Verpets closed for good?

ACWN's Clan
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Hello all, and welcome to my watery domain!

If we havent spoken on a regular basis, I probably dont even remember who you are. Please dont take offense, I just have a bad memory. Sorry! But please don't feel like you have to apologize for it! I appreciate the gesture!

If we havent spoken on a regular basis, I probably dont even remember who you are. Please dont take offense, I just have a bad memory. Sorry! But please don't feel like you have to apologize for it! I appreciate the gesture!
Recent Comments

Rather than a necro a thread from 2017, I thought I'd just come here and say OMG THANK YOU for sharing the [color=transparent]......[/color] trick <3 I can finally centre columns :D

I just wanted to say because of you, I found out about [color=transparent] Which is so freaking helpful for bb stuff.

Frostdawn was on the front page :)

I like your lair. Is it fun being a moderator? Always wondered.

Snowstar was on the frontpage! What a cute icy boy :)

no worries about payment; I have a ton of food laying around anyway! <3

Just popping in to say thank you for your hard work to keep the forums safe! :)

No problem! I just joined and looked for them and Photobucket puked on them.

Hey, I love your sigs for water flight, but seems photobucket put their ugly watermark on them. Any chance you'll rehost them to imgur?

Wait are you a new mod? I've never seen you before

forestspear was on the front page!!! i love him
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