
Forum Games

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TOPIC | Help Wanted - WaveSat CYOA - DONE
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@Sivi - No worries, PATTDY doesn't exist yet, but I'll ping you as soon as I've got it! It's a first-task response so that's one of the next ones on my list. *thumbs up*
@Sivi - No worries, PATTDY doesn't exist yet, but I'll ping you as soon as I've got it! It's a first-task response so that's one of the next ones on my list. *thumbs up*
Come to the dork side. Do not make me de-story you. Image © Diaktoros
DriftAwayBanner_zpsd03e0e45.jpg tumblr_om7wmtaZKm1w2diclo1_100.png
(water-only links)

(from [PATT1])

The dragon you chose to approach is surprisingly friendly and talkative - you suspect the drink they've got might not be their first one of the day. Which would be a good thing for you... if they didn't feel the need to spill their entire life-story before actually answering your question. They do seem to be getting there, though, and you hold tight to your patience waiting for them to get to the point.

"...So's then I told OceanSpray - he's my cousin twice-removed, did I tell you that? What does 'twice-removed' mean anyway? Haven't the foggiest, just heard it around someplace... You hear weird things in a bar, you know?

"Anyway, I told OceanSpray, I did, that them beastclan folks... longnecks they were, yes, can't mistake'm, not like those other ones, you know, with the feathers... What was I talking about? Oh yeah, OceanSpray. So I told him, they were up to no good, you see? All hanging out around the backs of tents like that. I shooed them away, I did, but I can't just stay there all day, now can I? No I couldn't. Nope nope. So I told OceanSpray aaallll about it, but he didn't believe me, see? When I finally got him to check, they hadn't come back yet. But I bet they do, yeah.

"Still, not my problem anymore, is it? I'm off-shift, talking to nice folks like you and relaxing in the bar, I am. Hey did I tell you about my other cousin PinkyPuff? Yeah, rather unfortunate name he's got, poor guy. He's not even pink! Or puffy! Let me tell you how he got it..."

You're pretty sure that the bit about the longnecks is all the useful gossip you'll get from this one. It takes a while to extricate yourself from the conversation, but eventually you do, and high-tail it back to the patrol division leader.

[PATTDY] (if this is your first task)

"Great work," the snapper says approvingly. "I'll have to find out where this OceanSpray character works, if I can, and I'll have guards keep an extra eye out for longnecks. Let's see if you can find out anything else at one of the other locations."

A: Head over to boardwalk bragging
B: Visit Shady Joe

(Go right on through the link to your next choice!)

Pinging: @ser @Shadowfire9 @Sivi

[PATTDYJ] (if you just finished the shady joe task)

"Interesting... I'll check the rosters for this OceanSpray dragon, and have them keep an eye out for those longnecks. Still, maybe the boardwalk bragging folks can tell us a bit more."

A: Visit boardwalk bragging

(Go right on through the link to your next choice!)

Pinging: @Tsuriruto

[PATTDYB] (if you just finished the boardwalk bragging task)

"Hmm... that does sound odd. I'll have the patrols keep an eye out for longnecks, and maybe bring in that OceanSpray fellow. Don't forget to check out Shady Joe!"

A: Venture on over to Shady Joe

(Go right on through the link to your next choice!)

Pinging: @SaturdayLemon

[PATTDY3] (if this is your last task)

"Sounds like that OceanSpray guy needs to take a closer look. I'll investigate him and pass on the information about the longnecks. Great job checking out all three spots. Go ahead and take a break for now; in a bit we'll see if we were able to catch anything with all the new info."

(Proceed on to [PATEND])


(from [PATT1])

The dragon you chose to approach is surprisingly friendly and talkative - you suspect the drink they've got might not be their first one of the day. Which would be a good thing for you... if they didn't feel the need to spill their entire life-story before actually answering your question. They do seem to be getting there, though, and you hold tight to your patience waiting for them to get to the point.

"...So's then I told OceanSpray - he's my cousin twice-removed, did I tell you that? What does 'twice-removed' mean anyway? Haven't the foggiest, just heard it around someplace... You hear weird things in a bar, you know?

"Anyway, I told OceanSpray, I did, that them beastclan folks... longnecks they were, yes, can't mistake'm, not like those other ones, you know, with the feathers... What was I talking about? Oh yeah, OceanSpray. So I told him, they were up to no good, you see? All hanging out around the backs of tents like that. I shooed them away, I did, but I can't just stay there all day, now can I? No I couldn't. Nope nope. So I told OceanSpray aaallll about it, but he didn't believe me, see? When I finally got him to check, they hadn't come back yet. But I bet they do, yeah.

"Still, not my problem anymore, is it? I'm off-shift, talking to nice folks like you and relaxing in the bar, I am. Hey did I tell you about my other cousin PinkyPuff? Yeah, rather unfortunate name he's got, poor guy. He's not even pink! Or puffy! Let me tell you how he got it..."

You're pretty sure that the bit about the longnecks is all the useful gossip you'll get from this one. It takes a while to extricate yourself from the conversation, but eventually you do, and high-tail it back to the patrol division leader.

[PATTDY] (if this is your first task)

"Great work," the snapper says approvingly. "I'll have to find out where this OceanSpray character works, if I can, and I'll have guards keep an extra eye out for longnecks. Let's see if you can find out anything else at one of the other locations."

A: Head over to boardwalk bragging
B: Visit Shady Joe

(Go right on through the link to your next choice!)

Pinging: @ser @Shadowfire9 @Sivi

[PATTDYJ] (if you just finished the shady joe task)

"Interesting... I'll check the rosters for this OceanSpray dragon, and have them keep an eye out for those longnecks. Still, maybe the boardwalk bragging folks can tell us a bit more."

A: Visit boardwalk bragging

(Go right on through the link to your next choice!)

Pinging: @Tsuriruto

[PATTDYB] (if you just finished the boardwalk bragging task)

"Hmm... that does sound odd. I'll have the patrols keep an eye out for longnecks, and maybe bring in that OceanSpray fellow. Don't forget to check out Shady Joe!"

A: Venture on over to Shady Joe

(Go right on through the link to your next choice!)

Pinging: @SaturdayLemon

[PATTDY3] (if this is your last task)

"Sounds like that OceanSpray guy needs to take a closer look. I'll investigate him and pass on the information about the longnecks. Great job checking out all three spots. Go ahead and take a break for now; in a bit we'll see if we were able to catch anything with all the new info."

(Proceed on to [PATEND])

Come to the dork side. Do not make me de-story you. Image © Diaktoros
DriftAwayBanner_zpsd03e0e45.jpg tumblr_om7wmtaZKm1w2diclo1_100.png
(water-only links)

(from [PATT1])

The dragon you chose to approach seems a bit closed-off. They don't shoo you away or anything, but instead of responding to your questions they just look more and more sadly into their drink. Eventually they heave an enormous sigh and down the rest of their drink all in one gulp.

Their cup thumps onto the table, and finally they look over at you, tears in their bleary eyes.

"She's gone!" They suddenly bemoan - very loudly, gaining the attention of other dragons in the immediate vicinity. "Why didn't she stay? What did I do wrong? I gave her presents... I said nice things..." They snuffle audibly and then continue, even louder. "What's wrong with me, huh? Am I the wrong color? Are my wings too small? What is it?"

Abruptly their eyes narrow and they glare at you. "You! You took her away, didn't you? You did! You did I know it! This is all your fault! Give her back!" This last line is a shout, and with barely that for warning, they leap at you with murder on their mind.

Fortunately the bouncers, attracted to the shouting, were already on hand to catch the other dragon before they can get to you. Unfortunately, in addition to throwing the other dragon out, they ask you to leave as well. "Can't have you inciting any other fights," they explain, turning you away. "If you must come back, come back later when the crowd calms down."

[PATTDN] (if this is your first task)

The snapper laughs out loud for at least a minute when you return with the story. "Sorry, sorry, I know that had to be disappointing for you. It's too bad you didn't run across any information, but hey, now you have a story to tell your lair when you rejoin them. Still, the work continues, so I've got to ask you to try checking another area."

A: It's time to check boardwalk bragging
B: We'll try Shady Joe

(Go right on through the link to your next choice!)

Pinging: @Elsu @Sei @Garjansverd

[PATTDNJ] (if you just finished the shady joe task)

The snapper is greatly entertained by your story and tells you not to worry about not getting any information there. "Go on and try boardwalk bragging, then," he urges you.

A: Onward to boardwalk bragging

(Go right on through the link to your next choice!)


[PATTDNB] (if you just finished the boardwalk bragging task)

"Pfft, hahaha!" the snapper chortles at your misfortune. "No, sorry, sorry. Clearly that was not your fault; don't worry about it. We still need to check out Shady Joe though."

A: It's time to check Shady Joe

(Go right on through the link to your next choice!)


[PATTDN3] (if this is your last task)

The snapper is sympathetic but amused at your story. "The tiki bar might not have panned out, but don't worry. Good job checking all three locations! I'll put all the information together and send it out to the patrols. Hopefully we'll get some results shortly."

(Proceed to [PATEND])


(from [PATT1])

The dragon you chose to approach seems a bit closed-off. They don't shoo you away or anything, but instead of responding to your questions they just look more and more sadly into their drink. Eventually they heave an enormous sigh and down the rest of their drink all in one gulp.

Their cup thumps onto the table, and finally they look over at you, tears in their bleary eyes.

"She's gone!" They suddenly bemoan - very loudly, gaining the attention of other dragons in the immediate vicinity. "Why didn't she stay? What did I do wrong? I gave her presents... I said nice things..." They snuffle audibly and then continue, even louder. "What's wrong with me, huh? Am I the wrong color? Are my wings too small? What is it?"

Abruptly their eyes narrow and they glare at you. "You! You took her away, didn't you? You did! You did I know it! This is all your fault! Give her back!" This last line is a shout, and with barely that for warning, they leap at you with murder on their mind.

Fortunately the bouncers, attracted to the shouting, were already on hand to catch the other dragon before they can get to you. Unfortunately, in addition to throwing the other dragon out, they ask you to leave as well. "Can't have you inciting any other fights," they explain, turning you away. "If you must come back, come back later when the crowd calms down."

[PATTDN] (if this is your first task)

The snapper laughs out loud for at least a minute when you return with the story. "Sorry, sorry, I know that had to be disappointing for you. It's too bad you didn't run across any information, but hey, now you have a story to tell your lair when you rejoin them. Still, the work continues, so I've got to ask you to try checking another area."

A: It's time to check boardwalk bragging
B: We'll try Shady Joe

(Go right on through the link to your next choice!)

Pinging: @Elsu @Sei @Garjansverd

[PATTDNJ] (if you just finished the shady joe task)

The snapper is greatly entertained by your story and tells you not to worry about not getting any information there. "Go on and try boardwalk bragging, then," he urges you.

A: Onward to boardwalk bragging

(Go right on through the link to your next choice!)


[PATTDNB] (if you just finished the boardwalk bragging task)

"Pfft, hahaha!" the snapper chortles at your misfortune. "No, sorry, sorry. Clearly that was not your fault; don't worry about it. We still need to check out Shady Joe though."

A: It's time to check Shady Joe

(Go right on through the link to your next choice!)


[PATTDN3] (if this is your last task)

The snapper is sympathetic but amused at your story. "The tiki bar might not have panned out, but don't worry. Good job checking all three locations! I'll put all the information together and send it out to the patrols. Hopefully we'll get some results shortly."

(Proceed to [PATEND])

Come to the dork side. Do not make me de-story you. Image © Diaktoros
DriftAwayBanner_zpsd03e0e45.jpg tumblr_om7wmtaZKm1w2diclo1_100.png
(water-only links)
[PATJ7Y] or

(from [PATJ1])

Shady Joe cackles at your choice to bet on number seven. He takes your money and spins the wheel, watching the ball roll avidly. It bounces from ten, to four, to six, then all the way over to thirteen before wobbling and then rolling slowly back, eventually settling on seven! Joe stares at his wheel in shock, and even kicks it a little, but the ball stubbornly stays in slot seven. He hisses furiously and glares at you as if he'd like to accuse you of something.

"A prizssse, is it?" he says at last. "I'll sssee what I have." He starts to move back into the darkness but you quickly stop him and pose your question instead. "If I anssswer, that isss your prizssse," he warns darkly, but you have no choice but to agree, and he relents slightly.

"It isss a deal. Ssso then, rumorsss.... Thhhe only thing I can think of thhhat would be of interessst to you isss that I hear clussstersss of ssserthisss have been sssneaking around the backsss of tentsss. Might be nothing, might be sssomething, but that isss all I have."

He chortles a bit, swaying from foot to foot. "You have your prizssse, now go, go! I do not wishhh to sssee you again."

Since you've got what you came for, you do as he asks and report back to the snapper.

[PATJ7Y] (if this is your first task)

"Those serthis, always plotting something nasty I'm sure," he says. "They've raided my clan more than once... but that's neither here nor there. If they're grouping behind tents I'll have to have someone look into it. Good job with that information, now let's see if you can gather any more."

A: Visit boardwalk bragging next
B: We'll try the tiki bar

(Go right on through the link to your next choice!)

Pinging: @FallingSlowly @StrykeSlammerII @crayaura @Tirea @Sadrain @totallynotsuper @Lizardheart @Tsuriruto @ImperialFeline

[PATJ7YT] (if you just finished the tiki bar task)

"Serthis, eh? Never really cared for the slithery things, personally. I'll alert the patrols to be on the lookout for them. Just in case, head on over to boardwalk bragging. They might have something to add."

A: Head to boardwalk bragging

(Go right on through the link to your next choice!)

Pinging: @Elsu @luccamajere

[PATJ7YB] (if you just finished the boardwalk bragging task)

"Hmm... that news does make me a bit wary. We'll keep a lookout. In the meantime, head on over to the tiki bar and see if you can dig up anything more."

A: It's time for the tiki bar

(Go right on through the link to your next choice!)

Pinging: @Ravinsong

[PATJ7Y3] (if this is your last task)

"Ugh, serthis. My clan's had trouble with them before. Well, thank you for checking all those areas for information. I'll take everything and get it to the patrols. You take a well-deserved break, and with luck we'll have further news before too long."

(Proceed on to [PATEND])

Pinging: @Kaynara @Sarami @ser
[PATJ7Y] or

(from [PATJ1])

Shady Joe cackles at your choice to bet on number seven. He takes your money and spins the wheel, watching the ball roll avidly. It bounces from ten, to four, to six, then all the way over to thirteen before wobbling and then rolling slowly back, eventually settling on seven! Joe stares at his wheel in shock, and even kicks it a little, but the ball stubbornly stays in slot seven. He hisses furiously and glares at you as if he'd like to accuse you of something.

"A prizssse, is it?" he says at last. "I'll sssee what I have." He starts to move back into the darkness but you quickly stop him and pose your question instead. "If I anssswer, that isss your prizssse," he warns darkly, but you have no choice but to agree, and he relents slightly.

"It isss a deal. Ssso then, rumorsss.... Thhhe only thing I can think of thhhat would be of interessst to you isss that I hear clussstersss of ssserthisss have been sssneaking around the backsss of tentsss. Might be nothing, might be sssomething, but that isss all I have."

He chortles a bit, swaying from foot to foot. "You have your prizssse, now go, go! I do not wishhh to sssee you again."

Since you've got what you came for, you do as he asks and report back to the snapper.

[PATJ7Y] (if this is your first task)

"Those serthis, always plotting something nasty I'm sure," he says. "They've raided my clan more than once... but that's neither here nor there. If they're grouping behind tents I'll have to have someone look into it. Good job with that information, now let's see if you can gather any more."

A: Visit boardwalk bragging next
B: We'll try the tiki bar

(Go right on through the link to your next choice!)

Pinging: @FallingSlowly @StrykeSlammerII @crayaura @Tirea @Sadrain @totallynotsuper @Lizardheart @Tsuriruto @ImperialFeline

[PATJ7YT] (if you just finished the tiki bar task)

"Serthis, eh? Never really cared for the slithery things, personally. I'll alert the patrols to be on the lookout for them. Just in case, head on over to boardwalk bragging. They might have something to add."

A: Head to boardwalk bragging

(Go right on through the link to your next choice!)

Pinging: @Elsu @luccamajere

[PATJ7YB] (if you just finished the boardwalk bragging task)

"Hmm... that news does make me a bit wary. We'll keep a lookout. In the meantime, head on over to the tiki bar and see if you can dig up anything more."

A: It's time for the tiki bar

(Go right on through the link to your next choice!)

Pinging: @Ravinsong

[PATJ7Y3] (if this is your last task)

"Ugh, serthis. My clan's had trouble with them before. Well, thank you for checking all those areas for information. I'll take everything and get it to the patrols. You take a well-deserved break, and with luck we'll have further news before too long."

(Proceed on to [PATEND])

Pinging: @Kaynara @Sarami @ser
Come to the dork side. Do not make me de-story you. Image © Diaktoros
DriftAwayBanner_zpsd03e0e45.jpg tumblr_om7wmtaZKm1w2diclo1_100.png
(water-only links)
[PATJ7N] or

(from [PATJ1])

Shady Joe cackles at your choice to bet on number seven. He takes your money and spins the wheel, watching the ball roll avidly. It bounces from ten, to four, to six, then all the way over to thirteen before wobbling, wobbling.... and then staying there on thirteen. The coatl cackles again and you've got to assume he's rigged it somehow... not that you can prove it.

He puffs himself up and glares at you malevolently. "You lossse. Now leave, before you lossse more," he says threateningly, narrowing his gaze. Rustling sounds at the back of the tent make you wonder if there's a back entrance there and if you might not be alone in this tent.

Faced without much for options, you leave and head back to the snapper.

[PATJ7N] (if this is your first task)

"Don't feel bad," he says. "You're not the first one Shady Joe's taken advantage of, and you'll not be the last. I'd hoped for better luck, but..." He shrugs his bulky shoulders. "You did what you could. Let's see if somewhere else might be more fruitful."

A: Head to boardwalk bragging next
B: The tiki bar sounds promising

(Go right on through the link to your next choice!)

Pinging: @Wildswirls

[PATJ7NT] (if you just finished the tiki bar task)

"Ahhh Shady Joe... well we knew he wouldn't be very cooperative. Thank you for trying. Looks like all that's left to try is the boardwalk bragging area."

A: Head to boardwalk bragging

(Go right on through the link to your next choice!)

Pinging: @JinxMoonstone @flippedside

[PATJ7NB] (if you just finished the boardwalk bragging task)

"Don't worry about Shady Joe. I'd hoped that he would be more helpful, but we can work without him. The tiki bar is left, why don't you head on over there?"

A: Off to the tiki bar

(Go right on through the link to your next choice!)

Pinging: @Steex

[PATJ7N3] (if this is your last task)

"Meh, don't let your difficulties with Shady Joe bring you down. You did a lot of good work for the patrol division checking all those areas. I'll pass on what we were able to get, and with luck before too long we'll see some results."

(Proceed on to [PATEND])

Pinging: @Asashi
[PATJ7N] or

(from [PATJ1])

Shady Joe cackles at your choice to bet on number seven. He takes your money and spins the wheel, watching the ball roll avidly. It bounces from ten, to four, to six, then all the way over to thirteen before wobbling, wobbling.... and then staying there on thirteen. The coatl cackles again and you've got to assume he's rigged it somehow... not that you can prove it.

He puffs himself up and glares at you malevolently. "You lossse. Now leave, before you lossse more," he says threateningly, narrowing his gaze. Rustling sounds at the back of the tent make you wonder if there's a back entrance there and if you might not be alone in this tent.

Faced without much for options, you leave and head back to the snapper.

[PATJ7N] (if this is your first task)

"Don't feel bad," he says. "You're not the first one Shady Joe's taken advantage of, and you'll not be the last. I'd hoped for better luck, but..." He shrugs his bulky shoulders. "You did what you could. Let's see if somewhere else might be more fruitful."

A: Head to boardwalk bragging next
B: The tiki bar sounds promising

(Go right on through the link to your next choice!)

Pinging: @Wildswirls

[PATJ7NT] (if you just finished the tiki bar task)

"Ahhh Shady Joe... well we knew he wouldn't be very cooperative. Thank you for trying. Looks like all that's left to try is the boardwalk bragging area."

A: Head to boardwalk bragging

(Go right on through the link to your next choice!)

Pinging: @JinxMoonstone @flippedside

[PATJ7NB] (if you just finished the boardwalk bragging task)

"Don't worry about Shady Joe. I'd hoped that he would be more helpful, but we can work without him. The tiki bar is left, why don't you head on over there?"

A: Off to the tiki bar

(Go right on through the link to your next choice!)

Pinging: @Steex

[PATJ7N3] (if this is your last task)

"Meh, don't let your difficulties with Shady Joe bring you down. You did a lot of good work for the patrol division checking all those areas. I'll pass on what we were able to get, and with luck before too long we'll see some results."

(Proceed on to [PATEND])

Pinging: @Asashi
Come to the dork side. Do not make me de-story you. Image © Diaktoros
DriftAwayBanner_zpsd03e0e45.jpg tumblr_om7wmtaZKm1w2diclo1_100.png
(water-only links)

Nesaia sighed with relief when the ridgeback accepted the drink without complaint. That wasn't too hard, and she didn't even need to bribe him with treasure. Now for the next task!

B: Go pick up the rune scroll


Dowsing, tarot, rune draws... the last one seems to make the most sense. After all, someone who offers rune draws might also have scrolls about them...

B: Approach the rune draw booth


Nesaia sighed with relief when the ridgeback accepted the drink without complaint. That wasn't too hard, and she didn't even need to bribe him with treasure. Now for the next task!

B: Go pick up the rune scroll


Dowsing, tarot, rune draws... the last one seems to make the most sense. After all, someone who offers rune draws might also have scrolls about them...

B: Approach the rune draw booth


Naolini's happiness from his success at Shady Joe's quickly turned to confusion as he entered the Boardwalk Bragging area. So many dragons! What was he to do here? Talk to someone? That seemed to be his best bet.
After another moment's hesitation--he was always hesitating--he approached the scarred white Skydancer. "Greetings, my good sir," he said, nodding his head to the dragon. "I've a few questions for you, if y'don't mind. Have you seen any suspicious characters about? And have you heard any rumors of problems with the Saturnalia?

(Choice A: The scarred white Skydancer)

Naolini's happiness from his success at Shady Joe's quickly turned to confusion as he entered the Boardwalk Bragging area. So many dragons! What was he to do here? Talk to someone? That seemed to be his best bet.
After another moment's hesitation--he was always hesitating--he approached the scarred white Skydancer. "Greetings, my good sir," he said, nodding his head to the dragon. "I've a few questions for you, if y'don't mind. Have you seen any suspicious characters about? And have you heard any rumors of problems with the Saturnalia?

(Choice A: The scarred white Skydancer)
I hope it's not completely too late to join? If it is I understand, but I thought I'd try. [Start] [url=] [img][/img] [/url] Isa entered the building almost nervously, glancing at each corner as she approached the guardian. Quietly offering that she wanted to help, she smiled slightly at name the Tidelord was referenced with, catching the pen as it rolled towards her. After listening she nodded, adding a quite "Okay," as she picked up the papers to read them. After a brief deliberation she wrote her name on the paper to join the Mage Division. She approached the guardian again, pushing the paper with her chicken scratch signature on it towards him. (Choice A: Help the Mage Division) [MAGDV] Tilting her head with curiosity, Isa chooses to take one of the baubles, replying that she would be sure to bring it back as she puts it in a small pouch. When the escort arrives, she turns to follow him, choosing not the break the silence as they walk. Muttering a soft thanks as she walks in, briefly making eye contact with the imperial before looking into the tub with fascination. When the imperial asks for her attention she listens attentively. "It's been a long time since I've been here, so it's wonderful to get to help, especially with scrying," she replys before waiting for the list of items she might be able to find. "I'm not sure I should be the one looking for anything purified," she says with downcast eyes towards her claws, "maybe the scroll would be the best task for me?" (Choice C: A scroll of Magic Runes) [MAGR1] Encouraged by the Imperials words, Isa bows slightly and turns to hurry with her task. Choosing to fly to the fortune-tellers location, she stops when she finds the crowd of tents. Did she go the wrong way? Upon landing she find the tents all to be different forms fortune-telling. To be expected, but she doesn't immediately see anyone who seems to be in charge of everything, which is a slight problem. After passing her pearl between front and back claws several times in nervousness, she decides to approach the nearest Tarrot Reader. "Hi, I uh, I'm with the Mage division? I was told to go the fortune-tellers booth, but you're all fortune tellers.. Uh to get a scroll, with Magic Runes. I'm supposed to be expected? If you don't have it, can you point me to who does?" She says, or mostly asks, as what ought to be a statement lacks the assurednes it ought to have. It doesn't occur to her to use the small bauble, to see if it perhaps can point her in the right direction, and as such it remains in a small bag attached to her arm. (Choice C: Seek out a Tarot Reader) I'm not sure if I'm supposed to continue, as it mentions both succeed and fail, and I'm not sure what affects which one I do, and if I failed I currently don't have the option to go to that post. I also hope I handled that last choice correctly, with the attempt at a roleplay post.
I hope it's not completely too late to join? If it is I understand, but I thought I'd try.



Isa entered the building almost nervously, glancing at each corner as she approached the guardian. Quietly offering that she wanted to help, she smiled slightly at name the Tidelord was referenced with, catching the pen as it rolled towards her. After listening she nodded, adding a quite "Okay," as she picked up the papers to read them. After a brief deliberation she wrote her name on the paper to join the Mage Division. She approached the guardian again, pushing the paper with her chicken scratch signature on it towards him.

(Choice A: Help the Mage Division)


Tilting her head with curiosity, Isa chooses to take one of the baubles, replying that she would be sure to bring it back as she puts it in a small pouch. When the escort arrives, she turns to follow him, choosing not the break the silence as they walk. Muttering a soft thanks as she walks in, briefly making eye contact with the imperial before looking into the tub with fascination. When the imperial asks for her attention she listens attentively. "It's been a long time since I've been here, so it's wonderful to get to help, especially with scrying," she replys before waiting for the list of items she might be able to find. "I'm not sure I should be the one looking for anything purified," she says with downcast eyes towards her claws, "maybe the scroll would be the best task for me?"

(Choice C: A scroll of Magic Runes)


Encouraged by the Imperials words, Isa bows slightly and turns to hurry with her task. Choosing to fly to the fortune-tellers location, she stops when she finds the crowd of tents. Did she go the wrong way? Upon landing she find the tents all to be different forms fortune-telling. To be expected, but she doesn't immediately see anyone who seems to be in charge of everything, which is a slight problem. After passing her pearl between front and back claws several times in nervousness, she decides to approach the nearest Tarrot Reader. "Hi, I uh, I'm with the Mage division? I was told to go the fortune-tellers booth, but you're all fortune tellers.. Uh to get a scroll, with Magic Runes. I'm supposed to be expected? If you don't have it, can you point me to who does?" She says, or mostly asks, as what ought to be a statement lacks the assurednes it ought to have. It doesn't occur to her to use the small bauble, to see if it perhaps can point her in the right direction, and as such it remains in a small bag attached to her arm.

(Choice C: Seek out a Tarot Reader)

I'm not sure if I'm supposed to continue, as it mentions both succeed and fail, and I'm not sure what affects which one I do, and if I failed I currently don't have the option to go to that post. I also hope I handled that last choice correctly, with the attempt at a roleplay post.


Shawn tilted his head, definitely feeling the uncomfortable silence in the wake of his questions. "Umm..." he said, and then his feelers were wibbling every which way in utter alarm as the Nocturne accused him of -stealilng- someone. "Who, me? Oh, no, I'd never, I don't even -like- g-AHH!"

Thankfully, his scars weren't just for show -- he had the combat experience to see an attack coming, even if it hadn't practically been announced ahead of time by the upset Noc's outburst. He growled and grappled with the Noc, seizing him about the shoulders like double-tailed warcats do when they're taking down prey, and shoved his opponent to the floor in the wide circle that had suddenly been cleared out around them both by alarmed revelers.

"But...I didn't -do- anything!" he sputters, as the bouncers escort him out, too. "How am I supposed to find out--I will have you know this is a matter of Flight security!" It didn't matter how much he sputtered, though...soon, he was on the boardwalk. They even took his fruity concoction.

With a sigh, he weathered the Snapper's laughter, and said, "I'll go see Shady Joe." After all, how could this get any worse?

He nodded to the Mirrors, having to remind himself that not all of them were as, um, friendly as his mate was. He narrowed his eyes in the dim light and picked his way forward to settle on his haunches in front of the roulette wheel. "Um, seven," he said, pushing the pouch of money toward the shady-looking Coatl. It seemed like a respectable-enough number. "And if I win, I should like to ask you some questions." He waited tensely for the wheel to spin, and the ball to settle.

A: Lucky Number Seven!


Shawn tilted his head, definitely feeling the uncomfortable silence in the wake of his questions. "Umm..." he said, and then his feelers were wibbling every which way in utter alarm as the Nocturne accused him of -stealilng- someone. "Who, me? Oh, no, I'd never, I don't even -like- g-AHH!"

Thankfully, his scars weren't just for show -- he had the combat experience to see an attack coming, even if it hadn't practically been announced ahead of time by the upset Noc's outburst. He growled and grappled with the Noc, seizing him about the shoulders like double-tailed warcats do when they're taking down prey, and shoved his opponent to the floor in the wide circle that had suddenly been cleared out around them both by alarmed revelers.

"But...I didn't -do- anything!" he sputters, as the bouncers escort him out, too. "How am I supposed to find out--I will have you know this is a matter of Flight security!" It didn't matter how much he sputtered, though...soon, he was on the boardwalk. They even took his fruity concoction.

With a sigh, he weathered the Snapper's laughter, and said, "I'll go see Shady Joe." After all, how could this get any worse?

He nodded to the Mirrors, having to remind himself that not all of them were as, um, friendly as his mate was. He narrowed his eyes in the dim light and picked his way forward to settle on his haunches in front of the roulette wheel. "Um, seven," he said, pushing the pouch of money toward the shady-looking Coatl. It seemed like a respectable-enough number. "And if I win, I should like to ask you some questions." He waited tensely for the wheel to spin, and the ball to settle.

A: Lucky Number Seven!
B1Vtq5s.gifRz7ZJcJ.png tumblr_inline_otq29dktir1qzyloc_500.gif Uxts8PW.gif gFwGJ3H.gif
[b][MAGD1][/b] [url=] [img][/img] [/url] Those spinning plates have got to be pretty circular, otherwise he wouldn't be able to balance them so perfectly! Hopefully the dragon will let me buy or borrow one... [b]B: Hey, the plates that entertainer is using sure seem pretty circular...[/b]


Those spinning plates have got to be pretty circular, otherwise he wouldn't be able to balance them so perfectly! Hopefully the dragon will let me buy or borrow one...

B: Hey, the plates that entertainer is using sure seem pretty circular...
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