Valley of Anemones~ TWO NEW XXX PAIRS

LillyOfTheVale's Clan
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Hello! Call me Lilly! Feel free to ask me anything! I am back from a long LONG hiatus. If I don't remember you please don't be offended.

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Hey, remember me?

Thank you for the derg Lilly, I'll take care of her.

I've come up with some new BBCode to streamline the thread! I've pinged you to my test thread. If you like what you see there, I can send you all of the code for it so you can just copy paste it! I mostly just added some spaces and fixed some grammar :)

Happens to the best of us. :) I'm just grateful for what all you've done for our flight!

I thank you for your generous contribution to the Water Flight! Please relax and do not worry as we will dominate the others. Take care!

Thanks so much for all your hard work as our flight dom coordinator!!

Lol Lilly I love your description! Sokka is great!

Neat, your Moxie looks like a lighter version of my Xernia! It's like "try the new xernia, now with 50% less yellow!" She's a beauty, too bad they are both girls or I might have asked for a studding XD

oh crap yeah i've just been really busy. i'm in college again so i haven't had much time to. :(

Hi love! I was curious as to what your favorite breed, favorite colors, and favorite gene combo are??? I need to know bc REASONS ;)

That's fine! Now I won't have to dig through forum posts to find you. XD

Yes, I'm still interested in renting a nest. But my pair won't be RTB for 3 days. So I'll message you when they are!
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