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Personal Style


Summer Swelter
Marigold Flowerfall
Celestial Attendant
Golden Wing Silks
Golden Silk Sash
Golden Leg Silks
Ember Sylvan Dress
Golden Silk Veil
Golden Arm Silks
Golden Silk Scarf
Golden Tail Bangle


Skin: Eclipse the Sun



27.12 m
18.2 m
7878.77 kg


Primary Gene
Secondary Gene
Tertiary Gene


Jul 16, 2018
(5 years)



Eye Type

Eye Type
Level 5 Imperial
EXP: 76 / 5545





Likely staying
A horizontal vine, pale purple with oval-shaped leaves and pink flowers in shape of an arcane rune. In the center the vine wraps around a runestone in shape of an arcane rune.

A horizontal vine, pale purple with oval-shaped leaves and pink flower puds.


Two horizontal vines wrapping around each other, pale purple with oval-shaped leaves and pink flowers in shape of an arcane rune.


Feeniks was the oldest of her litter having two younger sisters. Their eggs were created way earlier than what they ended up hatching due to their mother Tina taking their eggs with her as she moved to the Great Furnace. The clan tried to get them back as soon as they realized that but it took months to convince the fire coatl that the pale coatl from who she tried to protect the eggs from was gone. It was a lie but it worked.

Being in fire domain for so long didn’t actually affect Feeniks or her sisters that much though Feeniks did have very fierce personality from a start. She was constantly in need of something to do, was rather impulsive and started arguing because of the smallest disagreement only to pass out once she had burned all the energy she had. That though was rarely anything worrying she usually waking up rather fast and being full of energy right away. While being out, however, she was not to be touched as if she noticed being dragged towards the healers she got offended and being slightly prone to violence most likely hit whoever was the unlucky one to be caught. She was naturally strong and a hit from her was enough to knock most smaller dragons out.

Feeniks though was not a violent dragon looking forward to beat someone else up. Instead she, upon getting old enough, started to join parties the clan held every now and then using her energy to have fun instead of fighting but in the heat of the moment she was more prone of getting offended. One night, when chatting with her clan mates listening Siren perform with Purukumi and Vaapukka, a tired looking spiral flew next to her. She asked Feeniks to give her some insects from higher up and Feeniks, being in the moment, was not happy to be told what to do and after being vocal for some time she passed out partly.

As she was recharging on the ground the spiral, Aspen, repeated her plead saying she was too short and tired to reach them with Feeniks as bigger dragon having been in the way. Feeniks starting to gain strength realized she had slightly overreacted and upon getting up she got the insects for Aspen though she didn’t bother apologizing. She continued playing a some kind of word game with Skugga when she noticed Aspen eating the insects with frustration Feeniks asking if that was normal for her. Aspen wasn’t in the mood to answer and Feeniks was not in the mood to listen to her tips about the game that causing her to lose marsh stalker to the ridgeback.

Aften the game was over Skugga left taking the prizes with her and Feeniks was left with Aspen but not before Skugga asked how Aspen was doing with June and Feeniks was fast to assume she had argued with her girlfriend. Aspen though was fast to correct that June was her sister and Feeniks felt rather stupid. The spiral said she was sick of her sister’s careless nature having been the one to keep her safe for years but June just didn't learn anything. Not really wanting to listen complaining Feeniks changed the topic after having gotten the answer for her question and the two got along nicely.

After the first meeting Aspen came to hang out with Feeniks a lot and though finding it a bit irritating she was slightly amused by spiral’s bravery to hold her back. Feeniks had accidentally hurt Afrodite when she had fallen on her though the skydancer had survived without major injuries. She had not been happy and the two had started arguing Aspen having demanded Feeniks to stop before she fell again possibly hurting the skydancer or someone else badly. Feeniks, having been in the flow of the fight, turned to argue with Aspen falling after having her energy depleted only to laugh about Aspen having been right after recovering.

Feeniks wasn’t sure if it was Aspen getting sick of her constant passing outness but one warm evening she gave Feeniks a golden comet companion saying it would maintain Feeniks’ energy level absorbing it when she was ”too” full and releasing it when she was getting tired. Whether or not that was true didn’t really matter for Feeniks but she accepted the gift anyway. What Aspen said seemed to be the case Feeniks having less energy to bother fighting over small misunderstanding that were rather common for Feeniks and the following nights she was able to party without falling a single time on some poor small dragon.

The comet made Feeniks’ night more pleasant she not needing to take unwanted naps every hour and she was able to enjoy them better. She though started to think if she should share some of the energy with Aspen the spiral looking like having not slept since the Third Age ended. She assumed things with her sister were not going so well and one night Aspen came to Feeniks’ nest saying she'd spend the day in there seemingly angry not wanting to reply when Feeniks tried to ask about her sister.

Aspen spent the following nights and days with Feeniks eventually telling that her big brother Nobu was a manipulative dragon Feeniks having argued with him few times having found that manipulative attitude annoying. However, June didn’t seem to understand that he was dangerous no matter how many times Aspen had told her and that went to other dragons as well referring to the one mysterious figure that had turned Tropi from fae to nocturne. Feeniks had heard of the incident and had assumed that the victim would have started to fear other dragons after that but according to Aspen the opposite had happened and she feared something bad would happen to her sister and/or Tropi due to Nobu, or someone else.

There were no parties being organized Aspen and June usually doing that being apart now and Feeniks spent her time chatting with Aspen who had tied herself around her face silk. Few nights later June and Tropi came to meet them June asking what had gotten to Aspen who ignored the two dragons fully Feeniks noticing Tropi giving mean looks to the spiral. June plead for her pretending to be deaf sister to reply for some time before Feeniks, realizing she didn’t want to listen her whining, asked Aspen to reply. She did but June immediately countered her answer with her own, naive take, and Aspen flew away.

Feeniks followed Aspen finding her near the edge of the lair having buried her hear in arms. She hoped June would understand without anything terrible needing to happen and Feeniks hoped the same. Feeniks listened as Aspen monologued keeping an eye on the clan noticing June and Tropi approaching Nobu. Aspen did not like hearing that and barely knowing where the dragons were she flied between Feeniks’ antlers and ordered her to rush to the scene, and Feeniks hoped to get reason to hit the annoying pearlcatcher as they started moving. Feeniks supported Aspen when other dragons were gaslighting her. She was about to start fighting with Nobu but before she could say how he was drop of shadow deity's drool Aspen asked her to carry the smaller dragons away and smelling sibling argument approaching she did that.

Feeniks had carried the smaller dragons far enough to not hear or see Nobu due to plants in the way and before long Aspen joined them. Feeniks, being unfamiliar with sibling arguments her sisters having left to serve their deity having never been close to her, decided to not listen and kept an eye on Nobu seeing him behind other dragons. However Aspen mentioning how he had tried to poison her familiar when they had been younger caught Feeniks’ attention and she turned to see Aspen reaching her breaking point. The spiral then left and Feeniks starting to get tired of all the drama went to seek Skugga to play a game. She found Aspen in her nest when coming to sleep after the night.

Aspen decided to stay with Feeniks and didn’t talk with her sister until their brothers died after which she was rather quiet and only slept with Feeniks. Once things started to calm down in Aspen’s life she started to hang out with Feeniks again they organizing some parties for clan to have fun. She seemed to get along with June again eventually but stayed with Feeniks the two having started to live together. Feeniks was sure she would start missing the little noodle sleeping being tied to her antlers.

Small pile of pink petals.

Life was peaceful Feeniks enjoying parties when those were organized. Occasionally she helped the spiral sisters they starting to get along again to get those organized. Other than that she didn't do much useful either just gossiping, playing or fighting depending on who she ended up encountering any given moment. If there were no parties Feeniks would join gatherings and rarer projects though that was mostly to hang out with someone rather than to do some actual work.

The year's nature holiday was over and Feeniks was excited to wait the days get longer and the nights to warm up but the fate decided that summer would not be that nice. As the dragon world was approaching the light holiday some space creatures arrived to the lair being followed by clan's familiars turning hostile. That wasn't that huge of a shock for Feeniks her comet companion being unaffected but she still found herself encountering some annoying pets avoiding noteworthy injuries. However, soon after familiars became feral some dragons started to do so as well Silence attacking a plague clan the threat of war following. That caused leaders to forbid all the unnecessary events those including the casual parties.

With no parties allowed Feeniks found herself bored to tears often ending up arguing with someone due to the situation making everyone tense. The plague dragons visiting the lair being there to investigate, or more correctly ready to strike from inside, were also a nuisance Feeniks finding herself with a flu in the middle of the summer due to an argument she had with one. If it wasn't for Aspen she could have ended in far more fights and gotten way sicker.

Weeks later the situation with the plague clan was solved and Feeniks was expecting things in the lair to return normal. However, the familiars remained hostile as did the few dragons, party ban remained and arcane House Cup came and went nothing in the lair changing. Things started to change soon after the House Cup but to the wrong direction the leaders vanishing that being followed by an earthquake it creating a wall around the lair. The earth walls was finished by lush trees at the top they blocking the Sun, and the heat, from reaching the lair.

Feeniks was annoyed by the turn of events and more so after she saw her father Glade among the dragons having created the wall he no doubt being the one to grow the trees. Feeniks knew her father as unbearable dragon, which was why he had been turned into a king parda for months, but that was new low for him. He had joined a group that had caused the misfortunes for the past weeks and who was trying to summon the Shade.

Feeniks was not much scared as she was annoyed and she really wanted to punch any of the four dragons planning to do the summoning rite, mostly her father but all of them would have been nice too. Aspen was with Feeniks trying to figure out what they could do to stop the idiots she not liking the idea of beating them up Feeniks understanding why she thought so. Finding any of the four was hard they being who knew where most of the time and even if they were to be found reaching the magically and criminally powerful airheads was about same as surviving a dive into the Great Furnace as nature dragon with no safe spells.

Feeniks was watching as the madmen turned Milla into a mind-controlled monster as a warning to everyone else saying that would happen to anyone who opposed them while everyone who worked with them would have their wishes granted. The life was already unbearable in the lair but then Saana just had to start falsely claim others as enemy of the high heads. Feeniks had never liked the pearlcatcher and their arguments were among the most plentiful when it came to common arguments. She could not find the madmen but Saana was easy to find, she really wanted to hit someone and she had reason to do so.

Feeniks confronted Saana like they had done in the past they both starting to bash each other as they met. Unlike most other times the pearlcatcher started to ran away when Feeniks tried to grab her whiskers she usually trying to pull her beard in return. Feeniks was not letting the pearlhugger to get away and followed her to Megabrain, an alchemist being one of the madmen, claiming Feeniks was threat to their plan. Having the fae so close Feeniks saw her chance at hitting him but the barely big enough to see dragon was able to shower the her with something before she could even get close to slapping the fly.

Feeniks later woke up in healing offices feeling a bit fuzzy like after having partied too much. She was able to connect the dots and was rather amused of having fallen into Saana's not so subtle plan so blindly. She shared that with Aspen after she came to check her some time after a foreign dragons had given a status update. They told she had been a flamerest fiendcat for some time she having missed the battle to capture the high heads because of that. Aspen had looked tired when she had arrived and wanting finally be the one to order the other to rest Feeniks hold Aspen from the tail as she tried to leave forcing her to rest now and not later. After they started to recover they helped with cleaning the lair and once that was done they had a party to celebrate the return of normal life Feeniks partying until passing out. She had missed that so.

Small pile of pink petals.

The clan life was nicely peaceful following the Summoning Incident, excluding that time Pahatar tried to take over the clan by manipulating dreams. Feeniks was annoyed that she had slept past few nights and she was double annoyed when she noticed the high heads came back. There though was not much she could do that night and she just got herself up to date with what had happened and joined a gathering group because she had nothing else to do. After that the life remained normal.

It was over a year since the high heads had come back and thus far they had not done anything, yet. Something though happened just before earth’s holiday as the leaders decided to increase defense and warn the clan about bounty hunters. They though did not tell why and that quite annoyed Feeniks. On the positive side things within lair remained quite normal, unlike when the high heads caused grey hairs for those who had hairs. The clan was kept in lockdown for almost two months and Feeniks was certain either Shadow and Sapny had decided to organize Summoning Incident part two or Pahatar was cooking up something. Neither turned out to be correct. Three residents had just managed to get bounties on their head, they were from Pahatar, and if someone in lair was causing problems then that was Naru. The young, kind of cocky mage had somehow managed to anger clan’s guardian spirits and she ran away when they called her out on something she was doing. The clan life returned to normal sometime after that.

Feeniks had never been that into clan’s five guardian spirits, they just felt rather pointless to her and whenever the clan talked about them she dozed off. She should have stayed alert when the guardians had demanded Naru’s exile as after that Aspen, who also wasn’t that into the guardians, got very into the spirits. It was after ice’s holiday when she gathered Feeniks, June and Tropi to same place and suggested they organized an event or party for the guardian spirits. June was very much with her sister while Feeniks and Tropi found themselves on the same side, not against but not that into either. The idea though was nice and at least Feeniks was ready to help, party was party no matter why it was organized after all.

The guardians had certain roles and the group tried to incorporate them to the event, somehow. That though turned out to be rather difficult as they didn’t really fit together, especially the swan spirit as the guardian of the dead was hard to make fit with the others without killing the mood totally, and the unicorn spirit as guardian of life and death was also massive pain. Those two remained as the mood killers even after few nights when the group had managed to figure something out. Around that time June brought Sagwa into their group and Feeniks had to resist the urge to tease the overly superstitious tundra. She found her luck rituals quite annoying, and she did them often.

Feeniks had expected Sagwa to be anything but useful to their little project but she ended up being the one to solve their little problem. She agreed that the themes of the guardians didn’t really fit together, Idja and Ealga maybe but not the others, and she suggested that they expanded the party from one night to five, one for each guardian. Feeniks wasn’t sure if she tolerated five nights of spiritual nonsense, though she liked an extended holiday. Better yet the party was supposed to be gathering-free which meant five nights of not needing to work. The group kept brainstorming when the event was supposed to be held, it ended up being middle of May, and what kind of activities each night should have. Those ended up being related to the specialties of the guardians and that meant the middle night, dedicated to Idja, was to be Feeniks’ least favorite. She didn’t have many dead relatives or friends, except her father but no one talked about him, and a night meant for remembering the dead was a massive mood killer for her. Meanwhile Aspen had lost her brother and having a night dedicated remembering him was important for her so Feeniks kept her complains inside.

The group had honed the holiday for weeks, Feeniks as the emotional support mostly, and they started to feel like they were ready to share the idea with the rest of the clan. The problem though was how they were going to do that. They could have brought that up during one of the boring conferences, the update ones, but they were not sure if they should ask around before that. They at the very least needed leaders’ permission, and they could be huge killjoys, and they probably should as Kupari too so they didn’t anger the guardians by accident. Feeniks didn’t believe they could do much to them but others seemed more worried and she didn’t want to end up arguing with Sagwa who very much believed the guardians could do a lot of bad if angered. The little furball could curse her if she got mad, or she sent her companions to ruin her clothes.

The group discussed how they were going to reveal their plan to the clan and Aspen especially wanted it to be a surprise to everyone, or at least most. She also wanted it to have its own dedicated conference so just bringing it during update conference was also out of question. That was sad as it would have made the next update conference much more interesting, they were normally such a snooze fest for Feeniks. They could have asked Svecica just announce that they were having a conference but leaders and especially Karmiini might not like if one was organized without their knowledge. That though gave Aspen an idea of how to organize the surprise conference with minimal dragons knowing beforehand; nepotism.

Aspen and June were daughters of Karmiini, clan’s judge and chairdragon, and in theory they could try convince her to organize the conference since the old pearlcatcher was ultimately the one to decide if conferences were held. The spiral though was a bit worried if things would go that smoothly since she barely interacted with her parents but Feeniks assured her that things would go great. On the positive side the chairdragon was very unlikely to share their plan with outsiders even if she denied the conference idea. Aspen and Feeniks went to the courtroom to talk with Karmiini but she was not there. She had gone out and Tropi had managed to see her go to the bathhouse.

Easiest solution was to wait the pearlcatcher to come back but Aspen very much wanted to talk with her alone, and waiting her to come out risked someone else hearing their little plan. She decided to sneak into the bathhouse and talk with Karmiini while in there. She was the smallest and most sensible one out of their group and thus if someone was to do some sneaking it was her. June could not help stopping to talk with others, Tropi had the same problem, Sagwa was a bit too big to sneak effectively and Feeniks was an imperial. Their biggest problem was to get past Tarantula who ran the spa and charged even the locals. It was not big prize and frankly Feeniks and Aspen could have gone in as couple to get discount but neither was in mood to pay for a bath they didn’t want. They decided that Feeniks would distract the pearlcatcher to allow Aspen sneak past him and with that the imperial stepped in the bathhouse.

Feeniks didn’t quite like Tarantula, he was a bit too flamboyant for her taste. Still, she decided to tolerate the pearlcatcher to allow her girlfriend make her dream true. Planning though was not her strengths and as she stepped into the building she struggled to start a conversation with the smaller dragon as she had not thought how to keep him occupied. They ended up talking about the most boring topic, next to weather, and that was how had the business been. After they had talked about that for some time, and Feeniks felt Aspen walk over her toes, she had an idea of how to pull Tarantula away from the lobby and she asked for a runic reading from him. She did not believe he had much competence in that field but while there she might as well try it and, assuming it took a while, it would give Aspen easy time to sneak out once she was done. Feeniks paid for the joke and the two went to the upper floor.

Aspen had already gotten out once Feeniks was done with her session. It was nothing special, Tarantula had just talked something about supporting the partner and so on. Meanwhile Aspen had managed to get the conference organized, it was to be held in two nights. The spiral seemed a bit stressed and Feeniks took her to their nest to calm down. The next night they spent preparing for the conference and the night after that they went to wait for the clan to arrive after they asked Svecica to call everyone to the courtroom. Aspen was the one to do the talking, it was her dream project after all, and she seemed unusually nervous as they waited. Feeniks assured her that everything would go well. Sure, it was her first time talking to the entire clan like that, and they had not informed leaders beforehand, but the old spiral knew how to talk and she had her mother look her back, literally.

Once everyone was present Karmiini called Aspen forth and she explained what she had thought for the clan with her friends. The presentation went well and after it was over the clan was silent. Feeniks glanced to the dragons behind her and she saw few nodding. Karmiini proceeded to ask opinions from important dragons and as expected Tinker wasn’t that sure about the ”no gathering” aspect. The clan though offered to do double work if they could get the five nights gathering free. Feeniks was not sure if she liked that but she didn’t dare to speak against it. Tinker eventually accepted the ”no gathering” thing but Morgana did not allow nights without work, surprise to no one. The guardian was a known killjoy and she was not giving up on her demand to have some kind work during the festive nights. After a long debate the clan reached a compromise and that was to have the clan clean places related to night’s theme. Feeniks hated cleaning but if that was the price to pay for the festival she was willing to pay it. They had spent so much time on it already.

The clan was excited about the five-night festival and the event organizers got to work Feeniks lending a hand for Aspen. They had less than month to prepare, and though the two spirals were experienced when it came to party organizing it was still a lot of work for them. Aspen and Feeniks focused on the menu of the nights, June and Tropi dealt with decorations and Sagwa with rituals, and Feeniks’ fire roots came clear in how good she was with burning food. She was very bad chef and she mostly just focused on getting ingredients and being the test taster as she was omnivore.

The festival turned out to be great even if it was a bit rough around the edges. It took place between water and nature holidays and after those there were the anniversary of dragonkind followed by light’s and lightning's holiday with the House Cup between them. The clan usually had small parties for the global events and both Feeniks and Aspen had their endurance tested during that timeframe. Feeniks was feeling awesomely exhausted when there finally was a bit longer break and she dragged Aspen to the bathhouse to relax. The spiral was very happy about the festival of the five, clan’s own special event, and she was excited to organize it again next year. Feeniks shared her excitement. The festival would be the biggest annual event they had, only Starfall Celebration came anywhere close, and Feeniks was all for big events.

Small pile of pink petals.

Greyish purple stone frame filled with pink glowing runes. Inside it a shooting star, pale pink on dark pink background.

A pink curly bracket opening down. In the top center there is a pink glass arcane rune.
Name origin:
"Feeniks" means "phoenix" in Finnish.
Inspiration was her warm colors.

A pink curly bracket opening up.

Two horizontal vines wrapping around each other, pale purple with oval-shaped leaves and pink flowers in shape of an arcane rune.


Feeniks is an arcane imperial with brown body having darker mask and stripes on her legs and orange belly and leg scales. Her wings are naturally bright orange but she has recolored them with a spell that makes them dark reddish brown with cool eclipse pattern on the elbow. The same spell also turns her scales more reflective making them almost white when light hits them from right angle and turns her twisted and branched antlers from pale to dark brown with bark like texture. Her mane is wild, her tail tuft is long and she has small beard about the same length as her claws. Her claws though are long. Her eyes are common pink.

Feeniks loves warm colors and dancing and she loves when her clothes do the same. She wears loose orange dress and golden silks decorating her wings, face, legs, tail, neck and waist most of them decorated with sequins to echo her movement better. Along with those she has marigold petals and blades of grass flying around her having about the same route as the golden comet that maintains Feeniks’ energy level. They all fall down when she is asleep and start flying again once she wakes up.

Feeniks has flaming strong, confident and energetic voice. She is fast speaker and outspoken dragon who usually speaks first and thinks what she said the following evening and when angry she can be very rude. She has strong Egyptian accent.

Small pile of pink petals.

Feeniks is confident and stubborn hot head full of energy that can burst out all kinds of impulsive acts if not kept in check. She is prone to take risks and act violently if she feels being opposed and due to her impulsiveness she does that a lot. If her energy level is kept in check she can act more calmly and less destructively but without that she is fast to hit either with words or claws and rarely feels sorry for that afterwards. However, if someone managed to get connected to her she is almost irreplaceable company being fierce defender of her close ones meant that arguments or real battles.

Feeniks is a social dragon always seen where dragons come to hang out to have some fun. She loves parties and hot summer nights and something is considered to be seriously wrong if she doesn’t show up during hot nights or in parties. She is hard party animal having a lot of energy to dance, argue, gossip and chat only to pass out once her energy is depleted and continuing like nothing happened once she gets back up. She is usually looking to have fun and doesn’t care about others’ drama or problems in the heat of the moment and her inner flame may ignite if someone dares to bring them to her to deal with. However, with being her unstable energy level maintained by an outside source her burn outs and impulsive attacks are not as common as they would be otherwise. She though still hates drama if she is asked to participate. As observer she stands them better.

Feeniks doesn’t hate pets or companions but she has very little interest towards them and thus she has chosen to be without familiars. She is sure she would hurt them anyway either when being mad or by accident. However, she calls her insentient comet Sun like it could hear her. In Actuality it is just an enchanted orb with some shards following it.

Small pile of pink petals.

Feeniks’ egg was taken away from the arcane domain soon after being laid and due to that her magical skills are extremely lacking. She can’t use any spells but she can breath pink fire that has nothing common with actual fire other than basic look. It doesn’t burn nor does it do anything except light the area temporarily. Feeniks, however, is physically very strong even without training and can take on heavier dragons on a battle and do great if the other isn’t a battle expert or a powerful mage. She can also stand heat very well.
A horizontal vine, pale purple with oval-shaped leaves and pink flowers in shape of an arcane rune.

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