
Quests & Challenges

Quests, Challenges, and Festival games.
TOPIC | Wood Dragon's Wardrobe - Catch-ups!
[center][img alt="Scrying"][/img][/center] [b]Username:[/b] Marketplace [b]Entry fee paid?[/b] yeah [b]Theme:[/b] Wuxing's Wood Element [b]Entry Description:[/b] the ideal friend - aethers are the dragon breed of compassion. they will cooperate with anyone. they will also forgive anyone if they forgive arcanist for sending them to space. they will warmly accept your faults. i focused less on the idea of wood and more of its characteristics. wood ties all people and animals together. i focused on making a dragon that looks like it cares. [columns] [img][/img] [nextcol] [b]Dragon:[/b] aether female [b]Primary:[/b] spruce flaunt [b]Secondary:[/b] chartreuse flicker [b]Tertiary:[/b] turquoise wish [b]Eyes:[/b] earth bright [/columns] - [center][img alt="Dressing"][/img][/center] [b]Username:[/b] Marketplace [b]Entry fee paid?[/b] yup [b]Theme:[/b] Wuxing's Wood Element [b]Dragon:[/b] [url=]Ayamachi[/url] [b]Entry Description:[/b] soldier of grass - back when i got him i wanted him to have plague eyes because of his role in the roleplay i was doing. i am calling back to that, as a haunted, but energetic vessel of the plot who just won't stop living. [columns][img],30205,28790,48997,53580,51597,36161,51615,40439,25853,54733,27118,27113&xt=dressing.png[/img][nextcol][outfit=2499034]
Username: Marketplace
Entry fee paid? yeah
Theme: Wuxing's Wood Element
Entry Description: the ideal friend - aethers are the dragon breed of compassion. they will cooperate with anyone. they will also forgive anyone if they forgive arcanist for sending them to space. they will warmly accept your faults. i focused less on the idea of wood and more of its characteristics. wood ties all people and animals together. i focused on making a dragon that looks like it cares.
dragon?age=1&body=100&bodygene=149&breed=22&element=1&eyetype=13&gender=1&tert=149&tertgene=155&winggene=166&wings=155&auth=7090347868a50ba581d35a13539323e474cc1d5b&dummyext=prev.png Dragon: aether female
Primary: spruce flaunt
Secondary: chartreuse flicker
Tertiary: turquoise wish
Eyes: earth bright
Username: Marketplace
Entry fee paid? yup
Theme: Wuxing's Wood Element
Dragon: Ayamachi
Entry Description: soldier of grass - back when i got him i wanted him to have plague eyes because of his role in the roleplay i was doing. i am calling back to that, as a haunted, but energetic vessel of the plot who just won't stop living.
soldier of grass

art ^ skins ^ buying fod nests
[center][img alt="Scrying"][/img][/center] [b]Username:[/b] SingingDragon [b]Entry fee paid?[/b] Yep! [b]Theme:[/b] Wuxing's Wood Element [b]Entry Description:[/b] Tall vertical things, huh? Well, I can't think of something much taller in the natural world than a California Redwood. Imperials, being the biggest dragons in Sornieth to date (that I know of??), felt like an apt representation of this. The primary and secondary were to emulate the textures of bark and needles respectively, and the tertiary is moss. (Well, it's Spring, but you know. :p) Multigaze just felt right... so little of the original redwood forest is left, it's like the remaining ones are watching over their fallen brethren and anyone else in their domain. [columns] [img][/img] [nextcol] [b]Dragon:[/b] Imperial Male [b]Primary:[/b] Rust Tapir [b]Secondary:[/b] Forest Flair [b]Tertiary:[/b] Spring Koi [b]Eyes:[/b] Wind Multigaze [/columns] I'm glad my last scry was attention-getting! You can indeed find the album on [url=]Bandcamp[/url], [url=]YouTube[/url], and [url=]Spotify[/url].
Username: SingingDragon
Entry fee paid? Yep!
Theme: Wuxing's Wood Element
Entry Description: Tall vertical things, huh? Well, I can't think of something much taller in the natural world than a California Redwood. Imperials, being the biggest dragons in Sornieth to date (that I know of??), felt like an apt representation of this. The primary and secondary were to emulate the textures of bark and needles respectively, and the tertiary is moss. (Well, it's Spring, but you know. :p) Multigaze just felt right... so little of the original redwood forest is left, it's like the remaining ones are watching over their fallen brethren and anyone else in their domain.
dragon?age=1&body=57&bodygene=14&breed=8&element=3&eyetype=5&gender=0&tert=40&tertgene=73&winggene=82&wings=35&auth=d54c24058f8d88f5c3f741d54e1d581d58776f6e&dummyext=prev.png Dragon: Imperial Male
Primary: Rust Tapir
Secondary: Forest Flair
Tertiary: Spring Koi
Eyes: Wind Multigaze

I'm glad my last scry was attention-getting! You can indeed find the album on Bandcamp, YouTube, and Spotify.
atlas | he/they | crackle defense squad
personal challenge masterpost - stock the pond - fodder rescue - scrying services
[center][img alt="Scrying"][/img][/center] [b]Username:[/b] Draugwen [b]Entry fee paid?[/b] YES [b]Theme:[/b] Wuxing's Wood Element [b]Entry Description:[/b] An Abberation tree standing tall. [columns] [img][/img] [nextcol] [b]Dragon:[/b] Abberation Female [b]Primary:[/b]Rust Tapir [b]Secondary:[/b] Emerald Daub [b]Tertiary:[/b] Chartruse Polypore [b]Eyes:[/b] Plague Primal [/columns] [center][img alt="Dressing"][/img][/center] [b]Dragon:[/b] [url=]Unnamed[/url] [b]Entry Description:[/b]I love the Reclaimed Life skin, and how it makes your dragon look like a nurse log, so I tried to expand on that theme, while using lots of browns and yellows to represent wood. [columns][outfit=2498785][nextcol][img],26275,30205,24737,24741,24742&xt=dressing.png[/img][/columns]
Username: Draugwen
Entry fee paid? YES
Theme: Wuxing's Wood Element
Entry Description: An Abberation tree standing tall.
dragon?age=1&body=57&bodygene=95&breed=20&element=2&eyetype=6&gender=1&tert=155&tertgene=82&winggene=89&wings=33&auth=1e6db2facb64c138c324b8114430d5b29b79ff78&dummyext=prev.png Dragon: Abberation Female
Primary:Rust Tapir
Secondary: Emerald Daub
Tertiary: Chartruse Polypore
Eyes: Plague Primal
Dragon: Unnamed
Entry Description:I love the Reclaimed Life skin, and how it makes your dragon look like a nurse log, so I tried to expand on that theme, while using lots of browns and yellows to represent wood.
Nurse Log
nPBJGzE.png tumblr_inline_n6kdukB9pN1qlye38.gif QKenIL5.png
[center][img alt="Scrying"][/img][/center] [b]Username:[/b] DrShadowCipher [b]Entry fee paid?[/b] Yeep [b]Theme:[/b] Wuxing's Wood Element [b]Entry Description:[/b] Soft Greens In Trees [columns] [url=][img][/img][/url] [nextcol] [b]Dragon:[/b] Auraboa Female [b]Primary:[/b] Green Whicker [b]Secondary:[/b] Jungle Flair [b]Tertiary:[/b] Teal Stinger [b]Eyes:[/b] Nature Primal [/columns] [rule] [center][img alt="Dressing"][/img][/center] [b]Username:[/b] DrShadowCipher [b]Entry fee paid?[/b] Yeep [b]Theme:[/b] Wuxing's Wood Element [b]Dragon:[/b] [url=]Toxmine[/url] [b]Entry Description:[/b] Tree Guardian [columns][img],26630,18800,27117,18784,949,18824,18816,18792,945,946,948,22168,27118,950,21046&xt=dressing.png[/img][nextcol][outfit=2499209][/columns]
Username: DrShadowCipher
Entry fee paid? Yeep
Theme: Wuxing's Wood Element
Entry Description: Soft Greens In Trees
dragon?age=1&body=38&bodygene=262&breed=24&element=10&eyetype=6&gender=1&tert=29&tertgene=224&winggene=245&wings=34&auth=0dc6d41297d1b3d56bb18e5f5f118dbfb0c3f0e4&dummyext=prev.png Dragon: Auraboa Female
Primary: Green Whicker
Secondary: Jungle Flair
Tertiary: Teal Stinger
Eyes: Nature Primal

Username: DrShadowCipher
Entry fee paid? Yeep
Theme: Wuxing's Wood Element
Dragon: Toxmine
Entry Description: Tree Guardian
Tree Guardian
Half an Egg Challenge
Cheap, Derpy Art
The Spear Games (Day 2)


70662466p.png Velrosan2023.png

[center][img alt="Scrying"][/img][/center] [b]Username:[/b] DrShadowCipher [b]Entry fee paid?[/b] Yeep [b]Theme:[/b] Lunar Celebration [b]Entry Description:[/b] Moon and The Stars [columns] [url=][img][/img][/url] [nextcol] [b]Dragon:[/b] Wildclaw Male [b]Primary:[/b] Orca Cinder [b]Secondary:[/b] Obsidian Constellation [b]Tertiary:[/b] White Wish [b]Eyes:[/b] Ice Dark Sclera [/columns] [rule] [center][img alt="Dressing"][/img][/center] [b]Username:[/b] DrShadowCipher [b]Entry fee paid?[/b] Yeep [b]Theme:[/b] Lunar Celebration [b]Dragon:[/b] [url=]FlintShard[/url] [b]Entry Description:[/b] Moondust [columns][img],30036,30037,15722,30038,30040,15714,15730,30039,30044,15705,15697,15738&xt=dressing.png[/img][nextcol][outfit=2499230][/columns]
Username: DrShadowCipher
Entry fee paid? Yeep
Theme: Lunar Celebration
Entry Description: Moon and The Stars
dragon?age=1&body=131&bodygene=213&breed=10&element=6&eyetype=8&gender=0&tert=2&tertgene=213&winggene=25&wings=10&auth=b320b94c346ccd50aa59409bb2cc0b9e4dbd74ec&dummyext=prev.png Dragon: Wildclaw Male
Primary: Orca Cinder
Secondary: Obsidian Constellation
Tertiary: White Wish
Eyes: Ice Dark Sclera

Username: DrShadowCipher
Entry fee paid? Yeep
Theme: Lunar Celebration
Dragon: FlintShard
Entry Description: Moondust
Half an Egg Challenge
Cheap, Derpy Art
The Spear Games (Day 2)


70662466p.png Velrosan2023.png

[center][img alt="Scrying"][/img][/center] [b]Username:[/b] Golden [b]Entry fee paid?[/b] Yes [b]Theme:[/b] Wuxing's Wood Element [columns] [img][/img] [nextcol] [b]Dragon:[/b] Sandsurge Female [b]Primary:[/b] Jupiter Teal [b]Secondary:[/b] Cinnamon Striation [b]Tertiary:[/b] Cerulean Branches [b]Eyes:[/b] Earth multigaze [/columns] [center][img alt="Dressing"][/img][/center] [b]Username:[/b] Golden [b]Entry fee paid?[/b] Yes [b]Theme:[/b] Wuxing's Wood Element [b]Dragon:[/b] [url=]Dia [/url] [columns][img],7287,23089,15713,15721,15704,15696,23088,23090,23086,6977,23091,5396,5157,7837,50680,50220&xt=dressing.png[/img][nextcol][outfit=2499246][/columns]
Username: Golden
Entry fee paid? Yes
Theme: Wuxing's Wood Element
dragon?age=1&body=29&bodygene=197&breed=23&element=1&eyetype=5&gender=1&tert=117&tertgene=189&winggene=210&wings=77&auth=86ce82b43414894a2244c90e757066073b8c182a&dummyext=prev.png Dragon: Sandsurge Female
Primary: Jupiter Teal
Secondary: Cinnamon Striation
Tertiary: Cerulean Branches
Eyes: Earth multigaze
Username: Golden
Entry fee paid? Yes
Theme: Wuxing's Wood Element
Dragon: Dia

22ywPUF.png Ao7i1jI.png TSLAPe2.gifUXRaoCb.png6OIh6CV.pngVod89n8.pngMGIo0DJ.gifs7d0V1v.png
[center][img alt="Scrying"][/img][/center] [b]Username:[/b] Kothra [b]Entry fee paid?[/b] Yes [b]Theme:[/b] MONDAY: Wuxing's Wood Element [b]Entry Description:[/b] Glow in the dark Trees [columns] [img][/img] [nextcol] [b]Dragon:[/b] Obelisk Male [b]Primary:[/b] Ripple Sable [b]Secondary:[/b] Shamrock Flair [b]Tertiary:[/b] Radioactive Firefly [b]Eyes:[/b] Nature Primal [/columns] [center][img alt="Dressing"][/img][/center] [b]Username:[/b] Kothra [b]Entry fee paid?[/b] Yes [b]Theme:[/b] MONDAY: Wuxing's Wood Element [b]Dragon:[/b] [url=]Ace[/url] [b]Entry Description:[/b] Gnarled Gentle Giant [columns][img],35545,957,50680,6705,35520&xt=dressing.png[/img][nextcol][outfit=2499313][/columns]
Username: Kothra
Entry fee paid? Yes
Theme: MONDAY: Wuxing's Wood Element
Entry Description: Glow in the dark Trees
dragon?age=1&body=138&bodygene=5&breed=15&element=10&eyetype=6&gender=0&tert=130&tertgene=22&winggene=82&wings=80&auth=4866c9cca90cc1e37beac7061479bfe6d29014c8&dummyext=prev.png Dragon: Obelisk Male
Primary: Ripple Sable
Secondary: Shamrock Flair
Tertiary: Radioactive Firefly
Eyes: Nature Primal
Username: Kothra
Entry fee paid? Yes
Theme: MONDAY: Wuxing's Wood Element
Dragon: Ace
Entry Description: Gnarled Gentle Giant
w8o0xW1.pngSaronai made so many star badges and you liked them all! Thank you! Please keep them linked to Ylli's collection thread for others to find.WXOu4H0.pngt4yhov0.png1Up793k.pngSaronai's Free Star Lighting Raffle. Over 3kg in prizes. Ends February 1st. Click to learn more!
[center][img alt="Scrying"][/img][/center] [b]Username:[/b] Bxy26 [b]Entry fee paid?[/b] YES [b]Theme:[/b] Wood Element [b]Entry Description:[/b] MOSSY LOG So I actually went with an Earth-element dragon instead of Nature, because I feel like the Earth flight is more "generous" than the Nature flight (in canon lore--love Nature peeps too!) The mossy log look is a sign of renewal, as the decomposing log brings new life. And Bogsneaks are very "flexible" dragons, although they also look rather "upright" in their site art! [columns] [img][/img] [nextcol] [b]Dragon:[/b] Bogsneak Male [b]Primary:[/b] Chocolate Boa [b]Secondary:[/b] Avocado Fissure [b]Tertiary:[/b] Jungle Flecks [b]Eyes:[/b] Earth Common [/columns]
Username: Bxy26
Entry fee paid? YES
Theme: Wood Element
Entry Description: MOSSY LOG
So I actually went with an Earth-element dragon instead of Nature, because I feel like the Earth flight is more "generous" than the Nature flight (in canon lore--love Nature peeps too!) The mossy log look is a sign of renewal, as the decomposing log brings new life. And Bogsneaks are very "flexible" dragons, although they also look rather "upright" in their site art!
dragon?age=1&body=56&bodygene=232&breed=14&element=1&eyetype=0&gender=0&tert=34&tertgene=103&winggene=88&wings=37&auth=9687c8293f71e373a836f8cab35d1eedc1d36f32&dummyext=prev.png Dragon: Bogsneak Male
Primary: Chocolate Boa
Secondary: Avocado Fissure
Tertiary: Jungle Flecks
Eyes: Earth Common
V9b7SpH.png Check out my Elemental Sneks project!
[center][img alt="Scrying"][/img][/center] [b]Username:[/b] Charliesneeze [b]Entry fee paid?[/b] YES [b]Theme:[/b] Wuxing's Wood Element [b]Entry Description:[/b] Tangled Marionette I like how the red glowing plague eyes make her look like she might be possessed [columns] [img][/img] [nextcol] [b]Dragon:[/b] Skydancer Female [b]Primary:[/b] Hickory Ripple [b]Secondary:[/b] Hickory Current [b]Tertiary:[/b] White Veined [b]Eyes:[/b] Plague Glowing [/columns] [center][img alt="Dressing"][/img][/center] [b]Username:[/b] Charliesneeze [b]Entry fee paid?[/b] YES [b]Theme:[/b] Wuxing's Wood Element [b]Dragon:[/b] [url=]Orchid[/url] [b]Entry Description:[/b] A different kind of Tea Tree [columns][img],32995,32994,25033,25031,25027,25028,25030,25032,1752,2505&xt=dressing.png[/img][nextcol][outfit=2499334][/columns]
Username: Charliesneeze
Entry fee paid? YES
Theme: Wuxing's Wood Element
Entry Description: Tangled Marionette
I like how the red glowing plague eyes make her look like she might be possessed
dragon?age=1&body=88&bodygene=5&breed=13&element=2&eyetype=7&gender=1&tert=2&tertgene=38&winggene=6&wings=88&auth=9f0364044238de55cf5f3ae91207f198beeeb4f7&dummyext=prev.png Dragon: Skydancer Female
Primary: Hickory Ripple
Secondary: Hickory Current
Tertiary: White Veined
Eyes: Plague Glowing
Username: Charliesneeze
Entry fee paid? YES
Theme: Wuxing's Wood Element
Dragon: Orchid
Entry Description: A different kind of Tea Tree
A different kind of Tea Tree
Magical Meteorite Mayhem - Arcane & Nature 2024 mlHpBMC.png
Code: [center][img alt="Scrying"][/img][/center] [b]Username:[/b] Doozie [b]Entry fee paid?[/b] Yes [b]Theme:[/b] Wuxing's Wood Element [b]Entry Description:[/b] Tall! Vertical? Somewhere between the teal and cyan sides of green... I'm not very good at scrying when I have to choose the colours but I enjoyed the stark contrast between the laced and lace here [columns] [img][/img] [nextcol] [b]Dragon:[/b] Imperial Male [b]Primary:[/b] Chocolate Laced [b]Secondary:[/b] Spearmint Saddle [b]Tertiary:[/b] Spearmint Lace [b]Eyes:[/b] Nature Pastel [/columns] [center][img alt="Dressing"][/img][/center] [b]Username:[/b] Doozie [b]Entry fee paid?[/b] Yes [b]Theme:[/b] Wuxing's Wood Element [b]Dragon:[/b] [url=]Otiven[/url] [b]Entry Description:[/b] What is a salad but the coming together of harmonious herbage? He's a living plant for sure. [size=1]I don't really have an excuse for this except only getting 2 hours sleep last night? It sure is green tho[/size] [columns][img],21045,21010,53071,21059,10536,37388,27117,27112,40434,27118,31986&xt=dressing.png[/img][nextcol][outfit=2499354][/columns]

Username: Doozie
Entry fee paid? Yes
Theme: Wuxing's Wood Element
Entry Description: Tall! Vertical? Somewhere between the teal and cyan sides of green... I'm not very good at scrying when I have to choose the colours but I enjoyed the stark contrast between the laced and lace here
dragon?age=1&body=56&bodygene=26&breed=8&element=10&eyetype=12&gender=0&tert=78&tertgene=16&winggene=232&wings=78&auth=235aa39a4a09ac34e901a996669f7d60d6ea7135&dummyext=prev.png Dragon: Imperial Male
Primary: Chocolate Laced
Secondary: Spearmint Saddle
Tertiary: Spearmint Lace
Eyes: Nature Pastel

Username: Doozie
Entry fee paid? Yes
Theme: Wuxing's Wood Element
Dragon: Otiven
Entry Description: What is a salad but the coming together of harmonious herbage? He's a living plant for sure. I don't really have an excuse for this except only getting 2 hours sleep last night? It sure is green tho
Salad Guard
tumblr_inline_nbe8duyTA81qg78ij.pngQwBJb5P.pngf9NQhcL.png Xx3ZGyj.png