Currency Exchange Hub [1:1000]
NerdMom's Clan
Clan Info
Clan “Tree Haven” - This lair exalts for the Gladekeeper and other deities.
• Need your dragon returned? Just ask.
• Found a dragon in colors search? Sure ask, even if tab doesn’t mention sale.
• Fest currency Bladed Flatleaf and All-Seeing Shroom for fest shopping
• undiscovered familiars (even easy Coli are more special as gifts ^^ meanwhile I’m working on
• community - [Lineage] Wisdom of Trees
• community - [Subspecies] Infected Trees & Infiltrator Vectors
• challenge - Necrolocke
• challenge - Breed out the Basic
• seasonal - Nature Dom shop
• planning only - planning thread
• gene rarity guide
• Free To Good Homes
• Root Cellar (in Nature Dom forum)
• Swipp Swap Pinglist signup
• Triskele all-flight Nest Rental
• Sunbeam Rotala collector
Obligations I owe
• RedKhezu - 5 nestings from COLORS August 2024 event prize (they'll collect when?)
• KittyKookiez - sponsor all L.O.S.T. completion prizes from chat with new member (they'll collect when?)
• Sketchy - next time I breed Tesrael, offer hatchlings (Nov was nester hiatus, Dec was wrong color, Jan try again)
• rockss - 5 nestings from COLORS Riot of Rot 2024 event prize (they'll collect when?)
• Addmon - when I breed Infected Tree pair of Auraboas, PM for first pick and especially females; Addmon’s goal is to produce rare color combo Cerise/Obsidian/Coral for Project Hancock
• FaerWorld - 100 levels prize from DtB prize (Earth push or whenever they ask)
owed TO me -
no pending art requests or anything at this time
• January 2025 - Gathering Hunting from 30 to __; Gathering Digging stayed at 33__; the lowest major Familiar bonding group is Tolerant;
• December 2024 - Gathering Hunting from 27 to 30; Gathering Digging stayed at 33; the lowest major Familiar bonding group is Tolerant; DtB attendant; worked on boss familiars; marathon NOTN in Crystal Pools; 9-digit dragon ID day; 1980's trio and searched for 1980's skins
Wind Public Buy
Decorate the Behemoth
You've come to the Behemoth to celebrate with Nature Flight, and visit their lush gardens, still flourishing even as much of Sornieth grows cold. As you approach the mighty tree, you see stands selling a variety of decorations to hang on her boughs or bring home to your lair... 'Ah, why not', you think...
Sniffle Flight, Veggie Flight
and the whole Tree Display
Guess the Jar
Hellebrats Bakery
Blanket Fort Woodland Wildlife
Choose Your Own Adventure Kitty Kidnab
Light Dom
Cumulative 1 - 500 levels
Agents: Extraction - Coli battles while miniaturized in Reverse Basement
Shadow of the Colossi silhouette guessing
Spot the Difference
• November 2024 - Gathering Digging from 32 to 33; Gathering Hunting from 25 to 27, hosted anniversary with memes at Wisdom of Trees, focused on collecting retired familiars, sold Water Sprite (cost 3.5 million) for theoretical 3.7-4.0 million in items, mass AH sold inventory, all for Plague Sprite 13 million discount from 16 million AH by Goldia, and am up to 100% of all achievable retired from bears and imposter bears on down because I RACED for the rest of them after seeing terrible inflation spikes showing how bad and fast the pace had to be
my badges from ShaDom Raffle
my badges from Blossom Your Way choose-your-own-adventure
my badges from Earth Dom Raffle with Kaiju vs Villains
for 25-500 levels
for 7 days
my badges from Archival Assistance recognizing villains by silhouette
my stamp badges from PSA: Agents stamp quest
my badge for foddart purchase at Arcanart
(Life candle is in planning thread)
my recipes at Thanksgiving Feast
Earthshaker's Rockin' Mashed potatoes |
Flamecaller's Deepfried Turkey |
Windsinger's Breezy Cheesy Macaroni |
Gladekeeper's Home-grown Sweet Potato Casserole |
Plaguebringer's It's Not Blood Cranberry Sauce |
my badges for Dragons & Dragons crystal wasteland RP
• October 2024 - Gathering Digging from 31 to 32; Gathering Hunting from 18 to 25, sold millions in inflated dragon prices to Wind/Ice battle, invested most of it in Plague skins to keep/flip, hosted the 3rd C.O.L.O.R.S. as mushroom/Plague edition, bred my Silkspun Pumpkin Spider pair for the first time, focused on collecting retired familiars and am up to 60% of all expenses from bears and imposter bears on down but the inflation is getting worse since August and some have unusual spikes
my Lightning Farm daily badge for any Lightning participation
my badges for Lightning Dom Public Buy
my Blanket Fort Pixel Cat Woodland Wildlife
free Halloween
accidental break from Woodland Wildlife
Woodland Wildlife Day 2
Woodland Wildlife Day 3
Woodland Wildlife Day 4
Woodland Wildlife Day 5
Woodland Wildlife Day 6
Woodland Wildlife Day 7
my Mob Menagerie bird week
Day 1
Day 2
Day 3
Day 4
Day 5
Day 6
Day 7 handpicked
my Beary Pickings
my badges for helping Wind OOF boarding at the last minute
[FIREDOM] Spirits Sprint - CYOA
The spirits delight in the bright boldness of your mind and gift you the Firecracker of Innovation |
my Cloudsong Corgi and free Ice Vs Wind
Name: Spark Favorite item: Copper Gear Come bark along with this little corgi who loves to sing his most favourite song on the radio, well, with some minor changes of course. There was a farmer, had a dog and Flash was his name-o! F-L-A-S-H! |
Name: Snow Favorite item: Goose Down Sometimes there's nothing better than curling up in a blanket pile and putting your favourite show on the TV. In Snow's case her favourite show is about a Rough Collie who always saves the day! |
my participation badge from Icy Fortunes
my It's Raining Cool Guys
my Snow Service Grab Bag
my Making It Rain badge for RP
my Wind Dom Public Buy Wind vs Ice badges
Sunday 1 (dragons 1, levels 7)
Monday 1 (dragons 2, levels 14)
Tuesday 3+9=12 (dragons 14, levels 98)
Wednesday 3 (dragons 17, levels 119)
Thursday 6 (dragons 23, levels 161)
Friday 3+10=13 (dragons 36, levels 252)
Saturday 8+12+10+10+10+10+10+10+16+100-6 for ones that were Nature lore = 190 (dragons 226, levels 1,582) my whole HibDen meant for Nature Dom except those that are Nature-only by lore
25 levels
50 levels
100 levels
250 levels
500 levels
1,000 levels
my Ice Dom Public Buy Ice vs Wind badges
Sunday 7 (dragons 7, levels 49)
Monday 11 (dragons 18, levels 126)
Tuesday 15 (dragons 33, levels 231)
Wednesday 7+3=10 (dragons 43, levels 301)
Thursday 7 (dragons 50, levels 350)
Friday 4+8=12 (dragons 62, levels 434)
Saturday 3+7=10 (dragons 72, levels 504)
1 level
25 levels
50 levels
100 levels
250 levels
500 levels
my badges for Nature cPP donation, community goal tiers
my badge for Nests For Nature
sending breeding pairs and getting FREE hatchlings ^^;;;
3 pairs per badge so 12 minimum for sure
my badge from Plague RotCon Maid Cafe
my badges from Plague RotCon Spot The Difference
RotCon Artist Alley
Blight Samctum
Zone 128 ahzidal
and gifts
Plague Dom Raffle, goal 86 dragons for 600 levels
Sunday 12
Monday 4 (16)
Tuesday 4 (20)
Wednesday 4 (24)
Thursday 4 (28)
Friday 8+8=16 (44)
Saturday 10+16=26 (70) night 8+10=18 (88)
my collectible plants from Lightning Farm
Butterwort (1 star)
Venus Flytrap (2 stars)
Sundew (3 stars)
Pitcher Plant (Special)
Floral Fauna
3 basic as Nature host reward
Skulldeer seasonal
Helleboars special Halloween grab bags
my MOB Menagerie from Lightning
my Moldering Medley completed recipes
my badges from Nature In-Flight Raffle
50, 100, 250, 500, 1,000 levels
my C.O.L.O.R.S. daily badges
my C.O.L.O.R.S. prize badges
• September 2024 - Gathering Digging from 30 to 31; Gathering Hunting from 12 to 18, mildly prepare for RotR, focused on collecting retired familiars and collected 50% of all expenses from bears and imposter bears on down!
my Four Winds Foals
my lantern badges from Light
my badges from Light Public Buy
my Owl of Arcane
my badges from Arcane Public Buy
my collectible plants from Lightning Farm
Lithops (1 star)
Purple Echeveria (2 stars)
Moon Cactus (3 stars)
Star Pool (Special)
my badge for 1 Plague Blind Bag Boon
my new Pladge Plague Badge
Gall Fly "A lumpy nest, created just for you!" |
Pygmy Grasshopper "Is that... the world's smallest violin??" |
Small Nose Planthopper "Small, and so very full of wax. And secrets." |
Spiny Orb Weaver "Do you hear hissing?" |
• August 2024 - hosted Dom Shop after C.O.L.O.R.S.; gained Water Sprite; Gathering Digging from 26 to 30; Gathering Hunting from 6 to 12
my badges for RP responses in Below and Above in Dragons & Dragons by DismasYves
my badges for guessing silhouettes at Wind/Earth Shadow Battlers
my badges for advice on taking care of familiars at pet cafe run by hatchlings
my ShaDom Foxables
Special set Cave Exploration (ref to Crystal Cave, PA)
my badges for selling Daily Bonus and rows of Warrior Way adults from den stockpile, to Shadow Dom
my badges from choose-your-own-adventure Zoo-reprise
my badges for Fire Dom Public Buy
1, 50, 100, 250, 500 levels
from den, when I had no dennables to train
my collectible plants from Lightning Farm
Sticks on Fire (1 star)
Kalanchoe (2 stars)
Campfire Crassula (3 stars)
Hot Spring (Special)
my badge for Waterway 50/50 Raffle
my badges for Water Public Buy
Waterway - Sunday
Redrock Cove - all dailies
Redrock Cove -100, 200, 300, 400 levels
• July 2024 - Gathering Scavenging maxed level 40, Garthering Digging level 26, hosted C.O.L.O.R.S., skipped a week altogether from sickness and skipped a week of Dom from being tired of it all
my Cloudsong Corgi
Libby has traveled far and wide in search of knowledge of the best chew toy. They have compiled a large tome of all the chew toys they have experienced in their travels around Sornieth, with a careful ranking system applied to each one. |
my criminal cat badge for confessing to rehoming dragons without taking them off the flight Available spreadsheet
my Plague baked good - chocolate only
my Pladge retired badge buy
my Pladge 2024 familiars
my Wind Dom daily badges
Sunday 14 levels
I skipped a few weeks due to sickness and being tired of constant tasks
no context other than link ;)
my plants from Arcane Growth Accelerator
#1 x4
#1 rare
#2 x3
#5 x3
#6 x1
#6 rare
#7 x2
#8 x4
#8 rare
my badges from Arcane Grab Bags
Tier 1 lowest Regular
Tier 2 lowest Lucky
Tier 3 middle Lucky and anonymous gift <3
my badges for Ecosystem
participation Frigate Bird
50, 100, 250, 500 levels
my badges for QOTD at our own Nature Public Buy
for exalting every day, Nature In-Flight Raffle
for exalting 25, 250, 500 and 1,000 levels (actually 2,200 total)
for our Nature In-Flight Raffle
my badge for #1 leveler in Gladeveins Guild even though it was only 2,200 levels; Gladeveins appears quiet
my badges for Coli scavenger hunt for potions
at Cosmic Concoctions
Frosty Snowdrop
Hibiscus Hex
Mysterious Moonflower
Cattail Meteora
Ascending Aster
Dahlia’s Comet
Elmwood Explosion
Lucky Lilies
Lavender Mists
Colorful Crysanthemums
my prize badges from C.O.L.O.R.S. (I donated main prizes, extra prizes, round-up donation for Nature Dom, and even a somebody’s weekly fees, and everybody who did a full set of forms won the full set and more, so that qualifies the same as if I’d done Forms under my own name, right?)
my daily badges from C.O.L.O.R.S. which I created myself
my Helleboars chosen-category thorns
• June 2024 - no milestones, but Anime Fest and PA vacation
my participation badge for ShaDom writing activity The Stars in our Hearts
my participation badge for ShaDom silhouette-guessing activity Rainbow Rush: Dessert Quest
my badges from Rainbow Desert multiple choice story game Desert (c)Laws
my badges from ShaDom Public Buy
my EarthDom Gift Shop Goodies badge
my EarthDom Public Buy badges
sending many levels of everything that had any type of exalt bonus
I claimed Nature and Plague
my badges from EarthDom shadow-guessing The Masked Trader
my badges from Light Dom Public Buy
tiers of 1, 50, 100 levels
my collectible plants from Lightning Farm
Peperomia (1 star)
Flowering Aloe (2 stars)
Golden Barrel (3 stars)
Solar Fountain (Special)
my badges for Nature casual profit push
more Helleboars
• 2024 May - I opened Infected Trees, ran C.O.L.O.R.S. subspecies edition SOLO but with Ackie as QOTD attendant, and opened Infiltrator Vectors
my ShaDom Pillow Machine - a Special rather than blue Flaunt/Flair
my Shadow Public Buy badges
50 levels at least
my badges for ShaDom C.A.T.-Astrophe count hidden objects
I dated a seagull at Water/Wind Seagulls Dating
my badges for Water/Wind combined Public Buy
my badge for Lightning’s Powerdle (Wordle)
my badge for making Probiotic (intern mode) cook at Ion Chef
my MOB Menagerie from Lightning
my collectible plants from Lightning Farm
Elephant Bush (1-star)
Snake Plant (2-star)
String of Turtles (3-star)
Rainwater Basin (Special)
my badges for combined support for Lightning
my Ecosystem badges
participation / 50 / 100 / 250 / 500 but I did over 5,000 levels and aiming for 6,000
my badges for ordering 12 May It Be Flowergrams, and 2 fill-ins, and 2 more from Ackie specifically and they are cool like an emblem together, and 1 more from teddy2008
"Thank you for the help and enthusiasm you give to Nature Dom and all of FR! I hope you have a wonderful Greenskeeper!" - teddy2008 |
my Helleboars
- end of first 15 truffles
- end of 2nd 15 truffles
- end of 3rd 15 truffles
my badges for answering Brood You Rather at the Nature OOF Raffle
my Nature Conquest daily badges for exalting every day of the week
my Nature Conquest tiered badges for exalting levels 50 / 100 / 250 / 500 / 1,000 (but actual total was over 5,000 and aiming for 6,000
Achieved 6,040 levels, highest in the I.F. spreadsheet leaderboard! and highest in guild
Afterwards, Blind Bag Boon from Plague and earned this badge
But let's come back for Nature last - C.O.L.O.R.S. subspecies edition
my daily badges
my earned badges
• 2024 Apr - I opened Wisdom of Trees
my collectible plants from Lightning Farm
Stormcatcher Statue Special "A small, weathered stone garden statue of the Stormcatcher himself. His presence almost seems to intimidate the plants into growing faster..." |
Very Normal Plant Special "Just an incredibly normal plant... what was that out of the corner of your eye?" |
Burro's Tail (2-star)
Prickly Pear (3-star)
Wind Bath (Special)
my Lightning Mob Menagerie
Sunday -
Monday -
Tuesday -
Wednesday -
Thursday -
Friday -
Saturday -
I said I liked someone’s Adventure Time Peppermint Butler fandragon and got this coin
I traded art!
It was April Fools and the bar was set as low as a puddle of goo.
Peacebloom and Bloodthistle have their first headshot each!
my Pearlcatcher badge from Lightning Dom Totally Real Badges
my badges from Lightning Dom Public Buy for sending a dragon everyday
my badges from Lightning Dom Public Buy for 10 and 50 levels
(1-2 level 7 x 7 days for minimum daily badge = 56 for sure)
my Sky Search birds from worldwide cooperative grid clear
Tradewinds Gull
Storm Seeker
Glorious Dayjar
Blue-Footed Eggull
Ruby Webwing
Buff Dunerunner
Steam Gyre
Sakura Owl
my badges from Water Dom Raffle / Public Buy
- 1 level and 100 levels
- and for daily
- and for daily (double sets)
my badges from Water’s Library In The Sky daily reading for 2 weeks
my collectible plants from Lightning Farm
Bluff Lettuce (1-star)
Sea Purslane (2-stars)
Coast Barrel (3-stars)
Tide Pool (Special)
my badge for making kiddie doodle art at Earth’s Thrugzug’s Color Pals
Sunday A little plushie of Thrugzug's dog friend! It'll certainly be fun to snuggle with! And like 10% less trouble. |
Monday Aw it's a Hainu pillow! The perfect huggable throw pillow. WARNING DO NOT LET HAINUS NEAR PILLOW ((Oh and I won their daily raffle too with Scene of dunes!)) |
my random cream puff from Water’s Cloud Cafe
hmm so I should try papaya
I offered a Necromancer meme and 3idolon the subspecies creator liked it
my Ecosystem badge for this month’s casual profit push (earning treasure like I already do)
Rainbow Lorikeet AND Rainbow Parrotfish
my badges for supporting Nature Dom - vote for Rainforest or Tropical Reef
my badges for Earth Dom’s conquest push - spooky sleepover theme
1, 25, and 50 levels (7x7 with +1 at least one 8)
my badges for Earth Dom’s Spooky Shadows guess the silhouettes
my badge for Earth’s V.I.P. Dress Up
Onion Divination by Finifer
• 2024 Mar - I started collecting Seed & Sickness pairs, recruited subspecies pair nests for Guess the Hatchling Colors. My Artifacts FINAL zone 3 precise has filled in 13/18 but all-but-1 saving for later, Brewing level 28 MAX(!!!) from Veined tertiary gene for Seed & Sickness at 12k Exp each
my badges from Water Dom
Let’s Enrobe Alligators Prettily
ooh someone sent me a mail from Longdistance Express Amphibian Postservice
“We find you ribbeting.”
my badges from Plague Conquest Public Buy
epic battle against Water Conquest with level 7 base prices ranging from 13,000 to 19,500. Thanks to cashing a few dozen pre-leveled for Nature, stocking hatchlings the week before so they’d be the right age, and sniping adults when I could, wealth increased by: 500k in familiars, maybe another 250k-500k in dragons for Seed & Sickness, and 2.5 million in treasure/gems
1st week - 2 paid
2nd week - 7 earned for sending on all 7 days
Tiers for 100, 200, 300, 400, 500 levels
(500 = 7s x 72 and I sent that in almost one day thanks to saving storage for last day)
also from Plague Public Buy - stay hydrated while mercing
Plague also provided more badges for each 50 and 100 levels!
Per my AH records sent to guild, my levels were -
253 dragons for 1,771 levels for 3MM treasure
Per 50 levels
Per 100 levels
my purchased badges from Light Profit push
“March comes in like a lion and out like a lamb.”
my badges from Fire Public Buy, casual, sending 1+ per day
my Windsong Corgis
Name: Sun Favorite item: Sunspot Clouddancer Hide According to all known laws of aviation, there is no way that a corgi should be able to fly. Yet, Sun rises into the air every morning, ready to greet the day (and you!) with a joyful buzz. |
Name: Moon Favorite item: Moth-eaten Mith Doll Hey diddle diddle, the coatl and the fiddle, the moths landed on the Moon much to their delight! A friend to all critters great and small this little corgi can be found prancing around at night under the stars. |
Name: Corgisinger (Special) Favorite item: Curious Paintbrush Something has been spotted playing amongst the clouds! It looks a little green and...wispy?? Could it be? It's the Corgisinger! The elusive Corgisinger has made an appearance! They love to dance through the clouds, drifting and spiraling among the wind currents. |
Name: Mango & Crispy (Retired but I love this) Favorite item: Ghostly Aura With a nose that can sniff out bargain, Mango has an affinity for seeing the best in things. Take this possessed blender for example! It's a two for one deal - an awesome appliance and a ghostly friend called Crispy. |
my Things With Wings badge for attaching wings
Thing With Wings
by artist CosmiicChaos
my Wind Windgo (Bingo) badges for paying 25k each instead of Coli in venues I don't need anything from and grind for drops I don't want and do Paint art tasks and adopt expensive collectible.
More from artist CosmiicChaos who made Thing With Wings.
my badge for joining Wind's Wingy Windy Raffle
More from artist CosmiicChaos who made Thing With Wings.
my kiwi Project F.L.Y. badge for drawing a kiwi flying device
my Wind Public Buy daily badges for sending in 1+ dragon per day
my badges from oneluckyduck’s Garden Guessing game - such darling stories
my Ice Blanket Fort of Ends adoptables, all Wildlife: Woodland
Sunday -
Monday -
Tuesday -
Wednesday -
Thursday - Code:
Friday -
Saturday -
my Nature badges for donating 20g each to vote on Nature theme
Dinos because of Wildclaw - I started collecting Nature Modern Wildclaws for Seed & Sickness this month
my badge for Arcane Aether Showcase
for showing my one non-fodder Aether... this hatchling colors bet parent
my Arcane Book Buffet (Aethers eat pages)
FOUR 10-pulls because it turns out getting a SPECIFIC one has 91% failure rate so a 91%^10th power = 39% failure rate per each 10-pull OMG I thought it would take only 20 maybe 30. One player went to 50!
- Ice x7
- Arcane x3 and shiny x1
- Plague x3
- Earth x5
- Fire x2 and shiny x1
- Light x4
- Wind x5
- Lightning x1
- Water x2
- Shadow x5
And 40th pull was FINALLY the 11th badge my very own Nature!!
- Nature x1
And mercy rule let me request 1 of any so technically a duplicate Nature… the irony.
- Nature 2nd
my badges from Arcane Raffle for selling 1-2 dragons everyday
my Ecosystem Piping Plover badge for participating in the Casual Profit Push even though I sent barely 1-2 dragons per day to Arcane for their badges and focused on denning and even Root Cellar for May Greenskeeper Gathering
my 1st Place Leveler Award for leveling the most in my guild Gladeveins!! AND our guild was the highest!
I provided the most levels to the insanely high Plague Public Buy during our Profit Push! My levels were 1,771 just by myself because of +50% Exp holiday, and Gladeveins the GUILD was 50% higher than any other at 3,900 vs 2,100. So I contributed nearly as much as a whole other guild. OwO
• 2024 Feb - I worked like a fanatic in January for egg hatchling colors betting - making the concept, rules, Google Form, and eye numbing Google Sheets. I was relieved about Ackie making the thread and taking over as host, with no more oomph to give. I still LOVE making in-lore delivery though!
My goals WERE: expand the HibDen; train 40-60 levels per day in 10s; collect 4 of every Ancient breed as a tree for Tree Transplants; gene the progens, Auraboas and Nocturnes.
Artifacts zone 2 precise has filled in 21/21 (100%), Artifacts zone 3 precise has filled in 12/20, Artifacts zone 4 nonstop spam of rugged and gift notes has filled in 18/18 (100%), Brewing level 24 from Love scenes with Exp boost
my badges from Wind Love at First Kite badge buy
my Pladge Plague Badge
my badges from Welcome the Wood Dragons hatchling colors betting
One egg... Unlucky wegged? No, THE one! This sole egg hopes to bring you good fortune that THE one color combo you've been chasing will appear. |
Two eggs... Not the best... Except when it IS! This duo of eggs wishes to bring you good fortune completing a pairing, whether you are looking for male or female. |
Four eggs... A boon for your clan. This quartet of eggs wishes to bring you good fortune gaining many new additions whether they rush off to other lairs or stay to grow. |
The hatchling has revealed itself! This hatchling wishes to bring you good fortune whenever offspring of your own should ever seek new clans. |
my boars from Helleboars adoptables
my badges from Ecosystem for participation in this week's conquest push - participation, and I think tiers are 50 levels, 100 levels, 250 levels, 500 levels
my LilyDragonQueen HibDen Donation Request participation badge for yeeting all my Materials and logging it for 1+ hour in her 1-entry manual typing Google Form
AND I won 3rd place in raffle!
my Bingo participation badge where the squares were for holding, Coli and exalting
AND I won 10th place in the raffle!
my In-Flight Raffle (holding, leveling and exalting) badges. Every day I exalted stored dragons for myself and Root Cellar if they had the bonus, plus kept up with training any hatchlings turned adults. My pre-leveled and live-leveled dragons totaled a personal record 2,530 (10 x 253)
Tiered Badges
- 50 levels
- 100 levels
- 250 levels
- 500 levels
- 1,000 levels
I had 2,530 levels (10 x 253)
my Public Buy “Wood You Rather” Daily Question badges - didn’t know these were here for US in the OOF thread, so I missed them and bought set for 175g ^.^
my pillow (Flaunt/Flair Ultramarine and Cyan) from [ShaDom] Pillow Machine + Gacha
Total ordered over time: Cobalt, Ultramarine, Cyan
my Ice Blanket Fort of Ends adoptables, all Wildlife: Woodland
Sunday -
Monday -
Tuesday -
Wednesday -
Thursday -
Friday -
Saturday -
my [ShaDOM] Foxables Adopts
Sunday - Marlowe, Aspen, Matcha, Tara, Skelliton
Monday - Skelliton, Sachi, Sachi, Indiana, Hoodwink
and Bird
Tuesday - Sweets, Georgia, Sweets, Nara, Georgia
Wednesday - Pip, Ember, Sweets, Truffles, Beowulf
Thursday - Sprinkles, Aspen, Pickles, Stitches, Aspen
and Ladybug
Friday - Ember, Ember, Sachi, Jade, Georgia
Saturday - Tim, Florian, Viola, Matcha, Ophelia
my Pebble Pet from Earth Dom: Fali's Finds for donating a 20k Catercroak
my Earth Dom Pebble Pets full 104 collection for sending in 104 x 7 = 728 levels.
Dragons were getting expensive by getting NO exalting fee back, so I stretched budgets training to 8.
• 2024 Jan - remaining HibDen quests
my Cloudsong Corgi limited for this event, from Cloudsong Corgis
my Wind OOF Public Buy badges for selling at least one dragon every day
my badge for solving Ice Gala Pepper's Polar Puzzles (both 2 picross and all 3 logic problems)
my Ice OOF Murder Mystery Raffle badges from selling at least one dragon every day
my Ice OOF Murder Mystery Raffle badges for selling cumulative levels (1, 50)
My Ice Winter Games participation trophy for fielding my Pearlcatcher idols and Guardian battlers in 7 days of events
My Ice Inheritance Bad MSPaint badges for RP the complete 7 story prompts, and also won in their raffle!
Progen Bloodthistle chose the dark blue door colored more like his mate.
He picked up and moved plushies not realizing that Breeds are supposed to match an element since he's a Nature Gaoler
he stiched all his random inventory clothes together for IceWarden to wear
He made an Ice Guardian by putting out Help Wanted signs with a cartoon arrow, told stories to mechanical critters, pigged out on ice cream and did a sploot down a slide!
my Ice Blanket Fort of Ends adoptables, all Wildlife: Woodland
Sunday -
Monday -
Tuesday -
Wednesday -
Thursday -
Friday -
Saturday -
• 2023 Dec - started the "tree" project with Gaolers Sandsurge Undertide Veilspun and Aberration (Polypore), leveled fodder and home-bred for Decorate the Behemoth profit push, farmed Night of the Nocturn ALL Coliseum venues 1-19 for HibDen checklist and faster Strange Chest farming than Mire and other 20+, sold Strange Chests for 20k and peak 22k and ebb 15k, highest savings at one time 16 million in mixed treasure and gens due to all the chest sales, paid 5,000 gems same as 5 million treasure for all gem HibDen expansions, remaining item HibDen quests =
my badges earned in L.O.S.T. program - Lore
L.O.S.T. program - Full Completion
my ornaments for Decorate the Behemoth
my cookies from Hellebrats Bakery for Decorate the Behemoth
my Ecosystem badges for participation in DtB profit push, 50 levels seed, 100 levels seeding, 250 levels sapling, 500 levels tree (maximum - actual total 1370 with a third pre-peveled in my Den, a third canned with Root Cellar the week before and a third leveled during the live week)
my Ecosystem tracker badges - total levels 500+, many elements and species, some sniping
my award from Nature Guilds: DtB profit push recap -
Top Individuals from Each Guild - Most levels contributed for Guild GladeVeins (GV)
my foxes from [ShaDOM] Foxables Adopts fundraiser: Nebula, Marlowe, Sachi, and sidekick Axolotl
my pillow (Flaunt/Flair Cobalt) from [ShaDom] Pillow Machine + Gacha
my "Pladge" Plague Badge from Pladge [Plague Badge Fundraiser]
MOM BADGE "Here we go again..."
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
• 2023 Nov - first breeding, gained auction adoptees, level 25 battle team, expensive Wisp and Foxfire Grove Scene for progen Peacebloom, first exalts, hatched 2 nests for IF Fodder Farm, reached Baldwin's Brew level 5, brewed and melted mats for Viridian Brewing Co, reached Arlo’s Ancient Artifacts level 2 and cleared all Digsite 1 Thunder Lizards.
my badges earned in L.O.S.T. program - Site Basics, Dragon, Coli
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
• Joining - Fun fact, join date Nov 7, 2023 is lucky 7/11 in international standard. ^^
Recent Comments
Thank you for the congrats! ^^
Kousa was on the front page! Great colors and genes!
Not gonna lie I thought it was legitimately hilarious that SOEL can get SOIL to make him matchy... just perfect haha! Thank you kindly for selling him - I love special IDs! :D Hope you have a super stellar day and stay safe!
Merry X-mas!
Your dragons are gorgeous and I'm so happy I could buy one <3.
Thanks! I've been hunting for a male in his color range for months <3
<3 thank you so much! She's very pretty C:
Cloudy (#91042017) was the front page!
I just saw your comment about our hatchlings, wow! I guess that makes our newly hatched nests "twins"? LOL!
Oh, thank you for the lovely comment!! I'm happy to have given Amethyst a new home - she's so pretty, and she'll fit right in with my collection of oldies
I hope you rest well and feel better! Please do take care of yourself!! ;u;
Thank you! I really love cerulean flaunt/flair and have been meaning to grab one for a while so I'm glad I found her
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