
Raffles & Giveaways

Share your raffles and giveaways with the Flight Rising community.
TOPIC | Beau Geste Raffle [DRAWING]
[Quote][columns][item=Winter Wind][nextcol][b][size=4]This raffle event is over, thank you to everyone whom had taken the time to participate during the holidays! The drawings are currently happening. If you still wish to thank people you have encountered on Flight Rising, [url=][u]feel free to drop by this thread.[/u][/url][/size][/b][nextcol][item=Ethereal Flame Candles][/columns][/quote] [center][img][/img][/center] It’s been a long year, and it’s good to see everyone on Flight Rising is enjoying the game. We appreciate everyone in the community spending time and interacting with each other; some of us even encountering invaluable friends that have helped make the experience on this site so much better. This Raffle celebrates friendship with tokens of gratitude, let’s chill out together and warm each other up with sincere posts. [Quote=Nesu, January 3rd, 2017] Also, my partner made an amazing [b]commemorative animated badge for this raffle![/b] Anyone whom has participated or has been pinged in this raffle is more than welcome to use it as a reminder for all the amazing responses here. Never forget that taking the time to say something about someone can go a long way for anyone! [center][img][/img][/center] [code][img][/img][/code] Badge with a link back to the raffle thread, for those that want to look back on here: [code][url=][img][/img][/url][/code] [url=][b][i]Link to update post. (Page 40)[/i][/b][/url][/quote] --- [Size=4][b]How to earn tickets:[/b][/size] Give your appreciation to people you know on FR. Brighten up someone's day! Format: [quote] @username Thanks for ___ @username Thank you for ___ (Format your appreciation line in any way you like, just as long as thank you is somewhere in your ping!) [/quote] * You may post your appreciation to single or multiple people in a single post, [b]but they must have their own appreciation line.[/b] * [b]Copy/Pasted reasons won't cut it either-[/b]- be sincere, don't be greedy, try to make someone's day. * You may only [b]ping a person once[/b]. Additional pings towards the same person will not earn either of you extra tickets. However, someone else may ping that same person for tickets. * You will earn [b]1 Raffle Ticket for yourself[/b] per ping+appreciation you give out, and [b]2 Raffle Tickets for the person you pinged[/b]. * You can only earn up to [b]25 tickets[/b] a day. If you continue to ping after you have exceeded the limit on a day, [b]only[/b] the people you pinged will receive tickets. * Ping tickets may not be added immediately. You will not earn tickets from pinging these people in the Do Not Ping list. [size=3][b]Please do not ping these people.[/b][/size] [quote=Do Not Ping list][/quote] [size=1]Please PM @Nesu to get on the Do Not Ping list.[/size] * Drawings will be done on [b]January 5th, 2017.[/b] * The drawings will be done via * Winners will be drawn in batches of ([i]10[/i]). If you are drawn, you'll have [i]24 hours[/i] to respond with your prize choices. If you do not respond in 24 hours, you'll be moved to the top of the next drawing. * If there is no response after the shift, then the winner will be dropped. * Ping @Nesu for with a list of preferred prizes that corresponds to your placement. List your most favorite prize first, than your least favorite. [center][url=][img][/img][/url][/center]
Winter Wind This raffle event is over, thank you to everyone whom had taken the time to participate during the holidays! The drawings are currently happening.

If you still wish to thank people you have encountered on Flight Rising, feel free to drop by this thread.
Ethereal Flame Candles


It’s been a long year, and it’s good to see everyone on Flight Rising is enjoying the game. We appreciate everyone in the community spending time and interacting with each other; some of us even encountering invaluable friends that have helped make the experience on this site so much better. This Raffle celebrates friendship with tokens of gratitude, let’s chill out together and warm each other up with sincere posts.
Nesu, January 3rd, 2017 wrote:
Also, my partner made an amazing commemorative animated badge for this raffle! Anyone whom has participated or has been pinged in this raffle is more than welcome to use it as a reminder for all the amazing responses here. Never forget that taking the time to say something about someone can go a long way for anyone!

Badge with a link back to the raffle thread, for those that want to look back on here:

Link to update post. (Page 40)

How to earn tickets:
Give your appreciation to people you know on FR. Brighten up someone's day!
Thanks for ___

Thank you for ___

(Format your appreciation line in any way you like, just as long as thank you is somewhere in your ping!)
* You may post your appreciation to single or multiple people in a single post, but they must have their own appreciation line.

* Copy/Pasted reasons won't cut it either-- be sincere, don't be greedy, try to make someone's day.

* You may only ping a person once. Additional pings towards the same person will not earn either of you extra tickets. However, someone else may ping that same person for tickets.

* You will earn 1 Raffle Ticket for yourself per ping+appreciation you give out, and 2 Raffle Tickets for the person you pinged.

* You can only earn up to 25 tickets a day.
If you continue to ping after you have exceeded the limit on a day, only the people you pinged will receive tickets.

* Ping tickets may not be added immediately.

You will not earn tickets from pinging these people in the Do Not Ping list.
Please do not ping these people.
Do Not Ping list wrote:
Please PM @Nesu to get on the Do Not Ping list.

* Drawings will be done on January 5th, 2017.
* The drawings will be done via
* Winners will be drawn in batches of (10). If you are drawn, you'll have 24 hours to respond with your prize choices. If you do not respond in 24 hours, you'll be moved to the top of the next drawing.
* If there is no response after the shift, then the winner will be dropped.
* Ping @Nesu for with a list of preferred prizes that corresponds to your placement. List your most favorite prize first, than your least favorite.

Avatar Dragon: Link / Tiny Dragon by AmberscaleArt. Teba
Masterpost of Guides
Temple of Time Hatchery
[center][img][/img][/center] [size=2]More prizes may be added over the duration of the raffle.[/size] [size=1]** Each user may only win once.[/size] [Quote][Color=Black][b]Each apparel can only be claimed once[/b][/color][Columns][nextcol] [Quote=Heavy Tredding][center][b]Claimed![/b][/center][/quote] [Quote=Volcanic Armor][center][b]Claimed![/b][/center][/quote] [Quote=Drifloon's Balloon][center][b]Claimed![/b][/center][/quote] [Quote=Fashion Net?][center][b]Claimed![/b][/center][/quote][nextcol][br][br][br][br] [Quote=Eldritch Thorns][center][b]Claimed![/b][/center][/quote] [Quote=Cool Blue Collar][center][b]Claimed![/b][/center][/quote] [Quote=Bitbolt Y2][center][b]Claimed![/b][/center][/quote][nextcol] [Quote=Arc Reactor][center][b]Claimed![/b][/center][/quote] [Quote=Torterra's Branches][center][b]Claimed![/b][/center][/quote] [Quote=Parasitic Rotclaw][center][b]Claimed![/b][/center][/quote] [Quote=CometBound][center][b]Claimed![/b][/quote][/columns][/quote] [Quote=Going Batty for the Holidays][Color=Black][b]Can be claimed by 0/2 more winners[/b][/color][center][b]Claimed![/b][/center][/quote] [Quote=What has alchemy wrought?!][center][b]Claimed![/b][/center][/quote] [Quote=Eggnoc][Color=Black][b]Can be claimed by 8/10 more winners[/b][/color][center][item=unhatched Nocturne Egg][/center][/quote] [Quote=Egging you on][center][b]Claimed![/b][/center][/quote] [Quote][Color=Black][b]Each egg can only be claimed once[/b][/color][Columns][nextcol][Quote=Egg or Pebble Pile?][center][b]Claimed![/b][/center][/quote] [Quote=Hot 'n Spicy Egg][center][b]Claimed![/b][/center][/quote] [Quote=Breezy Egg][center][b]Claimed![/b][/center][/quote] [Quote=Barnacle Egg][center][b]Claimed![/b][/center][nextcol][br][br][br][br] [Quote=Edgegg][center][b]Claimed![/b][/center][/quote] [Quote=Frozen Egg][center][b]Claimed![/b][/center][/quote] [Quote=Overcharged Egg][center][b]Claimed![/b][/center][/quote][nextcol] [Quote=Lightbulb Egg][center][b]Claimed![/b][/center][/quote] [Quote=Sapling][center][b]Claimed![/b][/center][/quote] [Quote=Pleg Egg][center][b]Claimed![/b][/center][/quote] [Quote=Space Egg][center][item=Unhatched Arcane Egg][/center][/quote][/columns][/quote] [Quote=Testing Fate][center][b]Claimed![/b][/center][/quote] [Quote=Mutie Cat][center][b]Claimed![/b][/center][/quote] [Quote=Spotty Cat][center][item=Calico Cat][/center][/quote] [Quote=Fluffy Cat][center][b]Claimed![/b][/center][/quote] [Quote=Lazy Cat][center][b]Claimed![/b][/center][/quote] [Quote=Grumpy Cat][center][b]Claimed![/b][/center][/quote] [Quote=Skink and Spin][center][b]Claimed![/b][/center][/quote] [Quote=Slinky Skink][center][b]Claimed![/b][/center][/quote] [Quote=Holiday Spinner][center][b]Claimed![/b][/center][/quote] [Quote=Brew, but don't drink][center][b]Claimed![/b][/center][/quote] [Quote=Intoxicated][center][b]Claimed![/b][/center][/quote] [Quote][Color=Black][b]Each apparel can only be claimed once[/b][/color][Columns][nextcol] [Quote=Rocky Gear][center][item=Bluffclamber Belongings][/center][/quote] [Quote=Will-o-Wisp][center][b]Claimed![/b][/center][/quote] [Quote=Traveller's Mask][center][b]Claimed![/b][/center][/quote] [Quote=Fishy Friends][center][b]Claimed![/b][/center][/quote][nextcol][br][br][br] [Quote=Bug/Fairy Eeveeloution][center][b]Claimed![/b][/center][/quote] [Quote=Frosty-headed][center][b]Claimed![/b][/center][/quote] [Quote=Bootlegged][center][b]Claimed![/b] [/center][/quote][nextcol] [Quote=Wings of Light][center][b]Claimed![/b][/center][/quote] [Quote=Butterfly Legionnaire][center][b]Claimed![/b][/center][/quote] [Quote=Jingle Bones][center][b]Claimed![/b][/center][/quote] [Quote=Stargazer's Tools][center][b]Claimed![/b][/center][/quote][/columns][/quote] [Quote=Adventures with the Wolf Pack][center][b]Claimed![/b][/center][/quote] [Quote=Adventures the Wolf Pack 2][center][b]Claimed![/b][/center][/quote] [Quote=Fight with Furrocity][center][b]Claimed![/b][/center][/quote] [Quote=Frigid Warrior][center][item=Moonscale Helmet][item=Moonscale Shoulder Guards][item=Moonscale Chest Guard][br][item=Moonscale Wing Guard][item=Moonscale Bracers][item=Moonscale Greaves][item=Moonscale Tail Guard][/center][/quote] [Quote=Quiet Elegance][center][b]Claimed![/b][/center][/quote] [Quote=Ice Statue Ridgeback][center][item=Below Zero Chest]|| Contains [skin=15885][/center][/quote] [Quote=Skydancer's Borealis Lights][center][item=Crystal Rainbow Chest]|| Contains [skin=15878][/center][/quote] [Quote=Dark Night's Ice Nocturne][center][item=Dark Ice Chest]|| Contains [skin=15883][/center][/quote] [Quote=Freezie Pop Tundra][center][item=Freezer Chest]|| Contains [skin=15880][/center][/quote] [Quote=Guardian's Gelid Breath][center][item=Freezing Breath Chest]|| Contains [skin=15876][/center][/quote] [Quote=Dark Iced Ridgeback][center][item=Frigid Abyss Chest]|| Contains [skin=8406][/center][/quote] [Quote=Frosted Snowtundra][center][item=Frosted Chest]|| Contains [skin=15887][/center][/quote] [Quote=Yogurtberry Coatl][center][b]Claimed![/b][/center][/quote] [Quote=Guardian of Frigid Floes][center][item=Ice Golem Chest]|| Contains [skin=8404][/center][/quote] [Quote=Extra Fluffy Tundra][center][item=Icy Coat Chest]|| Contains [skin=8412][/center][/quote] [Quote=Fae's Frozen Kiss][center][item=Snowsquall Souvenir Chest]|| Contains [skin=8408][/center][/quote] [Quote=Frostbitten Nocturne][center][item=Winter Draft Chest]|| Contains [skin=8410][/center][/quote] [Quote=Glitter Jewelry][center][item=Citrine Flourish Eye Piece][item=Citrine Flourish Necklace][item=Citrine Flourish Bracelet][item=Citrine Flourish Wing Drape][br][item=Citrine Flourish Belt][item=Citrine Flourish Anklets][item=Citrine Flourish Tail Drape][item=Citrine Flourish Tail Clasp][/center][/quote] [Quote=Hewn Paladin][center][b]Claimed![/b][/center][/quote] [Quote=Golden Elegance][center][b]Claimed![/b][/center][/quote] [Quote=Fragmented Coatl][center][item=Amberglow Chest]|| Contains [skin=4141][/center][/quote] [Quote=Hazel Fae Glimmer][center][b]Claimed![/b][/center][/quote] [Quote=Tundra's Heart of Gold][center][item=Brightheart Chest]|| Contains [skin=11212][/center][/quote] [Quote=Pearlcatcher of Candor][center][item=Candor Chest]|| Contains [skin=11214][/center][/quote] [Quote=Guardian Statue][center][item=Consorts Box]|| Contains [skin=4144][/center][/quote] [Quote=Nocturnally Light][center][b]Claimed![/b][/center][/quote] [Quote=Faerie Glitter][center][b]Claimed![/b][/center][/quote] [Quote=Imperial's Solar Flare][center][b]Claimed![/b][/center][/quote] [Quote=Imperial Moonsetter][center][item=Nightshatter Chest]|| Contains [skin=11216][/center][/quote] [Quote=Sunbeam's Guardian][center][b]Claimed![/b][/center][/quote] [Quote=Skydancer's Sunslammer][center][b]Claimed![/b][/center][/quote] [Quote=Keep Warm with Flair][center][item=Rainbow Flair Scarf][item=Red and Gold Flair Scarf][item=Cyan Flair Scarf][item=Pink and Purple Flair Scarf][item=Purple and Black Flair Scarf][br][item=White and Gold Flair Scarf][item=Blue and Green Flair Scarf][item=Green and White Flair Scarf][item=Black and White Flair Scarf][item=Blue and Brown Flair Scarf][/center][/quote] [Quote=Stolen Dyed Fluff][center][b]Claimed![/b][/center][/quote] [Quote][Color=Black][b]Each sash can only be claimed once[/b][/color][Columns][nextcol] [Quote=Pebble's Sash][center][item=Stonekeeper Sash][/center][/quote] [Quote=Emberling's Sash][center][b]Claimed![/b][/center][/quote] [Quote=Windy Sash][center][b]Claimed![/b][/center][/quote] [Quote=Droplet's Sash][center][item=Diver Sash][/center][/quote][nextcol][br][br][br] [Quote=Shadowling's Sash][center][item=Shady Sash][/center][/quote] [Quote=Icicle's Sash][center][b]Claimed![/b][/center][/quote] [Quote=Spark's Sash][center][b]Claimed![/b][/center][/quote][nextcol] [Quote=Acolight's Sash][center][b]Claimed![/b][/center][/quote] [Quote=Seedling's Sash][center][item=Druidic Sash][/center][/quote] [Quote=Virus' Sash][center][b]Claimed![/b][/center][/quote] [Quote=Arcanite's Sash][center][b]Claimed![/b][/center][/quote][/columns][/quote] [Quote][Color=Black][b]Each elemental acolyte can only be claimed once[/b][/color][Columns][nextcol] [Quote=Granite Guardian][center][item=Granite Guardian][/center][/quote] [Quote=Molten Marauder][center][b]Claimed![/b][/center][/quote] [Quote=Hurricane Herald][center][item=Hurricane Herald][/center][/quote] [Quote=Seawater Savior][center][b]Claimed![/b][/center][/quote][nextcol][br][br][br][br][br] [Quote=Insubstantial Illusionist][center][b]Claimed![/b][/center][/quote] [Quote=Cragward Custodian][center][item=Cragward Custodian][/center][/quote] [Quote=Lightning Lancer][center][item=Lightning Lancer][/center][/quote][nextcol] [Quote=Sunbeam Soldier][center][item=Sunbeam Soldier][/center][/quote] [quote=Sapling Speaker][center][item=Sapling Speaker][/center][/quote] [Quote=Deadland Disciple][center][item=Deadland Disciple][/center][/quote] [Quote=Stardust Scholar][center][item=Stardust Scholar][/center][/quote] [/columns][/quote] [Quote=Snuggle 'Em All!][center][item=Heavy Earthshaker Idol][item=Smoldering Flamecaller Puppet][item=Playful Windsinger Puppet][item=Sopping Tidelord Sackdoll][br][item=Faded Shadowbinder Effigy][item=Furry Icewarden Puppet][item=Charged Stormcatcher Sackdoll][br][item=Soft Lightweaver Idol][item=Lost Gladekeeper Sackdoll][item=Rotting Plaguebringer Effigy][item=Exotic Arcanist Idol][/center][/quote] [Quote=Nerdy Bookwyrm][center][b]Claimed![/b][/center][/quote] [Quote=Checkmate!][center][item=White Pawn]x8 [item=Black Pawn]x8[item=White Rook]x2 [item=Black Rook]x2 [br][item=White Knight]x2 [item=Black Knight]x2 [item=White Bishop]x2 [item=Black Bishop]x2[br][item=White Queen][item=Black Queen][item=White King][item=Black King][/center][/quote] [Quote=Turkey Feast][center][item=Turkey Dinner]x99 [item=Woodland Turkey][item=Woodland Turkey Crate]|| Contains [skin=11121][/center][/quote] [Quote=Snowdin Delicacies][center][img][/img]x1584 [img][/img]x1584 [img][/img]x1584 [img][/img]x1584[/center][/quote] [Quote=Shady Conjurer's Garb][center][item=Conjurer's Hat][item=Conjurer's Staff][item=Conjurer's Herb Pouch][item=Conjurer's Cloak][item=Conjurer's Cobwebs][/center][/quote] [Quote=Swamp Witch Garb][center][item=Witch's Tatters][br]|| Contains ||[br][item=Witch's Hat][item=Witch's Staff][item=Witch's Herb Pouch][item=Witch's Cloak][item=Witch's Cobwebs][/center][/quote] [Quote=Splash Sorcerer's Garb][center][item=Sorcerer's Tatters][br]|| Contains ||[br][item=Sorcerer's Hat][item=Sorcerer's Staff][item=Sorcerer's Herb Pouch][item=Sorcerer's Cloak][item=Sorcerer's Cobwebs][/center][/quote] [Quote=Spirit of Haunted Past][center][b]Claimed![/b][/center][/quote] [Quote=Spirit of Loathing][center][b]Claimed![/b][/center][/quote] [Quote=Merciless.][center][b]Claimed![/b][/center][/quote] [Quote=PRESS "R" TO TRY AGAIN][center][b]Claimed![/b][/center][/quote] [Quote=Where the Wind Blows][center][item=Spring's Breath][/center][/quote] [Quote=Hot Days][center][item=Summer Swelter][/center][/quote] [Quote=Crumpled Leaves][center][item=Autumn Breeze][/center][/quote] [Quote=Chilly Breeze][center][b]Claimed![/b][/center][/quote] [Quote=Alchemiter Experience for Sneaks][center][b]Claimed![/b][/quote] [Quote=Sneak an Egg out of the Brew][center][item=Imbued Sulfur] [item=Silver Muck]x2 [item=Grey Slime][item=Purple Ooze]x3 [item=Blue Ooze][/center][/quote] [Quote=Summer Sunny Days][center][b]Claimed![/b][/center][/quote] [Quote=Winter Cold Nights][center][b]Claimed![/b][/center][/quote] [Quote=Beeginner's Luck][center][item=Vista: Training Fields][item=Bumble][/center][/quote] [Quote=Leaf Forest][center][item=Vista: Woodland Path][item=Green Olive Wreath][/center][/quote] [Quote=Rambunctious Red Bird][center][item=Vista: Scorched Forest][item=Red Birdskull Wingpiece][/center][/quote] [Quote=Slipsand Snakes][center][b]Claimed![/b][/center][/quote] [Quote=Mystery Caves][center][item=Vista: Forgotten Cave][item=Noxious Colony][/center][/quote] [Quote=Bamboo Terrace][center][item=Vista: Bamboo Falls][item=Bamboo Sedge Hat][/center][/quote] [Quote=Seashell Shore][center][item=Vista: Redrock Cove][item=Rhodochrosite]x10[/center][/quote] [Quote=Shimmering Waterway][center][b]Claimed![/b][/center][/quote] [Quote=Coli Life][center][b]Claimed![/b][/center][/quote] [Quote=Jungle Beat][center][item=Vista: Rainsong Jungle][item=Romantic Red Rose][/center][/quote] [Quote=Deerest Wood][center][b]Claimed![/b][/center][/quote] [Quote=Rainbow Crystals][center][item=Vista: Crystal Pools][item=Wild Banner][/center][/quote] [Quote=Harpy's Feather Duster][center][b]Claimed![/b][/center][/quote] [Quote=Haunty Halls][Color=Black][b]Can be claimed by 2/3 more winners[/b][/color][center][item=Vista: Ghostlight Ruins][item=Bleak Birdskull Headdress][/center][/quote] [Quote=Gecko Swamp][center][item=Vista: Mire][item=Barbarian's Banner][/center][/quote] [Quote=Under the Sea][center][item=Vista: Kelp Beds][item=Sunset Sea Dragon]x5[/center][/quote] [Quote=Steambolt][center][b]Claimed![/b][/center][/quote] [Quote=Purification in progress...][b]Can be claimed by 0/10 more winners[/b][center][b]Claimed![/b][/center][/quote] [Quote=Ready to STRIFE!][center][b]Claimed![/b][/center][/quote] [Quote=The Scratch][center][b]Claimed![/b][/center][/quote]
More prizes may be added over the duration of the raffle.
** Each user may only win once.
Each apparel can only be claimed once
Heavy Tredding wrote:
Volcanic Armor wrote:
Drifloon's Balloon wrote:
Fashion Net? wrote:

Eldritch Thorns wrote:
Cool Blue Collar wrote:
Bitbolt Y2 wrote:
Arc Reactor wrote:
Torterra's Branches wrote:
Parasitic Rotclaw wrote:
CometBound wrote:
Going Batty for the Holidays wrote:
Can be claimed by 0/2 more winners
What has alchemy wrought?! wrote:
Eggnoc wrote:
Can be claimed by 8/10 more winners
Unhatched Nocturne Egg
Egging you on wrote:
Each egg can only be claimed once
Egg or Pebble Pile? wrote:
Hot 'n Spicy Egg wrote:
Breezy Egg wrote:
Barnacle Egg wrote:

Edgegg wrote:
Frozen Egg wrote:
Overcharged Egg wrote:
Lightbulb Egg wrote:
Sapling wrote:
Pleg Egg wrote:
Space Egg wrote:
Unhatched Arcane Egg
Testing Fate wrote:
Mutie Cat wrote:
Spotty Cat wrote:
Calico Cat
Fluffy Cat wrote:
Lazy Cat wrote:
Grumpy Cat wrote:
Skink and Spin wrote:
Slinky Skink wrote:
Holiday Spinner wrote:
Brew, but don't drink wrote:
Intoxicated wrote:
Each apparel can only be claimed once
Rocky Gear wrote:
Bluffclamber Belongings
Will-o-Wisp wrote:
Traveller's Mask wrote:
Fishy Friends wrote:

Bug/Fairy Eeveeloution wrote:
Frosty-headed wrote:
Bootlegged wrote:
Wings of Light wrote:
Butterfly Legionnaire wrote:
Jingle Bones wrote:
Stargazer's Tools wrote:
Adventures with the Wolf Pack wrote:
Adventures the Wolf Pack 2 wrote:
Fight with Furrocity wrote:
Frigid Warrior wrote:
Moonscale Helmet Moonscale Shoulder Guards Moonscale Chest Guard
Moonscale Wing Guard Moonscale Bracers Moonscale Greaves Moonscale Tail Guard
Quiet Elegance wrote:
Ice Statue Ridgeback wrote:
Below Zero Chest || Contains
Skydancer's Borealis Lights wrote:
Crystal Rainbow Chest || Contains
Dark Night's Ice Nocturne wrote:
Dark Ice Chest || Contains
Freezie Pop Tundra wrote:
Freezer Chest || Contains
Guardian's Gelid Breath wrote:
Freezing Breath Chest || Contains
Dark Iced Ridgeback wrote:
Frigid Abyss Chest || Contains
Frosted Snowtundra wrote:
Frosted Chest || Contains
Yogurtberry Coatl wrote:
Guardian of Frigid Floes wrote:
Ice Golem Chest || Contains
Extra Fluffy Tundra wrote:
Icy Coat Chest || Contains
Fae's Frozen Kiss wrote:
Snowsquall Souvenir Chest || Contains
Frostbitten Nocturne wrote:
Winter Draft Chest || Contains
Glitter Jewelry wrote:
Citrine Flourish Eye Piece Citrine Flourish Necklace Citrine Flourish Bracelet Citrine Flourish Wing Drape
Citrine Flourish Belt Citrine Flourish Anklets Citrine Flourish Tail Drape Citrine Flourish Tail Clasp
Hewn Paladin wrote:
Golden Elegance wrote:
Fragmented Coatl wrote:
Amberglow Chest || Contains
Hazel Fae Glimmer wrote:
Tundra's Heart of Gold wrote:
Brightheart Chest || Contains
Pearlcatcher of Candor wrote:
Candor Chest || Contains
Guardian Statue wrote:
Consorts Box || Contains
Nocturnally Light wrote:
Faerie Glitter wrote:
Imperial's Solar Flare wrote:
Imperial Moonsetter wrote:
Nightshatter Chest || Contains
Sunbeam's Guardian wrote:
Skydancer's Sunslammer wrote:
Keep Warm with Flair wrote:
Rainbow Flair Scarf Red and Gold Flair Scarf Cyan Flair Scarf Pink and Purple Flair Scarf Purple and Black Flair Scarf
White and Gold Flair Scarf Blue and Green Flair Scarf Green and White Flair Scarf Black and White Flair Scarf Blue and Brown Flair Scarf
Stolen Dyed Fluff wrote:
Each sash can only be claimed once
Pebble's Sash wrote:
Stonekeeper Sash
Emberling's Sash wrote:
Windy Sash wrote:
Droplet's Sash wrote:
Diver Sash

Shadowling's Sash wrote:
Shady Sash
Icicle's Sash wrote:
Spark's Sash wrote:
Acolight's Sash wrote:
Seedling's Sash wrote:
Druidic Sash
Virus' Sash wrote:
Arcanite's Sash wrote:
Each elemental acolyte can only be claimed once
Granite Guardian wrote:
Granite Guardian
Molten Marauder wrote:
Hurricane Herald wrote:
Hurricane Herald
Seawater Savior wrote:

Insubstantial Illusionist wrote:
Cragward Custodian wrote:
Cragward Custodian
Lightning Lancer wrote:
Lightning Lancer
Sunbeam Soldier wrote:
Sunbeam Soldier
Sapling Speaker wrote:
Sapling Speaker
Deadland Disciple wrote:
Deadland Disciple
Stardust Scholar wrote:
Stardust Scholar
Snuggle 'Em All! wrote:
Heavy Earthshaker Idol Smoldering Flamecaller Puppet Playful Windsinger Puppet Sopping Tidelord Sackdoll
Faded Shadowbinder Effigy Furry Icewarden Puppet Charged Stormcatcher Sackdoll
Soft Lightweaver Idol Lost Gladekeeper Sackdoll Rotting Plaguebringer Effigy Exotic Arcanist Idol
Nerdy Bookwyrm wrote:
Checkmate! wrote:
White Pawn x8 Black Pawn x8 White Rook x2 Black Rook x2
White Knight x2 Black Knight x2 White Bishop x2 Black Bishop x2
White Queen Black Queen White King Black King
Turkey Feast wrote:
Turkey Dinner x99 Woodland Turkey Woodland Turkey Crate || Contains
Snowdin Delicacies wrote:
icon_insect.pngx1584 icon_meat.pngx1584 icon_seafood.pngx1584 icon_plant.pngx1584
Shady Conjurer's Garb wrote:
Conjurer's Hat Conjurer's Staff Conjurer's Herb Pouch Conjurer's Cloak Conjurer's Cobwebs
Swamp Witch Garb wrote:
Witch's Tatters
|| Contains ||
Witch's Hat Witch's Staff Witch's Herb Pouch Witch's Cloak Witch's Cobwebs
Splash Sorcerer's Garb wrote:
Sorcerer's Tatters
|| Contains ||
Sorcerer's Hat Sorcerer's Staff Sorcerer's Herb Pouch Sorcerer's Cloak Sorcerer's Cobwebs
Spirit of Haunted Past wrote:
Spirit of Loathing wrote:
Merciless. wrote:
Where the Wind Blows wrote:
Spring's Breath
Hot Days wrote:
Summer Swelter
Crumpled Leaves wrote:
Autumn Breeze
Chilly Breeze wrote:
Alchemiter Experience for Sneaks wrote:
Sneak an Egg out of the Brew wrote:
Imbued Sulfur Silver Muck x2 Grey Slime Purple Ooze x3 Blue Ooze
Summer Sunny Days wrote:
Winter Cold Nights wrote:
Beeginner's Luck wrote:
Vista: Training Fields Bumble
Leaf Forest wrote:
Vista: Woodland Path Green Olive Wreath
Rambunctious Red Bird wrote:
Vista: Scorched Forest Red Birdskull Wingpiece
Slipsand Snakes wrote:
Mystery Caves wrote:
Vista: Forgotten Cave Noxious Colony
Bamboo Terrace wrote:
Vista: Bamboo Falls Bamboo Sedge Hat
Seashell Shore wrote:
Vista: Redrock Cove Rhodochrosite x10
Shimmering Waterway wrote:
Coli Life wrote:
Jungle Beat wrote:
Vista: Rainsong Jungle Romantic Red Rose
Deerest Wood wrote:
Rainbow Crystals wrote:
Vista: Crystal Pools Wild Banner
Harpy's Feather Duster wrote:
Haunty Halls wrote:
Can be claimed by 2/3 more winners
Vista: Ghostlight Ruins Bleak Birdskull Headdress
Gecko Swamp wrote:
Vista: Mire Barbarian's Banner
Under the Sea wrote:
Vista: Kelp Beds Sunset Sea Dragon x5
Steambolt wrote:
Purification in progress... wrote:
Can be claimed by 0/10 more winners
Ready to STRIFE! wrote:
The Scratch wrote:
(Shh only Smiles and Tears happening here.)

Edit: I didn't make a mistake. I swear.
(Shh only Smiles and Tears happening here.)

Edit: I didn't make a mistake. I swear.
Avatar Dragon: Link / Tiny Dragon by AmberscaleArt. Teba
Masterpost of Guides
Temple of Time Hatchery
ah i dont think theres a point to signatures ;;
might still do greeting cards and deffo do participation badge tho,,
ah i dont think theres a point to signatures ;;
might still do greeting cards and deffo do participation badge tho,,
(Stay determined...)
(Stay determined...)
Avatar Dragon: Link / Tiny Dragon by AmberscaleArt. Teba
Masterpost of Guides
Temple of Time Hatchery
abuhbuh buh
abuhbuh buh
Nope. Nope.
Nope. Nope.
Avatar Dragon: Link / Tiny Dragon by AmberscaleArt. Teba
Masterpost of Guides
Temple of Time Hatchery
Avatar Dragon: Link / Tiny Dragon by AmberscaleArt. Teba
Masterpost of Guides
Temple of Time Hatchery