
Flight Rising Discussion

Discuss everything and anything Flight Rising.
TOPIC | Funniest bit of your lore?
I can't decide which of my funny moments in my lore is the funniest.

-Cloudwing eating high-voltage almonds and Sandbolt commenting that she looks like an urchin with her fur standing up like so.

-Someone's fanderg of Starscream creating chaos in my clan's home and using Anilcharger's pink cart as their throne. They get a wild ride and a lot of snowballs(ridgebacks don't like water and that dragon in particular didn't like it cold) while the fandergs of Megatron and Soundwave watched in amusement.

-A womanizing coatl flirting with Petalgem at the trade post, only to get put into quite a shock when he learned that Petalgem was a dude(Petalgem is a shadow dragon. He loves pretending to be a girl just for laughs)

-Some beastclan tried to poison my clan, but it was not a toxin. So the clan painted themselves up to look like diseased zombies and spook the beastclan into destroying the rest of their stash of that "toxin" and cowering for a while.

Arveia and Crackskin tried to play pranks in celebration of the Riot of Rot, only to get showed up and outdone by their third leader, Mimic. Note: Mimic is human, but the dragons look to her as one of their own because Cloudwing considers Mimic her sister. Only a few of the clan members has any clue.
I can't decide which of my funny moments in my lore is the funniest.

-Cloudwing eating high-voltage almonds and Sandbolt commenting that she looks like an urchin with her fur standing up like so.

-Someone's fanderg of Starscream creating chaos in my clan's home and using Anilcharger's pink cart as their throne. They get a wild ride and a lot of snowballs(ridgebacks don't like water and that dragon in particular didn't like it cold) while the fandergs of Megatron and Soundwave watched in amusement.

-A womanizing coatl flirting with Petalgem at the trade post, only to get put into quite a shock when he learned that Petalgem was a dude(Petalgem is a shadow dragon. He loves pretending to be a girl just for laughs)

-Some beastclan tried to poison my clan, but it was not a toxin. So the clan painted themselves up to look like diseased zombies and spook the beastclan into destroying the rest of their stash of that "toxin" and cowering for a while.

Arveia and Crackskin tried to play pranks in celebration of the Riot of Rot, only to get showed up and outdone by their third leader, Mimic. Note: Mimic is human, but the dragons look to her as one of their own because Cloudwing considers Mimic her sister. Only a few of the clan members has any clue. Visit my pokefarm, Please.
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Fanfic chat
[url=][img][/img][/url] absolute freak (affectionate) he keeps giving me primals and it's a problem

absolute freak (affectionate)

he keeps giving me primals and it's a problem
I have a whole news bulletin rp going if you guys are interested just called clan antics
I have a whole news bulletin rp going if you guys are interested just called clan antics
I have nothing that's really comedic in a 100% don't take it seriously manner but the bits I personally exhale through my nose strongly at:
- The dubiously-canon bit for a fandragon where they just straight up kidnapped the Stormcatcher.
- Local geneticist Laverne creating the worst creature on Sornieth and solving said issue by nudging it into a hole and denying said hole's existence entirely
- The spiral that likes to start wars concerned the Arcanist enough he just handed her to the Plaguebringer out of dread
I have nothing that's really comedic in a 100% don't take it seriously manner but the bits I personally exhale through my nose strongly at:
- The dubiously-canon bit for a fandragon where they just straight up kidnapped the Stormcatcher.
- Local geneticist Laverne creating the worst creature on Sornieth and solving said issue by nudging it into a hole and denying said hole's existence entirely
- The spiral that likes to start wars concerned the Arcanist enough he just handed her to the Plaguebringer out of dread
[url=][img][/img][/url] Tried to eat the headmaster’s entire thesis and somehow still got hired

Tried to eat the headmaster’s entire thesis and somehow still got hired
[url=][img][/img][/url] This is "Dave". There's nothing remarkable about him. No, really, [i]don't worry about it[/i].

This is "Dave". There's nothing remarkable about him. No, really, don't worry about it.
RfKIDIZ.png ....... he/they
FR +2
I have a tab full of eldritch abominations that includes my Naomi descendant, multiple Slenderverse references, and a dragon from a Lovecraft themed hatchery from their Cthullu pair, bit it also includes...this guy. He's also an eldritch abomination, but he doesn't do the whole brain melting thing and just runs around causing chaos. He's the Mayhem guy from those old Allstate commercials, but a dragon.

Also, my Fire rep found this random child one day and promptly adopted her without a second's delay No one knows where she came from. Now all the flight reps work together to raise her, with varying degrees of competence.
I have a tab full of eldritch abominations that includes my Naomi descendant, multiple Slenderverse references, and a dragon from a Lovecraft themed hatchery from their Cthullu pair, bit it also includes...this guy. He's also an eldritch abomination, but he doesn't do the whole brain melting thing and just runs around causing chaos. He's the Mayhem guy from those old Allstate commercials, but a dragon.

Also, my Fire rep found this random child one day and promptly adopted her without a second's delay No one knows where she came from. Now all the flight reps work together to raise her, with varying degrees of competence.
Oh I have a few!
  • This man keeps forgetting he isn't an ancient anymore. He swapped between an auraboa and aether before settling on a modern breed, so he just. Constantly forgets he's missing a set of arms, or actually has limbs. Bonus of space time where he was used to leaving things floating and just coming back to them. Local potter loves him.
  • This funky fandragon is a member of the kitsune subspecies. Specifically he's a foxfire. Who loves plants. And raises them. Yeah, not the most opportune hobby for a guy who just accidentally stayed in the chaos magic a bit too long. Bonus, he just got bit in a Barghest CYOA. By a fox Barghest. So now he just becomes a floofier angrier fox on the full moon. Someone help this poor angry puppy through life he's on his last braincell and it keeps missing the corner of the window.
  • Local merchant finds out she literally can't die and makes it everyone's problem if they look at her funny. Her whole job in life is to be a walking inconvenience to anyone who just tosses treasure at their problems like that'll fix everything.
  • Like father like daughter, she didn't exist to others. And then she found out her dreams were actually shared with other dragons, making it where she technically exists. She hates it.
  • A sheep was somehow enrolled in the Divided Spire. She likes painting. She will paint everything. Lockers, columns, textbooks, herself, other dragons. She even painted a teacher once. No one knows how she paints so much with her hooves, but she manages.
Oh I have a few!
  • This man keeps forgetting he isn't an ancient anymore. He swapped between an auraboa and aether before settling on a modern breed, so he just. Constantly forgets he's missing a set of arms, or actually has limbs. Bonus of space time where he was used to leaving things floating and just coming back to them. Local potter loves him.
  • This funky fandragon is a member of the kitsune subspecies. Specifically he's a foxfire. Who loves plants. And raises them. Yeah, not the most opportune hobby for a guy who just accidentally stayed in the chaos magic a bit too long. Bonus, he just got bit in a Barghest CYOA. By a fox Barghest. So now he just becomes a floofier angrier fox on the full moon. Someone help this poor angry puppy through life he's on his last braincell and it keeps missing the corner of the window.
  • Local merchant finds out she literally can't die and makes it everyone's problem if they look at her funny. Her whole job in life is to be a walking inconvenience to anyone who just tosses treasure at their problems like that'll fix everything.
  • Like father like daughter, she didn't exist to others. And then she found out her dreams were actually shared with other dragons, making it where she technically exists. She hates it.
  • A sheep was somehow enrolled in the Divided Spire. She likes painting. She will paint everything. Lockers, columns, textbooks, herself, other dragons. She even painted a teacher once. No one knows how she paints so much with her hooves, but she manages.

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Former First Column Spacer ^^^^^^^^^
Dragon Alex Jones
Dragon Alex Jones
I'm Tired
In my Clan lore a deity called Mother Nature, The God of the World, split herself into seperate souls. Those souls turned into her children, who passed down this soul to their children. Many of the dragons in my Clan worship the Mother Nature Deity but have a deep fear of those seperated souls due to their strong powers, some of these almighty and powerful beings have been unearthed... [center] [url=][img][/img][/url] [url=][img][/img][/url] [url=][img][/img][/url] [url=][img][/img][/url][/center] Hatchlings. They are hatchlings. Tarnished when one of their ancestors sought out a selfish gain of immortal life and instead was cursed, where all of their blood's children will have ever lasting life but as, somewhat, harmless children. Their powers are greatly reduced and most just cause havoc and chaos in the Clan with their mischievious antics. [columns] [url=][img][/img][/url] [nextcol] [size=2] Two small hatchlings dart past you, intent on capturing one of the many fireflies dancing around a nest. In the middle of the nest a large blue dragon sleeps soundly on her back, paws risen to the sky, with a bright ethereal light emanating from inside her shining, curly mane. A tiny coatl is hidden inside having an afternoon snooze. "The Lady of the Semi-Gods", a rather lavish title for a tiresome and tedious job. Minerva is charged with babysitting the powerful Semi-God hatchlings to make sure they don't get up to mischief - the power of a God in the hands of children creates a lot of work for her. [/columns]
In my Clan lore a deity called Mother Nature, The God of the World, split herself into seperate souls. Those souls turned into her children, who passed down this soul to their children. Many of the dragons in my Clan worship the Mother Nature Deity but have a deep fear of those seperated souls due to their strong powers, some of these almighty and powerful beings have been unearthed...
77145157p.png 82212766p.png 78106343p.png 81510895p.png

Hatchlings. They are hatchlings. Tarnished when one of their ancestors sought out a selfish gain of immortal life and instead was cursed, where all of their blood's children will have ever lasting life but as, somewhat, harmless children. Their powers are greatly reduced and most just cause havoc and chaos in the Clan with their mischievious antics.
77920419p.png Two small hatchlings dart past you, intent on capturing one of the many fireflies dancing around a nest. In the middle of the nest a large blue dragon sleeps soundly on her back, paws risen to the sky, with a bright ethereal light emanating from inside her shining, curly mane. A tiny coatl is hidden inside having an afternoon snooze.

"The Lady of the Semi-Gods", a rather lavish title for a tiresome and tedious job. Minerva is charged with babysitting the powerful Semi-God hatchlings to make sure they don't get up to mischief - the power of a God in the hands of children creates a lot of work for her.
My dragon, Harvest, a brown/green coloured Obelisk