Level 1 Skydancer
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Personal Style

3.64 m
5.25 m
839.44 kg
Eye Type
Level 1 Skydancer
EXP: 0 / 245

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- SnowSwirl
- Ahmed
- Ahava
Backstory: Amora had been born in the Fortress of Ends. Amora’s parents, Coral and Snowlake were loyal followers of the Icewarden. Like most ice dragons, Amora’s parents were very unemotional and preferred to collect and catalogue artifacts rather than spend time with other dragons. Coral and Snowlake didn’t love each other and only mated to please the Icewarden. Although, Amora wasn’t anything like her parents. The young skydancer loved to sing and was gifted with the ability to read minds (although she kept her telepathic abilities a secret from everyone). She loved reading fairytales about love and adventure. As hatchling, Amora had planned to leave home and travel across Sornieth, making money off of her singing abilities. However, the Icewarden loved to hear Amora sing and began to fall in love with the young skydancer. Amora could read the Icewarden’s mind so she knew how badly he wanted her. The young skydancer had thought of the Icewarden as a father so she was disgusted by his unnatural love for her. Once the skydancer reached adulthood, she planned to leave the Southern Icefieldd for good. Amora’s parents could care less, but the Icewarden forbid Amora from leaving the Fortress of Ends. Countless times, Amora tried to escape from the Southern Icefields, but each attempt ended in failure. After each attempt the Icewarden board up another window and seal another exit and pretty soon, Amora’s own bedroom had become a prison. Amora stopped eating during in those cold days of imprisonment. She refused to sing for the Icewarden and eventually stopped singing entirely. The Icewarden brought Amora many gifts of fine food, clothing, and other trinkets. Although, none of these gifts brought life back to Amora as the Icewarden desperately hoped. However, the Icewarden did give Amora a baby parda that he had found frozen in the ice. Amora trained the parda to give coded messages asking for help to some of the merchant dragons visiting the Fortress of Ends. Amora doubted anyone would come to help her though. A month later in the Sea of a Thousand Currents, Zowzu happened to be walking on the shoreline. Maruna—the dragon Zowzu had a crush on since he was a hatchling—had kissed Drax the other day. Zowzu was feeling very defeated and hurt. As Zowzu was walking, Swipp ran into the bogsneak dragon. Swipp noticed the glum look on Zowzu and instantly took it as a marketing opportunity. For some time in the world of merchants, Amora’s letter had been seen as a useless jumble of words and numbers scribbled onto a sheet of paper. However, the Tidelord himself had prophesied that whoever cracked the letter’s code would find his or her true love. Swipp had payed a hefty price for the letter, not because he wanted a soul mate, but because he figured others dragons would be willing to trade anything for it. After hearing about the prophecy, Zowzu reluctantly spent a thousand treasure for the letter. Fortunately, it didn’t take Zowzu long before he cracked the code. Once Zowzu learned a skydancer named Amora needed help, Zowzu and his familiar, Avocado set out to rescue Amora. Maruna and Drax wanted to come along with Zowzu, but Zowzu turned them down. In truth, Zowzu could hardly bare to be around the happy couple. The bogsneak barely made it to the Fortress of Ends alive, but made it nonetheless. Once Zowzu arrived at the Icewarden’s palace, the bogsneak dragon claimed to be a powerful healer who could fix Amora. The Icewarden happily brought Zowzu to Amora. For a while, Zowzu had worried Amora’s letter was just a hoax or that the skydancer had perished in the Fortress of Ends long ago. However, once Zowzu saw Amora all of his doubts disappeared. The skydancer dragon was clearly malnourished, but still the most beautiful dragon he had ever seen. Unbeknownst to the Icewarden, every time Zowzu went to “treat” Amora, the two dragons were planning their daring escape. Zowzu wasn’t a fighter, but he did know how to make sleeping potions. One night, Zowzu put sleeping potions into the Fortress of Ends’ guards’ food and by morning, Zowzu, Avocado, Amora and Amora’s familiar, Cleonis had slipped out of the Fortress of Ends. The Icewarden began one of the worst blizzards in history in order to prevent Amora from getting far. In the mists of the blizzard, Zowzu almost died of hypothermia. Fortunately, Drax had foreseen Zowzu dying in the Southern Icefield and had rallied the Aquafire Clan to send a search party for Zowzu. The Aquafire Clan’s search party quickly found Zowzu, Amora and their familiars and brought them to the Tsunami Flats. Zowzu and Amora healed quickly with the help of Neo’s and Maruna’s powers. Although once Amora was fully recovered, Zowzu knew the skydancer wouldn’t want to stay in Tsunami Flats for the rest of her life. So Zowzu told Amora that he would fund Amora’s musical tours around Sornieth (with the money he had gotten from selling Amora’s letter, which was still pretty valuable since the buyers didn’t know the code had been already cracked). Now, Amora had known Zowzu loved her for a very long time since she could read minds (an ability she confessed to Zowzu she had at the Fortress of Ends. Once Amora knew Zowzu was willing to let her go, she fell in love with the bogsneak dragon. Amora told Zowzu she planned on staying in the Tsunami Flats because she knew their were other dragons like her trapped within the far reaches of Sornieth and she could help those dragons best within the Aquafire Clan.
Personality: Amora is a breath of fresh air. She is very friendly, kind and caring. The skydancer is very good at reading other dragons and will occasionally respond to their inner thoughts out loud. She loves hatchlings and is like a mother to many of the dragons in the Aquafire Clan. Like Zowzu, Amora loves read and learn new things about the world. Amora can’t stand being in small and enclosed spaces because they remind her of her prison in the Forttress of Ends.
Clan Position: Diplomat/Interrogator/Hatchling Caretaker/Singer
Soul Mate: Zowzu
Familiar: Amora has taken care of Cleonis since the parda was a mere kitten. Cleonis can’t talk, but she can communicate with Amora telepathically. Cleonis is Amora’s best friend and cheers up the skydancer when she is feeling down. Cleonis’s chirps compliment Amora voice very well so the two enjoy making music together.
Original Appearance:
Personality: Amora is a breath of fresh air. She is very friendly, kind and caring. The skydancer is very good at reading other dragons and will occasionally respond to their inner thoughts out loud. She loves hatchlings and is like a mother to many of the dragons in the Aquafire Clan. Like Zowzu, Amora loves read and learn new things about the world. Amora can’t stand being in small and enclosed spaces because they remind her of her prison in the Forttress of Ends.
Clan Position: Diplomat/Interrogator/Hatchling Caretaker/Singer
Soul Mate: Zowzu
Familiar: Amora has taken care of Cleonis since the parda was a mere kitten. Cleonis can’t talk, but she can communicate with Amora telepathically. Cleonis is Amora’s best friend and cheers up the skydancer when she is feeling down. Cleonis’s chirps compliment Amora voice very well so the two enjoy making music together.
Original Appearance:

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Exalting Amora to the service of the Tidelord will remove them from your lair forever. They will leave behind a small sum of riches that they have accumulated. This action is irreversible.
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