Level 1 Skydancer
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Personal Style

3.17 m
3.89 m
383.67 kg
Eye Type
Level 1 Skydancer
EXP: 0 / 245


Not all who wander are lost
Not all who wander are lost
A note from the original owner, O1iviaDragon: Feel to change this girl’s genes, dress her up, breed/ship her with one of your own dragons, and/or draw pictures for her! All I ask is that you mention your clan’s name when you are writing lore for her and put your username in parenthesis right next to your clan’s name. Ex.) the Aquafire Clan (O1iviaDragon)
Chapter One
Lola grew up in the Aquafire Clan with four other siblings named Dantris, Lazriel, Peach and Esmeralda. The hatchlings were quintuplets and—despite their vastly different personalities—were virtually inseparable.
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While the quintuplets had been watching lightning streak across the sky, Lazriel spotted an imperial dragon flying through the dark clouds. He quickly pointed the dragon out to his other siblings. The hatchlings watched in horror as the poor imperial struggle to stay in the air and eventually plummeted into the sea. “We have to make sure that imperial dragon is alright!” Lola yelled over a clap of thunder. The rest of the quintuplets exchanged a few worried glances. They had always been told to stay inside when the weather was this bad. “Guys, that imperial could be drowning right now!” Lola pleaded to her siblings. After a long pause, Dantris said, “We have to at least try.” One by one, the quintuplets agreed to go search for the imperial and together, they left their den behind and plunged to the ocean. Since the quintuplets had been born and raised in the Aquafire Clan, they had been swimming long before they could walk. To say the very least, the quintuplets were excellent swimmers. Although, they were slowed down quite a bit by the huge waves. A lightning bolt zigzagged right by Lazriel (which may or may not have caused to him release some...fluids into the water). Fortunately, the quintuplets did find the imperial and managed to bring the large dragon to shore. The imperial had passed out, but still alive (and breathing again after the hatchlings jumped onto her stomach a few times). The hatchlings looked after the imperial until she woke up. Once awake, the imperial dragon told the quintuplets that her name was Fantasia and that she was a traveler from a distant land.
Fantasia told the hatchlings about numerous dragons she had met and clan’s she had seen during her travels. All of the quintuplets had been fascinated by Fantasia’s stories, but Lola had been the most eager to hear them. When Fantasia bid the quintuplets farewell for the last time and took to the skies to find a new clan, Lola knew she wanted to be a traveler just like Fantasia. Once Fantasia was out of sight, Lola ran back the den and proudly announced at the top of her lungs to her somewhat startled parents that she was going to travel all over Sornieth.
Not long after Lola’s siblings set off to follow their own dreams, Lola stuffed her meager belongings into her satchel and said goodbye to her friends and family. Then, Lola spread her wings, leaped into the air, and began her journey.

Chapter Two
Clan Improbable (seige)
Lola reached into the niche in the rocks intending to trace the pine needle embroidery when a thick woody stem wrapped firmly around her arm. “Laz!! Help, please.”
Laz rounded the corner of the path to see his sister fighting to loosen the grip of the stem, “Stop fighting, Lola. That only tightens the grip.”
A green and gold male Fae settled into a neat landing near them. “What’s all the ruckus about? I’m Sterling of Clan Improbable (seige). Can I help you in some way?”
Lola shook her arm again, “You can get this attack weed off me.”
Sterling shook his head, “I think not, Audrey only grips for one reason. You were reaching into the Grotto without the proper purification rituals, weren’t you?”
Laz stepped in, “Sir, she meant no harm and did not understand the nature of the space or the artifacts. If Audrey would let my sister go, I can assure she will be more respectful in the future.”
Lola was huffing and tensing, her anger visibly increasing. Laz was making shushing motions to her.
Sterling walked to the Strangler and stroked the leaves, “Such a good girl, Audrey. The Stormcatcher smiles on you and we thank you for guarding his Grotto. You can let the intruder go now.” When the Fae had been praising the plant an almost audible purring like noise could be heard from the shifting of the leaves. But upon being told to let its prize go, a terse rattling grew louder. “I understand, dear.” Sterling cleared his throat and turned to Lola, “Audrey would like an apology. As a Grotto Guard she is the farthest thing from a weed. She was doing her job, and you had no reason to insult her.”
“Apologize? To a plant??? Are you mad? Laz, fetch a knife and cut this thing off me.”
Laz reached a wing around his sister’s mouth and hissed in her ear, “Apologize or this may be as much of the world you see for a while. I’ll explain later.”
Lola grumbled and looked at Sterling, “I am very . . . “
“I’m not the one you insulted, “ Sterling interrupted.
Lola sighed and rolled her eyes at her nodding brother. She looked at the plant, “I am very sorry, Audrey. You are obviously not a weed.”
The Strangler’s grip loosened. Sterling resumed crooning to Audrey. Laz checked Lola’s arm, “No damage. Scared you more than it hurt you.”
Sterling gave a last smile to the Strangler, “I’m not convinced of your sincerity, but Audrey is satisfied. Would you like to join Clan Improbable for a meal?”
“Thank you, but no. We need to continue our journey.”
“But, Lola . . . “
“I think I’ve seen enough here, Laz.”
Sterling ruffled his frills, “Very well, safe travels then. I might advise you to refrain from touching what is not yours.”
Lola began to sputter, unable to form coherent words.
“And excellent advice that is,” Laz smoothly interrupted as he led his smoldering sister away.
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