Vigrada Valley (FREE DERGS)

ablindtiger's Clan
Clan Info
stock the pond || free dragons!
⏵ made this account way back when it was ~the new thing~ in 2014 but didn't do much with it. came back in 2023 bc the rest of the internet sux.
⏵ i really enjoy the challenge of making obscure and goofy fan dragons.
⏵ i do exalt, but usually just my own hatchlings. if i bought your dragon, i'm most likely using it for a project or to breed pretty fodder.
⏵ i store lots of dragons (permas and otherwise) in my hibden! the ones i keep out are the ones actively being bred and my coli grinders.
⏵ if a derg in my hibden can help with a project of yours, feel free to ask about them! worst i can say is no lol.
⏵ thanks for letting me know if one of my goobers is on the front page!
wishlist || hibden items || breeding projects || badges
(note: i play from my work pc, personal pc, and mobile phone)

stock the pond || free dragons!
⏵ made this account way back when it was ~the new thing~ in 2014 but didn't do much with it. came back in 2023 bc the rest of the internet sux.
⏵ i really enjoy the challenge of making obscure and goofy fan dragons.
⏵ i do exalt, but usually just my own hatchlings. if i bought your dragon, i'm most likely using it for a project or to breed pretty fodder.
⏵ i store lots of dragons (permas and otherwise) in my hibden! the ones i keep out are the ones actively being bred and my coli grinders.
⏵ if a derg in my hibden can help with a project of yours, feel free to ask about them! worst i can say is no lol.
⏵ thanks for letting me know if one of my goobers is on the front page!
wishlist || hibden items || breeding projects || badges
(note: i play from my work pc, personal pc, and mobile phone)

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Tranquil 3 eggs!