

Make Flight Rising better by sharing your ideas!
TOPIC | Blanket toggle for reflection scrolls
I support. It's like the text toggle. A person can have their text (Dragons) how they want it, but it turns the effect off for people who don't.

Edit- It will still show as the text color(The dragons being flipped) for the individuals that want it, but for those it's a problem, can be turned off, or reverted.
I support. It's like the text toggle. A person can have their text (Dragons) how they want it, but it turns the effect off for people who don't.

Edit- It will still show as the text color(The dragons being flipped) for the individuals that want it, but for those it's a problem, can be turned off, or reverted.
Please don't quote me.
[quote name="Dottler" date="2024-07-02 11:52:16" ] I think the issue with the "your brain and body will get used to it" argument that I would probably normally agree with is the fact that this item is going to be niche due to its pricing ;o; There's a chance it may not be common enough to "get used to" and therefore will just continue to persist as an issue that's just uncommon enough to not get used to but common enough that someone who experiences issues may still come across them and feel sick. (Sorry that sentence is worded terribly but idk how to fix it </3) [/quote] You could say this about any given skin, though! There are plenty that significantly distort or change the look of a dragon, of which there might only ever be 200, or 20, or 2000, in existence, and therefore impossible to get used to -- that doesn't obviate "you don't get to control what other people's dragons look like". On a highly customizable site, there are [b]always[/b] going to be things that don't suit some subsection of the userbase. I don't like to look at moth wings, for instance; they make me feel Bad in the body. Some apparel and familiars make me feel like my skin is attempting to crawl off my body, quite literally. But the correct response to that is "click the back button" not "alter other people's aesthetic choices on the Choose A Dragon Aesthetic Game".
Dottler wrote on 2024-07-02 11:52:16:
I think the issue with the "your brain and body will get used to it" argument that I would probably normally agree with is the fact that this item is going to be niche due to its pricing ;o; There's a chance it may not be common enough to "get used to" and therefore will just continue to persist as an issue that's just uncommon enough to not get used to but common enough that someone who experiences issues may still come across them and feel sick. (Sorry that sentence is worded terribly but idk how to fix it </3)

You could say this about any given skin, though! There are plenty that significantly distort or change the look of a dragon, of which there might only ever be 200, or 20, or 2000, in existence, and therefore impossible to get used to -- that doesn't obviate "you don't get to control what other people's dragons look like". On a highly customizable site, there are always going to be things that don't suit some subsection of the userbase. I don't like to look at moth wings, for instance; they make me feel Bad in the body. Some apparel and familiars make me feel like my skin is attempting to crawl off my body, quite literally. But the correct response to that is "click the back button" not "alter other people's aesthetic choices on the Choose A Dragon Aesthetic Game".
Also going with no support

There's nothing different between a left-facing spiral and right-facing spiral that would make one give you a headache and not the other. Genuinely it's just gonna be a matter of getting used to seeing them every so often, same as well already do with announcements and in people's custom graphics.

This is a mountain out of a molehill situation
Also going with no support

There's nothing different between a left-facing spiral and right-facing spiral that would make one give you a headache and not the other. Genuinely it's just gonna be a matter of getting used to seeing them every so often, same as well already do with announcements and in people's custom graphics.

This is a mountain out of a molehill situation
I understand the fact that people have sensory issues, and that this can be disorientating, but this feature is something that someone pays for to put onto their own personal dragons.

Toggling the feature off for every dragon that has it, would be taking away that person's creative freedom with their lair and dragons.

For perspective, if you were to do that with the silhouette scroll, which is often used for both people's persona dragons or representations of characters who are trans for instance that would be invalidating the person's choice to use a scroll for that purpose.

Similarly if you had a toggle for the new hatchling dragons it would mean you wouldn't ever see lairs that probably spent a lot more to have their dragons as hatchlings.

What I'm trying to say is, much like how exalting a dragon is your choice, once it's within your lair, so is how your dragon is presented.

The only exception to this rule should be things like the AH, specifically because it's a place only to buy and sell dragons and therefore a space you NEED to engage with.

What I would support however is a toggle that warns you if a lair has flipped dragons, but even then it seems like a possibly unhelpful feature.

So in essence, while I want to support peoples abilities to easily navigate the site. I do think that in the end that if you're viewing someone else's lair, dragon or space that how things appear should be up to the owner.

I understand the fact that people have sensory issues, and that this can be disorientating, but this feature is something that someone pays for to put onto their own personal dragons.

Toggling the feature off for every dragon that has it, would be taking away that person's creative freedom with their lair and dragons.

For perspective, if you were to do that with the silhouette scroll, which is often used for both people's persona dragons or representations of characters who are trans for instance that would be invalidating the person's choice to use a scroll for that purpose.

Similarly if you had a toggle for the new hatchling dragons it would mean you wouldn't ever see lairs that probably spent a lot more to have their dragons as hatchlings.

What I'm trying to say is, much like how exalting a dragon is your choice, once it's within your lair, so is how your dragon is presented.

The only exception to this rule should be things like the AH, specifically because it's a place only to buy and sell dragons and therefore a space you NEED to engage with.

What I would support however is a toggle that warns you if a lair has flipped dragons, but even then it seems like a possibly unhelpful feature.

So in essence, while I want to support peoples abilities to easily navigate the site. I do think that in the end that if you're viewing someone else's lair, dragon or space that how things appear should be up to the owner.

[quote name="Stonebirch" date="2024-07-02 11:08:39" ] [quote name="Bear" date="2024-07-02 10:15:25" ] Also you can just.. not use it and avoid clicking to view dragons in someone's lair who has it enabled, if you really hate it. The April Fools toggle was because it applied to your dragons, not someone else's. Additionally, I think it's poor form to add a toggle for an item people are paying gems for and therefore may have paid IRL currency for. [/quote] Yup. Big agree on this. No support for a toggle. They're not your dragons, you didn't pay for the changes; you don't get to decide how they look. I promise your eyes and brain will adjust. [/quote] I will note that a toggle wouldn't tell people if you have it enabled. Like the April Fools toggle. Nobody's gonna know unless you tell them. It feels odd to me to force someone to deal with it specifically for the reason of "they paid for it and it's disrespectful". I can see the sentiment of 'people can get used to it with time' as a reason, but disrespect? I don't see it. If anything, if I went the route of no support, I would propose blocking people with flipped dragons as the solution. As an additional note, yes people are genuinely experiencing nausea over this. You might not be, and that's great! But I have friends who are. Give your opinion, but don't discredit those dealing with that /gen /nm
Stonebirch wrote on 2024-07-02 11:08:39:
Bear wrote on 2024-07-02 10:15:25:
Also you can just.. not use it and avoid clicking to view dragons in someone's lair who has it enabled, if you really hate it. The April Fools toggle was because it applied to your dragons, not someone else's.

Additionally, I think it's poor form to add a toggle for an item people are paying gems for and therefore may have paid IRL currency for.

Yup. Big agree on this. No support for a toggle. They're not your dragons, you didn't pay for the changes; you don't get to decide how they look. I promise your eyes and brain will adjust.

I will note that a toggle wouldn't tell people if you have it enabled. Like the April Fools toggle. Nobody's gonna know unless you tell them. It feels odd to me to force someone to deal with it specifically for the reason of "they paid for it and it's disrespectful". I can see the sentiment of 'people can get used to it with time' as a reason, but disrespect? I don't see it. If anything, if I went the route of no support, I would propose blocking people with flipped dragons as the solution.

As an additional note, yes people are genuinely experiencing nausea over this. You might not be, and that's great! But I have friends who are. Give your opinion, but don't discredit those dealing with that /gen /nm

He/Him ~
19 ~
FR+2 ~
Semi-active ~
~ ~
~ 5305175-tumblr-tumblr-logo-icon.png
~ art-shop-icon.png ~ nature.png
Genuine question: Why should people have to suffer nausea/headaches just because there's a CHANCE they'll get used to it? Just because you don't suffer with something doesn't mean other people are making it up. I don't personally get migraines but the fact other people DO is a big issue

For the creative freedom argument - how is someone's want to have a dragon face another way more important than the actual health and wellfare of another person?This feels like the same issue as people refusing to put trigger warnings on triggering art as to not "compromise their artistic integrity" or whatever, which is also a bad thing.

So yes, high support.

EDIT: Also, here's a list of pages people will have to avoid if they suffer with migraines in case there's a flipped dragon:
- Any other players lair
- Every forum involving dragon images, including dragon share and some forum games
- The dragon tab of the auction house, mainly higher price point pages but there's always a chance someone will sell one for cheap just to get rid
- THE FRONT PAGE OF THE SITE (Random dragon anyone?)

Not only is this bad for people who have to shy away from so many pages just to avoid a migraine, but it's bad for the site. Less people clicking on pages = less ads = less revenue.
Genuine question: Why should people have to suffer nausea/headaches just because there's a CHANCE they'll get used to it? Just because you don't suffer with something doesn't mean other people are making it up. I don't personally get migraines but the fact other people DO is a big issue

For the creative freedom argument - how is someone's want to have a dragon face another way more important than the actual health and wellfare of another person?This feels like the same issue as people refusing to put trigger warnings on triggering art as to not "compromise their artistic integrity" or whatever, which is also a bad thing.

So yes, high support.

EDIT: Also, here's a list of pages people will have to avoid if they suffer with migraines in case there's a flipped dragon:
- Any other players lair
- Every forum involving dragon images, including dragon share and some forum games
- The dragon tab of the auction house, mainly higher price point pages but there's always a chance someone will sell one for cheap just to get rid
- THE FRONT PAGE OF THE SITE (Random dragon anyone?)

Not only is this bad for people who have to shy away from so many pages just to avoid a migraine, but it's bad for the site. Less people clicking on pages = less ads = less revenue.
A pixel sprite of a clown waving her arms up and down
was MissNevermind
People should have the right to determine what they see and don't see. Consent does matter. And if Person A chooses not to see a flipped dragon, or primal eyes, or plague skins, or whatever else, that in no way infringes on Person B's ability to use flipped dragons, primal eyes, and plague skins. If anything, I think it's disrespectful to force Person A to view something s/he isn't comfortable with. It's not like there's a warning Player A would get when browsing the site about "flipped dragons in this lair" or "primal eyes on this thread" or "plague skin on the random dragon."

For me, it's like...I'm watching a movie, and something graphic suddenly appears on screen, so I cover my eyes. That in no way is being disrespectful to the creators' vision for the movie nor is it infringing on everyone else's ability to enjoy the movie. I am just doing what I can to ensure my own comfort, mental health, not getting nauseous, whatever the case may be. And that's all people are asking for here--the tools to ensure their own well-being. That's not taking creative license from Person B because Person B's dragons can still fully be customized and viewed by everyone who wants to.
People should have the right to determine what they see and don't see. Consent does matter. And if Person A chooses not to see a flipped dragon, or primal eyes, or plague skins, or whatever else, that in no way infringes on Person B's ability to use flipped dragons, primal eyes, and plague skins. If anything, I think it's disrespectful to force Person A to view something s/he isn't comfortable with. It's not like there's a warning Player A would get when browsing the site about "flipped dragons in this lair" or "primal eyes on this thread" or "plague skin on the random dragon."

For me, it's like...I'm watching a movie, and something graphic suddenly appears on screen, so I cover my eyes. That in no way is being disrespectful to the creators' vision for the movie nor is it infringing on everyone else's ability to enjoy the movie. I am just doing what I can to ensure my own comfort, mental health, not getting nauseous, whatever the case may be. And that's all people are asking for here--the tools to ensure their own well-being. That's not taking creative license from Person B because Person B's dragons can still fully be customized and viewed by everyone who wants to.
Pings are disabled.

If writers are supposed to "show not tell," why are we called "storytellers" and not "storyshow-ers"?
I think rather than a toggle it would be better to simply have this incorporated into a future dragon hiding/blurring feature. It's long been requested for there to be an ability to tag genes/eye types/familiars/items to hide them.
I think rather than a toggle it would be better to simply have this incorporated into a future dragon hiding/blurring feature. It's long been requested for there to be an ability to tag genes/eye types/familiars/items to hide them.
[quote name="clowning" date="2024-07-03 04:28:12" ] Genuine question: Why should people have to suffer nausea/headaches just because there's a CHANCE they'll get used to it? Just because you don't suffer with something doesn't mean other people are making it up. I don't personally get migraines but the fact other people DO is a big issue For the creative freedom argument - how is someone's want to have a dragon face another way more important than the actual health and wellfare of another person?This feels like the same issue as people refusing to put trigger warnings on triggering art as to not "compromise their artistic integrity" or whatever, which is also a bad thing. So yes, high support. EDIT: Also, here's a list of pages people will have to avoid if they suffer with migraines in case there's a flipped dragon: - Any other players lair - Every forum involving dragon images, including dragon share and some forum games - The dragon tab of the auction house, mainly higher price point pages but there's always a chance someone will sell one for cheap just to get rid - THE FRONT PAGE OF THE SITE (Random dragon anyone?) Not only is this bad for people who have to shy away from so many pages just to avoid a migraine, but it's bad for the site. Less people clicking on pages = less ads = less revenue. [/quote] I'm not disagreeing with you whatsoever but a few things I just want to point out: [LIST] [*]dragon images in three of those places you said are displayed very, very small. even in dragon lairs, the image displayed for a dragon before you click into is smaller than in [i]coli[/i], which is a place where the dragon image will [i]always be displayed flipped.[/i] with this said I find it odd I haven't seen any similar sentiments about coli which is a feature that sees a HUGE amount of engagement [*]dragon images on the front page already have the potential to be displayed flipped because of announcement images for anything having to do with your dragons themselves. it doesn't happen every time, but with the flipped fathom art for instance, that was right up on top of the home page for DAYS before anything came along to scoot it further down the page. this is also true of the contents of announcements sometimes containing a flipped image. [/LIST] I am speaking as somebody who has visual processing issues that the smaller an image is, the less likely it is to seriously impact me so with this in mind, for anyone who's like me, the amount of places to avoid becomes a lot smaller when the images are smaller and a lot easier to dart your eyes away from. I do want to emphasize I absolutely do NOT speak for everybody here, just giving a bit of input from my own personal experiences I do [b]hard disagree[/b] though that this is an issue of respecting what other users have done to their dragons seeing how there's literally a toggle on every forum post to get rid of extra elements such as sub text, colored text, different fonts, etc because sometimes the creative decorative elements make it VERY hard to read, and this is entirely user-end while impacting absolutely nobody else. I hardly see the disrespect here. the only other thing I'm gonna say is that this feels less like a case for this to have its own unique toggle and more feels like putting another hat into the ring that a general user-end image filtering system is still very much needed that condenses options for all visual elements into one place. that is to say I lean towards support, but my support is more eking towards support for, as I said, a user-end image filtering system for the site as a whole
clowning wrote on 2024-07-03 04:28:12:
Genuine question: Why should people have to suffer nausea/headaches just because there's a CHANCE they'll get used to it? Just because you don't suffer with something doesn't mean other people are making it up. I don't personally get migraines but the fact other people DO is a big issue

For the creative freedom argument - how is someone's want to have a dragon face another way more important than the actual health and wellfare of another person?This feels like the same issue as people refusing to put trigger warnings on triggering art as to not "compromise their artistic integrity" or whatever, which is also a bad thing.

So yes, high support.

EDIT: Also, here's a list of pages people will have to avoid if they suffer with migraines in case there's a flipped dragon:
- Any other players lair
- Every forum involving dragon images, including dragon share and some forum games
- The dragon tab of the auction house, mainly higher price point pages but there's always a chance someone will sell one for cheap just to get rid
- THE FRONT PAGE OF THE SITE (Random dragon anyone?)

Not only is this bad for people who have to shy away from so many pages just to avoid a migraine, but it's bad for the site. Less people clicking on pages = less ads = less revenue.

I'm not disagreeing with you whatsoever but a few things I just want to point out:

  • dragon images in three of those places you said are displayed very, very small. even in dragon lairs, the image displayed for a dragon before you click into is smaller than in coli, which is a place where the dragon image will always be displayed flipped. with this said I find it odd I haven't seen any similar sentiments about coli which is a feature that sees a HUGE amount of engagement
  • dragon images on the front page already have the potential to be displayed flipped because of announcement images for anything having to do with your dragons themselves. it doesn't happen every time, but with the flipped fathom art for instance, that was right up on top of the home page for DAYS before anything came along to scoot it further down the page. this is also true of the contents of announcements sometimes containing a flipped image.

I am speaking as somebody who has visual processing issues that the smaller an image is, the less likely it is to seriously impact me so with this in mind, for anyone who's like me, the amount of places to avoid becomes a lot smaller when the images are smaller and a lot easier to dart your eyes away from. I do want to emphasize I absolutely do NOT speak for everybody here, just giving a bit of input from my own personal experiences

I do hard disagree though that this is an issue of respecting what other users have done to their dragons seeing how there's literally a toggle on every forum post to get rid of extra elements such as sub text, colored text, different fonts, etc because sometimes the creative decorative elements make it VERY hard to read, and this is entirely user-end while impacting absolutely nobody else. I hardly see the disrespect here.

the only other thing I'm gonna say is that this feels less like a case for this to have its own unique toggle and more feels like putting another hat into the ring that a general user-end image filtering system is still very much needed that condenses options for all visual elements into one place. that is to say I lean towards support, but my support is more eking towards support for, as I said, a user-end image filtering system for the site as a whole
[quote name="ShiningLatios" date="2024-07-03 05:35:06" ] I do [b]hard disagree[/b] though that this is an issue of respecting what other users have done to their dragons seeing how there's literally a toggle on every forum post to get rid of extra elements such as sub text, colored text, different fonts, etc because sometimes the creative decorative elements make it VERY hard to read, and this is entirely user-end while impacting absolutely nobody else. I hardly see the disrespect here. the only other thing I'm gonna say is that this feels less like a case for this to have its own unique toggle and more feels like putting another hat into the ring that a general user-end image filtering system is still very much needed that condenses options for all visual elements into one place. that is to say I lean towards support, but my support is more eking towards support for, as I said, a user-end image filtering system for the site as a whole [/quote] I very, very much agree about all of this, but especially the "respect" issue. That seems... silly to me. It's not disrespect to Van Gogh to pull up a bunch of impressionist paintings and blur his paintings out or something so you can't see them. Other people can see it and the painting still exists wherever it exists. I wouldn't have a problem if people across the board even wanted to hide something like bios. That would be great. But I also don't think it's questionable or anything like this to notice a very clear pattern that people have for visual changes making them physically ill for several days - and then after a while, it goes away. You can look back through the years at all the visual changes that have happened. In 2018 there were swaths of people complaining that the new forum update was giving people migraines - and in the threads that I looked at just about everyone is still playing today. If they aren't, they continued to play and use forums for a long time afterward. The same happened for the sidebar icons. The same happened for the font that the usernames on the forums are written in. The same happened for the dragon bio update. I'm not exaggerating when I say it's been literally every single visual update. And those visual updates were even toward displays we had never seen before. Everyone who plays coli will see a horizontally-flipped dragon sometimes (perhaps even usually - most of the examples I looked at contained a flipped dragon). Theme Weeks fairly regularly display flipped dragons ([url=]X[/url] [url=]X[/url] [url=]X[/url] [url=]X[/url] [url=]X[/url]). Update posts have already been brought up. Flipped dragons have kind of been around for years. The only place we haven't seen them is in lairs. Do we need more user-side filtering options? Could be nice. Night mode? Yeah. Better captcha? Absolutely, yes. Some of these things we need because people are genuinely getting ill from visual effects - as opposed to getting ill from the difference from expectation, which is what I think this is. If this is included in image filtering options, then cool. But if not, I'm pretty sure everyone would be fine and their play wouldn't be impacted. I have lots of evidence to think this will be the case.
ShiningLatios wrote on 2024-07-03 05:35:06:
I do hard disagree though that this is an issue of respecting what other users have done to their dragons seeing how there's literally a toggle on every forum post to get rid of extra elements such as sub text, colored text, different fonts, etc because sometimes the creative decorative elements make it VERY hard to read, and this is entirely user-end while impacting absolutely nobody else. I hardly see the disrespect here.

the only other thing I'm gonna say is that this feels less like a case for this to have its own unique toggle and more feels like putting another hat into the ring that a general user-end image filtering system is still very much needed that condenses options for all visual elements into one place. that is to say I lean towards support, but my support is more eking towards support for, as I said, a user-end image filtering system for the site as a whole
I very, very much agree about all of this, but especially the "respect" issue. That seems... silly to me. It's not disrespect to Van Gogh to pull up a bunch of impressionist paintings and blur his paintings out or something so you can't see them. Other people can see it and the painting still exists wherever it exists. I wouldn't have a problem if people across the board even wanted to hide something like bios. That would be great.

But I also don't think it's questionable or anything like this to notice a very clear pattern that people have for visual changes making them physically ill for several days - and then after a while, it goes away. You can look back through the years at all the visual changes that have happened. In 2018 there were swaths of people complaining that the new forum update was giving people migraines - and in the threads that I looked at just about everyone is still playing today. If they aren't, they continued to play and use forums for a long time afterward. The same happened for the sidebar icons. The same happened for the font that the usernames on the forums are written in. The same happened for the dragon bio update. I'm not exaggerating when I say it's been literally every single visual update.

And those visual updates were even toward displays we had never seen before. Everyone who plays coli will see a horizontally-flipped dragon sometimes (perhaps even usually - most of the examples I looked at contained a flipped dragon). Theme Weeks fairly regularly display flipped dragons (X X X X X). Update posts have already been brought up. Flipped dragons have kind of been around for years. The only place we haven't seen them is in lairs.

Do we need more user-side filtering options? Could be nice.
Night mode? Yeah.
Better captcha? Absolutely, yes.

Some of these things we need because people are genuinely getting ill from visual effects - as opposed to getting ill from the difference from expectation, which is what I think this is. If this is included in image filtering options, then cool. But if not, I'm pretty sure everyone would be fine and their play wouldn't be impacted. I have lots of evidence to think this will be the case.
Cheerful Chime Almedha | share project
Lore Starts Here (WIP)
I collect Pulsing Relics!
candle-smol.png ____