
Dragon Share

Show off your favorite dragons.
TOPIC | Favourite lore above you!
I've not seen this variant on "pick a dragon above you to say nice things about", so let's try it! The rules are simple: go through the dragons of the poster above you and pick your favourite lore out of the bunch. It can be for any reason. Maybe it's funny, maybe it's sad, maybe it's really interesting and unique, maybe you're just charmed by it.

There's no one above me, so the next poster can start.
I've not seen this variant on "pick a dragon above you to say nice things about", so let's try it! The rules are simple: go through the dragons of the poster above you and pick your favourite lore out of the bunch. It can be for any reason. Maybe it's funny, maybe it's sad, maybe it's really interesting and unique, maybe you're just charmed by it.

There's no one above me, so the next poster can start.
they/them, fr +8 (uk)
@cindersinned [url=][img][/img][/url] it was honestly really hard to choose!!! but in the end, i decided on Gemsea. I found your headcanon for her faceted eyes fascinating!! quite often (and in my lair as well) I've seen people headcanon their faceted-eyed dragons as blind (i think it's the no pupil thing) honorable mentions to Amethyst, Acarpe, Mechanica, Lisa, and Mortimer (i love the rest too, but these guys stuck out to me the most)

it was honestly really hard to choose!!! but in the end, i decided on Gemsea. I found your headcanon for her faceted eyes fascinating!! quite often (and in my lair as well) I've seen people headcanon their faceted-eyed dragons as blind (i think it's the no pupil thing)

honorable mentions to Amethyst, Acarpe, Mechanica, Lisa, and Mortimer (i love the rest too, but these guys stuck out to me the most)
@HatLordAve [url=][img][/img][/url] Oh my God this little old grampa is so pure! I love the story in his bio, it made me smile while I read. 12/10 best adoptive father


Oh my God this little old grampa is so pure! I love the story in his bio, it made me smile while I read. 12/10 best adoptive father
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@Neonsunrise22 [url=][img][/img][/url] This lady is making Plague mom proud! <3
This lady is making Plague mom proud! <3
FR +3 | She/Her
Wishlist | Sales
@Vampirate I know she's the first dragon on the first page, but I had to pick Latte. Her relationship with Chocolate is certainly quite interesting! [url=][img][/img][/url]

I know she's the first dragon on the first page, but I had to pick Latte. Her relationship with Chocolate is certainly quite interesting!
@HopefulDespair [url=][img][/img][/url] The little story in Flint's bio made me feel A Way. Feeling undeserving of the beauty in your life and the love you're being given, and like nothing you could offer in return is enough (even when to those who love you, [i]you[/i] are enough), is such a real feeling. (Note for next person: lore dragons are in my first three lair tabs only! Bios are an eternal work in progress and many are blank or bare-bones, sorry about that vghvm.)
The little story in Flint's bio made me feel A Way. Feeling undeserving of the beauty in your life and the love you're being given, and like nothing you could offer in return is enough (even when to those who love you, you are enough), is such a real feeling.

(Note for next person: lore dragons are in my first three lair tabs only! Bios are an eternal work in progress and many are blank or bare-bones, sorry about that vghvm.)
"Luvdisc's heart-shaped body is a symbol of love and romance. It is said that any couple meeting this Pokémon is promised a loving relationship that never ends."
he/they | mid 20s | engaged | AO3 | Hatchery
@Luvdisc [url=][img][/img][/url] Meaty meat dragon finding meat, pretty nice lore here

Meaty meat dragon finding meat, pretty nice lore here
@Feratina [url=][img][/img][/url] I absolutely love Mothdancer's lore! Its so unique! Note to next: First lair page and a few on the first page of the hib den!
I absolutely love Mothdancer's lore! Its so unique!

Note to next:
First lair page and a few on the first page of the hib den!
@StarstruckMoon I'm a sucker for dimension hoppers in any way shape or form (heck, my sona is one) and Andromeda is a very good one! I love the idea of her having different incarnations across universes, the woodland one especially being my fav. I want to give double likes so so badly rn [url=][img][/img][/url]

I'm a sucker for dimension hoppers in any way shape or form (heck, my sona is one) and Andromeda is a very good one! I love the idea of her having different incarnations across universes, the woodland one especially being my fav. I want to give double likes so so badly rn

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If you ever feel down, just remember that the Earth is several billion years old and you were lucky enough to exist at the same time as How To Train Your Dragon

call me Cas | she/her | lore | directory | thunderwing guild | f2u bio codes | main fandergs | octonauts fandergs | dream dragons |
@Cyrith i loved reading through all your clan lore! from.the mysterious city of cyrith to the clan of storm chasers, to the evil underground kingdom of hatchling snatchers (which reminded me of guardians of ga'hoole), and the clan of dragons determined to stop them, it was really awesome to watch another world unfold! antikythera's story stood out to me the most because of her differences, her otherness, besides missing wings she still feels like an outsider socially. it's relatable! and i love that she found her passion for inventing out of necessity. all in all, a great story to read! [url=][img][/img][/url]

i loved reading through all your clan lore! from.the mysterious city of cyrith to the clan of storm chasers, to the evil underground kingdom of hatchling snatchers (which reminded me of guardians of ga'hoole), and the clan of dragons determined to stop them, it was really awesome to watch another world unfold!

antikythera's story stood out to me the most because of her differences, her otherness, besides missing wings she still feels like an outsider socially. it's relatable! and i love that she found her passion for inventing out of necessity. all in all, a great story to read!
