

Create, adopt, or show off your adoptables.
TOPIC | [Closed] Floral Fauna (Natdom RNG)
[center][img][/img] [b][font=meiryo][url=]Intro[/url] | [url=]Options[/url] | [url=]Shop Policies[/url] | [url=]Order[/url] | [url=]Attendants[/url] [url=]Graphics[/url] | [url=]Updates[/url] | [url=]Credits[/url] | [url=]Affiliates[/url][/b] [img alt=Floral_Fauna][/img] [i][size=4] [font=century] If you watch carefully, quiet and calm, In Gladekeeper's wood, meadow, or glen, You'll spy a rare sight among the leaves And meet a remarkable Floral friend! Such lovely creatures, playful, proud, and tall. If you will be sad to see them leave again, Be sure to bring along a tasty treat, So you can become fast and loyal friends! [/i] [/center] [center][img alt=Big_Banner][/img] [/center] [br][center][img] [/img][size=6] [font=meiryo]Welcome! [/size][img][/img][br] [columns][indent][nextcol][br][size=5][font=meiryo]Floral fauna are magical deer (and deer-like creatures) who represent both of nature’s domains: animal and plant. They are part deer, part plant, and completely unique! Floral fauna are RNG adopts. Each one is [b]created randomly when you buy it.[/b] There are millions of possible combinations! All purchases of Floral fauna are donated to the Nature Dom Bank. Floral Fauna will be open next for Greenskeeper Gathering. The seasonal base for this opening is the [b]Fawn[/b]. Add yourself to the Pinglists below so you don't miss an opening! [nextcol][indent][/columns] [center] [br][img alt=Pinglists][/img][br] [pinglist=661][pinglist=644][pinglist=637] [br][img][/img]

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If you watch carefully, quiet and calm,
In Gladekeeper's wood, meadow, or glen,
You'll spy a rare sight among the leaves
And meet a remarkable Floral friend!

Such lovely creatures, playful, proud, and tall.
If you will be sad to see them leave again,
Be sure to bring along a tasty treat,
So you can become fast and loyal friends!


E9UD27wM_o.png Welcome! gccTV1Zl_o.png

Floral fauna are magical deer (and deer-like creatures) who represent both of nature’s domains: animal and plant. They are part deer, part plant, and completely unique!

Floral fauna are RNG adopts. Each one is created randomly when you buy it. There are millions of possible combinations!

All purchases of Floral fauna are donated to the Nature Dom Bank.

Floral Fauna will be open next for Greenskeeper Gathering. The seasonal base for this opening is the Fawn.

Add yourself to the Pinglists below so you don't miss an opening!
A pale pink sakura blossom with text: Flowerfall Festival.
[center][img][/img] [b][font=meiryo][url=]Intro[/url] | [url=]Options[/url] | [url=]Shop Policies[/url] | [url=]Order[/url] | [url=]Attendants[/url] [url=]Graphics[/url] | [url=]Updates[/url] | [url=]Credits[/url] | [url=]Affiliates[/url][/b] [img alt=Options][/img] [font=meiryo][size=5]New possibilities will be added for each opening![/size][/center] [font=meiryo][size=4][b]Bases:[/b] Bases are the deer lineart. There are 7 bases total– 3 basic bases are always available, and 4 cycle seasonally. [center][font=meiryo][size=4]This opening's seasonal base is the [b]Reindeer[/b]![/center] [font=meiryo][size=4][b]Colors:[/b] There 279 color options for bases, antlers and patterns, and plants. [b]Patterns:[/b] Patterns alter the deer’s appearance like FR genes. There are 16 patterns, and 5 of them have a color variant which matches the antler color. [b]Plants:[/b] There are 6 plant options which are are shared on all the bases, and 4 more which are completely unique for each base, for a total of 34 plants. [b]Eyes:[/b] There are 20 eye options.[/font][/size] [center][img][/img][/center] [font=meiryo][size=5]Here is a preview of all the bases![/font][/size] [center][img alt="Bases with the Reindeer highlighted"][/img][/center] [font=meiryo][size=5]And here is a preview of the shared plant options![/font][/size] [center][img alt=Shared_Plants][/img][/center] [center][img][/img][/center] [font=meiryo][size=5]Click the links below to preview all the possible options.[/font][/size] [font=meiryo][size=4]Patterns with an * by their name have a recolorable variant.[/font][/size] [br][br] [columns][img][/img][nextcol][font=century][size=4][url=]Bases[/url][br] [url=]Eyes[/url][br] [url=]Deer Patterns[/url][br] [url=]Moose Patterns[/url][br] [url=]Sable Antelope Patterns[/url][br] [url=]Fawn Patterns[/url][br] [url=]Unicorn Patterns[/url][br] [url=]Skulldeer Patterns[/url][br] [url=]Reindeer Patterns[/url][br] [nextcol][color=transparent]  [nextcol][img][/img][nextcol][font=century][size=4][br][br][url=]Colors[/url][br] [url=]Deer Plants[/url][br] [url=]Moose Plants[/url][br] [url=]Sable Antelope Plants[/url][br] [url=]Fawn Plants[/url][br] [url=]Unicorn Plants[/url][br] [url=]Skulldeer Plants[/url][br] [url=]Reindeer Plants[/url][br] [/columns] [center][img][/img][/center] [center][img][/img][size=5][font=meiryo] Rarity [/size][img][/img][/center] [size=4][font=meiryo]Each option has a rarity tier. [url=][u]Click here to view how rare all the options are. [/u][/url] Options not listed (bases and colors) have equal chances of appearing. [center][img][/img][/center]

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New possibilities will be added for each opening!

Bases: Bases are the deer lineart. There are 7 bases total– 3 basic bases are always available, and 4 cycle seasonally.
This opening's seasonal base is the Reindeer!
Colors: There 279 color options for bases, antlers and patterns, and plants.
Patterns: Patterns alter the deer’s appearance like FR genes. There are 16 patterns, and 5 of them have a color variant which matches the antler color.
Plants: There are 6 plant options which are are shared on all the bases, and 4 more which are completely unique for each base, for a total of 34 plants.
Eyes: There are 20 eye options.


Here is a preview of all the bases!
Bases with the Reindeer highlighted
And here is a preview of the shared plant options!

Click the links below to preview all the possible options.
Patterns with an * by their name have a recolorable variant.

CGjspTT9_o.png Bases


Deer Patterns

Moose Patterns

Sable Antelope Patterns

Fawn Patterns

Unicorn Patterns

Skulldeer Patterns

Reindeer Patterns



Deer Plants

Moose Plants

Sable Antelope Plants

Fawn Plants

Unicorn Plants

Skulldeer Plants

Reindeer Plants


8f4hpqMG_o.png Rarity BTi8TIK3_o.png

Each option has a rarity tier. Click here to view how rare all the options are.

Options not listed (bases and colors) have equal chances of appearing.

A pale pink sakura blossom with text: Flowerfall Festival.
[center][img][/img] [b][url=]Intro[/url] | [url=]Options[/url] | [url=]Shop Policies[/url] | [url=]Order[/url] | [url=]Attendants[/url] [url=]Graphics[/url] | [url=]Updates[/url] | [url=]Credits[/url] | [url=]Affiliates[/url][/b] [img alt=Shop_Policies][/img] [br] [columns][indent][nextcol][img][/img][nextcol][size=5] [nextcol][size=5][font=meiryo]Link back to this thread if you display Floral fauna, both on FR and offsite.[/columns][size=2] [/size] [columns][indent][nextcol][img][/img][nextcol][size=5] [nextcol][size=5][font=meiryo]Trading between Ff and other RNG adopts is permitted, as long as the other adopt rules permit it too.[/columns][size=2] [/size] [columns][indent][nextcol][img][/img][nextcol][size=5] [nextcol][size=5][font=meiryo]Resale of Ff adopts must be in FRC (treasure or gems) only, and cannot exceed the original cost of the base.[/columns][size=2] [/size] [columns][indent][nextcol][img][/img][nextcol][size=5] [nextcol][size=5][font=meiryo]Do Not trace or edit adopt art. (I mean the actual lineart. Using Ff as inspiration for other art and characters is fine.)[/columns][size=2] [/size] [columns][indent][nextcol][img][/img][nextcol][size=5] [nextcol][size=5][font=meiryo]Do Not sell Floral fauna for RL currency.[/columns][size=2] [/size] [columns][indent][nextcol][img][/img][nextcol][size=5] [nextcol][size=5][font=meiryo]As with all art you don't want to lose, remember to make your own back-up of adopts.[/columns][size=2] [/size] [columns][indent][nextcol][img][/img][nextcol][size=5] [nextcol][size=5][font=meiryo]Feel free to use this thread to share and trade![/columns] [br] [center][img][/img][/center] [columns][img][/img][nextcol]  [nextcol] [center][size=6][font=meiryo][u]Reward Adopts[/u][/size][/center] [left][size=5][font=meiryo]There are three types of free “reward” adopts.[/size][font=meiryo][size=4] [b]Loyalty Reward:[/b] If you purchased an adopt during the previous opening, get one free adopt! These are sent out automatically with your first order. (We check for this using usernames, so you'll have to mention if you changed it.) [b]Bulk Reward:[/b] Buy 10, get 1 free! These will be sent out at the end of the week, after the shop closes. (A Loyalty reward counts as "bought" for this purpose. Does not roll over between openings.) [b]Volunteer Reward:[/b] For Nature users, every opening you volunteer to run an event or catch dragons for Nature Dom, receive three free adopts upon request. All reward adopts are basic bases.[/columns] [center][img][/img][/center][br] [center][url=][img alt=Spreadsheet][/img][/url][/center] [columns][indent][nextcol][img][/img][nextcol][size=5] [nextcol][size=5][font=meiryo][url=][u]Click the link[/u][/url] to view Floral fauna's personal tracker spreadsheet![/columns][size=2] [/size] [columns][indent][nextcol][img][/img][nextcol][size=5] [nextcol][size=5][font=meiryo]Do File > Make a copy. Now you can edit the sheet. Simply enter your username to see all your Floral fauna![/columns][size=2] [/size] [columns][indent][nextcol][img][/img][nextcol][size=5] [nextcol][size=5][font=meiryo]Ping teddy2008 when you trade or sell Floral fauna so the sheet can be updated.[/columns][size=2] [/size][br] [columns][indent][nextcol][img][/img][nextcol][size=5] [nextcol][size=5][font=meiryo]Note that adopts bought during the first opening may have some missing color information.[/columns][size=2] [/size] [center][img][/img]

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BTi8TIK3_o.png   Link back to this thread if you display Floral fauna, both on FR and offsite.
8f4hpqMG_o.png   Trading between Ff and other RNG adopts is permitted, as long as the other adopt rules permit it too.
E9UD27wM_o.png   Resale of Ff adopts must be in FRC (treasure or gems) only, and cannot exceed the original cost of the base.
gccTV1Zl_o.png   Do Not trace or edit adopt art. (I mean the actual lineart. Using Ff as inspiration for other art and characters is fine.)
BTi8TIK3_o.png   Do Not sell Floral fauna for RL currency.
8f4hpqMG_o.png   As with all art you don't want to lose, remember to make your own back-up of adopts.
E9UD27wM_o.png   Feel free to use this thread to share and trade!

Reward Adopts
There are three types of free “reward” adopts.

Loyalty Reward: If you purchased an adopt during the previous opening, get one free adopt! These are sent out automatically with your first order. (We check for this using usernames, so you'll have to mention if you changed it.)

Bulk Reward: Buy 10, get 1 free! These will be sent out at the end of the week, after the shop closes. (A Loyalty reward counts as "bought" for this purpose. Does not roll over between openings.)

Volunteer Reward: For Nature users, every opening you volunteer to run an event or catch dragons for Nature Dom, receive three free adopts upon request.

All reward adopts are basic bases.

BTi8TIK3_o.png   Click the link to view Floral fauna's personal tracker spreadsheet!
8f4hpqMG_o.png   Do File > Make a copy. Now you can edit the sheet. Simply enter your username to see all your Floral fauna!
E9UD27wM_o.png   Ping teddy2008 when you trade or sell Floral fauna so the sheet can be updated.
gccTV1Zl_o.png   Note that adopts bought during the first opening may have some missing color information.
A pale pink sakura blossom with text: Flowerfall Festival.
[center][img][/img] [b][font=meiryo][url=]Intro[/url] | [url=]Options[/url] | [url=]Shop Policies[/url] | [url=]Order[/url] | [url=]Attendants[/url] [url=]Graphics[/url] | [url=]Updates[/url] | [url=]Credits[/url] | [url=]Affiliates[/url][/b] [img alt=Ordering][/img][/center] [center][size=4][font=century][i]Mares eat oats and does eat oats And little lambs eat ivy. A kid’ll eat ivy too, wouldn’t you?[/i][/font][/size][/center][center][img][/img][/center] [columns][img][/img][nextcol][size=4] [nextcol][size=5][font=meiryo]Buying one Lure item will invite one Floral fauna adopt to join your clan.[/columns] [columns][img][/img][nextcol][size=4] [nextcol][size=5][font=meiryo]Basic adopts are [b]unlimited[/b], and cost 35g or 35kt.[/columns] [columns][img][/img][nextcol][size=4] [nextcol][size=5][font=meiryo]Seasonal adopts are limited to [b]6 per day,[/b] and cost 50g or 50kt.[/columns] [columns][img][/img][nextcol][size=4] [nextcol][size=5][font=meiryo]To order, copy the order form(s) below and PM them to an attendant.[/columns] [columns][img][/img][nextcol][size=4] [nextcol][size=5][font=meiryo]Gifts are sent with your username, unless you ask to be anonymous.[/columns] [br] [columns][img alt=Wild_Clover][/img][color=transparent]  [nextcol][size=5][font=meiryo]Wild Clover[/font][/size][color=transparent]    [/color]35,000[emoji=treasure size=1] or 35[emoji=gem size=1] [size=4][font=century][i]Soft clover from the Everbloom Gardens is irresistible to all Floral fauna.[/i][/font][/size] [size=4][font=meiryo]Summons one random Basic base.[/font][/size][/columns] [columns][indent][nextcol][img][/img][nextcol][quote= Basic order form:] *Basic Adopts* Username: ID: Gift Recipient (if gifting): Number of Clovers: Cost: [/quote][nextcol][img][/img][/columns] [columns][img][/img][color=transparent]  [nextcol][size=5][font=meiryo]Ivy Branch[/font][/size][color=transparent]    [/color]50,000[emoji=treasure size=1] or 50[emoji=gem size=1] [size=4][font=century][i]Ivy from the Shrieking Wilds is a favorite of floral Reindeer. [/i][/font][/size][size=4][font=meiryo]Summons a Reindeer base.[/font][/size][/columns] [columns][indent][nextcol][img][/img][nextcol][quote= Seasonal order form:] *Seasonal Adopts* Username: ID: Gift Recipient (if gifting): Number of Ivy Branch (1-6): Cost: [/quote][nextcol][img][/img][/columns] [size=4][font=Meiryo]If you send both forms in one PM, you can leave Username and ID blank on the second form, but please list the costs seperately. The seasonal base limit counts the day the PM is sent, even if adopts aren't delivered until after rollover. See the next post for attendants. [br][center] [img][/img][/center]
Mares eat oats and does eat oats
And little lambs eat ivy.
A kid’ll eat ivy too, wouldn’t you?
BTi8TIK3_o.png   Buying one Lure item will invite one Floral fauna adopt to join your clan.
gccTV1Zl_o.png   Basic adopts are unlimited, and cost 35g or 35kt.
E9UD27wM_o.png   Seasonal adopts are limited to 6 per day, and cost 50g or 50kt.
8f4hpqMG_o.png   To order, copy the order form(s) below and PM them to an attendant.
BTi8TIK3_o.png   Gifts are sent with your username, unless you ask to be anonymous.

Wild_Clover   Wild Clover    35,000 or 35
Soft clover from the Everbloom Gardens is irresistible to all Floral fauna.
Summons one random Basic base.

Basic order form: wrote:
*Basic Adopts*
Gift Recipient (if gifting):
Number of Clovers:

eBow8WGy_o.png   Ivy Branch    50,000 or 50
Ivy from the Shrieking Wilds is a favorite of floral Reindeer.
Summons a Reindeer base.

Seasonal order form: wrote:
*Seasonal Adopts*
Gift Recipient (if gifting):
Number of Ivy Branch (1-6):

If you send both forms in one PM, you can leave Username and ID blank on the second form, but please list the costs seperately.

The seasonal base limit counts the day the PM is sent, even if adopts aren't delivered until after rollover.

See the next post for attendants.

A pale pink sakura blossom with text: Flowerfall Festival.
[center][img][/img] [b][font=meiryo][url=]Intro[/url] | [url=]Options[/url] | [url=]Shop Policies[/url] | [url=]Order[/url] | [url=]Attendants[/url] [url=]Graphics[/url] | [url=]Updates[/url] | [url=]Credits[/url] | [url=]Affiliates[/url][/b] [center][img alt=Closed][/img] [br] [font=meiryo][size=5]Attendants will be listed here when we open. [img][/img][/center]

Intro | Options | Shop Policies | Order | Attendants

Graphics | Updates | Credits | Affiliates


Attendants will be listed here when we open.

A pale pink sakura blossom with text: Flowerfall Festival.
[center][img][/img] [b][url=]Intro[/url] | [url=]Options[/url] | [url=]Shop Policies[/url] | [url=]Order[/url] | [url=]Attendants[/url] [url=]Graphics[/url] | [url=]Updates[/url] | [url=]Credits[/url] | [url=]Affiliates[/url][/b] [img alt=Graphics][/img] [font=meiryo][size=4]Here are some extra graphics for anyone to use![/size] [size=5]Signatures [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] Icons [img][/img]   [img][/img]   [img][/img]   [img][/img]   [img][/img]   [img][/img]   [img][/img] [img][/img]   [img][/img]   [img][/img]   [img][/img] Headers[/size] [size=4][url=]~ [u]Keeping[/u] ~[/url][br] [url=]~ [u]Trading[/u] ~[/url][br] [url=]~ [u]For Trade[/u] ~[/url][br] [url=]~ [u]Floral Fauna[/u] ~[/url][/size] [img][/img][/center]

Intro | Options | Shop Policies | Order | Attendants

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Here are some extra graphics for anyone to use!









2ZglFvta_o.png   ZTz2Kjab_o.png   rpyaXrkH_o.png   oZjCv6Wg_o.png   OfoiaWxO_o.png   DfTam7Qs_o.png   xAZXAhIE_o.png
oEXYwo4X_o.png   3eV6X5Ay_o.png   BM3j8fKK_o.png   3pqQzOI6_o.png


~ Keeping ~

~ Trading ~

~ For Trade ~

~ Floral Fauna ~

A pale pink sakura blossom with text: Flowerfall Festival.
[center][img][/img] [b][url=]Intro[/url] | [url=]Options[/url] | [url=]Shop Policies[/url] | [url=]Order[/url] | [url=]Attendants[/url] [url=]Graphics[/url] | [url=]Updates[/url] | [url=]Credits[/url] | [url=]Affiliates[/url][/b] [img alt=Updates][/img][/center] [columns][size=4][font=meiryo]May 2023: [color=transparent]______________[/color] [/font][/size][nextcol][size=4][font=meiryo]Grand Opening! We are open from May 21-June 3. Be on the lookout for new options added in future openings![/font][/size][/columns] [br] [columns][size=4][font=meiryo][url=][u]Aug 2023:[/u][/url] [color=transparent]______________[/color] [/font][/size][nextcol][size=4][font=meiryo]Thanks to dems, we now have a tracker sheet to view Floral fauna! A new pattern, Countershade, is available.[/font][/size][/columns] [br] [columns][size=4][font=meiryo][url=][u]Oct 2023:[/u][/url] [color=transparent]______________[/color] [/font][/size][nextcol][size=4][font=meiryo]Two new patterns, Fracture and Roan, were added.[br] [/font][/size][/columns] [br] [columns][size=4][font=meiryo][url=][u]Dec 2023:[/u][/url] [color=transparent]______________[/color] [/font][/size][nextcol][size=4][font=meiryo]Four new patterns were added: Tuxedo, Bark, Gemsbok, and Space.[br] [/font][/size][/columns] [br] [columns][size=4][font=meiryo][url=][u]May 2024:[/u][/url] [color=transparent]______________[/color] [/font][/size][nextcol][size=4][font=meiryo]Eight new plants were added, including Flower Field. [url=]The Volunteer Reward was expanded[/url] to include more Nature Dom volunteers.[br] [/font][/size][/columns] [center][img][/img][/center]

May 2023:
Grand Opening! We are open from May 21-June 3. Be on the lookout for new options added in future openings!

Aug 2023:
Thanks to dems, we now have a tracker sheet to view Floral fauna! A new pattern, Countershade, is available.

Oct 2023:
Two new patterns, Fracture and Roan, were added.

Dec 2023:
Four new patterns were added: Tuxedo, Bark, Gemsbok, and Space.

May 2024:
Eight new plants were added, including Flower Field. The Volunteer Reward was expanded to include more Nature Dom volunteers.
A pale pink sakura blossom with text: Flowerfall Festival.
[center][img][/img] [b][url=]Intro[/url] | [url=]Options[/url] | [url=]Shop Policies[/url] | [url=]Order[/url] | [url=]Attendants[/url] [url=]Graphics[/url] | [url=]Updates[/url] | [url=]Credits[/url] | [url=]Affiliates[/url][/b] [img alt=Credit_&_Thanks][/img][/center] [columns][indent][nextcol][img][/img][nextcol][size=4][font=meiryo]Thanks to Sekoiya for the Deer, Moose, and Sable Antelope bases.[/columns] [columns][indent][nextcol][img][/img][nextcol][size=4][font=meiryo]Thanks to ArithMedic for the Fawn eye art.[/columns] [columns][indent][nextcol][img][/img][nextcol][size=4][font=meiryo]Thanks to MegaraFrostalon for the first Adopt Generator.[/columns] [columns][indent][nextcol][img][/img][nextcol][size=4][font=meiryo]Thanks to dems for the User Tracker sheet.[/columns] [columns][indent][nextcol][img][/img][nextcol][size=4][font=meiryo]Other adopt art, thread art, and spreadsheets by teddy2008.[/columns] [columns][indent][nextcol][img][/img][nextcol][size=4][font=meiryo]Thank you to everyone who gave feedback, ideas, and encouragement![/columns] [columns][indent][nextcol][img][/img][nextcol][size=4][font=meiryo]I've been told that Goat Excavations were the "Adopts that started it all!"[/columns] [columns][indent][nextcol]      [nextcol][size=4][font=meiryo]So I'd like to credit Goat Excavations, as well as Owl-Cane Companions, Jurassic Spark, Boba Buddies, (and more, dom-affiliated or not) as the RNG adopts that inspired Floral Fauna. It takes a colossal amount of time, effort, and love to create and run programs like this! You rock! Keep daring to create— and to share![/columns] [columns][indent][nextcol][img][/img][nextcol][size=4][font=meiryo]The quote on the Orders post is from [i]Mairzy Doats, 1943[/i].[/columns] [columns][indent][nextcol][img][/img][nextcol][size=4][font=meiryo]Header fonts are [url=]Bottanicy Sketch[/url] by Glorytype Studio.[/columns] Nature folks, do you want to contribute to Floral fauna? [url=]Pop over to this thread[/url] or PM teddy2008! [img][/img]
E9UD27wM_o.png Thanks to Sekoiya for the Deer, Moose, and Sable Antelope bases.
BTi8TIK3_o.png Thanks to ArithMedic for the Fawn eye art.
gccTV1Zl_o.png Thanks to MegaraFrostalon for the first Adopt Generator.
BTi8TIK3_o.png Thanks to dems for the User Tracker sheet.
8f4hpqMG_o.png Other adopt art, thread art, and spreadsheets by teddy2008.
E9UD27wM_o.png Thank you to everyone who gave feedback, ideas, and encouragement!
gccTV1Zl_o.png I've been told that Goat Excavations were the "Adopts that started it all!"
       So I'd like to credit Goat Excavations, as well as Owl-Cane Companions, Jurassic Spark, Boba Buddies, (and more, dom-affiliated or not) as the RNG adopts that inspired Floral Fauna. It takes a colossal amount of time, effort, and love to create and run programs like this! You rock! Keep daring to create— and to share!
BTi8TIK3_o.png The quote on the Orders post is from Mairzy Doats, 1943.
8f4hpqMG_o.png Header fonts are Bottanicy Sketch by Glorytype Studio.

Nature folks, do you want to contribute to Floral fauna?
Pop over to this thread or PM teddy2008!

A pale pink sakura blossom with text: Flowerfall Festival.
[center][img][/img] [b][url=]Intro[/url] | [url=]Options[/url] | [url=]Shop Policies[/url] | [url=]Order[/url] | [url=]Attendants[/url] [url=]Graphics[/url] | [url=]Updates[/url] | [url=]Credits[/url] | [url=]Affiliates[/url][/b] [img alt=Affiliates][/img] [br][br] [url=][img alt=Blossom_Buddies][/img][/url]
A pale pink sakura blossom with text: Flowerfall Festival.
A pale pink sakura blossom with text: Flowerfall Festival.