the Icefields and the Wyrmwound. While during its founding this mix was clearly distinguishable as nothing more than dragons sharing their languages, it has since evolved through the clan’s isolation and careless mixing of words to become recognised as its own tongue.

Visitors to the Froslands often describe the language, known to its denizens as ‘Taefir’ (Ti-e-fur), as akin to the soft, peaceful crunch of freshly-fallen snow and windy snow drifts. The accent, however, in its subtle inflections is still harsh from its birth amidst battle and blood. These small quirks of voice, clear to locals but almost imperceptible to tourists, often cause miscommunication with visitors, and to avoid a shouting match - which is sure to amplify the uglier undertones of the dialect - it is best to speak in common while exploring the harsh, but warm-hearted region.



Due to the Froslands’ extended isolation from outside cultures during its development, the clan has only recently had access to the universal currency of Treasure. As such early trade was reliant on the Frostguard’s own unique currency, the Kihl. The currency survives today mostly for cultural expression, rather than convenience.

The Kihl was developed in the early years of the Frostguard, during the war with the Breech. As treasure was a rare commodity, bone was quick to take its place amongst the soldiers. Originally teeth and claws were used, but as the Kihl system grew more advanced and harder to track through growing ranks, a more sophisticated design became necessary to allow for regulation.

The carvings of each coin serve to make them easily distinguishable by touch. On the Front, blizzards are rampant and the winter nights last days at a time, so it was necessary to be able to tell the Kihl apart without sight, even with frozen claws. Bone also prevented the coins from growing excessively cold, as metal would inevitably cause frost burns in such an extreme climate.



The core of the clan, the Frosthold, is a great city carved into the interior of a mountain. Initially the homes of the dragons inside were nothing more than simple caves. As the clan grew and they were able to focus more on building their lair instead of simply surviving, they hollowed out vast portions of the mountain to create a stone city. The structures are built directly into the walls and their faces are decorated with columns, windows and carvings of traditional runes. Dragons also hang lanterns, bone chimes and charms above their doors both for protection and decoration.

Outside of the mountain, the Frosthold has spilled out into a secondary surface-city along the mountain passes. These homes are also carved into the rock, but jut out more significantly from the mountain to create a jagged, stair-like silhouette. These structures are mostly occupied by new arrivals, who are often forced to live there due to difficulty integrating into the Froslands' closed culture. Here they are able to find similarly struggling community, and can work together to puzzle out the complexities of the Frosfoen. It's also popular among merchants, who sell supplies to dragons coming and going from the capital.

The deepest caves of the mountain are occupied by the headquarters of the Frostguard. These tunnels are dearly guarded, and only accessible to the members of the Houses. The cave networks down here are intentionally convoluted to better deter trespassers, with hidden tunnels to help navigate the Frosthold quickly. The homes are fairly similar to those above, albeit more rough-hewn and individualistic.

The interiors of these stone houses are as one might expect - most fixtures are carved from the rock rather than installed, and enchanted fires keep the rock warm. Rather than traditional beds, raised diases are built out from the floor and piled with soft pelts, fabrics and pillows. These stone cots are often hollow, so that hot stones or coals can be placed within to warm the sleeping space from below. Most homes only have two to three rooms, separated into 'living quaters' and 'clean quarters', which includes the bathroom and sometimes kitchen.

In the bathroom, typical furnishings include a large basin set into the floor with taps or, in older homes, a gated channel that is linked to a central water source so that it can be filled. The water of the Frosthold comes from two sources - one is the deep lakes, mostly used by the lower levels, and the other is melt from the snow that coats the mountain. Both are clean, though they do not come heated. Hence bath-rocks (rocks enchanted with fire magic to keep them burning hot) are popular in the Froslands.

Beyond the Frosthold, most other populated areas are above ground, often in sheltered passes or in woodland. In these places wood cabins are much more popular. As the Froslands' population started as a standing army, they have a culture that encourages simple living. Hence, it is rare to find a large and lavish house, even amongst rich dragons. Attempts to establish private estates often find themselves annexed by the nearest village, save for the communal Noble Houses. Even these lack in excess, with only the foyer and a few entertainment rooms decorated luxuriously so as to impress visitors from outside the clan. Trophies and pelts from large and dangerous prey are particularly popular decoration. The remainder of the estates provide private quarters to the core members of the House, which when viewed by themselves are comparable to any other average home.

The only exception to this is in Ashguard, home to the black market. Here, the homes are intentionally blackened with pressed soot from the Black Peak's Mountain. The buildings are far more mixed in culture, reflecting the town's nature as a trade hub. (Albeit often illegal.) If a dragon wants a mansion, Ashguard is the place to build it. However, while wealth is easy to see in the city, so is poverty. Many retreat to Ashguard to escape the law, or as outcasts with nowhere else left to turn. The slums of Ashguard sprawl nearly to the coast, where it becomes too cold even for the most desperate.



Due to the harsh climate, most Fros dishes are traditionally heavy, hearty meals designed to last through the long Winters when food is scarce. Salt is rarely used for preservation save for in Summer dishes, as it is far simpler to use the plentiful supply of ice from outside to keep food. If one is interested in learning more about Fros recipies, Powell is always willing to share a few favourites.



Fashion within the Froslands is generally focused on function rather than form. Armour remains the most popular wear, though decorative plate has begun to climb in popularity as the land has grown more stable.

Due to the climate, metal is never worn directly on skin, scale, or even fur. Any metal, including jewelry, will be lined with thick leather to protect its wearer. An insulating layer may also be added, depending on the purpose, and price, of the armour.

Outside of protective plate, coats and banners are also popular. The former will rarely be simple cloth. A thin garment is often viewed with derision, as it implicates that the dragon has no need to step outside of the warmth of their home. As such, it has become a trend amongst the ‘modern’ nobility. Outside of this social group, the basic coat is expected to be thick, supple leather. Often the coat will be dyed in red, brown or black, and stitched with a contrasting edge. It can be worn either over or under the armour.

Banners play a crucial role in the Froslands’ fashion. Traditionally they were worn by the Frostguard to display a dragon’s role and rank within the clan. However, as the clan’s continuous conflict carried on, it was realised that the banners were an inefficient use of materials, and the uniform was scrapped. By then the image had already become heavily associated with the ‘ideal’ warrior, so many dragons continued to wear banners, which grew more vivid and detailed over time in an effort to appear more impressive.

Amongst the ‘old guard’, the sect of nobility with roots in the founding, feather and fur are used to mark wealth and stature. Unlike among the newer nobles, these well-rooted dragons value stature high above their funds, and even some families that have fallen into financial difficulty remain well-regarded due to their history on the battlefield. Most of the old-guard remain affiliated with the Frostguard, which provides them with basic amenities and housing, and make it far more impressive to have reputation than material.



Given the clan’s warrior roots, it is no surprise that the preferred styling for a dragon’s mane, beard, or tail tuft is neat, and short-cropped. While a military cut was never part of the Frostguard’s uniform, a long mane was seen as impractical in battle. Conversely for furred dragons the opposite is ideal: A thick winter coat is the most desirable, though some choose to cut lines into their fur to create patterns.

Braiding is also popular for those who do not wish to keep their fur or hair short. So long as it remains battle-ready, dragons are free to braid creatively.

When it comes to colours, contrast is popular. Against the endless tundra, a boring colour palette can be easy to miss. Sharp black against white or red, however, immediately catches the eye and offers an interesting relief from the monotone landscape. This trend extends to feathers, with many plume-possessing dragons choosing to imp opposing colours into their display crests. Flight feathers remain unaltered, as function remains prized above all else.


Funeral Rites

Within the Froslands, the ‘traditional’ funeral is that of a warrior. The deceased is laid upon a stout pillar carved to mimic those depicted in statues of exaltation, alongside memorabilia of their greatest achievements and conflicts in life. In the cold, decay is slow to set in, allowing a long mourning period where the deceased’s loved ones hold vigil for three days and nights while both friend and stranger, and even foe, leave gestures of their grief at the pillar. Bones are a popular offering, Kihl in particular, as well as metalwork and perfumed poultices. Hatchlings often make games of visiting the monuments, leaving scavenged baubles on the most neglected in an effort to cheer up the forgotten dragons.

Once the three days have elapsed, the next step depends on the element of the deceased.

A fire dragon will see their pillar become their pyre, set alight to set their energies free.

An ice dragon will be frozen over by their elemental peers, preserving them forever in cold crystal.

Plague dragons are left to rot and fester, and see frequent pilgrims from their element who hope to test themselves against the toxins the deceased’s body births. Their bones are then decorated with protective runes that ensure any who disturb their rest are punished with the most deathly of Plague magics.

Water dragons often ask that they be returned to the waters after vigil, though some have their pillars carved with a basin so that they can slowly seep into the waters without leaving their home.

Light dragons prefer that their body is disposed of by cremation (never burial, so as to not be separated from the light) and replaced by a marble likeness. Sometimes their ashes are entombed in this marble, but this is a less popular option.

Shadow dragons do not like to be publicly displayed. Their bodies are often veiled during the vigil, and over time they simply fade from sight. When one passes the pillar of a shadow dragon, they cannot shake the feeling that though it looks empty, something is there.

Wind dragons are cremated, the method for which can vary, and their ashes scattered into strong thermals that carry them high above the mountains.

Nature dragons quickly sprout new growth after passing. Their pillars become lush planters that flower even in the harsh winter.

Earth dragons are buried beneath their pillars, which act as a grave marker. The dragon’s loved ones often carve stories about the dragon into the stone, replacing them ritualistically through the generations as they weather away until all that remains is a cairn bearing the most memorable and beloved stories of the dragon’s descendents.

Arcane dragons are memorialised with the most varied methods of any element. Some may be enchanted to never rot, or to ward away grave robbers with complex traps. Others simply wish to lay beneath the stars and slowly let their atoms return to the heavens. A rare few, the most powerful, crystalise with their own energies and become a charged shard of arcane stone.

Lightning dragons have an unfortunate tendency to violently discharge in death. The vigil period is often spent building an elaborate method of capturing the escaping energies, both to protect onlookers when it comes and to allow the family to keep a small portion much as one might keep ashes. The contraption is modelled on the personality of the deceased, with some humble and others eccentric, and some even made entirely ineffectual in fond remembrance of the deceased’s disastrous inventions.

In the case of mixed-element partners, or other relations who wish to share a pillar, the post-vigil proceedings will depend on the involved parties’ individual wishes. Some choose to wholeheartedly embrace one or the other’s element, while others seek a compromise. For example, the pairing of an ice and plague dragon may choose to have their bodies frozen only once in a state of partial decay, or ask that they be frozen at such a temperature it burns their remains black.




The Founding

The Frostguard started life as a small Warden scouting party, tasked with investigating a rumoured crack in the outer walls of the Fortress of Ends.

Though the damage was initially believed to be only superficial, upon their arrival the team were horrified to discover that the crack in the permafrost was much deeper than had been reported. They decided to establish a small outpost in the nearby mountain range so as to better monitor the situation, but the weather quickly turned foul and within a matter of days they were cut off from their brethren.

Unprepared for the sudden isolation, their supplies quickly dwindled and slowly the party began to succumb to their circumstances; those who did not starve froze, having set out into the snow to try to find their way home only to become lost in the blizzard. The only two survivours were Star, the party's leader, and Orion, her mate, who had chosen to dig deeper into the cave they hid in rather than risk the storm. For days they stubbornly dug through the frozen rock, their bodies numb and slowly wasting, but salvation came when they broke through into an ancient network where they were able to better shelter from the cold and sustain themselves on the pale mosses that grew there.

When the storm finally passed, the two gathered what little strength they had left and prepared to return home, but when they stepped outside they discovered that the crack in the Fortress - which would come to be called 'The Breach' - had been broken open by the brutal winds. Already the creatures imprisonned inside were beginning to emerge, clawing at the thin break to try to tear it wider. Star decided then that they needed to stay and fend off whatever came through, and so paid a travelling Longneck to bring word back to the Wardens. However, days passed and no help came; her messages had been ignored. Instead hope came in the form of the vagabonds and outcasts who stumbled across The Breach one by one, many of them searching for new meaning. Word started to spread of a new home, a new purpose for the lost, and slowly their meagre ranks grew into a small but fiersome army. When the first monsters broke through The Breach, the Frostguard was ready to meet them.

The Fall of Ircail

Ircail was considered on of the Frostguard's most promising young warriors, hatched with a sword in her hand. (Really it was one of her brother's spines, but she wielded it all the same). Her fighting prowess was above that of any other dragon in her class, and so she was praised constantly by her teacher and peers. The greater her skill grew, so too did her ego, until she had convinced herself that no other dragon could compete with her. Though she boasted of being the clan's greatest warrior, her cockiness often caused her to endanger her fellow soldiers and Prime made the decision to pull her away from the front lines. This offended her deeply and in a bid to prove him wrong, she decided to enter the Breach to fight the monsters within. In the dead of the night, Ircail snuck away from the clan and fought her way through the monsters' defensive line.

The battle to reach the Breach was long and bloody, and by the time she stepped claw through the broken ice it was dawn. There she expected to meet an army, but once she was through she found only empty cells. The massive shelves of carved ice descended down into the Earth, past where the pale blue light struggling through the ice could reach. The shadows seemed to call to her, drawing her tired body and mind towards with welcoming whispers and a frozen warmth that slowed her and made her numb. Down and down she walked, then crawled, and then finally dragged herself until finally the shadows swallowed her, and there she found the light; soft and pale, two eyes tore open the darkness and, she felt, her very soul. Too cold, too exhausted to move, Ircail desperately called for them to come towards her but they did not move. For seemingly hours she cried out until her throat was raw and her voice was gone, and then at last when the last whisper left her they moved.

The little dragon that stepped towards her was unlike any that Ircail had seen before, her kind lost to the memories of the Fortress. Though her fur was warm, her eyes were cold and her smile was empty, almost like the jail that surrounded them. That emptiness grew, eating away all the warmth that Ircail had left, not just in her body but in her memories and mind. It consumed her until she was empty of everything but the cold, and then she died.

The next morning, Ircail's body was found at the mouth of the Breach, frozen in a blissful slumber. The monsters had receded, seemingly satisfied for the moment, giving the clan the rare chance to retrieve one of their fallen. Her brother, Hielo, grieved most of all to the extent that he lost himself in it. Trapped in denial, he stole away her body and took it to the necromancer, Diasera, who he begged to resurrect her. Diasera did as he asked, but rather than bringing her back whole and healthy she instead raised Ircail to be her servant, or at least tried to.

To Diasera's shock, when Ircail returned it was not as a mindless zombie, but as a lich; a rare form of undeath that could only be invoked by the most powerful elemental magics. In such a powerful form she could not be bound, and so Diasera was forced to flee from her own creation. At first Hielo rejoiced his sister's return, but his celebrations soon died when he saw that she was changed. There was no humour, no happiness left in her; nothing but a hollow shadow of her soul. That and knowledge on how to seal The Breach.

At Ircail's insistence they returned to the clan, and she began work on ending the war. Together with the magics of the clan's founders she was able to re-seal the ice and the clan fell into a period of peace. Though she was lauded for her achievement Ircail remained a shell of herself, taking up a post by The Breach to monitor for any sign of the seal fading. Hielo tried to join her but the longer he spent with her the better he realised that his sister was truly gone and the grief eventually corrupted him. Unable to cope with his loss any longer, he begged Ircail to release him, and she did.

The Harpy Wars

As the Froslands fell into a period of tenuous peace, the dragons of the Frostguard were able to turn their focus to more simple matters. New homes were built as many craved better comfort than the barracks, gradually expanding into the upper reaches of the mountain and then to the surface. Some even travelled further out, taking advantage of their newfound safety to establish settlements outside of the central mountain, including Coldbridge and Windbreak Refuge.

Unfortunately for the Frostguard, it wasn't long before news of the Breach's closure spread.

Bordering the territories that would eventually become the Froslands, the Tornfeather harpy tribe numbered among the largest harpy clans in the Southern Icefield. For many years their leader, Gaelia, had wanted to move her clan's overflowing population into the mountains that the Frostguard resided in, but she had not wanted to risk her people to the horrors of the Fortress. With the Breach sealed and the Frostguard still exhausted by over a decade of ongoing war, she saw her opportunity and took it.

Gaelia targeted the warrest steppes in her initial attack, sending only a small battalion to attack the new farmland being built there so as to draw the Frostguard's attention south, before she launched a larger assault to the North. With their forces suddenly split - something the Frostguard were not used to - the battle quickly fell one of into attrition. Gaelia was able to push their forces as far back as the Frosthold's gates before the fighting slowed into a brutal stalemate as the Frostguard were able to use their tunnels to quickly shuttle troops and supplies between the two fronts.

For two weeks the fighting continued with neither side gaining ground. Eventually the harpies pulled back from their active assault to instead form a blockade on both sides of the mountain in the hopes of starving the dragons out. With few other options, Star resorted to the same methods that had helped her survive to her clan's founding so long ago; together with some of the clan's strongest she started to dig, down below the harpy camps and towards the forests.

When Star at last reached Dryad's rest, she initially turned towards Snowblind Pass in hopes of flanking the forces at the Southern gate. However, on approach she realised that in the time that the Harpies had kept them pinned reinforcements had arrived, and their numbers were too great to take on with the few dragons she had with her. Instead she turned back and headed to Dryadhome, where a clan of Fey resided. These dragons, long separated out from worship of the Eleven to attune themselves better to Sornieth itself, had remained largely neutral through the years and had only ever joined in the war against the Breach when its horrors had walked within the borders of their forest. Though Star expected them to refuse to help as they had many times before, she felt there was no other option but to try. Much to her surprise, when she arrived she found their regents' guardian, Lattelious had been wounded by a Tornfeather scout and that the clan was already making preparations to enact their revenge. Star eagerly joined her forces to theirs, and together they were able to dismantle the Tornfeathers' southern camp.

With their troops freed from the southern gate, within the Frosthold Prime quickly redirected them to join their brethren to the North, and at last they were able to wholly rout the harpies. Scree soon after led her Pack in pursuit, their hunt finally ending once the remaining Tornfeather forces reached their clan's capital.

Though the Frostguard had successfully protected their home, the fighting unfortunately did not end there. With both sides thinned and worn, the battles that followed could better be described as petty skirmishes that littered the border between the clans.

For three years, the clans continued to bicker over their territories. In that time, many Tornfeathers began to grow weary of the unneccessary conflict their leader had brought upon them. These dissenters elected one among them to approach the Froslands in peace, though they were nearly turned away before Trifallia was able to convince her fellow founders to listen. The harpy, Haelin - Gaelia's own daughter - asked that the clan help her depose her mother in exchange for peace. Most of the founding members were reluctant, with only Trifallia voting in favour at first. Eventually she was able to sway Shy, Raion and Star to her cause, though this was still insufficient to pass the vote. After much more arguing she was still unable to gather more support, but her fellow founders did relent to turning a blind eye. This was enough for her, and she and Haelin set to work.

To this day, Trifallia still will not let her fellow Founders forget her plan's success, though it would be hard for them to do so if they tried. With Haelin imposed as new leader of the Tornfeather harpies, soon war between the clans became peace, and then a strong alliance. Ironically the borders between the clans have never been more blurred than they are now, as harpies and dragons integrate freely between the territories.

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