
Level 1 Spiral
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Crystalplate Stinger
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Energy: 0/50
This dragon’s natural inborn element is Light.
Female Spiral
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Personal Style


Light Aura
Golden Starswirl
Florid Ring
Gilded Compass
Luminous Sundrapes
Daybreak Decorations
Simple Gold Bracelets
Golden Silk Sash



Scene: Lightweaver's Domain


2.1 m
2.58 m
88.37 kg


Primary Gene
Secondary Gene
Tertiary Gene


May 10, 2020
(3 years)



Eye Type

Eye Type
Level 1 Spiral
EXP: 0 / 245




  • none



she + her + hers
Light Runestone
This dragon embarked on a trip across Sorneith during Brightshine Jubilee 2020 from June 21 to June 27. She is one of many who are traveling to various lairs and clans in the hopes of spreading love and joy to those they encounter. When it's over, she'll be able to look back at the adventures she had and dragons she met and remember the journey she went on.

✂ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Hekate tried not to fidget under the unreadable gaze of the Clawdaunt Convent's Advisor-Second.

The Advisor-Magus Emi had a talent for making any dragon uncomfortable. Filled with nervous energy as she was, Hekate had to fight the urge to apologize for wasting zir time and slink out of the room. But she stood her ground. She had to do this!

"Your quest," Emi said. "Explain to me. What is so important that you would ask for an exception to the rules?" Zir voice, dripping with disdain, told Hekate exactly what ze thought of exceptions.


Hekate glanced away, finally breaking eye contact. The chambers they met in were dressed in pink and purple finery—the colors of the Clawdaunt Convent's homeland. She blinked her own yellow eyes. She was still merely an initiate here—an outsider. That meant she wasn't trusted. But it also meant she bore important information. And if there was one thing she knew the Magi craved, it was information about the unfamiliar territory of the Sunbeam Ruins.

"Magus-Advisor Emi, I know I'm only an apprentice here. But I know the traditions of the Light flight. Clans are expected to show up during Brightshine Jubilee. And if we don't come out to celebrate, we'll only draw attention to ourselves, especially as new arrivals to the territory." More confident now, she drew herself up. "The best way to remain undetected is to blend in. I know the traditions. I can represent the Convent during this festival."

She held her breath. Emi's expression was impervious as always, but zir head was tilted to the side. Finally, ze said,

"Your case is compelling. I grant you one week's leave from the Convent grounds. But be warned, Hekate, that your actions will come under scrutiny. Actions that endanger this clan will result in expulsion."

"I understand." Hekate couldn't keep the squeak of excitement out of her voice. "Thank you, Magus! I won't disappoint you!"

✂ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


6RNCxQc.png A Wandering Journey pUGLfcB.png


Day One: AlmightyAmu, #345601

To call it 'culture shock' would have been an understatement. Compared to the Clawdaunt Convent, a secluded island of metal and strange machinery crossing the sky, the Meandering Market could not have appeared more strange. Hekate found herself momentarily lost, adrift through the crowds of people, running from nothing, coming and going as they pleased. In asking for her temporary leave from the Convent, she had traded the typical steel grays as well as the magenta draperies of her home for lively colored banners and even livelier personalities. It was one such personality that drew her from her musings,
"You there! Thank the Eleven one of the Lightweaver's children finally showed up! Come help me get this sunflower situation under control!"

The Coatl who had called her introduced herself as Lantana, the market's florist; if Hekate didn't feel like an outsider before, she certainly felt like one now. Lantana's little piece of the market was strewn with uprooted plants, some sunflowers and some not, piles of soil, empty pots, and a myriad of supplements Hekate could only assume were meant to promote plant growth. Gathered here was more plant life than she had ever seen in the Convent's garden, at least recently. Her lack of experience with the local flora would soon become an issue as she was asked, or rather told, to get to work potting the uprooted sunflowers.

When Hekate had spoken to Advisor-Second Emi before her excursion, she had promised zem that she was aware of the Light flight's typical festival customs, but never before had she anticipated gardening being a necessary skill. Out of her comfort zone, but not out of hope, the Spiral took up her tools and resolved to learn quickly. After all, she had faced down Emi for this time away! If she could handle zem, then she could handle this. How difficult could it be?

The answer, she learned after several blunt corrections from the florist, was very. Each plant had an unimaginable amount of nuance; sunflowers needed deep pots or their roots could never support them, but mosses needed wide pots so that they could spread and continue to grow. In planting a fungus, never fill the pot all the way full so that it can be easily covered and sheltered from the sun, but remember that for certain plants native to the Sunbeam Ruins, even a moment in the shade could be a death sentence.

Hekate knew not whether any of this was common knowledge to the average dragon and began to worry that she had stumbled upon the one dragon capable of finding out that her home was not what it seemed. Then she saw it. One of the uprooted plants in need of care just so happened to be a fire lily, the first plant to return to the Convent's garden after Gavi and Bismuth's tending, and one of the very few plants she was somewhat confident in tending at this point in the garden's recovery.

She went to work, selecting an average sized pot with the ability to drain itself should the plant be given too much water. The soil was mixed with sand to aid in drainage as well as a small bit of ash to help feed the flowers as they grew. She watered the newly homed flower and noted on the pot that it was not to be watered again for another week, just as she had learned upon the Convent. With Lantana's approval, her confidence grew and she began to notice more plants that were at least the slightest bit familiar to her.

There were starfall blossoms kept far away from the rest, due to their tendency to pop, and puckerberries kept far away from the rest, due to hatchlings' tendencies to pop them into their mouths. Since Hekate had seen precious little of these plants beyond the records the Convent kept of their own native flora, some assistance was required and given enthusiastically by Lantana, ecstatic to see that her impromptu student did have some floral aptitude after all.

A touch of lingering anxiety returned when Lantana began to guess where on Sornieth Hekate could have come from with such an oddly specific knowledge of just a few plants.
"Well you certainly weren't raised in the Sunbeam Ruins, I can tell you that! My first guess is the Starfall Isles, but even then, the way you handled that fire lily would be an outlier. Does someone in your clan happen to be a specialist? Either way, I've got something for you to take back home, wherever that might be!"

With a sigh of relief that her speculation was not meant to pry, Hekate watched the Coatl disappear, quickly placing a bundle of sunflowers upon her discarded tools, completing the delivery she had come to make in the first place. When Lantana next appeared, it was with a pot of her own, holding two pink flowers, large and round. These ones apparently grew well in both Arcane and Fire territories, the two areas Hekate had shown a mastery over during her time with the florist.

With a short goodbye and a list of plant care instructions that was significantly longer, Hekate was sent on her way to the next delivery. Perhaps it wouldn't be so difficult to blend in after all. Especially with hosts like these.

Pretty Pink Mums

Day Two: AquaEmperor, #491196

The flower was lucky it was shipped back to the Convent.

She could feel the icy cold creeping along her scales like tendrils of uncontrolled magic. It dipped between the gaps in the plating and chilled her deep into her bones. A mum like that wouldn't have survived a trip here, let alone when we got off this vehicle. Wrapped up in the supports of the back of the boat she suppressed a shudder. This cold was nothing like anything from Arcane or Light territories. It constantly threatened to freeze her into that spot until she had to tie herself tighter together. BbbbrrrrrrpEventually she heard the loud horn from the front of the boat like the bellow of a fanged feral beast chasing us from its territory (the boat). Suddenly the winds changed blowing the steam from the ferry straight into her face covering it with soot. She would be mad, but it warmed her up, so she was grateful. She got off with the other participants and they all began to fly, walk, and run in different directions. Soon she found herself alone on the strange docks, so she looked at her parchment.

The Frigid Flows, she found a marking on her sooty map. She had asked for directions to the lair from one of the ferry workers. They had looked at her with an odd almost confused expression, "Yeah, SilentSnow... They don't get many visitor, they are sorta recluses." They made a crude mark on her map as she quickly explained, "I'm with the other travelers, we are delivering for Brightshine Jubilee, as is the traditions of the festival" They let out a gruff laugh, "Well be careful there lass..." he then leaned back onto the boat, "Those folks celebratin other holidays other than their Icy-overlords is surprisin."

She turned her head towards the empty path in front of her. She opened her wings and began to fly over the flows, shuddering with the chilling air. It was far too cold to continue flying that high, so she lowered herself and watching the dark waves roll below her. The sea was turbulent and large wave formed rolling into the icy flows before crashing. The resultant icy droplets splashed onto her wings and face. So...cold..., she though flying slightly higher and her wings began to feel to heavy for her to flap. She then spotted a road marker, the first one in several meters. She landed onto the icy service, jumping talon to talon on the cold before settling and checking her parcel to make sure the flowers were still there.

"You are entering the Realm of Silent Snow: SilentSnow Settlement - 200 meters : Gaol Ruins - 367 meters : FrozenLake - 204 meters", the frosty sign ready in the soft moving clouds. It was still a distance, but you can make it. As you flew the day turned to night and clouds rolled in. It was hard to see, but she spotted a faint soft glowing through the clouds. She flew through the clouds and her breath hit her scales with a warm soon icy blast. She flew with her last strength towards the soothing bright orb. It was a familiar comfort, that light, though you couldn't figure out why. As the light grew bigger and bigger, you noticed it was several lights a whole village. A dragon was perched silently on a tall entry arch, his gaze ever bearing towards the sky as if he had expected you. He held an orb in his hands, the sort that floated around the territories of light. He saw her weary face and opened his wings, and the skydancer launched into the air. He guided you down to the local tavern and inn. It's sign was iced over and the paint had all but peeled off, as if they couldn't even afford that.

She woke with a start. It was late night but the chatter and the smells of the settlement awoke her. The skydancer was chattering with another younger dragon who was asking about... a glowing pocket bobble? She got up streatching her wings in the soft heat emitted from the glowing orbs. You smelt some delicious smoked Albino Dasher, a delicacy as it has to be smoked with the leaves of sunbeam figs and drizzled with its sap. The figs need to be grown only in sunlight with the deprivation of all other attributes. This was a dish only Light dragons would know, one you remember from long ago. The skydancer peered down at her as she got up, "Oh good your awake..." His voice was the distinct warm dialect of the Light Domain, but had hints of icy coldness that he got from his surroundings. "You passed out on the journey... I took it upon myself to find that you are in comfort, you are yes?" She nodded and spoke through chatters, "Ye-yes thank you".

"I have noticed you are a dragon of the Light clans, and as such I apologize for the whether, it can be quite hard to get used to", he let out a soft chuckle before looking out at the windows made of clear ice magic into the snow falling outside. "I welcome you to our little Brightshine Jubilee festivities", you glanced around at the lively room, but notice the small number of people actually living in this town. You could count 9 maybe 10 in the small room. He pulled her up suddenly causing her to let out a surprised yelp, "Here let me give you the tour." He took no noticed to her surprise and began shuttling her forwards, "Here we have some decorations and of course our great light puppets depicting her first children, the imperial, and their curse. Also the creation of Pearlcatchers as the redemption of the original failure." He motioned at the colourful puppets made of satin, the appeared to move on their own glittering with a recognizable type of magic known in the light realms. "Here is our lantern making and of course the light paint", two hatchlings were crafting crudely made lanterns whilst their guardian struggled to right them, the third hatchling was getting glittering golden paint markings, whilst a white bogsneak who was already decorated gave it to him. You noticed a skydancer with mottled appearance grinding up the baubles and mixing them with some home-made glitter to create the beautiful shining paint that stood out in the darkness. "We have many traditional cuisines, one I'm sure you must have smelled", he motioned towards the smoked insects served on large fig leaves, "feel free to grab one real quick as I have the last event to show you". She grabbed a fig leaf in her talons and headed towards the horned dragon who was sitting with two others near a pearl catcher.

"Oh hullo deary, my name is Auburn and I'm sure you have met Awen", the skydancer bowed at his name mentioned. Hekate smiled, "My name is Hekate, I've come to deliver these", and she pulled out these orange leaved sunflowers that seemed to glitter at the pearlcatchers touch. "Oh thank you deary... now you might be wondering who I am... I'm the lore keeper and as tradition of the Light clans,or so I'm told...", She said sending a glance at Awen, "I will recite my clans "scrolls" and tales to you! Do tell me though, what is your profession?" You were caught off guard at the question, but you responded politely. "I'm a mage, my lair hasn't been as active as of lately in the Sunbeam Ruins, but we are showing up to show good will and celebrate our dear deity", she said through a faked grin, now it wasn't a lie what she told, but it wasn't exactly the truth either. "Oh a mage, well my deary I have plenty of tales full of magic, come take a seat!"

"In the beginning, Icewarden fought tireless against shade. He chased it to every last corner determined to stamp out the vile beast, but as he chased part of it another part grew. It became too difficult for one diety, even in his almighty power, so he decided to create the Gaolers in assistance of finding such devils. The Gaolers were born with nothing but and urge to keep and maintain the shade. These noble dragons quickly spread from their origin of the fortress of ends to create many large prisons all in connection. One of those prisons being in connection with this very town, and owned by our own Grand-Warden Emperor."

Awen quickly chimed in, "Who so graciously allowed me to have this celebration even if it wasn't in the Icewarden's name!"

"Yes... Well the Gaolers while they may not of hand the Icewardens grand powers of creation, they did have something else... Ice Magic, created for its binding abilities and fierce relentlessness became a quick favourite for the Gaolers. Dragons not blessed by the Icewarden would find themselves trapped in impenetrable covering incapable of breaking unless under the will of an incredibly strong ice mage. This magic was specially crafted for one purpose and one purpose only, but innovation by the Gaolers allowed it to be imbued into their prison walls fortifying their territories, and this would stoke a later revolution in Ice architecture that we will not get to."

"One Gaoler seeing the over crowding and dangers of the creatures escaping from the Fortress of Ends traveled outwards into what used to be the middle ground of the Ice Territories, and what is now the Frigid Flows. There Jailer crafted a large underground system connected to the Fortress of Ends, and was a labyrinth in itself inescapable and only navigable by a Gaoler. This is known as the Icefall Preservatory, and is the foundation for this town. This town was originally crafted by Seekers looking for a place to stay when they are not on their next hunt. The small but modest town boasted a population of everyone in the... trade..."

Awen chimed in seemingly happily, but in a straight almost lack of tone voice, "Yes our village still serves a similar purpose and the Seekers who lived here before, still do, but right now they are on a tracking mission. The Seekers here will take anyone with a bounty and a crime they know is true, following the Word of Icewarden of course. They are still to this day considered one of the best, if not the best, Seeker Clan in the Sornieth "

Hekate found herself nervous, hopefully those ancient Gaolers aren't the ones being sent upon her clan. Hopefully these dragons do not recognize her face, they couldn't she wasn't involved in the crime, still...

"The true beginning of the SnowSilent Realm and as a name was the arrival of Grand-Warden Emperor, given Icewarden's direct honor. Emperor came to reinstate the prison and to release the Gaolers out into the world to restore its balance and demolish the fiends of this realm. She is an unwavering force, not guided by emotions, wants, or even needs. She began to expand the Preservatory, creating an above ground sector for those shade-tainted that are not inherently dangerous and can be preserved. The town experienced new growth and Emperor hired many to fill roles that were required. Others such as I came because of the old Gaol city that is in her Realm"

The pearlcatcher got up and stretched out her wings, "That is enough from me, go enjoy yourself dear traveler, you've earned it."



Day Three: RaiStarDragon, #361447

On the third day of BSJ2020 Hekate came by the meadows of the RaiStarDragon clan. Once a meager little plot has now expanded as far as the eye can see in either direction. While nestled close to the contested borderlands of the Nature flight and the beastclans the clan does it's best to live in harmony with the land and those that occupy both sides of the border. Quick to assist both dragon and beast the clan is a happy and friendly bunch (well, for the most part). The BSJ festivities begin with a breakfast feast at day break. Ripe fruits, cakes, colorful eggs, sizzling strips of meat and seared fish and crunchy insects adorn the tables at every den or tree house in the area. Pomegranate, the clan's party planner, bounces up to greet Hekate and suggests a multiple array of festivities the clan is holding in honor of the Lightbringer. "If you hurry you can reach the leeward side of the hill where the Prism Crocuses will be opening as soon as the light touches their petals, then there’s the giant sunflowers Hana is tending!" She continues on to other exciting events as well as some places to go for solitude or for later meals. "Don't forget your travel guide, Dewdrop. He'll give you the clan's history and answer any questions you may have. As the founder of this clan he knows a thing or two about the history though he does ramble on just a bit." She laughs as she points the little fae out who looks more like a firefly than a Nature clan progenitor. "We'll expect you back here at sundown. The clan has a special present they'd like to present to you before your rest and departure from our lands."

After a day of feasting and celebration Dewdrop leads Hekate back to the guest house set up at the base of an old oak tree standing tall in the middle of the meadow. "The house also stands for our clan meetings and regularly holds our celebrations. We are so pleased to have you with us. I promise the celebration won't go too late into the night. It is the light festival after all. And you will be leaving no later than the first thing in the morning if I'm not mistaken. So why don't you come inside and have some dinner with the rest of the clan. Everyone wants to wish you happy trails."

After dinner a furry tree, no a tundra that looks like a tree, comes over and presents a wrapped package to Hekate. "We hope that you have enjoyed your company here and ask that you take this as a reminder of your time here." RiverWillow bows and hands it over. "Safe travels!"


Day Four: quotesnmiracles, #360562

Her time was short at the grounds of nameless clan.

She wasn't unwelcome, not at all -- quite the opposite. She spent the most of her time in the library, with gentle, blindfolded skydancer with eyes on her wings -- she said her name was Shimmer and not once she gave the impression of actual blindness.

Hekate'd thought the blindfold were fake if she haven't known better.

At the end of the day her time here wasn't nearly enough -- but the clocks were ticking and she had to go.


Day Five: JayKatt, #272749

Hekate’s next destination was back at The Sunbeam Ruins, entering the home of a small clan called The Radiant Thunder. There was a warm energy resonating within the clan and it brought a smile to the young dragon’s face. A kind of glow radiated from the various decorations that were scattered about their home. “Hello there. You must be our visitor for today,” a kind voice greeted her before a glimmering Imperial approached her. Hekate nodded eagerly, “Y-yes sir! My name is Hekate.” The Imperial’s head tilted slightly and he gave a soft chuckle. “My name is Rasul. You are of Light descent... Feel free to mingle with the clan and join in on the festivities.” Hekate wasn’t sure why he’d said such a thing... But she was more than happy to meet some new dragons! Without giving it another thought, she clutched the flowers and zoomed off to interact with some of the other dragons in the clan.

The Spiral dragon was drawn toward two dragons who were chatting together over a few scrolls. She caught a snippet of the conversation and the mention of the sunflowers drew her in. "But you must agree, this Sunflower Soirée is unlike anything I've ever seen!" The female Imperial gushed, her hands clasped tightly together as she spoke. The male Skydancer chuckled and nodded, lifting his hand to tap his claw against one of the scrolls. "No... I didn't come to The Sunbeam Ruins prior, so I've never got to see such a thing with my own eyes," he replied with a grin, "It's magnificent!" Hekate's eyes gleamed as she approached and she chirped, "Aren't they lovely? Just looking at them brings a smile to my face!" Her voice made them both look up in surprise, and for a moment she was worried she had accidentally interrupted the wrong dragons. But the Imperial gasped softly, "You must be here to deliver the sunflowers! Hi! You're the first delivery dragon I've gotten to meet," she gushed, approaching with a happy little hop, "My name Savek, it's such a pleasure to meet you. And this is Everett." She motioned toward the Skydancer as she introduced him, who greeted Hekate with a smile. Hekate brightened considerably, "I'm Hekate!" Savek hopped back over to the scrolls and tapped them with the end of her tail. "Say... Would you mind telling me a bit about your experiences? Nephele and Morley will have tons to tell when they get back but... I wanna hear what an outsider has to say about their experiences traveling around during the Sunflower Soirée." Hekate wasn't sure who those two dragons were, but she was happy to oblige!

Hekate spoke in length about her travels, and her first time witnessing the brilliant fields of sunflowers with her own eyes. She was careful to avoid too many details about the clans she visited, and avoided telling much about her home clan, as that wasn't her information to share, but she was sure to talk about her first impressions about The Radiant Thunder! Both Everett and Savek took extensive notes and asked her all kinds of questions. "So, what are all these notes for anyway?" she inquired once they had finished. Everett chuckled, "Well! I'm documenting the various different traditions that each Flight, and even different cans, have for the various different festivals. Just for fun, for now, but perhaps I'll turn it into a book one of these days..." "And I'm the clan Historian! So I'm making sure to document every bit of our clan's first Brightshine Jubilee!" Savek finished with a wave of her long tail. Hekate nodded in understanding, wiggling her long form a bit as she did, "Those both sound so interesting," she remarked with a hum.

Everett whisked around and fluttered his wings, "Come on, then! Hotaru and Elvan are about to start tonight's performance!" He called as he set off toward the stage, which several dragons were already gathering around. Savek gasped, "Oh of course! C'mon, you'll love it, Hekate!" She wasn't sure what this performance was, but Hekate was excited nonetheless. She glided behind the other two dragons and sat close to them as a Fae and a Wildclaw took the stage. Hekate was enthralled by the two dragons, adorned in beautiful costumes decorated with sunflowers and gems. The put on a dazzling show, telling the story of the sunflowers that Lightweaver graced the lands with every Brightshine Jubilee. It was an amazing play, and Hekate eagerly tossed sunflowers onto the stage as the show concluded and applause rose into the air.

After the show had finished, Hekate prepared herself to leave. Stashing the gifts that Everett and Savek gave her, including a scroll they wrote about her day there, and a few snacks, she took off into the night sky. She left behind The Radiant Thunder buzzing with happiness from her interaction with the kind dragons, and excited to visit the next clan.

Florid Ring Scalescarab Forgotten Poet's Tools

Day Six: FluffyTundras, #235298

At first this place seemed abandoned. A grassy hill in the middle of the steppe with no signs of anyone living near it.

As she was aproaching, she saw a single Tundra, guarding a gaping hole in side of the hill. The dragon was looking clearly distressed.

"Hey", he said when he saw her. "Sorry for rather lukewarm welcome, but most of the clan is gone."

She insisted on a explanation and he provided one. After the visit of the previous traveler, some of the clan's familiars have disappeared.

"They're looking for them now", he explained. "Still, I can show you around. If you want."

Hekate spent the day wandering the empty caves, caverns and dens. Impressive? Maybe. Boring? Definitely. Her guide wasn't too talkative, though he certainly tried his best. She left her sunflowers and embarked on her journey earlier than she'd thought. There wasn't much to do here.


Day Seven: Enen16106, #484804

The clan here was shielded by the dense trees, but they didn’t provide the best protection. Hekate swooped down gracefully and perched on one of the trees, quietly inspecting the clan.

Most of them seemed to be not aware of Hekate’s presence. They bustled about with their daily lives, although Hekate noticed there was a healthy amount of sunflowers decorated everywhere. Most went in and out of the tent in the middle, bigger than all the other tents. Hekate couldn’t see what the structure was.


A loud scream came from the clearing. Startled, Hekate wrapped herself tightly to the branches of the trees, hoping that whatever the other dragons were screaming at was not going to notice her. The Arcane Flight was known for its strange creatures, after all. Was one of them attacking the clan now?

It was then that she noticed a few hatchlings, scrolls littered on the ground around them. Hekate could see that they were speaking in hushed whispers. Occasionally, one pointed at the direction of the Spiral, then they shuffled back, away from the trees and nearer to the centre of the clearing.

Nervously, Hekate checked her back for any monsters, but she was only greeted by empty trees. Confused, she turned back to the hatchlings. When she turned back, she saw the hatchlings widen their eyes and flaring their wings in evident alarm.

Oh, it’s me.

Hekate unwrapped herself and flew to the hatchlings, hoping to explain that she was no monster. However, the hatchlings started to scream.

Chaos erupted.

Hekate pressed her claws to her ears, wincing. One of the young drakes had already fainted. The others were starting to run, or a combination of running and flying, depending on their age, but the general idea was that the hatchlings were desperately trying to get away from her. There was one that was calling loudly, “Monster! Monster! RUN FOR YOUR LIVES!!!”

“No, I’m not-” Hekate was promptly cut off by the wails of the young dragons. She sighed, hoping that an adult dragon was going to come and stop this pandemonium.

“What’s going on?

A grey Coatl with golden drapes emerged from one of the bigger tents, looking at the hatchlings with confusion and a tinge of annoyance. She looked around, her feathers flattened.

“Monster,” whimpered one of the hatchlings, pointing to Hekate.

The Coatl towards her, and then suddenly her feathers perked up. Chuckling, she said, “Hatchlings! That is not a monster. That’s our last visitor. Remember drawing that banner? It’s for them.” The Coatl waved a claw at Hekate, who smiled uneasily.

The hatchlings blinked, then approached Hekate carefully. They gathered in a circle around Hekate, and one asked, “Are you the visitor?”

“Yes,” Hekate replied. She held up the sunflowers. “I’m Hekate.”

The hatchlings gazed at Hekate with reverence. Then, they started bombarding the Spiral.

“Where do you come from?”

“What do you do?”

“Is your favourite colour purple? Mine is!”

“Your camouflage is so cool!”

“Now, now.” The Coatl pushed the hatchlings gently to one side. “She needs to rest from her travels. Don’t you have scrolls to deliver, anyways?”

The hatchlings hurriedly picked up the scrolls on the ground, beamed at Hekate, and walked away to different tents.

“Sorry about that,” the Coatl said. “I’m Seryoga, hatchling caretaker.”

Hekate smiled warmly. “I’m Hekate, apprentice in the Clawdaunt Convent.”

“Clawdant Convent?” Seryoga echoed. “Wasn’t that part of the-”

Hekate shook her head quickly, remembering her conversation with Magus-Advisor Emi. “Um, no. Clawdaunt is the first name, and Convent is the middle. I’m an apprentice for Clawdaunt, I mean.”

Seryoga regarded Hekate with a sceptical look. After a while, she sighed. “All right, if that’s what you say. Come rest before you fly back home.”

The sun was beginning to set, bright yellow in a sky of purple, pink, and red. The blazing blue flowers of the Starwood Strand was beginning to emerge, lighting up the sky in a pale blue glow.

“Thank you,” Hekate said, bowing to Seryoga. “For everything.”

“No need.” Seryoga fingered the delicate petals of the sunflowers. “Thank you for this.”

Hekate beamed. “I guess the Jubilee is coming to an end.”

Seryoga nodded, returning the smile. “It is. If you want, you’re welcomed here anytime.”

Hekate shook her head, laughing. She knew that the Convent would send out someone they deemed more trust-worthy when the next Brightshine Jubilee is here. They wouldn’t allow her another week off. But Hekate will try.

As Hekate was about to take to the sky, she could hear the sounds of the hatchlings, bidding her farewell. Hekate chuckled, then she launched herself into the sky, towards the setting sun, going back to the hidden mechanical island that she called home.

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Exalting Hekate to the service of the Lightweaver will remove them from your lair forever. They will leave behind a small sum of riches that they have accumulated. This action is irreversible.

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  • Names must be longer than 2 characters.
  • Names must be no longer than 16 characters.
  • Names can only contain letters.
  • Names must be no longer than 16 characters.
  • Names can only contain letters.