Level 1 Bogsneak
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Personal Style

7.57 m
7.68 m
987.7 kg
Eye Type
Level 1 Bogsneak
EXP: 0 / 245

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Backstory: Amora had been trying to have children with Zowzu for a long time. Maruna had checked both Zowzu and Amora to see why they were unable to produce offspring. The guardian, healer dragon discovered that the Icewarden had placed a curse on Amora that prevented her from having any hatchlings. Maruna and Neo used all of their knowledge of healing and Gladekeeper-given powers to reverse Amora’s curse, but they were unsuccessful. Callora even tried using her dark magic on Amora, but even that didn’t work. Amora had come to except the fact that she would never be able to have children. Zowzu reassured Amora that he didn’t care if she could bring forth any hatchlings, he would love her anyway. Although, Amora could read the bogsneak’s thoughts. She knew Zowzu had fantasized about what their children would look like and the bogsneak now held onto a heavy sadness, despite the fact he never let it show. Watching over other dragons hatchlings was bittersweet to Amora because she loved many of hatchlings she babysat, but the hatchlings reminded her of what she couldn’t have. Although all of that began to change, when Amora woke up one morning feeling oddly...heavier. Amora tried to shake the strange feeling and go about her normally day activities. However, when Amora passed by the Aquafire Clan’s nesting ground, the urge to lay down was undeniable. Amora laided down in one of the nests and laided three eggs. Amora was utterly shocked. She shouted for Zowzu. The bogsneak dragon ran to Amora and upon seeing the eggs, he cried. Amora and Zowzu weren’t sure how the curse had been broken, but they were to happy to care. They decorated their nest with countless toys, wind chimes and silky blankets like any good skydancer parents. When the eggs finally hatched, Zowzu and Amora were overjoyed. They had three beautiful daughters named Zura, Pepper and Sahara. As the days passed, Zura and Pepper showed their talents pretty quickly. Zura and Pepper had Amora’s incredible singing abilities and both decided to leave the clan to become professional singers. Now, Sahara didn’t find her talent right of the bat. Sahara wasn’t good at singing, but she could read minds like her mother. Zowzu encouraged Sahara to find her own passion, not her parents’ passions. Around the time Sahara reached adolescence, she realized that she loved dancing. Although, not the kind of dancing you would see on stage or at a party. No. Sahara preferred dance fighting; a rthymic way to battle to the sound of music. Sahara also discovered she liked using dance to distract her enemies.
Personality: Sahara can be pretty sassy. She loves shiny things and cares deeply about fashion. The bogsneak dragon is very social and often the life of the party. Although, Sahara is very smart like father and a lot smarter than she let’s on to be. Sahara is ashamed of her intelligence, she just prefers to keep her weapons hidden and play coy until it no longer benefits her
Clan Postion: Dance Fighter/Interrogator/The Guard Distractor
Soul Mate: Winterstar
Familiar: Nula is the daughter of Cleonis and Avocado. None of the dragons in the Aquafire Clan are really sure how a parda and a buttersnake could create a manticore, but it happened...somehow. Nula is Sahara’s dance partner and best friend. Nula, being a manticore who cares deeply about fashion, often gives Sahara tons of fashion advice. The manticore and bogsneak dragon stay up late most nights, chatting about the latest gossip in the Aquafire Clan.
Original Appearance:
Personality: Sahara can be pretty sassy. She loves shiny things and cares deeply about fashion. The bogsneak dragon is very social and often the life of the party. Although, Sahara is very smart like father and a lot smarter than she let’s on to be. Sahara is ashamed of her intelligence, she just prefers to keep her weapons hidden and play coy until it no longer benefits her
Clan Postion: Dance Fighter/Interrogator/The Guard Distractor
Soul Mate: Winterstar
Familiar: Nula is the daughter of Cleonis and Avocado. None of the dragons in the Aquafire Clan are really sure how a parda and a buttersnake could create a manticore, but it happened...somehow. Nula is Sahara’s dance partner and best friend. Nula, being a manticore who cares deeply about fashion, often gives Sahara tons of fashion advice. The manticore and bogsneak dragon stay up late most nights, chatting about the latest gossip in the Aquafire Clan.
Original Appearance:

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Exalting Sahara to the service of the Tidelord will remove them from your lair forever. They will leave behind a small sum of riches that they have accumulated. This action is irreversible.
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