
The Matriarch | Retired Clan Leader
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Energy: 33
out of
Water icon
This dragon’s natural inborn element is Water.
Female Guardian
Female Guardian
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Enchanted Raven Necklace
Ghost Flame Candles
Dark Incense
Night Sky Wing Silks
Sky Blue Wing Silks
Sapphire Feathered Wings
Water's Charm
Cobalt Filigree Gauntlets
Waverider Cape
Glowing Blue Clawtips
Cobalt Filigree Boots
Undine's Flatfins
Aeruginous Tail Tatters
Deepwater Fins


Skin: Deep-Seer



Scene: Tidelord's Domain


17.46 m
14.54 m
9016.85 kg


Primary Gene
Secondary Gene
Tertiary Gene


Sep 14, 2016
(8 years)


Guardian icon

Eye Type

Special Eye Type
Level 5 Guardian
EXP: 433 / 5545


FyK9Cfi.png F R E I D A
T H E - M A T R I A R C H
no-nonsense | guarded | neutral
Freida hails from a monastery devoted to the Tidelord within the Spiral Keep, composed exclusively of female Guardians with predispositions for clairvoyance. During her days as a young dragon, she spent the large majority of her time meditating and summoning visions of the future, in hopes that someday she would become so attuned to the metaphysical realm that they would arrive without summoning. Her monastery was one of many that produced prophecy bubbles for the Tidelord, deciphering his mournful bellows and capturing them, then sending them into the Sea. However, Freida felt daunted by the success of others to the point that it inhibited her own progress, so she opted to leave the monastery in hopes of focusing more on her practice by herself. She regretted her decision well into old age, finding herself a fool for giving in, but…one cannot change the past.

She chose a small cove over the Fishspine Reef to meditate, though the difference in environment gnawed at her. The monastery had had a number of protective enchantments to help fend off Search urges, as well as to support focus and sight. Freida struggled at first, but was in the process of overcoming these difficulties when a vagabond Mirror showed up in her claimed territory. After a brief squabble, she opted to let him stay, so long as he put a stop to his plundering. Freida initially thought Drake to be her charge, but after a while figured at that no, she was just extraordinarily fond of the Mirror, despite being opposite of her in more ways than one. Not much time passed before they established themselves as mates. Together, the pair started a clan for would-be wanderers and seeking out purpose. Freida’s combination of wisdom and prophecy made her a formidable leader, as her shots were always called with reassurance from a semi-certain future. Between her iron-jawed disposition and her divination, she exudes a sense of purpose, and few question her capabilities. She is fair and relatively lenient, but does not tolerate when the few rules she has established are broken.

When leadership of the clan was turned over to Meraki, Freida devoted herself to divination once more, and served as an advisor for her adoptive daughter. She began training a new generation of diviners together with Ruedi, many of whom were her own kin. And so she continued…until the Tidelord fell silent.

Freida could still summon weak prophecies from intuition, but felt blinded by the lack of foresight that had informed her for many, many years. She was able to keep her head above water, but retired from teaching, becoming a full-time advisor to Meraki and the clan’s diplomats. Her boundaries were harsher out of fear, as she could not see incoming threats any longer…and Meraki was quick to pick up on how little faith the Guardian had in their clanmates. She kept quiet, until, unbeknownst to the clan, something escaped into their borders, and found itself attracted to the boredom and bitterness that had solidified inside of the Matriarch.

Suddenly, Freida heard whispers, whispers that rang with all of the godliness of the Tidelord. Her dreams were ink-spattered, and she saw the outlines of prophecy in pools of Shadowstuff. The voice speaking to her, she could only imagine, was the Shadowbinder—clever, cunning, and always recruiting. Only a deity could deliver prophecy, after all, that was all she had seen, all she had heard in her many years. But the Shadowbinder is notorious a type of mysteriousness that was very different from the Tidelord’s vaguely ominous mumblings; no, the Shadowbinder wove visions into puzzles, turned prophecy into a prize to be won. And, infected by hope, Freida became a player in a game made by an entity of the Shade.

Overnight she abandoned the archipelago without telling a soul, and would have continued to the Crescent if Drake had not stopped her on the coast. From there, the two made a decision: Freida, and whoever wished to follow, would move to the Tangled Wood for the time being. Her mate only hoped that it would help her, but all the move seemed to do was sow chaos in the clan…



Meraki is Freida’s charge, and Freida essentially raised the young imperial after she saved the clan from the path of an aquatic Emperor. After raising the young Imperial as her own daughter, Freida appointed Meraki as the clan’s new leader in the wake of her retirement; however, she still served as a trusted advisor and mother figure. They are now a bit at odds, however—Freida is insistent that the Shadowbinder speaks to her in the absence of the Tidelord, but Meraki is highly suspicious. The split between the leaders—and their clanmates—have driven a significant wedge between the two, and being away from her charge is only intensifying the whispers.
Drake is Freida’s mate, and has been devoutly loyal to her since the clan was founded. He grounds her and lightens her up, while she keeps him in line and empowers him. They’re definitely an odd couple, but their partnership is founded on intense mutual respect. Right now, he spends most of his time captaining the ferry, as he believes Freida wishes to be alone.
Ruedi was Freida’s first official apprentice in the practice of divining, and the only one whom she truly bonded with as a mentor. Her experience with self-taught divination made her an ideal mentor for an Iceborn dragon, with no Sight in his bloodline at all, and he was an eager and obedient student. He is quite humble, which is why Freida agreed to mentor him in the first place. Since the Tidelord’s disappearance, he’s been experimenting with new ways to divine, and attempting to encourage Freida that all is not lost (with limited success).
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6rblOkB.jpg » Etymology: Freida (pr. FRAY-duh) is a name of Norse origin, meaning "beautiful, beloved."

» Familiars: Sakura Owl, Zalis, Bubbling Goblin, Wavebreak Snarler, Rainbow Sprite, Spiny Whale, Spirit of Water, Water Sprite, Vibrant Jeweler, Foresight Phatasm

» Genes: Born Basic/Basic/Basic. Obtained Secondary: Seraph and Secondary: Trail before current genes.

» General Trivia: Freida has a small aviary in her den, where she keeps a flock of various corvids - magpies, ravens, and crows of all colors. They are valued for their associations with divination, and for some reason, they have always flocked to her. Despite not being much of a fighter, Freida is quite possibly the most muscular dragon in the clan because of all of the time she spends swimming and crossing through powerful currents. For a dragon with so much responsibility, she's surprisingly lenient so long as no one hurts their clanmates, puts the clan in danger, or kills another dragon without orders or reason—often to Meraki’s disapproval. She doesn’t have too many worldly possessions, a habit from her time at the monastery—her magic is strong enough that she does not have any use for weapons, and her den is very sparse.

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Crow Omen Seeker Magpie Leucistic Crow Water Runestone Stone Arrowhead Ancient Knife

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Commission by @lynxnothinks!


”Lover’s Quarrel” — Art by @Omalleycat!

Template by Maevepanda
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