
Forum Games

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TOPIC | Help Wanted - WaveSat CYOA - DONE
[center][b][PATT1][/b] @BlueTrillium [/center] [indent][url=] [img][/img] [/url] the dive bar certainly held up it's allure; filled with colorful patrons, lively tunes, and tasteful drinks, thebe found it to be an ideal hangout. of course, as much as she wanted to linger and drink until the sun set over the boundless sea, she knew there was a task at hand. inside, a massive snapper clumsily made his exit from the bar, which provided more than enough space for thebe to infiltrate the ranks. she rushed forward to take a seat, and as soon as her claws hit the edge of the bar, two other dragons swarmed in alongside her. the pair, now pressed against thebe, raised their heads and called over the bartender in a snap. thebe eyed the one to the left of her, who was an extremely lanky and tall skydancer with fire-like wings. the skydancer peered over her fallen spectacles, observing the crowd with a hint of disdain and disgust. the other, another nocturne as thebe herself, grunted as they shoved a fae off of the stool next to them, creating more space for their wings and tail. as they received their creamy clam float, thebe noticed his abyssal eyes reflected in the polished glass - a local, and an ideal candidate for sleuthing. thebe let the fizz of her night nectar settle before placing her bauble down besides it so she may drink freely. the still glowing orb immediatly caught the attention of the nocturne, who awkwardly swung his body over to face thebe. "ahh, another foreigner here for the festivities. but, ah, that's a nice device you've got there. but, hmm, that doesn't seem like the ones they'd hand out to tourists. seems more... official? governmental and all?" he wavered his claws while he spoke, as if conjuring the words themselves. [b]choice C: approach a random dragon and start up a conversation[/b] without skipping a beat, thebe giggled and threw back her head. "of course not! i'm actually thinking of moving here. i'm not just a tourist, so i've borrowed this from one of the departments for now. and yet, as much as this place is [i]lovely[/i], i'm worried about the..." she paused for a moment and moved her maw forward, closing the gap between herself and the nocturne, "[i]rumors[/i]." "rumors? of what sort?" "oh, just small whispers of crime. yesterday, i heard that an elderly guardian's charge was stolen by a conniving pearlcatcher. they have yet to find it and the guardian is absolutely torrential! it's so awful. you haven't heard anything else like [i]that[/i], have you?" [/indent]


the dive bar certainly held up it's allure; filled with colorful patrons, lively tunes, and tasteful drinks, thebe found it to be an ideal hangout. of course, as much as she wanted to linger and drink until the sun set over the boundless sea, she knew there was a task at hand.

inside, a massive snapper clumsily made his exit from the bar, which provided more than enough space for thebe to infiltrate the ranks. she rushed forward to take a seat, and as soon as her claws hit the edge of the bar, two other dragons swarmed in alongside her. the pair, now pressed against thebe, raised their heads and called over the bartender in a snap.

thebe eyed the one to the left of her, who was an extremely lanky and tall skydancer with fire-like wings. the skydancer peered over her fallen spectacles, observing the crowd with a hint of disdain and disgust. the other, another nocturne as thebe herself, grunted as they shoved a fae off of the stool next to them, creating more space for their wings and tail. as they received their creamy clam float, thebe noticed his abyssal eyes reflected in the polished glass - a local, and an ideal candidate for sleuthing.

thebe let the fizz of her night nectar settle before placing her bauble down besides it so she may drink freely. the still glowing orb immediatly caught the attention of the nocturne, who awkwardly swung his body over to face thebe.

"ahh, another foreigner here for the festivities. but, ah, that's a nice device you've got there. but, hmm, that doesn't seem like the ones they'd hand out to tourists. seems more... official? governmental and all?" he wavered his claws while he spoke, as if conjuring the words themselves.

choice C: approach a random dragon and start up a conversation

without skipping a beat, thebe giggled and threw back her head. "of course not! i'm actually thinking of moving here. i'm not just a tourist, so i've borrowed this from one of the departments for now. and yet, as much as this place is lovely, i'm worried about the..." she paused for a moment and moved her maw forward, closing the gap between herself and the nocturne, "rumors."

"rumors? of what sort?"

"oh, just small whispers of crime. yesterday, i heard that an elderly guardian's charge was stolen by a conniving pearlcatcher. they have yet to find it and the guardian is absolutely torrential! it's so awful.
you haven't heard anything else like that, have you?"
@BlueTrillium [center][b][MAGR1][/b] [url=] [img][/img] [/url][/center] Jasper glanced around. Well, it [i]was[/i] a rune scroll, so he figured the fortune tellers that worked with runes would have something to do with it. [b]B: Approach the rune draw booth [/b] ((OOC: I chose mage division [START] and magic runes [MAGDV] before this.))


Jasper glanced around. Well, it was a rune scroll, so he figured the fortune tellers that worked with runes would have something to do with it.

B: Approach the rune draw booth

((OOC: I chose mage division [START] and magic runes [MAGDV] before this.))
The sun warms the soilowHD2Fr.pngon a cool autumn day.
(from [MAGDV])

Johwyn couldn't really tell where to go from his quick glance, so he tried to survey his surroundings more carefully.

Which place was most likely to have ceramic? Perfectly circular? He wanted to get this plate as soon as possible, so he must not be led astray to the wrong place! Logic would help him here, as the smart worker always prevails!

...oh, who are we kidding. The idiot couldn't take his eyes off the spinning circles.

[Choice B: Hey, the plates that entertainer is using sure seem pretty circular...]
(from [MAGDV])

Johwyn couldn't really tell where to go from his quick glance, so he tried to survey his surroundings more carefully.

Which place was most likely to have ceramic? Perfectly circular? He wanted to get this plate as soon as possible, so he must not be led astray to the wrong place! Logic would help him here, as the smart worker always prevails!

...oh, who are we kidding. The idiot couldn't take his eyes off the spinning circles.

[Choice B: Hey, the plates that entertainer is using sure seem pretty circular...]
(No time to RP today, might add something if I'm on early tomorrow)


[A: Specially purified scrying water] (Not sure about the magic bauble lore-wise, I'm assuming having hatched from a water flight nest, Nesaia won't need one)


A: Accept the bargain and ask what the task is
(No time to RP today, might add something if I'm on early tomorrow)


[A: Specially purified scrying water] (Not sure about the magic bauble lore-wise, I'm assuming having hatched from a water flight nest, Nesaia won't need one)


A: Accept the bargain and ask what the task is
@BlueTrillium [b][PATB1][/b] [url=] [img][/img] [/url] As expected, Lily was able to find her clanmate hanging around the Boardwalk Bragging stand, looking surlier than usual and muttering something about "two out of three." She did however seem to cheer up a bit at seeing a familiar face and they quickly caught up on what each other had been doing during the beginnings of the festival. "Oh, you want someone shady to talk to?" Fizz asks, glowering a bit when Lily asks for her assistance, and she points a claw towards another Skydancer, "try him then. He's an utter liar, and no doubt has some sort of black-market stuffed toy business going on." Lily gave the yellow Skydancer a deadpan look. "A...what?" Fizz just mumbled something under her breath before wishing her clanmate luck and returning to her game. Lily sized up the indicated Skydancer, and decided he was a good enough choice as any. Considering his scars it was very likely he was a fighter of some sort, so he'd probably have keener eyes than some of the other dragons in crowd. "Azriel?" she asks as she approaches. He tilts her head at her. "I'm sorry," he tells her, "I don't recall seeing you during the challenge earlier. You know my name?" "Yes well, you seem to have stumped a friend of mine. She was cursing your name to me," she admitted, glancing over her shoulder towards the nearest yellow plumage. "Anyways, I hope you have a moment. I'm with Saturnalia Security and I just wanted to make sure everything is running smoothly. You haven't seen anything worrisome or suspicious have you?" She wondered if she should stop there...surely being too blunt about it would make him clam up, but being too vague might make him not take her seriously, "You know what troublemakers some dragons can be, and we'd hate for anything to ruin everyone else's fun," she adds awkwardly. [b]((A: The scarred white skydancer))[/b] ((May have had a bit too much fun cross-rping between the two events ">>))



As expected, Lily was able to find her clanmate hanging around the Boardwalk Bragging stand, looking surlier than usual and muttering something about "two out of three." She did however seem to cheer up a bit at seeing a familiar face and they quickly caught up on what each other had been doing during the beginnings of the festival.

"Oh, you want someone shady to talk to?" Fizz asks, glowering a bit when Lily asks for her assistance, and she points a claw towards another Skydancer, "try him then. He's an utter liar, and no doubt has some sort of black-market stuffed toy business going on."

Lily gave the yellow Skydancer a deadpan look. "A...what?"

Fizz just mumbled something under her breath before wishing her clanmate luck and returning to her game.

Lily sized up the indicated Skydancer, and decided he was a good enough choice as any. Considering his scars it was very likely he was a fighter of some sort, so he'd probably have keener eyes than some of the other dragons in crowd.

"Azriel?" she asks as she approaches.

He tilts her head at her. "I'm sorry," he tells her, "I don't recall seeing you during the challenge earlier. You know my name?"

"Yes well, you seem to have stumped a friend of mine. She was cursing your name to me," she admitted, glancing over her shoulder towards the nearest yellow plumage. "Anyways, I hope you have a moment. I'm with Saturnalia Security and I just wanted to make sure everything is running smoothly. You haven't seen anything worrisome or suspicious have you?" She wondered if she should stop there...surely being too blunt about it would make him clam up, but being too vague might make him not take her seriously, "You know what troublemakers some dragons can be, and we'd hate for anything to ruin everyone else's fun," she adds awkwardly. ((A: The scarred white skydancer))

((May have had a bit too much fun cross-rping between the two events ">>))
[b][START] [/b] @BlueTrillium [img][/img] Giggles shivers in excitement as she all too quickly scans over the papers. She's finally been given the freedom to roam around the festival area on her own, after many years of remaining under Lina's watch. This will be a serious test of her temperance, overseen by Our Mother Herself. All Giggles has to do is keep herself from causing too much trouble... This job should be a good excuse to let herself loose a little. It's all for the good of the festival after all~~~ Perhaps they'll find some thief or vandal or murderer, she thinks, giggling quietly as she signs the form. [b](Option B: Help the patrol division)[/b]


Giggles shivers in excitement as she all too quickly scans over the papers. She's finally been given the freedom to roam around the festival area on her own, after many years of remaining under Lina's watch. This will be a serious test of her temperance, overseen by Our Mother Herself. All Giggles has to do is keep herself from causing too much trouble...

This job should be a good excuse to let herself loose a little. It's all for the good of the festival after all~~~ Perhaps they'll find some thief or vandal or murderer, she thinks, giggling quietly as she signs the form.

(Option B: Help the patrol division)
(from [PATDV] or from the tiki bar or boardwalk bragging tasks)

"Shady Joe, eh? I hear he's actually been a bit under the weather of late. Although that may work more against you than for you, if it makes him cranky. Still, he runs a gambling booth here at the festival. Specializes in roulette. Knowing him, you'll probably have to win a game before he tells you anything, but if there's one thing you can say about Shady Joe, it's that if you can successfully jump through his hoops, what he'll tell you will be the truth to the best of his knowledge. Of course, he may still omit some things..."

The snapper harrumphs. "We've got to take what we can get, though. So, here. I'll give you some money - make sure you use it well. Good luck!"

You follow his directions to Shady Joe's booth. As one might expect, it is rather... shady-looking. A pair of mirrors lounging outside of it eye you narrowly before turning away. Inside, everything is dimly lit, save for a bright circle of light (likely from a hole in the roof of the tent) that is centered on a roulette wheel.

A sly-looking coatl appears out of the shadows. "Now taking betssss," he hisses. "What'sss your number?"

A: Lucky number seven! - [Success]/[Fail]
B: Put a coin on thirteen - [Success]/[Fail]
C: Get out of there! - [Success]/[Fail]

(When you make a choice here, please wait for me to generate your result and I will ping you on to your next destination!)

Pinging: @Mithent @UserOfShadows @velvetpaws @Stasha @Lizardheart @totallynotsuper @xMoonDragonx @Lesley @DorkyDactyl @crayaura @freeradical153 @Tsuriruto @Khaleesyn @Wildswirls @StarryCloudyEyes @FallingSlowly @Tirea @Synzia @Sadrain @Cebelrai @StrykeSlammerII

(Was hoping to link this to the actual Shady Joe event, but it looks like it's not quite ready yet. Ah well, fortunately you don't actually need to visit there to continue! ^_^)
(from [PATDV] or from the tiki bar or boardwalk bragging tasks)

"Shady Joe, eh? I hear he's actually been a bit under the weather of late. Although that may work more against you than for you, if it makes him cranky. Still, he runs a gambling booth here at the festival. Specializes in roulette. Knowing him, you'll probably have to win a game before he tells you anything, but if there's one thing you can say about Shady Joe, it's that if you can successfully jump through his hoops, what he'll tell you will be the truth to the best of his knowledge. Of course, he may still omit some things..."

The snapper harrumphs. "We've got to take what we can get, though. So, here. I'll give you some money - make sure you use it well. Good luck!"

You follow his directions to Shady Joe's booth. As one might expect, it is rather... shady-looking. A pair of mirrors lounging outside of it eye you narrowly before turning away. Inside, everything is dimly lit, save for a bright circle of light (likely from a hole in the roof of the tent) that is centered on a roulette wheel.

A sly-looking coatl appears out of the shadows. "Now taking betssss," he hisses. "What'sss your number?"

A: Lucky number seven! - [Success]/[Fail]
B: Put a coin on thirteen - [Success]/[Fail]
C: Get out of there! - [Success]/[Fail]

(When you make a choice here, please wait for me to generate your result and I will ping you on to your next destination!)

Pinging: @Mithent @UserOfShadows @velvetpaws @Stasha @Lizardheart @totallynotsuper @xMoonDragonx @Lesley @DorkyDactyl @crayaura @freeradical153 @Tsuriruto @Khaleesyn @Wildswirls @StarryCloudyEyes @FallingSlowly @Tirea @Synzia @Sadrain @Cebelrai @StrykeSlammerII

(Was hoping to link this to the actual Shady Joe event, but it looks like it's not quite ready yet. Ah well, fortunately you don't actually need to visit there to continue! ^_^)
Come to the dork side. Do not make me de-story you. Image © Diaktoros
DriftAwayBanner_zpsd03e0e45.jpg tumblr_om7wmtaZKm1w2diclo1_100.png
(water-only links)
[center][b][PATJ1][/b] [url=] [img][/img] [/url] Soulreaper clicked her tongue against the bone mask that lied beneath her skull armor, she pulled a coin from a satchel that was hidden beneath her left winglimb, placing it on the number thirteen. A soft [i]swish[/i] of feathers as Soulreaper moved to make space for other dragons. Gambling was never something he had done before, a new experience. Eyeing her possible competition, she studied them closely. She hid the notion as best she could, which made it a nigh on invisible tilt of the head. [B]Choice B: Put a Coin on Thirteen.[/b][/center]


Soulreaper clicked her tongue against the bone mask that lied beneath her skull armor, she pulled a coin from a satchel that was hidden beneath her left winglimb, placing it on the number thirteen. A soft swish of feathers as Soulreaper moved to make space for other dragons. Gambling was never something he had done before, a new experience. Eyeing her possible competition, she studied them closely. She hid the notion as best she could, which made it a nigh on invisible tilt of the head.

Choice B: Put a Coin on Thirteen.
[b][PATJ1][/b] [url=] [img][/img] [/url] Kalle smiles. They can't resist making a bet, and they glance over the wheel, eyes darting over the lights, and eventually moving to Joe's face. "I'll go with seven," Kalle tells him. [b][Option A: Number Seven][/b]


Kalle smiles. They can't resist making a bet, and they glance over the wheel, eyes darting over the lights, and eventually moving to Joe's face.
"I'll go with seven," Kalle tells him.
[Option A: Number Seven]

"Oh great Icewarden," Naolini swore to himself upon encountering the suspicious coatl. He didn't for one second believe in the luck of the number seven, or the bad luck of the number thirteen, but he wouldn't put it past such a shady character--named Joe, presumably--to rig the game in such a way.

Certain that he was caught between a rock and a hard place, the guardian had no idea what to choose. "Right, then. A number? What number will I pick?" He shifted his paws nervously, then said, "I'll go with seven, I guess." He cringed and closed his eyes, suddenly certain this had been the wrong choice.

(Choice A: Lucky number seven!)

"Oh great Icewarden," Naolini swore to himself upon encountering the suspicious coatl. He didn't for one second believe in the luck of the number seven, or the bad luck of the number thirteen, but he wouldn't put it past such a shady character--named Joe, presumably--to rig the game in such a way.

Certain that he was caught between a rock and a hard place, the guardian had no idea what to choose. "Right, then. A number? What number will I pick?" He shifted his paws nervously, then said, "I'll go with seven, I guess." He cringed and closed his eyes, suddenly certain this had been the wrong choice.

(Choice A: Lucky number seven!)