[center][font=arial][size=4][b][url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/raf/3338015/1#post_56797352][color=black]RULES[/url] | [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/raf/3338015/1#post_56797354][color=black]PAYOUTS & SPREADSHEET[/url] | [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/raf/3338015/1#post_56798652][color=black]DAILY QUESTION[/url] | [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/raf/3338015/1#post_56798653][color=black]BADGES[/url] | [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/raf/3338015/1#post_56799398][color=black]PRIZES[/url][/center]
[img alt="Rules"]https://i.imgur.com/QtWRn4B.png[/img]
[center][img alt="A green caterpillar."]https://i.imgur.com/ylLkvIf.png[/img][color=transparent]XXXXXXXX[/color][img alt="A brown caterpillar."]https://i.imgur.com/6Zq7MFR.png[/img][color=transparent]XXXXXXXX[/color][img alt="A green caterpillar with a red stripe and yellow spikes."]https://i.imgur.com/VFg65cR.png[/img][/center]
[img alt="Vertical divider - an orange cat stretches up trying to catch a flying Northern Glass cicada."]https://i.imgur.com/t7ByTR6.png[/img]
[columns][indent][img]https://i.imgur.com/e1UgWPl.png[/img][nextcol][img]https://i.imgur.com/UfHl5Xb.png[/img][nextcol][font=arial][size=5][color=#006400]This raffle will be open from the 19th to 25th of May @ 23:45 FR. Dragons send after this time may not be accepted. [/indent][/columns]
[columns][indent][img]https://i.imgur.com/Tu6GWS8.png[/img][nextcol][img]https://i.imgur.com/UfHl5Xb.png[/img][nextcol][font=arial][size=5][color=#006400]This raffle is meant for non Nature flight members only. If you are a Nature member, please see our [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/fs10/3336240]In-Flight raffle here[/url].[/indent][/columns]
[columns][indent][img]https://i.imgur.com/e1UgWPl.png[/img][nextcol][img]https://i.imgur.com/UfHl5Xb.png[/img][nextcol][font=arial][size=5][color=#006400]Parallel Ancient genes do not count for daily bonuses, as they are in fact a completely separate item.[/indent][/columns]
[columns][indent][img]https://i.imgur.com/Tu6GWS8.png[/img][nextcol][img]https://i.imgur.com/UfHl5Xb.png[/img][nextcol][font=arial][size=5][color=#006400]Dragons sent for 0 treasure are worth 4x tickets. (This includes 1 treasure PAs.)[/indent][/columns]
[columns][indent][img]https://i.imgur.com/e1UgWPl.png[/img][nextcol][img]https://i.imgur.com/UfHl5Xb.png[/img][nextcol][font=arial][size=5][color=#006400]Everyone who sends dragons on a given day may use the relevant badge for that that day. There are also tiered badges for the number of Levels you send in (see below for details). [/indent][/columns][/columns]
[columns][img]https://i.imgur.com/Tu6GWS8.png[/img][nextcol][img]https://i.imgur.com/UfHl5Xb.png[/img][nextcol][font=arial][size=5][color=#AF4E0F]All dragons received will be exalted.[nextcol][img]https://i.imgur.com/UfHl5Xb.png[/img][/columns]
[columns][img]https://i.imgur.com/e1UgWPl.png[/img][nextcol][img]https://i.imgur.com/UfHl5Xb.png[/img][nextcol][font=arial][size=5][color=#AF4E0F]If you have any problems or questions regarding the spreadsheet or your ticket allocations, please ping @Goldia with the details. Remember, the earlier you submit your query the easier and faster we can fix it! Please allow up to 24 hours for errors to be corrected.[nextcol][img]https://i.imgur.com/UfHl5Xb.png[/img][/columns]
[columns][img]https://i.imgur.com/Tu6GWS8.png[/img][nextcol][img]https://i.imgur.com/UfHl5Xb.png[/img][nextcol][font=arial][size=5][color=#AF4E0F]The spreadsheet will be cleared each night during rollover. You may see previous days on the Master Sheet [url=https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1nvU6oduhS3Ld03yRBnnPny8Qwufs6CvWKqrcqv7wi88/edit?usp=sharing]here[/url].[nextcol][img]https://i.imgur.com/UfHl5Xb.png[/img][/columns]
[columns][img]https://i.imgur.com/e1UgWPl.png[/img][nextcol][img]https://i.imgur.com/UfHl5Xb.png[/img][nextcol][font=arial][size=5][color=#AF4E0F]If you change your username during the raffle, it is your responsibility to notify us.[nextcol][img]https://i.imgur.com/UfHl5Xb.png[/img][/columns]
[columns][img]https://i.imgur.com/Tu6GWS8.png[/img][nextcol][img]https://i.imgur.com/UfHl5Xb.png[/img][nextcol][font=arial][size=5][color=#AF4E0F]Other events can be found at our [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/frd/3338843/1#post_56819095]Cicada Confluence Hub[/url].[nextcol][img]https://i.imgur.com/UfHl5Xb.png[/img][/columns]
[img alt="Vertical divider - an orange cat stretches up trying to catch a flying Behemoth cicada."]https://i.imgur.com/zPWbcsh.png[/img]
[img alt="How to Enter"]https://i.imgur.com/xUXZBiX.png[/img]
[columns][indent][img]https://i.imgur.com/e1UgWPl.png[/img][nextcol][img]https://i.imgur.com/UfHl5Xb.png[/img][nextcol][font=arial][size=5][color=#006400]Check the spreadsheet in the next post to view the current payout chart, see which attendants are available to receive your dragons, how they prefer to receive your dragons (PA or CR) and whether they accept gems or not. [/indent][/columns]
[columns][indent][img]https://i.imgur.com/Tu6GWS8.png[/img][nextcol][img]https://i.imgur.com/UfHl5Xb.png[/img][nextcol][font=arial][size=5][color=#006400]Please refresh the sheet and check it for attendant availability before sending each batch of dragons through - this ensures your dragons can be accepted quickly, and our attendants don't wake up to a stack of PA's and have a panic attack![/indent][/columns]
[columns][indent][img]https://i.imgur.com/e1UgWPl.png[/img][nextcol][img]https://i.imgur.com/UfHl5Xb.png[/img][nextcol][font=arial][size=5][color=#006400]Set up a PA or CR based on the receiver's preference. Your dragons will be accepted as soon as possible.[/indent][/columns]
[columns][indent][img]https://i.imgur.com/Tu6GWS8.png[/img][nextcol][img]https://i.imgur.com/UfHl5Xb.png[/img][nextcol][font=arial][size=5][color=#006400]If you are sending via Crossroads, please make sure to include the math in your note. This allows our attendants to process your dragons more quickly.[/indent][/columns]
[columns][indent][img]https://i.imgur.com/e1UgWPl.png[/img][nextcol][img]https://i.imgur.com/UfHl5Xb.png[/img][nextcol][font=arial][size=5][color=#006400]Please send any dragons with bonuses by 23:45 FR each day.[/indent][/columns]
[columns][indent][img]https://i.imgur.com/Tu6GWS8.png[/img][nextcol][img]https://i.imgur.com/UfHl5Xb.png[/img][nextcol][font=arial][size=5][color=#006400][b]Please remember that on Saturday, all dragons must be sent by 11:40pm FR time so our attendants have time to exalt them all before Dom is calculated at 11:50pm.[/b][/indent][/columns]
[center][img alt="A green caterpillar."]https://i.imgur.com/ylLkvIf.png[/img][color=transparent]XXXXXXXX[/color][img alt="A brown caterpillar."]https://i.imgur.com/6Zq7MFR.png[/img][color=transparent]XXXXXXXX[/color][img alt="A green caterpillar with a red stripe and yellow spikes."]https://i.imgur.com/VFg65cR.png[/img][/center]
[b]Gem and Treasure tickets are also available!
Each ticket costs 1100 Treasure or 1 gem
Please send any currency to @Goldia[/b][/center]
[center][img alt="Horizontal divider - a green frog reaches with its long tongue trying to catch a Behemoth Cicada."]https://i.imgur.com/et8cxp9.png[/img][/center]
This raffle will be open from the 19th to 25th of May @ 23:45 FR. Dragons send after this time may not be accepted.
This raffle is meant for non Nature flight members only. If you are a Nature member, please see our In-Flight raffle here.
Parallel Ancient genes do not count for daily bonuses, as they are in fact a completely separate item.
Dragons sent for 0 treasure are worth 4x tickets. (This includes 1 treasure PAs.)
Everyone who sends dragons on a given day may use the relevant badge for that that day. There are also tiered badges for the number of Levels you send in (see below for details).
All dragons received will be exalted.
If you have any problems or questions regarding the spreadsheet or your ticket allocations, please ping @Goldia with the details. Remember, the earlier you submit your query the easier and faster we can fix it! Please allow up to 24 hours for errors to be corrected.
The spreadsheet will be cleared each night during rollover. You may see previous days on the Master Sheet here.
If you change your username during the raffle, it is your responsibility to notify us.
Check the spreadsheet in the next post to view the current payout chart, see which attendants are available to receive your dragons, how they prefer to receive your dragons (PA or CR) and whether they accept gems or not.
Please refresh the sheet and check it for attendant availability before sending each batch of dragons through - this ensures your dragons can be accepted quickly, and our attendants don't wake up to a stack of PA's and have a panic attack!
Set up a PA or CR based on the receiver's preference. Your dragons will be accepted as soon as possible.
If you are sending via Crossroads, please make sure to include the math in your note. This allows our attendants to process your dragons more quickly.
Please send any dragons with bonuses by 23:45 FR each day.
Please remember that on Saturday, all dragons must be sent by 11:40pm FR time so our attendants have time to exalt them all before Dom is calculated at 11:50pm.
Gem and Treasure tickets are also available!
Each ticket costs 1100 Treasure or 1 gem
Please send any currency to @Goldia
[center][font=arial][size=4][b][url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/raf/3338015/1#post_56797352][color=black]RULES[/url] | [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/raf/3338015/1#post_56797354][color=black]PAYOUTS & SPREADSHEET[/url] | [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/raf/3338015/1#post_56798652][color=black]DAILY QUESTION[/url] | [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/raf/3338015/1#post_56798653][color=black]BADGES[/url] | [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/raf/3338015/1#post_56799398][color=black]PRIZES[/url][/center]
[img alt="Payouts"]https://i.imgur.com/ey7HL9N.png[/img]
[size=4]These aren't expected to change during the week, but please bear in mind the spreadsheet (linked via the banner below) will always have the most updated payout prices.[/size]
[size=4]The spreadsheet will also show you who is online ready to accept your dragons, how they prefer to be sent them, and the daily bonuses.[/size]
[center][url=https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1uFSW4kuumqseVsOu8TzNPjEQnVXnYqFpggXR8kvYGe8/edit?usp=sharing][img alt="Spreadsheet Button"]https://i.imgur.com/ySymgMq.png[/img][/url][/center]
These aren't expected to change during the week, but please bear in mind the spreadsheet (linked via the banner below) will always have the most updated payout prices.
The spreadsheet will also show you who is online ready to accept your dragons, how they prefer to be sent them, and the daily bonuses.
[center][font=arial][size=4][b][url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/raf/3338015/1#post_56797352][color=black]RULES[/url] | [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/raf/3338015/1#post_56797354][color=black]PAYOUTS & SPREADSHEET[/url] | [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/raf/3338015/1#post_56798652][color=black]DAILY QUESTION[/url] | [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/raf/3338015/1#post_56798653][color=black]BADGES[/url] | [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/raf/3338015/1#post_56799398][color=black]PRIZES[/url][/center]
[center][img alt="Question of the Day"]https://i.imgur.com/ZRKA1L1.png[/img][/center]
[size=4][color=black]Once again we bring you daily questions, [b][color=darkgreen]Brood You Rather with Cicada Trivia[/color][/b]! You can claim a badge just for answering the prompt each day.
[nextcol][size=5]Each day a prompt will be posted, generally with two options. All you have to do to participate is post in this thread what you prefer. Feel free to tell us why you would rather the option you chose. [color=darkgreen]Please only choose one option.[/color][/columns]
[nextcol][size=5]Prompts will be posted shortly before rollover each day and you will have all the next day until rollover to respond. For instance, on Sunday I may post Monday's prompt around 21:00 FRT, and you would have until rollover at the end of Monday to respond. [/columns]
[nextcol][size=5]On the last day I'll also post a little quiz with all the questions so you can find out which of our two (fictional) emerging cicada broods you are most like![/size][/columns]
[nextcol][size=5]To receive a ping when the prompt is posted, sign up for the event's pinglist here[/columns]
[indent][columns][img alt="Sunday"]https://i.imgur.com/xHdLPDy.png[/img]
[nextcol][img]https://i.imgur.com/UfHl5Xb.png[/img][nextcol][img alt="A Skydancer wearing a black beanie with orange eyes and antennae details, themed after Magicicada periodical cicadas."]https://i.imgur.com/Bem97DZ.png[/img]
[center][size=4][color=darkgreen][b]Would you rather sing alone or with other people? Each species of cicada sings a distinctive sounding song, and groups of them tend to harmonize their songs.[/b][/color][/size][/center]
[center][code=Sun][img alt="A Skydancer wearing a black beanie with orange eyes and antennae details, themed after Magicicada periodical cicadas."]https://i.imgur.com/Bem97DZ.png[/img]
[indent][columns][img alt="Monday"]https://i.imgur.com/X4ivyoO.png[/img]
[nextcol][img]https://i.imgur.com/UfHl5Xb.png[/img][nextcol][img alt="A Spiral wearing a blue butterfly-themed set of antennae and wings."]https://i.imgur.com/z1a3Khs.png[/img]
[center][size=4][color=darkgreen][b]Would you rather eat a bug or make art with them? Feel free to share an example with us if you’d like! [/b][/color][/size][/center]
[center][code=Mon][img alt="A Spiral wearing a blue butterfly-themed set of antennae and wings."]https://i.imgur.com/z1a3Khs.png[/img]
[indent][columns][img alt="Tuesday"]https://i.imgur.com/avovdKT.png[/img]
[nextcol][img]https://i.imgur.com/UfHl5Xb.png[/img][nextcol][img alt="A Fae holding a caterpillar-themed plush."]https://i.imgur.com/7K73JK1.png[/img]
[center][size=4][color=darkgreen][b]Would you rather have a small family or a large family? Cicada broods can include multiple periodical cicada species, leading to diverse groups within the same brood, and each brood can have a different number of species.[/b][/color][/size][/center]
[center][code=Tue][img alt="A Fae holding a caterpillar-themed plush."]https://i.imgur.com/7K73JK1.png[/img]
[indent][columns][img alt="Wednesday"]https://i.imgur.com/CXsxFY9.png[/img]
[nextcol][img]https://i.imgur.com/UfHl5Xb.png[/img][nextcol][img alt="A Banescale with a bird's nest on its back."]https://i.imgur.com/hRAcuqg.png[/img]
[center][size=4][color=darkgreen][b]Do you prefer living inland or by the water? Broods emerge in certain areas, with some having a more inland range, and some having a broader range that includes the coast.[/b][/color][/size][/center]
[center][code=Wed][img alt="A Banescale with a bird's nest on its back."]https://i.imgur.com/hRAcuqg.png[/img]
[indent][columns][img alt="Thursday"]https://i.imgur.com/K6Wi6O7.png[/img]
[nextcol][img]https://i.imgur.com/UfHl5Xb.png[/img][nextcol][img alt="A Dusthide wearing a honeybee-themed cap and vest."]https://i.imgur.com/NDUEsvr.png[/img]
[center][size=4][color=darkgreen][b]Would you rather wake up early or stay up late? Some species of cicadas have a shorter cycle, so they wake up more frequently than other species.[/b][/color][/size][/center]
[center][code=Thu][img alt="A Dusthide wearing a honeybee-themed cap and vest."]https://i.imgur.com/NDUEsvr.png[/img]
[indent][columns][img alt="Friday"]https://i.imgur.com/sbtEjak.png[/img][nextcol][img]https://i.imgur.com/UfHl5Xb.png[/img][img alt="A Sandsurge holding a frog."]https://i.imgur.com/YWNqTVr.png[/img]
[center][size=4][color=darkgreen][b]Which number do you prefer: 13 or 17? The two broods emerging this year are 17-year and 13-year periodical cicadas, which means their nymphs rest underground for that many years before emerging.[/b][/color][/size][/center]
[center][code=Fri][img alt="A Sandsurge holding a frog."]https://i.imgur.com/YWNqTVr.png[/img]
[indent][columns][img alt="Saturday"]https://i.imgur.com/02EYmWt.png[/img]
[nextcol][img]https://i.imgur.com/UfHl5Xb.png[/img][img alt="A Veilspun wearing a snake-themed scarf."]https://i.imgur.com/5PXg90p.png[/img]
[center][size=4][color=darkgreen][b]What’s your favourite drink? Cicadas and their nymphs feed by sucking fluids out of plants.[/b][/color][/size][/center]
[center][code=Sat][img alt="A Veilspun wearing a snake-themed scarf."]https://i.imgur.com/5PXg90p.png[/img]
[img alt="Horizontal divider - a green frog reaches with its long tongue trying to catch a Behemoth Cicada."]https://i.imgur.com/et8cxp9.png[/img]
[size=4][color=darkgreen]Please note, badges can only be claimed if you post your preferred option for the daily prompt on the correct day. If you miss a day and want to claim the badge, please send 30kt or 25g to me to purchase it.[/size]
[img alt="Horizontal divider - a green frog reaches with its long tongue trying to catch a Northern Glass Cicada."]https://i.imgur.com/iXTF2k2.png[/img]
Once again we bring you daily questions, Brood You Rather with Cicada Trivia! You can claim a badge just for answering the prompt each day.

Each day a prompt will be posted, generally with two options. All you have to do to participate is post in this thread what you prefer. Feel free to tell us why you would rather the option you chose. Please only choose one option.
Prompts will be posted shortly before rollover each day and you will have all the next day until rollover to respond. For instance, on Sunday I may post Monday's prompt around 21:00 FRT, and you would have until rollover at the end of Monday to respond.

On the last day I'll also post a little quiz with all the questions so you can find out which of our two (fictional) emerging cicada broods you are most like!
To receive a ping when the prompt is posted, sign up for the event's pinglist here
Would you rather sing alone or with other people? Each species of cicada sings a distinctive sounding song, and groups of them tend to harmonize their songs.
[img alt="A Skydancer wearing a black beanie with orange eyes and antennae details, themed after Magicicada periodical cicadas."]https://i.imgur.com/Bem97DZ.png[/img]
Would you rather eat a bug or make art with them? Feel free to share an example with us if you’d like!
[img alt="A Spiral wearing a blue butterfly-themed set of antennae and wings."]https://i.imgur.com/z1a3Khs.png[/img]
Would you rather have a small family or a large family? Cicada broods can include multiple periodical cicada species, leading to diverse groups within the same brood, and each brood can have a different number of species.
[img alt="A Fae holding a caterpillar-themed plush."]https://i.imgur.com/7K73JK1.png[/img]
Do you prefer living inland or by the water? Broods emerge in certain areas, with some having a more inland range, and some having a broader range that includes the coast.
[img alt="A Banescale with a bird's nest on its back."]https://i.imgur.com/hRAcuqg.png[/img]
Would you rather wake up early or stay up late? Some species of cicadas have a shorter cycle, so they wake up more frequently than other species.
[img alt="A Dusthide wearing a honeybee-themed cap and vest."]https://i.imgur.com/NDUEsvr.png[/img]
Which number do you prefer: 13 or 17? The two broods emerging this year are 17-year and 13-year periodical cicadas, which means their nymphs rest underground for that many years before emerging.
[img alt="A Sandsurge holding a frog."]https://i.imgur.com/YWNqTVr.png[/img]
What’s your favourite drink? Cicadas and their nymphs feed by sucking fluids out of plants.
[img alt="A Veilspun wearing a snake-themed scarf."]https://i.imgur.com/5PXg90p.png[/img]
Please note, badges can only be claimed if you post your preferred option for the daily prompt on the correct day. If you miss a day and want to claim the badge, please send 30kt or 25g to me to purchase it.
[center][font=arial][size=4][b][url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/raf/3338015/1#post_56797352][color=black]RULES[/url] | [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/raf/3338015/1#post_56797354][color=black]PAYOUTS & SPREADSHEET[/url] | [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/raf/3338015/1#post_56798652][color=black]DAILY QUESTION[/url] | [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/raf/3338015/1#post_56798653][color=black]BADGES[/url] | [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/raf/3338015/1#post_56799398][color=black]PRIZES[/url][/center]
[center][img alt="Badges"]https://i.imgur.com/FMmKSo6.png[/img][/center]
[font=arial][size=5][color=darkgreen]All badges can be used as you earn them - please be honest and only claim badges that you earn! [emoji=auraboa star size=1]
[center][columns][img alt="A pair of periodical cicada wings."]https://i.imgur.com/z7tGt1a.png[/img][nextcol][img alt="Daily Badges"]https://i.imgur.com/q6EaeAS.png[/img][/columns][/center]
Each Daily Badge will be posted shortly before rollover each day - simply send in at least one level 5 or higher dragon after rollover and you can claim the badge for that day!. If you miss a day, you may send 30kt/25g to me, @sp580s, by PM to claim that badge.
[center][img alt="A single oak branch leaking tree sap facing left."]https://i.imgur.com/6rIosMj.png[/img][/center]
[font=arial][size=5][color=black]There is a pinglist if you want to be pinged when the badges (and questions) are posted each day:[/color]
[img alt="A single oak branch leaking tree sap facing right."]https://i.imgur.com/CyvYG0a.png[/img]
[indent][columns][color=transparent]xxxx[/color][img alt="Sunday"]https://i.imgur.com/xHdLPDy.png[/img][nextcol][img]https://i.imgur.com/UfHl5Xb.png[/img][nextcol][img alt="A Behemoth cicada perched on a sundial."]https://i.imgur.com/amfNjZN.png[/img]
[center][code=Sun][img alt="A Behemoth cicada perched on a sundial."]https://i.imgur.com/amfNjZN.png[/img]
[indent][columns][color=transparent]xxxx[/color][img alt="Monday"]https://i.imgur.com/X4ivyoO.png[/img][nextcol][img]https://i.imgur.com/UfHl5Xb.png[/img][nextcol][img alt="A Behemoth cicada perched on a digital clock."]https://i.imgur.com/rb6jZHA.png[/img]
[center][code=Mon][img alt="A Behemoth cicada perched on a digital clock."]https://i.imgur.com/rb6jZHA.png[/img]
[indent][columns][color=transparent]xxxx[/color][img alt="Tuesday"]https://i.imgur.com/avovdKT.png[/img][nextcol][img]https://i.imgur.com/UfHl5Xb.png[/img][nextcol][img alt="A Behemoth cicada perched on a stopwatch."]https://i.imgur.com/1kvf4rm.png[/img]
[center][code=Tue][img alt="A Behemoth cicada perched on a stopwatch."]https://i.imgur.com/1kvf4rm.png[/img]
[indent][columns][color=transparent]xxxx[/color][img alt="Wednesday"]https://i.imgur.com/CXsxFY9.png[/img][nextcol][img]https://i.imgur.com/UfHl5Xb.png[/img][nextcol][img alt="A Behemoth cicada perched on a calendar."]https://i.imgur.com/RaROg4R.png[/img]
[center][code=Wed][img alt="A Behemoth cicada perched on a calendar."]https://i.imgur.com/RaROg4R.png[/img]
[indent][columns][color=transparent]xxxx[/color][img alt="Thursday"]https://i.imgur.com/K6Wi6O7.png[/img][nextcol][img]https://i.imgur.com/UfHl5Xb.png[/img][nextcol][img alt="A Behemoth cicada perched on an hourglass sand timer."]https://i.imgur.com/Nl6IBMT.png[/img]
[center][code=Thu][img alt="A Behemoth cicada perched on an hourglass sand timer."]https://i.imgur.com/Nl6IBMT.png[/img]
[indent][columns][color=transparent]xxxx[/color][img alt="Friday"]https://i.imgur.com/sbtEjak.png[/img][nextcol][img]https://i.imgur.com/UfHl5Xb.png[/img][nextcol][img alt="A Behemoth cicada perched on an analog clock."]https://i.imgur.com/EtexjMF.png[/img]
[center][code=Fri][img alt="A Behemoth cicada perched on an analog clock."]https://i.imgur.com/EtexjMF.png[/img]
[indent][columns][color=transparent]xxxx[/color][img alt="Saturday"]https://i.imgur.com/02EYmWt.png[/img][nextcol][img]https://i.imgur.com/UfHl5Xb.png[/img][nextcol][img alt="A Behemoth cicada perched on a mechanical metronome."]https://i.imgur.com/0dDU6TN.png[/img]
[center][code=Sat][img alt="A Behemoth cicada perched on a mechanical metronome."]https://i.imgur.com/0dDU6TN.png[/img]
[center][columns][img alt="Tiered Badges"]https://i.imgur.com/mo0ASDs.png[/img][nextcol][img alt="A pair of periodical cicada wings."]https://i.imgur.com/z7tGt1a.png[/img][/columns]
The Following badges are earned when you've sent in the appropriate number of Levels.[/color][nextcol][indent][/columns]
[indent][columns][color=transparent]xxxx[/color][img alt="25 Levels"]https://i.imgur.com/QEOdKiO.png[/img][nextcol][img]https://i.imgur.com/UfHl5Xb.png[/img][nextcol][img alt="Three Northern Glass Cicada eggs."]https://i.imgur.com/9KHsmV3.png[/img]
[center][code=25][img alt="Three Northern Glass Cicada eggs."]https://i.imgur.com/9KHsmV3.png[/img]
[indent][columns][color=transparent]xxxx[/color][img alt="100 Levels"]https://i.imgur.com/mNhqDa6.png[/img][nextcol][img alt="Two newly hatched Northern Glass Cicada nymphs."]https://i.imgur.com/v9vWyqv.png[/img]
[center][code=100][img alt="Two newly hatched Northern Glass Cicada nymphs."]https://i.imgur.com/v9vWyqv.png[/img]
[indent][columns][color=transparent]xxxx[/color][img alt="250 Levels"]https://i.imgur.com/Nnz1jd0.png[/img][nextcol]
[img alt="A Northern Glass Cicada nymph."]https://i.imgur.com/RKyPEvx.png[/img]
[center][code=250][img alt="A Northern Glass Cicada nymph."]https://i.imgur.com/RKyPEvx.png[/img]
[indent][columns][color=transparent]xxxx[/color][img alt="500 Levels"]https://i.imgur.com/Hv4D9Uc.png[/img][nextcol]
[img alt="A Northern Glass Cicada shedding its nymph skeleton during its metamorphosis to winged form."]https://i.imgur.com/u4WqKuu.png[/img]
[center][code=500][img alt="A Northern Glass Cicada shedding its nymph skeleton during its metamorphosis to winged form."]https://i.imgur.com/u4WqKuu.png[/img]
[indent][columns][color=transparent]xxxx[/color][img alt="750 Levels"]https://i.imgur.com/9JNvpqD.png[/img][nextcol]
[img]https://i.imgur.com/UfHl5Xb.png[/img][img alt="An adult Northern Glass Cicada, its wings sparkling in the light."]https://i.imgur.com/9Qi7QWK.png[/img]
[center][code=750][img alt="An adult Northern Glass Cicada, its wings sparkling in the light."]https://i.imgur.com/9Qi7QWK.png[/img]
All badges can be used as you earn them - please be honest and only claim badges that you earn! 
Each Daily Badge will be posted shortly before rollover each day - simply send in at least one level 5 or higher dragon after rollover and you can claim the badge for that day!. If you miss a day, you may send 30kt/25g to me, @sp580s, by PM to claim that badge.
There is a pinglist if you want to be pinged when the badges (and questions) are posted each day:
[img alt="A Behemoth cicada perched on a sundial."]https://i.imgur.com/amfNjZN.png[/img]
[img alt="A Behemoth cicada perched on a digital clock."]https://i.imgur.com/rb6jZHA.png[/img]
[img alt="A Behemoth cicada perched on a stopwatch."]https://i.imgur.com/1kvf4rm.png[/img]
[img alt="A Behemoth cicada perched on a calendar."]https://i.imgur.com/RaROg4R.png[/img]
[img alt="A Behemoth cicada perched on an hourglass sand timer."]https://i.imgur.com/Nl6IBMT.png[/img]
[img alt="A Behemoth cicada perched on an analog clock."]https://i.imgur.com/EtexjMF.png[/img]
[img alt="A Behemoth cicada perched on a mechanical metronome."]https://i.imgur.com/0dDU6TN.png[/img]
The Following badges are earned when you've sent in the appropriate number of Levels.
[img alt="Three Northern Glass Cicada eggs."]https://i.imgur.com/9KHsmV3.png[/img]
[img alt="Two newly hatched Northern Glass Cicada nymphs."]https://i.imgur.com/v9vWyqv.png[/img]
[img alt="A Northern Glass Cicada nymph."]https://i.imgur.com/RKyPEvx.png[/img]
[img alt="A Northern Glass Cicada shedding its nymph skeleton during its metamorphosis to winged form."]https://i.imgur.com/u4WqKuu.png[/img]
[img alt="An adult Northern Glass Cicada, its wings sparkling in the light."]https://i.imgur.com/9Qi7QWK.png[/img]
Feel free to ping me if you notice any mistakes that I haven't caught yet!
Pinglist: @pinglist-29048
[center][img alt="Sunday"]https://i.imgur.com/xHdLPDy.png[/img]
[size=4][b]Daily Question:
[/b]Would you rather sing alone or with other people? Each species of cicada sings a distinctive sounding song, and groups of them tend to harmonize their songs.[/size]
[img alt="A Skydancer wearing a black beanie with orange eyes and antennae details, themed after Magicicada periodical cicadas."]https://i.imgur.com/Bem97DZ.png[/img]
[center][code=Sun][img alt="A Skydancer wearing a black beanie with orange eyes and antennae details, themed after Magicicada periodical cicadas."]https://i.imgur.com/Bem97DZ.png[/img]
[size=4][b]Daily Badge:[/b][/size]
[img]https://i.imgur.com/UfHl5Xb.png[/img][img alt="A Behemoth cicada perched on a sundial."]https://i.imgur.com/amfNjZN.png[/img]
[center][code=Sun][img alt="A Behemoth cicada perched on a sundial."]https://i.imgur.com/amfNjZN.png[/img]
Feel free to ping me if you notice any mistakes that I haven't caught yet!
@Brood You Rather Daily Ping
Daily Question:
Would you rather sing alone or with other people? Each species of cicada sings a distinctive sounding song, and groups of them tend to harmonize their songs.
[img alt="A Skydancer wearing a black beanie with orange eyes and antennae details, themed after Magicicada periodical cicadas."]https://i.imgur.com/Bem97DZ.png[/img]
Daily Badge:

[img alt="A Behemoth cicada perched on a sundial."]https://i.imgur.com/amfNjZN.png[/img]