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TOPIC | Help Wanted - WaveSat CYOA - DONE
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[b][MAGDV][/b] [center][url=] [img][/img] [/url][/center] Zourel eyed the magical baubel that the guardian handed over with greedy eyes. Oh how useful such a thing could prove to be...! But alas, he was rather certain the guardian [i]would[/i] notice if it went missing. With a sigh, he resigned to his fate and made a mental note to return the baubel later. "Thanks", he said, attaching the thing securely on his sash. He then turned to the summoned escort and nodded a slight greeting as he began to follow the escort away from the hut. His escort said nothing, and as such Zourel too chose to be silent. For now, at least. As they arrived to their destination and he stepped inside the tent, his eyes widened slightly at the curious things in the tub of water. For the briefest of moments he wondered just what exactly he was supposed to do here, until the imperial greeted him. He listened to her words attentively, nodding every now and then as a sign that he had understood. "A perfectly circular dish, you say?" Zourel asked, tilting his head slightly. Finding one should be no problem. After all, he [i]had[/i] spent such a long time perfecting the circular form of his pearl. He would certainly know which dishes are perfectly formed and which are not. He nodded, his mind set. He would look for this dish first. [b](Choice B: A perfectly circular ceramic dish)[/b]
Zourel eyed the magical baubel that the guardian handed over with greedy eyes. Oh how useful such a thing could prove to be...! But alas, he was rather certain the guardian would notice if it went missing. With a sigh, he resigned to his fate and made a mental note to return the baubel later.

"Thanks", he said, attaching the thing securely on his sash. He then turned to the summoned escort and nodded a slight greeting as he began to follow the escort away from the hut. His escort said nothing, and as such Zourel too chose to be silent. For now, at least.

As they arrived to their destination and he stepped inside the tent, his eyes widened slightly at the curious things in the tub of water. For the briefest of moments he wondered just what exactly he was supposed to do here, until the imperial greeted him. He listened to her words attentively, nodding every now and then as a sign that he had understood.

"A perfectly circular dish, you say?" Zourel asked, tilting his head slightly. Finding one should be no problem. After all, he had spent such a long time perfecting the circular form of his pearl. He would certainly know which dishes are perfectly formed and which are not.

He nodded, his mind set. He would look for this dish first.

(Choice B: A perfectly circular ceramic dish)
[b][START][/b] [url=] [img][/img] [/url] A young coatl, fresh out of training with his clanmates, has come to visit the Saturnalia to relax in his time off. Coming to the security hut, though, he notices the "Help Wanted" sign and, feeling that he might be able to put his training to some use, noses inside the hut. Having grown up as a hatchling in the only coatl in a clan comprised predominantly of tundras, and spending much of his time with his fellow trainees, Clay has by necessity developed more fluency in Draconic than the average coatl. Nevertheless, he listens to the guardian carefully, then deciphers the scrawlings on the papers with the pace of one not entirely fluent. Briefly, he considers backing out of the hut; this seems like it might be a lot of work, and he did come here to relax. But, no - his training is to protect and provide for his adopted clan, and while he's here, that might as well apply to all the visitors to the Saturnalia. If security is lacking, he would be remiss not to help out. The tundras in his clan are always up to some strange magical stuff, and surely they'd help out the mages, but Clay's always been a dragon of the physical world. Patrol duty it is, and he marks his name carefully on the appropriate paperwork. [b][B: Help the patrol division][/b]


A young coatl, fresh out of training with his clanmates, has come to visit the Saturnalia to relax in his time off. Coming to the security hut, though, he notices the "Help Wanted" sign and, feeling that he might be able to put his training to some use, noses inside the hut.

Having grown up as a hatchling in the only coatl in a clan comprised predominantly of tundras, and spending much of his time with his fellow trainees, Clay has by necessity developed more fluency in Draconic than the average coatl. Nevertheless, he listens to the guardian carefully, then deciphers the scrawlings on the papers with the pace of one not entirely fluent.

Briefly, he considers backing out of the hut; this seems like it might be a lot of work, and he did come here to relax. But, no - his training is to protect and provide for his adopted clan, and while he's here, that might as well apply to all the visitors to the Saturnalia. If security is lacking, he would be remiss not to help out.

The tundras in his clan are always up to some strange magical stuff, and surely they'd help out the mages, but Clay's always been a dragon of the physical world. Patrol duty it is, and he marks his name carefully on the appropriate paperwork.

[B: Help the patrol division]
[b][MAGDV][/b] [img][/img] Pisces instantly began to regret his decision. After reluctantly taking the water bauble and casually tossing it into his feathers (defiantly deciding to keep it as long as he wanted), here he was, about to do some menial gathering task, instead of something that might actually interest him. He tutted loudly, prompting a raised eyebrow from the imperial lady. "Something the matter?" she calmly asked. He didn't even bother replying. He looked briefly at the list of items he had been given, and pointed out his choice: [b][Choice C: A scroll of magic runes][/b] (OOC: its fun making dragons into complete jerks lol XD)


Pisces instantly began to regret his decision. After reluctantly taking the water bauble and casually tossing it into his feathers (defiantly deciding to keep it as long as he wanted), here he was, about to do some menial gathering task, instead of something that might actually interest him. He tutted loudly, prompting a raised eyebrow from the imperial lady.
"Something the matter?" she calmly asked.
He didn't even bother replying. He looked briefly at the list of items he had been given, and pointed out his choice:
[Choice C: A scroll of magic runes]

(OOC: its fun making dragons into complete jerks lol XD)
[b][Start][/b] [url=] [img][/img] [/url] Coriander blinks slowly, and reads both forms out of sheer diligence. The choice is easy, and obvious for him. He'd come here to learn, more than anything else, and a chance to observe (and even take a sort of role in!) the scrying practices of the Water Flight is more than he could have hoped for. And who knows, maybe some of the contacts or knowledge earned here could prove useful someday! He'd have to make sure to note down anything particularly interesting! (Choice A: Help the mage division)


Coriander blinks slowly, and reads both forms out of sheer diligence. The choice is easy, and obvious for him. He'd come here to learn, more than anything else, and a chance to observe (and even take a sort of role in!) the scrying practices of the Water Flight is more than he could have hoped for. And who knows, maybe some of the contacts or knowledge earned here could prove useful someday! He'd have to make sure to note down anything particularly interesting!

(Choice A: Help the mage division)
(from [START])

When the guardian receives your signed paper for joining the patrol division he nods, looking from you to the parchment and back again. "Well, it takes all kinds," he says cryptically. "Thank you for your assistance. I'll get you an escort over to the patrol division leader. Before you go, we've got some handy little magic baubles here that'll let you navigate the festival a bit more easily. Just keep it on your person somewhere and you'll be able to breathe underwater. No need to take one if you don't need it, but go right ahead if you do. Just know that it's expected to be returned when the festival's over."

He waits a moment to allow you to make your decision, and then summons an escort. It takes a few moments, but then an energetic spiral rolls up, thrashing a bit to try and remove a bit of knot that somehow snuck into his tail. "Come on, come on then, must get going," he chatters, literally bending himself in half as he makes a U-turn, expecting you to follow. "Good of you to come, yes very good, very good indeed. Squad leader's been most put-out, having to cover so much ground with not so much personnel. Yes, yes, come on, nearly there... Here we are!" He tumbles to a stop in front of a staid-looking snapper who only raises a brow ridge at the spiral's shenanigans.

"Aren't you supposed to be sorting armor?" The snapper reminds him gently, to which the spiral salutes and rolls away again. The patrol leader then turns his attention to you.

"Oh good, so we did manage to net ourselves some help. I hope you've no objection to hard work; there's no shortage of it here. Now, I don't know if the guard captain told you this, but mage division got a whiff of some sort of threat to the Saturnalia. Naturally it's too wishy-washy to pin down yet, so it's up to us to see if we can filter whatever information we can get into some real leads. What I need from you is to pop in to some of the hotspots at the festival here, and keep your ears open for anything interesting. You hear something, you bring it back to me. It's that simple. Got it? Now, here's the list of places I need you to check. Pick one and I'll give you a bit more information to get you started."

Where will you check first?

A: Tiki Dive Bar
B: Boardwalk Bragging
C: Shady Joe

(When you make a choice here, you can continue on through the link to the next one!)

Pinging: @MxMyaku @Sivi @crayaura @UserOfShadows @Kalideoscope @Lizardheart @Ogma @HSoup @xMoonDragonx @Kaynara @Stasha @Sarami @FloatingInSpace @SaturdayLemon @Ravinsong @xSilentSonatax @Wildswirls @Sadrain @TheBestiary @freckledbooks @Eialyne @Khaleesyn @Asashi @FallingSlowly @DorkyDactyl @Lesley @Synzia @Naga @rocketgirl2 @Stormdragon @Tirea @ser @Sei @Mithent @SporkLord @Celestia912 @Cebelrai @QueSeraAwesome @PsydrateSky @TheOneFromBeyond
(from [START])

When the guardian receives your signed paper for joining the patrol division he nods, looking from you to the parchment and back again. "Well, it takes all kinds," he says cryptically. "Thank you for your assistance. I'll get you an escort over to the patrol division leader. Before you go, we've got some handy little magic baubles here that'll let you navigate the festival a bit more easily. Just keep it on your person somewhere and you'll be able to breathe underwater. No need to take one if you don't need it, but go right ahead if you do. Just know that it's expected to be returned when the festival's over."

He waits a moment to allow you to make your decision, and then summons an escort. It takes a few moments, but then an energetic spiral rolls up, thrashing a bit to try and remove a bit of knot that somehow snuck into his tail. "Come on, come on then, must get going," he chatters, literally bending himself in half as he makes a U-turn, expecting you to follow. "Good of you to come, yes very good, very good indeed. Squad leader's been most put-out, having to cover so much ground with not so much personnel. Yes, yes, come on, nearly there... Here we are!" He tumbles to a stop in front of a staid-looking snapper who only raises a brow ridge at the spiral's shenanigans.

"Aren't you supposed to be sorting armor?" The snapper reminds him gently, to which the spiral salutes and rolls away again. The patrol leader then turns his attention to you.

"Oh good, so we did manage to net ourselves some help. I hope you've no objection to hard work; there's no shortage of it here. Now, I don't know if the guard captain told you this, but mage division got a whiff of some sort of threat to the Saturnalia. Naturally it's too wishy-washy to pin down yet, so it's up to us to see if we can filter whatever information we can get into some real leads. What I need from you is to pop in to some of the hotspots at the festival here, and keep your ears open for anything interesting. You hear something, you bring it back to me. It's that simple. Got it? Now, here's the list of places I need you to check. Pick one and I'll give you a bit more information to get you started."

Where will you check first?

A: Tiki Dive Bar
B: Boardwalk Bragging
C: Shady Joe

(When you make a choice here, you can continue on through the link to the next one!)

Pinging: @MxMyaku @Sivi @crayaura @UserOfShadows @Kalideoscope @Lizardheart @Ogma @HSoup @xMoonDragonx @Kaynara @Stasha @Sarami @FloatingInSpace @SaturdayLemon @Ravinsong @xSilentSonatax @Wildswirls @Sadrain @TheBestiary @freckledbooks @Eialyne @Khaleesyn @Asashi @FallingSlowly @DorkyDactyl @Lesley @Synzia @Naga @rocketgirl2 @Stormdragon @Tirea @ser @Sei @Mithent @SporkLord @Celestia912 @Cebelrai @QueSeraAwesome @PsydrateSky @TheOneFromBeyond
Come to the dork side. Do not make me de-story you. Image © Diaktoros
DriftAwayBanner_zpsd03e0e45.jpg tumblr_om7wmtaZKm1w2diclo1_100.png
(water-only links)
[b][MAGDV] (from [START])[/b] [url=] [img][/img] [/url] Typhoon greatly distracted by the odd crystal ball fails to hear most of what the Imperial dragon is saying. He does happen to snap out of his confusion to hear the last thing on the Imperials list; a scroll of magic runes. It all made since to him, his new master, she wanted him to learn the basics of reading and understanding magic before he could learn real magic. Typhoon puffed his chest out and fixed his scarf before addressing his Master " I will find these magic runes you speak of. " Typhoon was so excited he spun around several times before composing himself agian. "That was a good first impression I hope" he thought to him self, "now where to find the scroll." [b](C: A scroll of magic runes)[/b]
(from [START])


Typhoon greatly distracted by the odd crystal ball fails to hear most of what the Imperial dragon is saying. He does happen to snap out of his confusion to hear the last thing on the Imperials list; a scroll of magic runes. It all made since to him, his new master, she wanted him to learn the basics of reading and understanding magic before he could learn real magic. Typhoon puffed his chest out and fixed his scarf before addressing his Master " I will find these magic runes you speak of. " Typhoon was so excited he spun around several times before composing himself agian. "That was a good first impression I hope" he thought to him self, "now where to find the scroll."

(C: A scroll of magic runes)

Humorum smiled. This, at least, was an easy choice. "I'll look for the scroll, ma'am. My Clan has an affinity with such things.... Not sure why, actually, but we have a knack for finding magical scrolls all over the place. Even those of us not born to the Clan can do it, though we each have our own methods..." He stopped, realizing that he was rambling. "Anyway, I'll start looking around for

Choice C: A scroll of magic runes

Humorum smiled. This, at least, was an easy choice. "I'll look for the scroll, ma'am. My Clan has an affinity with such things.... Not sure why, actually, but we have a knack for finding magical scrolls all over the place. Even those of us not born to the Clan can do it, though we each have our own methods..." He stopped, realizing that he was rambling. "Anyway, I'll start looking around for

Choice C: A scroll of magic runes
[b][MAGDV][/b] [url=] [img][/img] [/url] Zamza glanced at the bubbles. He didn't really [i]need[/i] one, and had plenty of time to get used to his new gills. Well, they were the newest, and so far only addition to his body, at any rate. Still, it was disappointing that he had to return it. It would be great to puzzle over, and maybe he could have found a way to reverse-engineer it! Though, maybe that was the kind of thing Water Flight didn't want happening. But still, maybe he would have enough time to take it apart while he was doing... whatever the mage division did? He must have spent so long pondering and waving his frills around that the guardian noticed that yes, he did have fins that faes shouldn't normally have, and yes, those slits on his neck were indeed gills. The guardian must have decided that Zamza definitely did not need any breathing assistance, and sent the pearlcatcher to take him away. How disappointing. And, on top of that, it didn't look like we would do any actual scrying. Not yet, at least. Still, he knew his runes. They were precious treasures to him, and being an Arcane dragon, it felt only natural to seek the scroll out. He hoped it wasn't identical to the one he had with him. That would just be [i]awkward[/i]. [b](C: A scroll of magic runes)[/b]


Zamza glanced at the bubbles. He didn't really need one, and had plenty of time to get used to his new gills. Well, they were the newest, and so far only addition to his body, at any rate.

Still, it was disappointing that he had to return it. It would be great to puzzle over, and maybe he could have found a way to reverse-engineer it! Though, maybe that was the kind of thing Water Flight didn't want happening.

But still, maybe he would have enough time to take it apart while he was doing... whatever the mage division did?

He must have spent so long pondering and waving his frills around that the guardian noticed that yes, he did have fins that faes shouldn't normally have, and yes, those slits on his neck were indeed gills. The guardian must have decided that Zamza definitely did not need any breathing assistance, and sent the pearlcatcher to take him away.

How disappointing.

And, on top of that, it didn't look like we would do any actual scrying. Not yet, at least.

Still, he knew his runes. They were precious treasures to him, and being an Arcane dragon, it felt only natural to seek the scroll out.

He hoped it wasn't identical to the one he had with him. That would just be awkward.

(C: A scroll of magic runes)
[b][MAGDV][/b] [center][url=] [img][/img] [/url][/center] As he was led away from the center towards a tent, Orion completely ignored his escort and glanced around furtively and toyed with the blue bauble that allowed him to breathe comfortably (maybe he'd keep it, if he could get away with it). There still wasn't anything exciting that caught his eyes, other than a few piles of baubles and trinkets that were no doubt prizes to some of the stall's games. Nothing valuable enough to risk giving himself away, at least. As he entered the tent, it wasn't the Imperial that caught his eye, but the large, floating crystal that beckoned him from the tub she was wrapped around. [i]Oh, now this looks like it could fetch a pretty penny.[/i] There wasn't any way for him to grab it while she was in here, so he'd have to find an opening some other time. For now, menial labour. He listened to her, smiling gently and nodding along. [i]A threat, you say? More like a distraction in which I can make use of.[/i] "I see, I see," He feigned a frown, sneaking another glance at the crystal, "It's a shame someone would try to cause trouble on such a day of celebration. Although I suppose the large crowds provide for more havoc," Orion stated, thinking over his three options. "Well, I'm ready for anything! I suppose I'll go with finding this ceramic plate?" [b][B: A perfectly circular ceramic dish][/b]

As he was led away from the center towards a tent, Orion completely ignored his escort and glanced around furtively and toyed with the blue bauble that allowed him to breathe comfortably (maybe he'd keep it, if he could get away with it). There still wasn't anything exciting that caught his eyes, other than a few piles of baubles and trinkets that were no doubt prizes to some of the stall's games. Nothing valuable enough to risk giving himself away, at least.

As he entered the tent, it wasn't the Imperial that caught his eye, but the large, floating crystal that beckoned him from the tub she was wrapped around. Oh, now this looks like it could fetch a pretty penny. There wasn't any way for him to grab it while she was in here, so he'd have to find an opening some other time. For now, menial labour.

He listened to her, smiling gently and nodding along. A threat, you say? More like a distraction in which I can make use of. "I see, I see," He feigned a frown, sneaking another glance at the crystal, "It's a shame someone would try to cause trouble on such a day of celebration. Although I suppose the large crowds provide for more havoc," Orion stated, thinking over his three options. "Well, I'm ready for anything! I suppose I'll go with finding this ceramic plate?"

[B: A perfectly circular ceramic dish]
[b][MAGDV][/b] Axton fretted, as he was known to due in the face of any decision making. The coatl was quite the indecisive sort, often taking hours to settle on a meal. Suddenly feeling nervous and shy in the presence of the large Imperial, Axton fixed his gaze upon the frog instead. "I'll go find the scroll of magic runes!" he blurted, never looking away from the frog. [b]C: A scroll of magic runes [/b] [url=] [img][/img] [/url]

Axton fretted, as he was known to due in the face of any decision making. The coatl was quite the indecisive sort, often taking hours to settle on a meal. Suddenly feeling nervous and shy in the presence of the large Imperial, Axton fixed his gaze upon the frog instead.

"I'll go find the scroll of magic runes!" he blurted, never looking away from the frog.

C: A scroll of magic runes

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