
Art Sales

For commissions and flat-sale of your creative efforts.
TOPIC | [OPEN] >Jasmine Gijinka<
[img][/img] [img][/img] Hope you feel comfortable here and just ask any question you'd like to~ Please be nice ^^ I'm just a girl trying to make money in-game or/and off-game and have some fun with the characters you'll bring me~ Oh! I also show progress of sketch, lineart, color base and shading, so there is no need to worry at me possibly dropping the art out of nowhere (since you don't know me and all) as I'll keep you updated. [b]Detail: FR currency slots open on January, July and December. I open the shop almost every 20h of the last day of the month, FR time, but won't open during busy college months.[/b] [quote][center][url=]Please click here to go to the CAPE thread![/url][br][br]Keywords selected: Digital, Bust, Full Body, Half Body, Character Sheets, Real Life Currency, FR Currency, Sketch, Flat color, Lined, Shaded/Fully rendered, Gijinka, Human[/center][br][size=1]@Manhattan, @astromeme, @artisticRock, @Plushstiel, @wildewinged, @Meloetta, @Lup, @Imani, @mazurkas, @Robinton, @ErisFei, @forumsdackel, @Shiftie, @vinsmoke, @Inoue, @Vovina, @Aztec, @Gimeurcookie, @Keyy, @Ragnell, @Damindra, @Chaoyang, @balthy, @Xemnas, @Tiriea, @Hikumi, @yusukekitagawa, @DoctorRosalia, @Boxparts, @0verdose, @Dis, @Mystiki, @TsarinaTorment, @Reiyn, @keydotzip, @AtticSaltStorms, @Laxi, @rosevoids, @Ember, @DarklightRaven, @WickedJayla, @birdfairy, @Noodlesper, @Einstakur, @Gaze, @KaineRallis, @ArtemisAgrotera, @Hotpocketguru, @helloca, @X3X, @QuetzalQueen, @EtherealDreams, @caelumdeity, @Reilon, @Eiyora, @TwiliPriestess, @jr413, @SickViking, @Trachynhawb, @Heathers, @Jaena, @kyonshi, @Ethiera, @wesleydog, @Eidos, @arikin, @CheeseChatot, @Fujo, @Arkanjel, @Twye, @Suntouched, @Pedge, @Korwa, @overture, @boneboy, @Frillshark, @Jayisalone, @Desmotes, @pooses, @Cerys, @ThistleProse[/size] [/quote] Now let's get to it and thanks for the interest~ [rule] [b]Table Of Contents[/b] [LIST=1] [*][url=]Rules[/url] [*][url=]Styles and Backgrounds[/url] [*][url=]Gallery[/url] [*][url=]Form[/url] [*][url=]Slots and Ping List[/url] [*][url=]Affiliates[/url] [/LIST] [img][/img]


Hope you feel comfortable here and just ask any question you'd like to~ Please be nice ^^

I'm just a girl trying to make money in-game or/and off-game and have some fun with the characters you'll bring me~
Oh! I also show progress of sketch, lineart, color base and shading, so there is no need to worry at me possibly dropping the art out of nowhere (since you don't know me and all) as I'll keep you updated.

Detail: FR currency slots open on January, July and December. I open the shop almost every 20h of the last day of the month, FR time, but won't open during busy college months.
Now let's get to it and thanks for the interest~

Table Of Contents
  1. Rules
  2. Styles and Backgrounds
  3. Gallery
  4. Form
  5. Slots and Ping List
  6. Affiliates

[img][/img] [center] [b]|[/b] [url=]Rules[/url] [b]|[/b] [url=]Styles and Backgrounds[/url] [b]|[/b] [url=]Gallery[/url] [b]|[/b] [url=]Form[/url] [b]|[/b] [url=]Slots and Ping List[/url] [b]|[/b] [url=]Affiliates[/url] [b]|[/b][/center] [quote][center][b]USD[/b][/center][/quote] [b]GENERAL[/b] [LIST] [*]Be nice. There is no need to rush or anything in order to ask, so being polite towards me or other clients is a good thing. [*]Credit me, JewelGarden or YasminSilva_Art, when using or posting, preferably with the link of my [url=]ART SITE[/url]; [*]In order to be added to the Ping List properly, please tell me which one, VIP (Paypal) or Normal (Gems and Treasures), you'd like to be added to. [/LIST] [indent][columns] [b]CAN[/b] [LIST] [*]OCs [*]Muscles [*]Robotic Parts [*]Armors [*]Old People [*]Furry [*]Skeleton [*]Different Styles depending on need (If not what I have, please ask) [*]Reference Sheets [*]Design from scratch (may end up more expensive) [/LIST] [nextcol] [b]CAN'T[/b] [LIST] [*]Mecha [*]Gore [*]NSFW [/LIST] [/columns][/indent] [b]ABOUT PAYMENT[/b] [LIST] [*]I will start the artwork only: [LIST=1] [*]after being fully paid or being half paif first and half, after certain art completion; [*]In installments each one with the price of each stage (sketch, lineart, color base and shading), but I'll only draw the paid stage once I receive the payment; [/LIST] [*]If you ask me to change something and I am already past that stage, you may pay extra cash for me to do so. How much will depend on two factors: Complexity of the change and how far I am in the drawing for that. (I.E.: Change pose when I am already in the coloring part). [*]Normal pricing may also vary for a higher number due to complexity in pose and apparel/design, adding 10$-50$; [LIST=1] [*]Embroidery/Pattern = +10$ [*]Detailed Clothes/Accessories = +10$ [*]Tattoos = +10$ [*]Detailed Anatomy (involves complex body structure) = +10$ [*]Pose = +10$ [/LIST] [*]Creating OCs from scratch will require a 20$ fee. [*]You may only pay me in either money (paypal transfer) or FR currency (gems or treasure). Aka no art trades or whatsoever.; [*]Installments Option will have slightly higher prices. [*]Because I ask for the payment just before I start working on the commissioned art there will be no refunds. [*]Ratio: 1$ : 150g : 150Kt (because money is more useful) [/LIST] [b]ABOUT PROGRESS [/b][LIST] [*]Progress will be shown at every stage; [*]Completion may vary from 1 week to 1 month, but that is the maximum usually if there are no troubles (and this includes delays) in contacting the buyer or receiving an answer upon doing so; [*]If I do get entangled and don't think 1 month is enough, I will message you about it; [*]Will do max 2 fixes per stage (sketch, lineart, color base, shading) and they will only be available on first week of progress (if my side fails communication for more than 2 days, they won't count); [*]When you request I don't show you progress for whatever reason, I will still fix it in the end if it is TOO different from the PREVIOUSLY PROVIDED references. If there are divergences in references when you ask for fixing or if I make the design, no fixes will be provided. [/LIST] [b]VIP BENEFITS [/b] [LIST] [*]Gain access to VIP limited styles; [*]Be able to participate in Holiday Raffles; [*]Commission me more often than the Normal Pinglist; [*]Get 10% discount in your next purchases for each person you introduce to the Artshop and buys from me as well (stackable); [/LIST] [img][/img]


  • Be nice. There is no need to rush or anything in order to ask, so being polite towards me or other clients is a good thing.
  • Credit me, JewelGarden or YasminSilva_Art, when using or posting, preferably with the link of my ART SITE;
  • In order to be added to the Ping List properly, please tell me which one, VIP (Paypal) or Normal (Gems and Treasures), you'd like to be added to.
  • OCs
  • Muscles
  • Robotic Parts
  • Armors
  • Old People
  • Furry
  • Skeleton
  • Different Styles depending on need (If not what I have, please ask)
  • Reference Sheets
  • Design from scratch (may end up more expensive)
  • Mecha
  • Gore
  • NSFW

  • I will start the artwork only:
    1. after being fully paid or being half paif first and half, after certain art completion;
    2. In installments each one with the price of each stage (sketch, lineart, color base and shading), but I'll only draw the paid stage once I receive the payment;
  • If you ask me to change something and I am already past that stage, you may pay extra cash for me to do so. How much will depend on two factors: Complexity of the change and how far I am in the drawing for that. (I.E.: Change pose when I am already in the coloring part).
  • Normal pricing may also vary for a higher number due to complexity in pose and apparel/design, adding 10$-50$;
    1. Embroidery/Pattern = +10$
    2. Detailed Clothes/Accessories = +10$
    3. Tattoos = +10$
    4. Detailed Anatomy (involves complex body structure) = +10$
    5. Pose = +10$
  • Creating OCs from scratch will require a 20$ fee.
  • You may only pay me in either money (paypal transfer) or FR currency (gems or treasure). Aka no art trades or whatsoever.;
  • Installments Option will have slightly higher prices.
  • Because I ask for the payment just before I start working on the commissioned art there will be no refunds.
  • Ratio: 1$ : 150g : 150Kt (because money is more useful)

  • Progress will be shown at every stage;
  • Completion may vary from 1 week to 1 month, but that is the maximum usually if there are no troubles (and this includes delays) in contacting the buyer or receiving an answer upon doing so;
  • If I do get entangled and don't think 1 month is enough, I will message you about it;
  • Will do max 2 fixes per stage (sketch, lineart, color base, shading) and they will only be available on first week of progress (if my side fails communication for more than 2 days, they won't count);
  • When you request I don't show you progress for whatever reason, I will still fix it in the end if it is TOO different from the PREVIOUSLY PROVIDED references. If there are divergences in references when you ask for fixing or if I make the design, no fixes will be provided.

  • Gain access to VIP limited styles;
  • Be able to participate in Holiday Raffles;
  • Commission me more often than the Normal Pinglist;
  • Get 10% discount in your next purchases for each person you introduce to the Artshop and buys from me as well (stackable);

[img][/img] [center] [b]|[/b] [url=]Rules[/url] [b]|[/b] [url=]Styles and Backgrounds[/url] [b]|[/b] [url=]Gallery[/url] [b]|[/b] [url=]Form[/url] [b]|[/b] [url=]Slots and Ping List[/url] [b]|[/b] [url=]Affiliates[/url] [b]|[/b][/center] [b]*Reminder:[/b] 1$ : 150g : 150Kt [b]Soft Type[/b] [columns][img][/img][nextcol] [indent] [size=4][b]Headshot: [/b][/size] [b]Sketch: [/b]10$ [b]Lineart: [/b]18$ [b]Shading: [/b]27$ [/indent] [indent] [emoji=rose size=1][emoji=rose size=1][emoji=rose size=1] [size=4][b]Thighs Up: [/b][/size] [b]Sketch: [/b]12$ [b]Lineart: [/b]20$ [b]Shading: [/b]41$ [/indent] [nextcol] [indent] [size=4][b]Bust Up: [/b][/size] [b]Sketch: [/b]11$ [b]Lineart: [/b]19$ [b]Shading: [/b]33$ [/indent] [indent] [emoji=rose size=1][emoji=rose size=1][emoji=rose size=1] [size=4][b]FullBody: [/b][/size] [b]Sketch: [/b]13$ [b]Lineart: [/b]14$ [b]Shading: [/b]48$ [/indent] [/columns] [b]Clear Type[/b] [columns][img][/img][nextcol] [nextcol] [indent] [size=4][b]Headshot: [/b][/size] [b]Sketch: [/b]10$ [b]Lineart: [/b]18$ [b]Color Base: [/b]26$ [b]Shading: [/b]33$ [/indent] [indent] [emoji=rose size=1][emoji=rose size=1][emoji=rose size=1] [size=4][b]Thighs Up: [/b][/size] [b]Sketch: [/b]10$ [b]Lineart: [/b]20$ [b]Color Base: [/b]30$ [b]Shading: [/b]48$ [/indent] [nextcol] [indent] [size=4][b]Bust Up: [/b][/size] [b]Sketch: [/b]11$ [b]Lineart: [/b]19$ [b]Color Base: [/b]28$ [b]Shading: [/b]41$ [/indent] [indent] [emoji=rose size=1][emoji=rose size=1][emoji=rose size=1] [size=4][b]FullBody: [/b][/size] [b]Sketch: [/b]13$ [b]Lineart: [/b]21$ [b]Color Base: [/b]32$ [b]Shading: [/b]56$ [/indent] [/columns] [b]Shady Type[/b] [columns][img][/img][nextcol] [indent] [size=4][b]Headshot: [/b][/size] [b]Sketch: [/b]10$ [b]Lineart: [/b]18$ [b]Color Base: [/b]26$ [b]Shading: [/b]36$ [/indent] [indent] [emoji=rose size=1][emoji=rose size=1][emoji=rose size=1] [size=4][b]Thighs Up: [/b][/size] [b]Sketch: [/b]12$ [b]Lineart: [/b]20$ [b]Color Base: [/b]30$ [b]Shading: [/b]54$ [/indent] [nextcol] [indent] [size=4][b]Bust Up: [/b][/size] [b]Sketch: [/b]11$ [b]Lineart: [/b]19$ [b]Color Base: [/b]28$ [b]Shading: [/b]45$ [/indent] [indent] [emoji=rose size=1][emoji=rose size=1][emoji=rose size=1] [size=4][b]FullBody: [/b][/size] [b]Sketch: [/b]13$ [b]Lineart: [/b]21$ [b]Color Base: [/b]32$ [b]Shading: [/b]62$ [/indent] [/columns] [b]Cell Type[/b] [columns][img][/img][nextcol] [indent] [size=4][b]Headshot: [/b][/size] [b]Sketch: [/b]10$ [b]Lineart: [/b]18$ [b]Color Base: [/b]26$ [b]Shading: [/b]33$ [/indent] [indent] [emoji=rose size=1][emoji=rose size=1][emoji=rose size=1] [size=4][b]Thighs Up: [/b][/size] [b]Sketch: [/b]12$ [b]Lineart: [/b]20$ [b]Color Base: [/b]30$ [b]Shading: [/b]48$ [/indent] [nextcol] [indent] [size=4][b]Bust Up: [/b][/size] [b]Sketch: [/b]11$ [b]Lineart: [/b]19$ [b]Color Base: [/b]28$ [b]Shading: [/b]41$ [/indent] [indent] [emoji=rose size=1][emoji=rose size=1][emoji=rose size=1] [size=4][b]FullBody: [/b][/size] [b]Sketch: [/b]13$ [b]Lineart: [/b]21$ [b]Color Base: [/b]32$ [b]Shading: [/b]56$ [/indent] [/columns] [rule] [center][b][size=5][u]VIP ONLY[/u][/size][/b][/center] [b]Glass Type[/b] [columns][img][/img][nextcol] [indent] [size=4][b]Headshot: [/b][/size] [b]Simple BG: [/b]85$ [b]Complex BG: [/b]115$ [/indent] [indent] [emoji=rose size=1][emoji=rose size=1][emoji=rose size=1] [size=4][b]Thighs Up: [/b][/size] [b]Simple BG: [/b]100$ [b]Complex BG: [/b]130$ [/indent] [nextcol] [indent] [size=4][b]Bust Up: [/b][/size] [b]Simple BG: [/b]95$ [b]Complex BG: [/b]125$ [/indent] [indent] [emoji=rose size=1][emoji=rose size=1][emoji=rose size=1] [size=4][b]FullBody: [/b][/size] [b]Simple BG: [/b]125$ [b]Complex BG: [/b]155$ [/indent] [/columns] [b]Paper Type[/b] [columns][img][/img][nextcol] [indent] [size=4][b]Headshot: [/b][/size] [b]Simple BG: [/b]45$ [b]Complex BG: [/b]65$ [/indent] [indent] [emoji=rose size=1][emoji=rose size=1][emoji=rose size=1] [size=4][b]Thighs Up: [/b][/size] [b]Simple BG: [/b]85$ [b]Complex BG: [/b]105$ [/indent] [nextcol] [indent] [size=4][b]Bust Up: [/b][/size] [b]Simple BG: [/b]65$ [b]Complex BG: [/b]85$ [/indent] [indent] [emoji=rose size=1][emoji=rose size=1][emoji=rose size=1] [size=4][b]FullBody: [/b][/size] [b]Simple BG: [/b]105$ [b]Complex BG: [/b]125$ [/indent] [/columns] [rule] [img][/img] [b]*Reminder:[/b] 1$ : 150g : 150Kt [b]Backgrounds[/b] [columns] [img][/img][nextcol] [indent] [size=4][b]No Background: [/b][/size] No charges [/indent] [indent] [emoji=rose size=1][emoji=rose size=1][emoji=rose size=1] [size=4][b]Simple Background: [/b][/size] [b]Sketch: [/b]+10$ [b]Lineart: [/b]+15$ [b]Color Base: [/b]+23$ [b]Shading: [/b]+26$ [/indent] [indent] [emoji=rose size=1][emoji=rose size=1][emoji=rose size=1] [size=4][b]Complex Background: [/b][/size] [b]Sketch: [/b]+15$ [b]Lineart: [/b]+24$ [b]Color Base: [/b]+39$ [b]Shading: [/b]+59$ [/indent] [/columns] [quote][center]Default: No BG = Transparent BG [/center] [b]Full images of samples and samples themselves can be seen [url=][HERE][/url][/b][/quote] [b]Animation[/b] [columns] [img][/img] [nextcol] [indent] [center][b]Headshot[/b] +24$ [b]Bust Up[/b] +34$ [b]Thgh Up[/b] +44$ [b]Full Body[/b] +54$ [nextcol] [indent] [b]Simple Background[/b] +29$ [b]Complex Background[/b] +54$[/center] [/columns] [img][/img][indent][/indent]

*Reminder: 1$ : 150g : 150Kt

Soft Type
Sketch: 10$
Lineart: 18$
Shading: 27$

Thighs Up:
Sketch: 12$
Lineart: 20$
Shading: 41$
Bust Up:
Sketch: 11$
Lineart: 19$
Shading: 33$

Sketch: 13$
Lineart: 14$
Shading: 48$

Clear Type
Sketch: 10$
Lineart: 18$
Color Base: 26$
Shading: 33$

Thighs Up:
Sketch: 10$
Lineart: 20$
Color Base: 30$
Shading: 48$
Bust Up:
Sketch: 11$
Lineart: 19$
Color Base: 28$
Shading: 41$

Sketch: 13$
Lineart: 21$
Color Base: 32$
Shading: 56$

Shady Type
Sketch: 10$
Lineart: 18$
Color Base: 26$
Shading: 36$

Thighs Up:
Sketch: 12$
Lineart: 20$
Color Base: 30$
Shading: 54$
Bust Up:
Sketch: 11$
Lineart: 19$
Color Base: 28$
Shading: 45$

Sketch: 13$
Lineart: 21$
Color Base: 32$
Shading: 62$

Cell Type
Sketch: 10$
Lineart: 18$
Color Base: 26$
Shading: 33$

Thighs Up:
Sketch: 12$
Lineart: 20$
Color Base: 30$
Shading: 48$
Bust Up:
Sketch: 11$
Lineart: 19$
Color Base: 28$
Shading: 41$

Sketch: 13$
Lineart: 21$
Color Base: 32$
Shading: 56$


Glass Type
Simple BG: 85$
Complex BG: 115$

Thighs Up:
Simple BG: 100$
Complex BG: 130$
Bust Up:
Simple BG: 95$
Complex BG: 125$

Simple BG: 125$
Complex BG: 155$

Paper Type
Simple BG: 45$
Complex BG: 65$

Thighs Up:
Simple BG: 85$
Complex BG: 105$
Bust Up:
Simple BG: 65$
Complex BG: 85$

Simple BG: 105$
Complex BG: 125$


*Reminder: 1$ : 150g : 150Kt

No Background:
No charges

Simple Background:
Sketch: +10$
Lineart: +15$
Color Base: +23$
Shading: +26$

Complex Background:
Sketch: +15$
Lineart: +24$
Color Base: +39$
Shading: +59$
Default: No BG = Transparent BG
Full images of samples and samples themselves can be seen [HERE]


Bust Up

Thgh Up

Full Body
Simple Background

Complex Background

[img][/img] [center] [b]|[/b] [url=]Rules[/url] [b]|[/b] [url=]Styles and Backgrounds[/url] [b]|[/b] [url=]Gallery[/url] [b]|[/b] [url=]Form[/url] [b]|[/b] [url=]Slots and Ping List[/url] [b]|[/b] [url=]Affiliates[/url] [b]|[/b][/center] [center] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [quote name="hat17" date="2021-03-25 18:28:17" ] @JewelGarden *screams* Thank you so much for this latest piece! You were so patient with my many requests on the details during the draft phase and I apologize for not being more organized to begin with. You're attention to details is just so sharp and I appreciate it so much. You're also very particular about the culture references and era it's just so wonderful to be able to commission you! I noticed how during the 2nd draft when you put the veil on, it's very difficult to tell if he's a man or woman and became genderless. I LOVE IT! I wanted him to feel genderless but I didn't mention it, but you've read my mind and confirmed my suspicion that you've designed him like this on purpose!! His dress is also designed perfectly. You made it as traditional as possible yet with the long skirt it makes a great fusion, it adds to the whole picture and at the same time avoided all the cliche bits most fusion-style has. I also love the colours you used for his embroidery. The use of blue got the essence of the dress and was a very pleasant surprise. After you added the texture I couldn't help but scream my head off for a bit. It's just, so realistic, like a real picture made of stylish papers. Not to mention the final touch of the filter that makes it like an old photo. I just can't wait to commission you again for the other half!! [/quote] [quote name="grasssnake485" date="2021-02-20 14:42:23" ] @JewelGarden aaaaaaaaaaaa I love it! Okay gimme a sec to stop screaming over my child [quote]First time commissioning JewelGarden/Yasminsilvia and I'm super impressed by the quick turnaround time! They're very professional and clear with their prices, kept me updated with progress shots, and they were happy to make minor edits when I requested. Overall, love the final piece, and I'm very happy with the overall service! <3[/quote] Oh, almost forgot to ask, would it be alright if I post it on social media/toyhouse? [/quote] [quote name="Farvel" date="2021-02-16 05:51:40" ] [quote name=review] I was very pleased with my commission, this was the very first time I ordered one and it was a delight working with JewelGarden/Yasmin. A big plus point is the fact that they wait until they are ready to start the commission to clear up the final price and only afterwards send an invoice, this really helps because the commissioner isn't left hanging while the artist finishes up all current commissions. The time between paying and getting the final product was then really fast, JewelGarden made sure to send me updates from sketch to lineart to coloring and final product and was very transparent about what they would do, especially because I ordered some animation for my commission. The final piece is gorgeous and I am very happy with it, JewelGarden managed to create a perfect piece capturing my character and I absolute adore it. So for me this was a perfect service, nothing to criticize, the pricing is pretty clear already and as I said, before they start working on the piece they make sure to explain the final price and what amount of money goes where, I didn't have to wait long between paying and receiving the art and the art itself is great, would definitely order again in the future. [/quote] [/quote] [url=][LINK TO ALL REVIEWS] [/url] [/center] [img][/img]
hat17 wrote on 2021-03-25 18:28:17:

Thank you so much for this latest piece! You were so patient with my many requests on the details during the draft phase and I apologize for not being more organized to begin with. You're attention to details is just so sharp and I appreciate it so much. You're also very particular about the culture references and era it's just so wonderful to be able to commission you!

I noticed how during the 2nd draft when you put the veil on, it's very difficult to tell if he's a man or woman and became genderless. I LOVE IT! I wanted him to feel genderless but I didn't mention it, but you've read my mind and confirmed my suspicion that you've designed him like this on purpose!!

His dress is also designed perfectly. You made it as traditional as possible yet with the long skirt it makes a great fusion, it adds to the whole picture and at the same time avoided all the cliche bits most fusion-style has. I also love the colours you used for his embroidery. The use of blue got the essence of the dress and was a very pleasant surprise. After you added the texture I couldn't help but scream my head off for a bit. It's just, so realistic, like a real picture made of stylish papers. Not to mention the final touch of the filter that makes it like an old photo. I just can't wait to commission you again for the other half!!
grasssnake485 wrote on 2021-02-20 14:42:23:

aaaaaaaaaaaa I love it!

Okay gimme a sec to stop screaming over my child
First time commissioning JewelGarden/Yasminsilvia and I'm super impressed by the quick turnaround time! They're very professional and clear with their prices, kept me updated with progress shots, and they were happy to make minor edits when I requested. Overall, love the final piece, and I'm very happy with the overall service! <3

Oh, almost forgot to ask, would it be alright if I post it on social media/toyhouse?
Farvel wrote on 2021-02-16 05:51:40:
review wrote:
I was very pleased with my commission, this was the very first time I ordered one and it was a delight working with JewelGarden/Yasmin.
A big plus point is the fact that they wait until they are ready to start the commission to clear up the final price and only afterwards send an invoice, this really helps because the commissioner isn't left hanging while the artist finishes up all current commissions. The time between paying and getting the final product was then really fast, JewelGarden made sure to send me updates from sketch to lineart to coloring and final product and was very transparent about what they would do, especially because I ordered some animation for my commission.
The final piece is gorgeous and I am very happy with it, JewelGarden managed to create a perfect piece capturing my character and I absolute adore it.

So for me this was a perfect service, nothing to criticize, the pricing is pretty clear already and as I said, before they start working on the piece they make sure to explain the final price and what amount of money goes where, I didn't have to wait long between paying and receiving the art and the art itself is great, would definitely order again in the future.


[img][/img] [center] [b]|[/b] [url=]Rules[/url] [b]|[/b] [url=]Styles and Backgrounds[/url] [b]|[/b] [url=]Gallery[/url] [b]|[/b] [url=]Form[/url] [b]|[/b] [url=]Slots and Ping List[/url] [b]|[/b] [url=]Affiliates[/url] [b]|[/b][/center] [b]Username & ID:[/b] [Insert your username and ID number here] [b]Commission Type:[/b] I have a design | I don't have a design (Number) Character(s) Headshot | Bust Up | Thighs Up | Fullbody Sketch | Lineart | Color Base | Shaded Clear | Soft | Shady | Cell | Glass | Paper | Other No Background | Simple Background | Complex Background No Animation | Animated Able to respond promptly to progress messages | Allow me to do it in one go Can Stream | Can't Stream [b]Characters:[/b] [Insert link to character(s) here] [b]Characters Bio & Personality[/b] [Insert brief bio and personality here] [b]Payment Mode[/b] Paypal | Treasure | Gems Upfront | Half-Half | Installments | [b]Extra[/b] [Say anything else you'd like to add] [rule] [u][b]Example[/b][/u] [b]Username & ID:[/b] JewelGarden 415386 [b]Commission Type:[/b] I have a design 2 Characters Thighs Up Shaded Clear Complex Background No Animation Able to respond promptly to progress messages Streamable [b]Characters:[/b] [url=]Primula[/url] [url=]Freesia[/url] [b]Characters Bio & Personality[/b] Primula is sweet, but has this maturity around her like a great leader who cares a lot. Freesia is a bit more childish, but still is very friendly. [b]Payment Mode[/b] Paypal Installments [b]Extra[/b] I'd like you not to use their apparels, but instead some cozy sweaters like this one... [url=]IMG URL. Just click me <3[/url] While drinking some hot cocoa in some cozy wooden hut, close to a fireplace. [img][/img]

Username & ID:
[Insert your username and ID number here]

Commission Type:
I have a design | I don't have a design
(Number) Character(s)
Headshot | Bust Up | Thighs Up | Fullbody
Sketch | Lineart | Color Base | Shaded
Clear | Soft | Shady | Cell | Glass | Paper | Other
No Background | Simple Background | Complex Background
No Animation | Animated
Able to respond promptly to progress messages | Allow me to do it in one go
Can Stream | Can't Stream

[Insert link to character(s) here]
Characters Bio & Personality
[Insert brief bio and personality here]

Payment Mode
Paypal | Treasure | Gems
Upfront | Half-Half | Installments |

[Say anything else you'd like to add]


Username & ID:
JewelGarden 415386

Commission Type:
I have a design
2 Characters
Thighs Up
Complex Background
No Animation
Able to respond promptly to progress messages

Characters Bio & Personality
Primula is sweet, but has this maturity around her like a great leader who cares a lot.
Freesia is a bit more childish, but still is very friendly.

Payment Mode

I'd like you not to use their apparels, but instead some cozy sweaters like this one...
IMG URL. Just click me <3
While drinking some hot cocoa in some cozy wooden hut, close to a fireplace.

[img][/img] [center] [b]|[/b] [url=]Rules[/url] [b]|[/b] [url=]Styles and Backgrounds[/url] [b]|[/b] [url=]Gallery[/url] [b]|[/b] [url=]Form[/url] [b]|[/b] [url=]Slots and Ping List[/url] [b]|[/b] [url=]Affiliates[/url] [b]|[/b][/center] [center][columns] [indent][size=4][b]VIP List[/b][/size] [LIST=1] [*] Godless (done) [*] Cytus [*] [*] [*] [*] [*] [*] [*] [/LIST] [/indent] [nextcol] [indent] [size=4][b]Normal List[/b][/size] [LIST=1] [*]None atm [/LIST] [/indent] [/columns][/center] [img][/img] [center] [b]PingList is not self editable. Ask me to be added :>[/b] [url=][size=4][b]VIP List[/b][/size][/url] [/center] [center][url=][size=4][b]Normal List[/b][/size][/url] [/center] [center][url=][size=4][b]All List[/b][/size][/url] [/center] [img][/img]
VIP List
  1. Godless (done)
  2. Cytus
Normal List
  1. None atm

PingList is not self editable. Ask me to be added :>

VIP List

[img][/img] [center] [b]|[/b] [url=]Rules[/url] [b]|[/b] [url=]Styles and Backgrounds[/url] [b]|[/b] [url=]Gallery[/url] [b]|[/b] [url=]Form[/url] [b]|[/b] [url=]Slots and Ping List[/url] [b]|[/b] [url=]Affiliates[/url] [b]|[/b][/center] [url=][img][/img][/url] [center][url=][img][/img][/url][/center] [rule] If you are interested in becoming Gijinka Artshop Affiliates, please send me a DM! Be warned though that, unless you are in a Hiatus, your shop will be taken off this list if your thread is not active for over 6 months to keep things clean and not overwhelming. Thank you very much~ [center][size=5][b]My Banner:[/b][/size][/center] [url=][img][/img][/url] [code][url=][img][/img][/url][/code] [img][/img]


If you are interested in becoming Gijinka Artshop Affiliates, please send me a DM! Be warned though that, unless you are in a Hiatus, your shop will be taken off this list if your thread is not active for over 6 months to keep things clean and not overwhelming. Thank you very much~
My Banner:



I absolutely love your art, aaah :D I have lots of characters to pick from, so could I perhaps claim a slot & we discuss the details over PM? :>

I absolutely love your art, aaah :D I have lots of characters to pick from, so could I perhaps claim a slot & we discuss the details over PM? :>

Hello~ Thanks for the interest ^q^

Sure! Where will you claim the spot, if I may ask? Vip Slot (paypal) or Normal Slot?

Also, would you like to be added to the ping list for future slots perhaps?

(Send me the dm whenever you want~)

Hello~ Thanks for the interest ^q^

Sure! Where will you claim the spot, if I may ask? Vip Slot (paypal) or Normal Slot?

Also, would you like to be added to the ping list for future slots perhaps?

(Send me the dm whenever you want~)

Ah, normal slot! Can't pay with Paypal at the moment & I've got lots of gems to spend :> And just a question before I DM: are there any art types/commissions you don't do for FR payment, but only do for Paypal commissions?

Ah, normal slot! Can't pay with Paypal at the moment & I've got lots of gems to spend :> And just a question before I DM: are there any art types/commissions you don't do for FR payment, but only do for Paypal commissions?