So a while back, I bought a dragon on the auction house to get the achievement. I wasn't planning to keep her, but I didn't want to just exalt her, or resell her for fodder.
So I put a lil blurb in her bio and sent her off in the earth auction house, where I figured she'd have less chance of being exalted. I was right. She's been indeed traveling from lair to lair!! She's been leveled up, regened, given apparel, and even gotten art!!
It made me really happy to see that this lil dragon I set up on a whim and sent out has been shown so much love by everyone who's had her! So I wanted to make a lil thread to talk about her!
And here she is! The lil traveler herself! She's found her forever home now, but I just wanted more people to know her lil story ^^
With how successful Journey was, I've decided that I'm going to repeat this lil traveling dragon with other dragons I've grabbed from the fodder side of the auction house!! Journey was only the first, and I have more to come! You can keep track of any other lil travelers here in this forum thread, which I'll update when I can ^^
[center][u]Most Recent Traveler:[/u]
So a while back, I bought a dragon on the auction house to get the achievement. I wasn't planning to keep her, but I didn't want to just exalt her, or resell her for fodder.
So I put a lil blurb in her bio and sent her off in the earth auction house, where I figured she'd have less chance of being exalted. I was right. She's been indeed traveling from lair to lair!! She's been leveled up, regened, given apparel, and even gotten art!!
It made me really happy to see that this lil dragon I set up on a whim and sent out has been shown so much love by everyone who's had her! So I wanted to make a lil thread to talk about her!
And here she is! The lil traveler herself! She's found her forever home now, but I just wanted more people to know her lil story ^^
With how successful Journey was, I've decided that I'm going to repeat this lil traveling dragon with other dragons I've grabbed from the fodder side of the auction house!! Journey was only the first, and I have more to come! You can keep track of any other lil travelers here in this forum thread, which I'll update when I can ^^
Most Recent Traveler:
[center][u][b]Active Travelers:[/b][/u]
[u][b]Retired Travelers:[/b][/u]
dragons who've found their forever home (or been exalted)
Active Travelers:
Retired Travelers:
dragons who've found their forever home (or been exalted)
i've got a dragon like that!
this is dunes, i bought her off the earth ah for achievements. she's been in 7 total clans so far!
it would be pretty cool if she and journey would end up in the same lair one day!
i've got a dragon like that!
this is dunes, i bought her off the earth ah for achievements. she's been in 7 total clans so far!
it would be pretty cool if she and journey would end up in the same lair one day!
august | they/them | fr+3
I didn't have Journey for very long, but travelling dragons like this are so fun! making a little doodle for her was a joy :]
I didn't have Journey for very long, but travelling dragons like this are so fun! making a little doodle for her was a joy :]
CloudedViews it's such a cute lil doodle too!! >w<
[center]THE BADGES ARE DONE!! I made two sizes so pick whichever you like!!
THE BADGES ARE DONE!! I made two sizes so pick whichever you like!!
Wahoo! She's likely found her forever home in my lair, as I'm leveling her to 25, but this is super cool :}c gotta love traveling dragons, I've hosted quite a few before her!
Wahoo! She's likely found her forever home in my lair, as I'm leveling her to 25, but this is super cool :}c gotta love traveling dragons, I've hosted quite a few before her!
passage I'm so happy to hear that!! if you ever add any lore for her, i'd love if you shared it here!!
passage I'm so happy to hear that!! if you ever add any lore for her, i'd love if you shared it here!!