I saved this one until last because I was looking forward to it. :D
Thruda wasn't sure how she'd been chosen as the skip of the curling team, or even why her siblings had thought signing up for the event would be such a good idea in the first place. Yet here she was, standing at the far end of the House and watching her sister, Valkyrja, line up to deliver the first of her two stones.
Nine stones had already been delivered towards the House, and with every tiny error or hit to their stones already in the House, Modi had become more fractious and irritable. He was by far the most competitive of them all, and although Thruda suspected that they could blame Magni and Valkyrja for entering them as a team, it was Modi who was now the most invested in the outcome. It didn't help that Magni had misjudged his first delivery and almost taken out Modi's strong guard stone, which the other team hadn't been able to dislodge - only by letting the stone curl and then sweeping furiously to get it into a good position had Valkyrja and Modi rescued the shot.
Thruda herself had been concentrating on the strategy, and now she knew was the time to attempt draws - point-scoring shots. She looked down the length of the sheet towards Valkyrja and pointed out the spot she was to aim for, receiving a nod from her sister and similar acknowledgement from her brothers.
Valkyrja pushed off, extending her leg behind her and crouching low as she slowly twisted the stone, letting go so that it started to curl perfectly across the ice.
"Sweep!" Modi bellowed at his brother, already brushing hard at the pebbled surface of the sheet with his broom. Magni held back a moment, looking at the line of the stone, then dove in as well and joined his efforts. The stone straightened its path, gliding graceully along the ice and between two rivals before finally coming to a halt in a good position inside the House.
Thruda offered Modi a smile as he straightened up. For once he seemed satisfied with their performance, and didn't snarl at Magni as they headed back to the other end of the sheet without a word to wait their next turn. Thruda moved out of the way to let the other team take their next shot and went to discuss tactics with Valkyrja - with only three stones left, they would have to play them carefully in order to do well in the match.
Thruda wasn't sure how she'd been chosen as the skip of the curling team, or even why her siblings had thought signing up for the event would be such a good idea in the first place. Yet here she was, standing at the far end of the House and watching her sister, Valkyrja, line up to deliver the first of her two stones.
Nine stones had already been delivered towards the House, and with every tiny error or hit to their stones already in the House, Modi had become more fractious and irritable. He was by far the most competitive of them all, and although Thruda suspected that they could blame Magni and Valkyrja for entering them as a team, it was Modi who was now the most invested in the outcome. It didn't help that Magni had misjudged his first delivery and almost taken out Modi's strong guard stone, which the other team hadn't been able to dislodge - only by letting the stone curl and then sweeping furiously to get it into a good position had Valkyrja and Modi rescued the shot.
Thruda herself had been concentrating on the strategy, and now she knew was the time to attempt draws - point-scoring shots. She looked down the length of the sheet towards Valkyrja and pointed out the spot she was to aim for, receiving a nod from her sister and similar acknowledgement from her brothers.
Valkyrja pushed off, extending her leg behind her and crouching low as she slowly twisted the stone, letting go so that it started to curl perfectly across the ice.
"Sweep!" Modi bellowed at his brother, already brushing hard at the pebbled surface of the sheet with his broom. Magni held back a moment, looking at the line of the stone, then dove in as well and joined his efforts. The stone straightened its path, gliding graceully along the ice and between two rivals before finally coming to a halt in a good position inside the House.
Thruda offered Modi a smile as he straightened up. For once he seemed satisfied with their performance, and didn't snarl at Magni as they headed back to the other end of the sheet without a word to wait their next turn. Thruda moved out of the way to let the other team take their next shot and went to discuss tactics with Valkyrja - with only three stones left, they would have to play them carefully in order to do well in the match.