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Personal Style


Cyan Flair Scarf




1.55 m
1.44 m
2.84 kg


Primary Gene
Secondary Gene
Tertiary Gene


Nov 03, 2016
(7 years)



Eye Type

Eye Type
Level 15 Fae
EXP: 28587 / 60881
Might Fragment
Acuity Fragment


Former Lightning Ambassador

Uh-oh, looks like this glowing gem wandered a little too far from her home lair (Fantivity, 541094), and now she's off to see the world! If you ever feel the urge to exalt, she'd really appreciate it if you could just return her to the 'Dragons Off to See the World' thread as Fantivity can’t usually house her. If you don't want another traveler in return, you can also drop her off at the Traveling Dragon Rest Hub!

If you'd like to adopt her as a permanent member of your lair, please let Fantivity know!

Starting Lore:
Once the Lightning Ambassador for a clan, Static is now off to see the world - and maybe one day return with new knowledge to share with her new clan! Her experiences would be told to anyone who met her and one day revisit them again.


Adventure Records:

roses, 60631

After passing through a check-in with Nevara, the head of clan security, Static was lead directly to their clan leader for a somewhat lukewarm welcome.

It wasn't that the clan was unfriendly to travelers, exactly. They accepted their coming and going on a semi-regular basis and were willing to let them stay as long as they needed. But Varsha was a fearsome leader, one who had been betrayed by those she held most dear, and she was not going to let a stranger take advantage of the clan's general kindness.

Thankfully, after her interview, Varsha trusted her, and she was given a general tour of the lair and a room to sleep. She was shocked at how warm it was, seeing as their clan was nestled between the Snowsquall Tundra and the beginnings of the Cloudscape Crags. Apparently they had quite the tinkerer, Narcissus, who, while he often caused trouble, kept their caverns well lit, warm, and cosy with the help of the clan's scientist and mage, Beta.

Static found a comfort in Narcissus' presence, as his work took so much inspiration from her own home flight. More than anything, she found it kind of funny that they hadn't already met before, as he often met with clan ambassadors. But with a move ahead of them, he hadn't had much time. She was happy to share some of her memories of home and her work as an ambassador with him, and he listened attentively. Many Ice Flight ambassadors she'd met were not nearly as friendly, hurt deeply by Lightning's damage to the Frigid Floes, but Narcissus just seemed to shake it off. She supposed he had to, as he appreciated their advancements in technology.

She'd managed to come at a rather strange time, as the clan was moving from the Southern Icefield to the Tangled Wood, delaying her travels exponentially. They did offer her an out, but she declined, curious to see the move with her own eyes. She'd never been involved in one before.

As the clan hustled and bustled to adjust to the life in the Wispwillow Grove, some dragons sought throughout the area for a safe and open space to build their homes. Narcissus, naturally, was horribly busy with the process, having to rig all of his setups all over again. When she offered to help, he waved her off, tears forming in his eyes as he shook his head with embarrassment. It wasn't often he formed deep connections, busy with his work and a bit of a bother to many. "You're a great friend. Maybe you can visit again someday?"

Smiling gently, Static nodded. "Hopefully someday, when I go back to my role as an ambassador. And I hope to have many more stories to share. Get back to work, okay?"

She pushed back her own emotions, picking up her bag with both excitement and a heavy heart.


xCosmicRabbit, 95765

With aching heart and weary wings, she set off on her own into the mysteries of the Tangled Wood. For such a dark place, bright lights flickered to and fro, dancing behind trees and bobbing always ahead, indistinct and out of reach. She was astonished by the fungi and fauna that lit the floor of the Wood, glowing in blues and purples, pulsating softly when she fluttered past. But it quickly became clear, as vast and deep and beautiful as the Wood was, it was also... disquieting.

The distant calls of foreign beasts and birds seemed to spin around her, far away and far too close, keeping time with the pulsing of the fungi... and before she knew it she wasn't sure which way she'd come from. The branches were so thick and tangled, and she felt as if she was being followed, somehow. She began to hurry, following what paths she could, branches nicking her wings and the frills on her face, the woods around her spinning her in circles! Her heartbeat was slamming against her ribs. Something was chasing her, she could hear it! It sounded like it was... laughing? That was worse than screaming!

She fled into a clearing and her small body slammed into the legs of an impossibly tall, dark figure, clad in armor. In a panic she scrambled back! But the figure she'd slammed into didn't move, aside from a flick of a long, furred tail. Was this the one...? She pulled herself upright, panting for breath, warily backing up - until she caught a glimpse of movement. A small Fae, glowing in vibrant shades of purple and blue, popped up over the back of the Imperial and in a flurry of concerned fin movements was all aflutter making sure she wasn't badly hurt. She introduced herself as Orla, Matron of Clan Mellori, and her Imperial friend as Cirsium, though he only nodded in acknowledgement. Static found herself pulled up atop his back as he began a stately walk through the Tangled Wood.

They... weren't so scary as she had first thought!

She was brought back to their den, a roomy cavern dug down beneath a hidden entrance made of thick, glowing brambles. Once inside, she was awash in warmth and safety and the friendly nature of the clan. She stayed with them for quite some time, helping them to arrange a network of small lanterns that lit the dim pathways through the den, bottled lightning in a sense as far as they were concerned. She missed Narcissus, but the pang became smaller, quieter, as she found work to keep her busy and a friendly clan to learn from.

They really were an interesting bunch.

The longer she stayed, the more her pain dulled, the more she looked forward to Israphel's stories around the clan fire, the more she was fascinated by the medicines and tinctures Vryko brewed with her own claws, the more she explored the library archive. There was so much to see and do. But distantly, she recalled she had work to be doing elsewhere. She had so much more to see.

Static knew now how to safely pass through the Tangled Wood and how to navigate when she couldn't be sure of the stars. She'd learned so much in her time with Clan Mellori, but... even though it hurt, it was time to continue her journey.

Orla placed a strand of flowers around her neck, fins fluttering sadly as she asked in her tiny, raspy voice, "Won't you come see us again?"


Lightsun68, 453341

Static made her way out of the Tangled Wood and into the jungles and swamps and wetlands of the Viridian Labyrinth. There she found a gorgeous lair hidden in the dense tropical forest. She met many dragons and made new friends, but learned that the clan's current leader, Lightsun, was not a blood relative of the clan's original founders. She stayed only a short time before saying goodbye to those she'd befriended.


ZippoFeuer, 385984

Static continued her travels and found herself in the woodlands of continental Arcane territory, in a small community that seemed to be in the middle of nowhere at all. Five buildings total, it seemed only one was large enough to host more than one or two dragons. She fluttered through the village, unable to convince herself to stay the night - this couldn't be a place that had any need for a dragon of her diplomatic skills! Looking for a sign, to see if the outpost was named, she read Faewood.

She paused, listened. The silence was almost frightening. She looked around, flew up to the great building. Mosslight Inn, it was called. From within, she could hear the sounds of civilization, however muted. So she pushed through the door, looking about. A few dragons sat at tables and the innkeeper was behind the counter. He called, "Welcome, welcome! Please, come and sit!"

Slowly, she approached. "One night's board, please."

"Of course, of course," he replied, nodding, "right this way. Arthfael, keep watch, yeah?"

Stepping into her room and looking around, she murmured to herself, "...It's too quiet here."

"Hmm?" Lazzaro answered. At her quizzical look, he continued, "This is a small place, and the people that pass through here are strangers to each other and to us. Don't trouble yourself about it, friend."

"But even in the smallest communities, the residents who stay are able to talk to one another," she objected.

"Ah..." He looked almost ashamed at that. "I suppose... I suppose most of us are strangers to each other as well."

"I suppose that needs to be fixed." It came out harsher than she'd meant it to, but it was true. "You'll forgive me for saying so, but as an ambassador, it's strange to find myself in a community that is not a community at all; that is, instead, a loose collection of unfamiliar faces."

"An ambassador?" he asked, brightening. Then he processed the rest of what she'd said and looked sheepish again. "How should I go about making a community?"

"You're an innkeeper, are you not?" she asked, nonplussed. "Surely you know the first step. You're not so different from me; you're an ambassador of hospitality." He nodded, but she wasn't sure he'd really understood. "Play the part."

She bade him good night, and in the morning prepared to set off again. "If I should return," she said as she counted out her coins onto the counter, "I expect to find this place less of a stranger to itself."

"You shall not be disappointed if you should return, my friend."


KingVulture, 437722

The little electric Fae found herself on the borderlands between the Plague and Shadow territories where she came by a new clan with a diverse number of a dragons. She checked into their Travelers Lodge and met travelers like herself from different background with their own stories to tell. She got on particularly well with Tobias, one of the employees of the Lodge, who was genuine and pleasant.

But she received terrible news while she was there; her old clan had met its downfall and was disappearing. The news distressed her, but she tried to promise herself that, no matter what happened, there would be a new place to call home.


Dragondiva, 464319

Static's travels took her back to Arcane lands, where she was welcomed as a guest of outright strange, weird, and odd dragons. The clan founder, Aragona, spotted her among the many guests, and warned her that her future was unpredictable and that she would possibly end up in a clan that would go dormant. On top of the bad news that had actually befallen her old clan, Static didn't want to hear predictions of doom that might not even occur. For the rest of her stay, she ignored the clan founder and focused on the adventures she'd have.


KnightOfAres, 367955

After departing the Arcane lands, Static traveled to the heart of Plague territory, where she was the guest of some horror dragons. Fearful, Static tried only to speak to the clan's travelers and former travelers. She met Ella, who was calm and nice to be around. They passed the night together and in the morning Static flew into the sky in search of a new clan.


Fantivity, 541094

Static flew right smack into a fellow traveler, Ris, as she arrived at Clan Burning Fantasies. She was surprised to meet a merfae in a land of Wind and Fire, but upon reflection, she supposed it was unsurprising; the Water Flight was nearby. After exchanging apologies, they went to get settled in the clan. They had a lot of fun making new friends, and they grew close and had a nest together. One of their sons, Kohaku, was born with Multi-Gaze. Static took this as a sign that he was destined to serve the Flamecaller. He stayed with Clan Burning Fantasies when she and Ris went their separate ways. His brother, Pisces, also set out for a new home.


Hyzenthlaay, 452562

She wandered into the desolate Earth territory and happen to find a clan nearby who had rooms for travelers like herself. She met many like her from all sorts of backgrounds, making a few friends. But Static wasn't planning to stay for long and the next day flew off into the blue sky.



The wind guided her from Earth to Ice, into a clan which welcomed her without hesitation. She was placed in a residence near the clan founder, who was intrigued by her previous ambassadorship. He asked for all of her stories as an ambassador and offered her a position as their Lightning representative. She wanted to continue her travels and turned down the offer with regret.


Slatinus, 549575

Static returned to the Starwood Strand with the goal of revisiting Faewood, but instead she stepped onto lands owned by a different clan. She was stopped by a heavily-scarred, pinkish-white Pearlcatcher, Cika, who explained she was the Starshell clan's part-time border patrol. She further explained that Static had trespassed, and took her to see her leader, Truthon. The Starshell clan was located above the clouds, on an island full of caves, with dragons residing in each and every corner. Even as her trepidation mounted, Static was intrigued by how clean and tidy the place was.

Truthon, however, was not impressed by her; he saw strangers or travelers as suspicious or, if trustworthy, people to be put to use. Truthon designated a tiny place for her and ordered her to the combat center as punishment for her trespass. She hadn't been trying to overstep, and this was the first clan where her debt could not be paid with stories from her ambassadorship.

She took her place at the back of a group of about twenty dragons, all arranged in an intricate order, and quailed when she saw the combat instructor: Lunarean, a massive black Ridgeback, even more battle-scarred than Cika. Once he'd split everyone into groups, he approached her, and she was sure she was in trouble.

But he gave her a calm simple welcome. That helped immensely, and Static did her best in training. It was something she'd neglected in her travels and no other clan had rectified it either. So she settled in, making friends with her fellow students and the clan's residents. Still, it annoyed her that she was the only traveler being put to work in such a manner.

Then one day she happened to overhear a Spiral complaining of being a lone artist traveler. Static broke off her training and approached the Spiral, Ramen, who lit up when she realized she wasn't alone. It pleased Static, too.

After a long while, Static was asked if she intended to stay in Starshell long-term, but she decided that she was not done traveling.


sgkat, 158838

Static came to the Sunbeam Lanternhouse, where she was showered with hospitality - a nice change of pace from Starshell's regimented training. She got to experience a variety of different events - she got to witness performances from the dance troupe and try her claw at different crafts in the artists' commune; she got to explore the Meadow. But perhaps best of all, she got to chat with Burak, the clan's Lightning ambassador. He had an engineer's mind and was keen to talk shop with her.

After a thoroughly satisfactory stay, she decided there was much more to see and bade her hosts a heartfelt farewell.


UmbraCrow, 166731

Checking her map once again Static couldn't help but tilt her frills in confusion. How in all the world could a giant conifer tree grow in the middle of the Reclaimer's Glacier, and not be on any known map. She shifted her wings and dove down, catching wind under her wings as she floated around the large tree towering far above the ice sheet, and to her surprise the tree was growing right out of the side of a ravine. On the other side of the ravine was an observatory with a fae and a spiral flying around it with some odd tools and gear in their hands. Static drifted closer to the duo only to jump back when a third much larger dragon poked their head into view. She eased a bit upon seeing it was just a ridgeback carrying more tools.

"Ah, Hello?" Static tried to get the attention of everybody, "I'm looking for a Moonbleeder clan, do you know where that is?"

"Yer lookin' at it," The ridgeback shrugged and gestured towards the ravine beneath Static's talons.

She looked down to find a hustle and bustle of a town square like place down in the bottom of the ice.

"Pretty neat huh?" The spiral swirled under her and make Static leap form her scales for a moment. "Oh sorry, i'm Gemini, i work with Sagittarius here in the observatory," he paused as he looked back at the building where the ridgeback was perching on the telescope, Static could swear that Gemini's face was paler when he turned back to her, "it's getting some repairs done right now though..." His head swiveled back to stare at the ridgy again before he zipped over and started hitting the behemoth of a dragon with a screwdriver. The ridgeback was unphased by this.

"Hello, i'm Sagittarius," The fae finally came around and introduced herself, her frills pointed up in delight.

"The name's Static, do you know where the clan leader is? I'd like to meet with them."

"Oh of course, he should be in his office right now, come come I'll show you the way," Sagittarius dove into the ravine and flared out her wings into a coast once she got midway down, Static followed suit and soon they were gliding side by side. They flew into a doorway carved from the glacier, with doors swung open to let in the cold air.

Inside sat a young imperial who crouched over a table and scribbled some notes down on a booklet in her talons. Her tail was arched in an odd way as a perculiar fae used it as a perch. the fae's wings were weighted down by bloodred icicles, and spiney bones poked out of their ragged clothes.

"I do believe the mirrors need to be facing a certain way," the fae spoke, his monotone voice wavering with some audible annoyance.

the imperial groaned so deeply that Static couldn't help but keep an eye on the ceiling. To her surprise there weren't any stray icicles in the large hall. "Moonbleeder, this schematic is extremely hard to read since it was drawn by a fae, i need like, 17 glasses on to be able to read your tiny scribblings," the imperial's voice echoes around the room as she flexed her wings and stood up. "Maybe have a line of dragons that will scrawl this bigger for me."

"Garatia," Sagittarius spoke up, "I can help you work on the blueprint with you. Moonbleeder, we have a visitor looking to speak with you."

Static landed and gave the odd fae a quick bow, "I'm Static, pleased to meet you."

"Oh-ho-ho! A traveler from another clan i suppose? Elder Umbra's Wayward Inn brings so many new folk to this area. What brings you here my fellow fae?" Moonbleeder didn't take a breath to introduce himself and spoke with a very chipper voice, which was very un-fae-like.

"Ah well her Inn did sound enticing, but I'm really here to learn more about how dragons of the lightning flight go about being ambassadors for their clan," Static was sure to keep her frills up in a neutral, 'happy' pose.

Garatia and Sagittarius exchanged a couple glances before Moonbleeder burst out lughting, gesturing to the two present ambassadors, "Well i'm delighted in telling you we have twenty-four ambassasors here in my clan, I'm sure Sagittarius and Garatia here and take you to meet Terawatt. Garatia you're dismissed, take the blueprints with you." Moonbleeder lept from his perch on the imp's tail before fluttering off deeper into the cave.

The imperial quietly curled up the papers before wrapping them up in twine, "Well i suppose we should head back to the observatory then."

"Oh of course, i'll have Larimar make extra hot chocolate for us all," Sagittarius' frills were splayed out in an ecstatic way, she them motioned for Static to follow as she took off toward the door.

The flight back to the observatory felt a lot shorter, and Static was delighted to be taken inside the structure to warm up and get to meet a handful of the ambassadors. Static learned that while Larimar wasn't an ambassador he is a very integral part of Sagittarius and Gemini's team, and helps keep the two Arcane Ambassadors from getting into too much trouble.

Terawatt, the Ridgeback that had spooked Static when she first arrived, was milling about the kitchenette and messing with the toaster. Static supposed that something must have been wrong with it, and the other faes present were bummed about not being able to share 'honey wafers' with her.

Garatia explained that what the others called 'honey wafers' were actually a hybrid food of waffles and pancakes that can easily be thrown into a toaster, as the aforementioned arcane ambassadors can completely forget to eat food sometimes and will fall back on quick snacks to keep themselves going. But after going over that nonsense (as Garatia put it) the group turned to discussing the chicken scratch scribblings on the observatory blueprints.

Static held onto her cup of hot cocoa as she watched Garatia and Sagittarius go over the measurements, but rather than absorbing the information Static was happy to watch how the two dragonesses got along and keep the conversation easy going. They seemed to get along even though they came from very different backgrounds. Observing them as a fly on the wall was good for Static, but she still wanted to learn more about what it was like to be an ambassador, so after staying for two more mugs of hot cocoa she took off into the world again.


sneesnaw, 341988
Static had flown quite far before she landed to rest her tired wings. She was back in the Shadow Territory, though she was in a different part of it now. Static soon noticed floating lanterns lining what appeared to be a path into the Willow Trees, signifying she had made it to Wispwillow Grove. Tired and sore, she decided to follow the pathway. Eventually, the leaves of the tree moved aside, revealing an area underneath it's large canopy - one teeming with dragons of all sizes as well as more of those floating lanterns.

Static hadn't meant to get distracted and run into someone, but she did. Stumbling, Static quickly regained her footing before looking up and seeing an elderly grey guardian with a pink and black fae perched upon one of his folded wings. Concern showed upon the fae's crest immediately as she fluttered down to assess the damage. "I'm terribly sorry! We weren't watching where we were going, are you hurt at all?" Despite her voice being the same tone as Static's own - as well as every other fae- Static could detect true worry behind the words. She shook her head and smiled warmly. "It was just as much my fault, I was distracted by the beauty of the lanterns. My name is Static, I used to be a Lightning Ambassador but I'm afraid my clan is no more"

The Guardian and Fae seemed to converse quietly for a moment before the elder fae turned back to Static. "My name is Cypress, this is my mate Apep. You are more than welcome to stay with out clan as long as you'd like, i'm sure the other Ambassadors would love to meet you. Our Lightning Ambassador ended up deserting us." The Fae had said, pulling Static up with her to perch upon Apep's wings. Once he was sure they wouldn't fall, Apep turned and led Static into the village of Hollowshade.

"Here is the Inn, do not be frightened by Lethe, they're harmless. If you feel distressed, simply ask for Voiken and tell him that we sent you." Apep said as Cypress helped Static down. Static had done just that, meeting Voiken despite not being distressed - it was a rare time he was out of his office. He had waived her fees for as long as she were to stay and showed her to her room. After a short rest, there was a knock on her door. Lethe had come to tell Static that Cypress and Apep have called all of the clan's Ambassadors together for a meeting, and wish to include her.

Static nodded and soon was met by several other dragons, of many different species. This included a coatl with a dark plumage that seemed to have literal Fire showing from inside who introduced herself as Samhain, the Fire Ambassador ; an imperial wrapped in starry silks who introduced herself as Erilys, the Water ambassador ; a pink imperial who introduced himself as Salang, the Arcane Ambassador ; A snapper (who she originally thought was a statue despite the glowing runes) that introduced herself as Marceline and who was the Earth Ambassador despite being the only one without any apparel representing their element. Another pink imperial was next to introduce herself as Angelica, the Light Ambassador.

Following Angelica was a small fae perched upon Angelica's antler, one that she could have sworn was an ice sculpture but was, in fact, a living being. He reluctantly introduced himself as Boreas, the Ice Ambassador. He looked down upon her the entire time he spoke. A skydancer who looked she belonged among the trees warmly greeted her, introducing herself as the Nature Ambassador aptly named Forest. Finally, an imperial who was tan in color greeted her with a bright smile. Static found out her name was Artemis and that she was the Wind Ambassador. Feeling a tad overwhelmed at all the new faces, Static perched beside Cypress upon Apep's wings once more. "It would appear you are missing three Ambassadors, not counting Lightning. Though, being that you are a shadow clan I suppose you don't need a shadow Ambassador. And having a beastclan Ambassador is optional. However, I am surprised you don't yet have a plague Ambassador given how many plague dragons reside here." Static said, offering her opinion.

After the meeting concluded, Static returned to her room to rest before taking off early in the morning, just as the sun was rising. She wasn't yet ready to settle down, she had much more to learn and see.


LumeDeus, 668263

Flying high in the blue sky, searching for a new adventure, Static spotted the bright town at the edges of Lightweaver's lands. With a Golden building shining bright in the sun catching her eye, she had decided to make it her next stop away from homeland.
She had slowly flown towards the land, touching down upon elegant tiles surrounding the golden building she saw from the sky. Only moments later a dragon emerged from the building and she was greeted by the cream Banescale and Lume leader, Ophanim. She was surprised by his kindness as his face was rather broody, but it didn't take her long before she realised it was but a front and the Banescale was rather warm and welcoming. Ophanim had invited her inside the building explaining it was the staple of their town, the Grand chapel where many wonders and other dragons resided. At first, he showed her around it, guiding her past many a corridors and rooms where she could see all kinds of magnificent things. There were rooms meant for different knowledge and art, even entire areas dedicated to just one. She even saw some dragons at work in their respective field, most of them greeted her but some were so invested in their work they didn’t hear her and Ophanim talk, let alone could they look at her and talk themselves.
After a while, Ophanim was called to his leader duties and the briefing tour was over. Static was shown to her room by a guard dragon named Marlais where she could get comfortable and rest after her long flight. She was also given a small map so she could make her way around the large building and the town if she so chose.
When the guard left, she could properly take in the room, noticing that just as the chapel was the room was rather grand as well. An enormous bed, with veils providing some shelter from the sheer size of the room, was taunting her, but she chose to enjoy that later and instead explore the chapel further. Over the next few days she spent time in the library and studied some of the books on the town’s magic and history, enjoyed studying the various art pieces round the Chapel as well as the creation of them and even got to listen to a lesson about astronomy. Of course the time spent in the room was nice as well, the bed provided some of the best sleep she has ever had.
Most of the days she remained there were spent exploring the town’s specialties. At last she enjoyed the town's weekly feast where all the dragons from even beyond Lume come with their bounty and treasures to gather. They all ate and drank till their bellies were full, they sang and played to the tunes of the bard dragons and shared their stories, some new some of the olden days. Together they fed Static new knowledge to take on her way and some very delicious meals between it.
The morning after, with her satchel full of food, trinkets and even a couple of books she bid farewell to all she got to know and took off for a new adventure.


BigB0yJENKINS, 633029

When she got to her next place she found a bunch of things and animals charlie brown dancing to mischief from pac man 2, whcih had become culturally significant in this territory since last week. When they saw her coming they all abruptly stopped dancing and the music stopped and they stared at her. She was really uncomfortable and offput by the fact that most of these things were not really alive and a lot of them were covered in snot and so she said the only thing she could think of to regain control of the situation. "it's too quiet here" she said hollowly but that did not help make it less quiet. After another awkward silence she started again "this needs to be fixed. as a former Lightning ambassador I-"

"What animal are you"

Her frills went down. "what?"

SPOOMPLS repeated himself: "What animal are you"

"Why - a dragon, of course."

Everyone else shook their heads at each other. apparently that was the wrong answer

"This is the least hospitable Clan i have ever seen!" said Static as she left in a huff.

But what she didnt that SPOOMPLS was traveller


Lynz, 462025

Nearly the moment she landed on the grounds of Xel, did she pique the interest of a certain future Ambassador. Static hardly had time to process any names or faces of anyone, other than the Clan Leader’s, before a rather eccentric young dragon appeared in her path. An eldritch-scaled lightning fae who was quite similar to her; while nearly being her direct opposite. After taking in breath, the self-proclaimed Lightning Specialist, greeted her by devulging how Sparrow informed him of her arrival prior to their meeting.

Corrai’s phrasing wasn’t the best and came off a little intense in Static’s opinion; they sensed the tension immediately and explained how he simply wanted a teacher or likeminded individual to bounce ideas off of. They both share an ingrained passion for their element, but Corrai’s affinity being newer to himself just makes her own love for knowledge, that much stronger. Static knew exactly what the younger of the two was going through and saw a bit of herself in them.

The elder fae looked at her with an emotion Corrai couldn’t place, content maybe, if she had to guess. It seemed for the first time in all her travels that she was back in a place that reminded her so deeply of home, the sting of electricity in the atmosphere was palpable. She made a promise to teach Corrai what she can while she stays with the Keepers, so long as she lets her have some much needed rest.


Owners I've Had:
Solista,140811 (Dead Birth Lair)
wyverning, 264023 (Dead Original Home Lair)
roses, 60631
SevenEggs, 199993
xCosmicRabbit, 95765
lightsun68, 453341
ZippoFeuer, 385984
/ KingVulture, 437722
Gravestone, 244270
dragondiva, 464319
KnightOfAres, 367955
GrinningWolf24, 212075
/ Fantivity, 541094 (New Home Lair)
/ KingVulture, 437722 (Return Visit!)
GrinningWolf24, 212075
Hyzenthlaay, 452562
StinkyRat, 429799
Slatinus, 549575
/ Fantivity, 541094 (returned home briefly)
sgkat, 158838
UmbraCrow, 166731
sneesnaw, 341988
whamm, 63678
Lynz, 462025
(Put User ID and name here)

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