
Flight Rising Discussion

Discuss everything and anything Flight Rising.
TOPIC | [Closed] December Kindness Challenge '23
[center][font=Georgia][size=4][url=]Story [/url]| [url=]Main Post[/url] | [url=]Task List[/url] | [url=]Raffle [/url]| [url=]Pinglist [/url]| [url=]Programs [/url]| [url=]Thanks[/url] | [url=]Participant Spreadsheet[/url][/size] [center][img][/img][/center] [center][indent][columns][img][/img][nextcol][indent][item=Moth Keeper's Lantern][item=Long Form Poetry][item=Stag Figurine][/columns] [columns][item=Showy Bells][item=Stolen Mantle][item=Slinky Band] [nextcol][indent][img][/img][/center] [img][/img]
Story | Main Post | Task List | Raffle | Pinglist | Programs | Thanks | Participant Spreadsheet


Moth Keeper's Lantern Long Form Poetry Stag Figurine

Showy Bells Stolen Mantle Slinky Band

~May the wind forever be in your favour and may it always be at your back~

Australian | FR +19 | She/Her
[center][font=Georgia][size=4][url=]Story [/url]| [url=]Main Post[/url] | [url=]Task List[/url] | [url=]Raffle [/url]| [url=]Pinglist [/url]| [url=]Programs [/url]| [url=]Thanks[/url] | [url=]Participant Spreadsheet[/url][/size] [center][size=7][font=Georgia][b]December Kindness Challenge[/b][/size][/center] [center][b][size=5][font=Georgia]For Flight Rising Members[/size][/font][/b][/center] [center][img][/img][/center] [size=5][font=Georgia]You can find the pinglist [url=]here[/url]![/size] [center][b][size=5][font=Georgia]Background[/size][/font][/b] [size=4][font=Georgia]Back in 2015 I participated in a thread very similar to this created by the lovely @/Rowlet303. It was a lovely idea and still is a lovely idea because it captures the essence of December - a time for giving, receiving, goodwill and a time for friends and family. I have since run this challenge every year and once again I'd like to extend the invitation to you all to join me in the month of December to spread happiness around Flight Rising :D[/size][/font] [b][size=5][font=Georgia]What is the Challenge?[/size][/font][/b] [size=4][font=Georgia]The 31 Day December Kindness Challenge is where there will be a list of things for you to do every day of the month that relate to giving, helping and/or bringing joy to the community of Flight Rising. It is up to you whether you give a little or a lot, there's no lock in contracts or anything haha, nor is anything expected of you, give what you feel comfortable giving.[/size][/font] [b][size=5][font=Georgia]What do I get out of it?[/size][/font][/b] [size=4][font=Georgia]The most important thing you'll be getting out of this is the knowledge that you've just put a smile on someone's face and the fuzzy feelings that come with it. I will be running another raffle in tandem with the event for all of those who participate in the Challenge, this is my gift to you. [/size][/font] [b][size=5][font=Georgia]Do I have to do all 31 days?[/size][/font][/b] [size=4][font=Georgia]No, you do not have to do all 31 days if you do not want to, though each task completed will get you a ticket into the raffle. You can pick the days that you wish to complete and do them then, or you can do days in advanced if you're going away etc, or you can simply do what you can. Personally I am going to attempt all 31 days, and there will be a pinglist below for those who wish to be on it and pinged for each day.[/size][/font] [b][size=5][font=Georgia]What if I am away from FR or miss days? Can I make it back up?[/size][/font][/b] [size=4][font=Georgia]Though the challenge has daily tasks, it is understood that there are things that pop up in one's life that will mean they have to step back from FR and/or makes them unavailable for a certain amount of time. You will still get tickets for the days made up as this challenge is designed to be flexible for participation! There is no "eliminated from the challenge" in the December Kindness Challenge. Users are free to do all days, some days or one day, it is all up to you on what you can and can't do! You will not be penalised or barred from the challenge for missing a day or two. You can also join the challenge at any point in time, whether that be Day 1 or Day 26! You can still gain the 31 day badge by playing catch-up with the tasks.[/size][/font] [b][size=5][font=Georgia]How do I complete a task?[/size][/font][/b] [size=4][font=Georgia]If you complete a task that is pinged out for the day the next step is really simple! You come back to this thread and post 'done' or you can describe how you completed the task for the day, e.g. "I sent a small apparel bundle to my Flight bank!" or "I gifted a Wind flight newbie a few items to help them on their way". That's it! No picture or link proof required. I trust you to do the right thing by the others partaking in this challenge. If you have completed tasks in advance or you are catching up on missed tasks, the same thing applies, however, you will need to make sure you specify the days you have done so I know what to record them as! E.g. "Day 4, 16, 23 and 26 done" or "Day 2: Gifted a familiar to my friend, Day 21: Treated myself to some chocolate as part of my self-care day!"[/size][/font] [b][size=5][font=Georgia]Participant Spreadsheet[/size][/font][/b] [size=4][font=Georgia]Want to know who else is participating in the challenge so you can support or gift them? Want to know what days you've missed out on or want to check which ones you have participated in? Look no further than the below spreadsheet! This lovely thing made by @TheOtherKirby (thank you so much bean!), lists the participants, how many people took part in a certain task, and will allow you to look yourself up to see what days you have and haven't done.[/size] [size=5][font=Georgia][url=]Spreadsheet here[/url][/size] [b][size=5][font=Georgia]Badges[/size][/font][/b] [size=4][font=Georgia]We have two wonderful badges from [url=]Blitzdrache[/url] for you this challenge! [columns][indent][indent][indent][url=][img][/img][/url] [nextcol][size=4][font=Georgia] If you participate in this challenge in any capacity, then you are free to claim this badge. Alternate sizes: [url=]250px[/url] | [url=]500px[/url] [/columns] [code][url=][img][/img][/url][/code] [columns][indent][indent][indent][url=][img][/img][/url] [nextcol][size=4][font=Georgia] If you complete every day of this challenge (all 31 tasks), then you are free to claim this badge. Alternate sizes: [url=]250px[/url] | [url=]500px[/url] [/columns] [code][url=][img][/img][/url][/code] [size=4][font=Georgia]If you wish to link to the challenge in your signature or anywhere else, you can use any of the below icons (below) or the participant badges. [url=][img][/img][/url] [code][url=][img][/img][/url][/code] [center][img][/img][/center] [quote=Want to join in on the fun? Add yourself here!] [center][pinglist=6846][/center][/quote]
Story | Main Post | Task List | Raffle | Pinglist | Programs | Thanks | Participant Spreadsheet

December Kindness Challenge
For Flight Rising Members


You can find the pinglist here!


Back in 2015 I participated in a thread very similar to this created by the lovely @/Rowlet303. It was a lovely idea and still is a lovely idea because it captures the essence of December - a time for giving, receiving, goodwill and a time for friends and family. I have since run this challenge every year and once again I'd like to extend the invitation to you all to join me in the month of December to spread happiness around Flight Rising :D

What is the Challenge?

The 31 Day December Kindness Challenge is where there will be a list of things for you to do every day of the month that relate to giving, helping and/or bringing joy to the community of Flight Rising. It is up to you whether you give a little or a lot, there's no lock in contracts or anything haha, nor is anything expected of you, give what you feel comfortable giving.

What do I get out of it?

The most important thing you'll be getting out of this is the knowledge that you've just put a smile on someone's face and the fuzzy feelings that come with it.

I will be running another raffle in tandem with the event for all of those who participate in the Challenge, this is my gift to you.

Do I have to do all 31 days?

No, you do not have to do all 31 days if you do not want to, though each task completed will get you a ticket into the raffle.

You can pick the days that you wish to complete and do them then, or you can do days in advanced if you're going away etc, or you can simply do what you can. Personally I am going to attempt all 31 days, and there will be a pinglist below for those who wish to be on it and pinged for each day.

What if I am away from FR or miss days? Can I make it back up?

Though the challenge has daily tasks, it is understood that there are things that pop up in one's life that will mean they have to step back from FR and/or makes them unavailable for a certain amount of time. You will still get tickets for the days made up as this challenge is designed to be flexible for participation!

There is no "eliminated from the challenge" in the December Kindness Challenge. Users are free to do all days, some days or one day, it is all up to you on what you can and can't do! You will not be penalised or barred from the challenge for missing a day or two.

You can also join the challenge at any point in time, whether that be Day 1 or Day 26! You can still gain the 31 day badge by playing catch-up with the tasks.

How do I complete a task?

If you complete a task that is pinged out for the day the next step is really simple! You come back to this thread and post 'done' or you can describe how you completed the task for the day, e.g. "I sent a small apparel bundle to my Flight bank!" or "I gifted a Wind flight newbie a few items to help them on their way". That's it! No picture or link proof required. I trust you to do the right thing by the others partaking in this challenge.

If you have completed tasks in advance or you are catching up on missed tasks, the same thing applies, however, you will need to make sure you specify the days you have done so I know what to record them as! E.g. "Day 4, 16, 23 and 26 done" or "Day 2: Gifted a familiar to my friend, Day 21: Treated myself to some chocolate as part of my self-care day!"

Participant Spreadsheet

Want to know who else is participating in the challenge so you can support or gift them? Want to know what days you've missed out on or want to check which ones you have participated in? Look no further than the below spreadsheet! This lovely thing made by @TheOtherKirby (thank you so much bean!), lists the participants, how many people took part in a certain task, and will allow you to look yourself up to see what days you have and haven't done.

Spreadsheet here


We have two wonderful badges from Blitzdrache for you this challenge!

If you participate in this challenge in
any capacity, then you are free to claim
this badge.
Alternate sizes: 250px | 500px

If you complete every day of this challenge
(all 31 tasks), then you are free to claim
this badge.
Alternate sizes: 250px | 500px

If you wish to link to the challenge in your signature or anywhere else, you can use any of the below icons (below) or the participant badges.


Want to join in on the fun? Add yourself here! wrote:
~May the wind forever be in your favour and may it always be at your back~

Australian | FR +19 | She/Her
[center][font=Georgia][size=4][url=]Story [/url]| [url=]Main Post[/url] | [url=]Task List[/url] | [url=]Raffle [/url]| [url=]Pinglist [/url]| [url=]Programs [/url]| [url=]Thanks[/url] | [url=]Participant Spreadsheet[/url][/size] [center][size=6][font=Georgia][b]Task List[/b][/size][/font][/center] [center][img][/img][/center] [center][size=4][font=Georgia]Below you will find the task list for the month of December! Each day will correspond with a certain task that involves doing something nice for friends and strangers. Hopefully they will be interesting enough to do! In the instance that you cannot complete a task for whatever reason whether it be you don't like the task/can't complete the task/other, you are more than welcome to simply gift something to another user or to a Flight program. If you're at a loss on finding someone to give things to, perhaps peruse through [url=]this list[/url] and pick a random player. If you do not feel comfortable contacting and gifting strangers you are more than welcome to send through the gifts to me in a PM and I will pass on the gift to a player of your choice or to a random pick from the active player list. Please specify in the PM where you would like it to go. [img][/img] [center][size=4][font=Georgia][b][s]December 1st[/s][/b][/size][/font][/center] [center][size=4][font=Georgia]List up to 5 people (though you can do more if you wish!) you think make Flight Rising a better place for you and potentially for others! You are welcome to tag them here and tell them why, spread the love [emoji=familiar heart size=1][/size][/font][/center] [center][size=4][font=Georgia][b][s]December 2nd[/s][/b][/size][/font][/center] [center][size=4][font=Georgia]Donate food to your Flight's food thread, or similar. Alternative: Send a food giftbomb to someone![/size][/font][/center] [center][size=4][font=Georgia][b][s]December 3rd[/s][/b][/size][/font][/center] [center][size=4][font=Georgia]Brew a [url=]Baldwin[/url] item for someone and gift it to them. Alternative: Melt down some items and donate them to your flight bank or to a random user[/size][/font][/center] [center][size=4][font=Georgia][b][s]December 4th[/s][/b][/size][/font][/center] [center][size=4][font=Georgia]Put something on the [url=]Auction House[/url] for 1T! Whether that be an egg, a dragon, an apparel item or familiar! It's nice to sometimes snag a bargain and hopefully we all would've made someone's day![/size][/font][/center] [center][size=4][font=Georgia][b][s]December 5th[/s][/b][/size][/font][/center] [center][size=4][font=Georgia]Have some fun in the [url=]fairgrounds[/url]! Optional: Donate your earnings to a random player or to your flight bank/program of choice! Challenge: Max out your fairgrounds and donate your earnings[/size][/font][/center] [center][size=4][font=Georgia][b][s]December 6th[/s][/b][/size][/font][/center] [center][size=4][font=Georgia]Create a small starter pack for one or two newer players! Optional: In doing this perhaps give them something a little harder to obtain.[/size][/font][/center] [center][size=4][font=Georgia][b][s]December 7th[/s][/b][/size][/font][/center] [center][size=4][font=Georgia]Random Act of Kindness Day! Think of something nice to do for someone and do it, can be anything from gifting to writing a nice word or two about them or their dragons![/size][/font][/center] [center][size=4][font=Georgia][b][s]December 8th[/s][/b][/size][/font][/center] [center][size=4][font=Georgia]Spend some time in your favourite [url=]Coliseum Venue[/url]. Donate your earnings to programs or bundle it all up in a package for someone! Alternative: Level some dragons and donate the exalt earnings to your Flight Bank[/size][/font][/center] [center][size=4][font=Georgia][b][s]December 9th[/s][/b][/size][/font][/center] [center][size=4][font=Georgia]Donate familiars to your Flight's familiar thread or similar. Alternative: Send a familiar giftbomb to someone or send them a familiar 'undiscovered' in their Bestiary![/size][/font][/center] [center][size=4][font=Georgia][b][s]December 10th[/s][/b][/size][/font][/center] [center][size=4][font=Georgia]Self Care Day 1! A third of the way through the challenge and you're all doing so well, take a day to do something for yourself. Buy that apparel piece you've been wanting for a little, or relax in the fairgrounds for example, the choice is yours.[/size][/font][/center] [center][size=4][font=Georgia][b][s]December 11th[/s][/b][/size][/font][/center] [center][size=4][font=Georgia]Pick a random user and send them one or two items relating to their Flight's Festival Challenge: Pick a year and send all items relating to that year (you can exclude skins and accents for this, as there are usually a lot of them)[/size][/font][/center] [center][size=4][font=Georgia][b][s]December 12th[/s][/b][/size][/font][/center] [center][size=4][font=Georgia][url=]Trading Post[/url] challenge! Complete actions within the trading post and create a little package for someone based on your winnings, or donate them to your flight programs! Stuck on what you could do? You could; - send a donation of all your earnings from Tomo/Crim/Fiona - buy a familiar, or two, from your Fiona selection and gift it to someone, - gift your Pinkerton pull to a user or relevant flight program (e.g. berserker to the battlestone program) - Share research notes with a user on your friend's list you don't often send notes to - create a bundle based on all aspects of the trading post[/size][/font][/center] [center][size=4][font=Georgia][b][s]December 13th[/s][/b][/size][/font][/center] [center][size=4][font=Georgia]Participant Morale! This is a day to do something nice for others who are participating in this challenge. Feel free to pick a target- I mean fellow participant to support from a random post in this thread or from the participant spreadsheet list.[/size][/font][/center] [center][size=4][font=Georgia][b][s]December 14th[/s][/b][/size][/font][/center] [center][size=4][font=Georgia]Send in a donation to your Flight's Dom bank or perhaps another flight program of choice![/size][/font][/center] [center][size=4][font=Georgia][b][s]December 15th[/s][/b][/size][/font][/center] [center][size=4][font=Georgia]Creativity Day! Pick a random dragon from a random user, a friend, or someone from this thread, and do something creative for them. Stuck on what you could do? You could; - create a small piece of art - write a haiku - write a poem - find a song that fits their theme/aesthetic Alternative: Support our creative communities ([url=]art sales[/url] | [url=]adoptables[/url]) by looking at some art/lore shops, signing up for ping lists, or ordering something from a shop! With this one you can do what is most comfortable for you and your budget[/size][/font][/center] [center][size=4][font=Georgia][b][s]December 16th[/s][/b][/size][/font][/center] [center][size=4][font=Georgia]Have some fun with others and participate in some lighthearted games and threads in '[url=]Forum Games[/url]' or '[url=]Dragon Share[/url]'. You only need to participate in one if you'd like, otherwise the sky's the limit[/size][/font][/center] [center][size=4][font=Georgia][b][s]December 17th[/s][/b][/size][/font][/center] [center][size=4][font=Georgia]Find a user from the [url=]user list[/url] or via the user search, whose username is similar to yours and do something nice for them/send them a little something! Alternative: Find a user from the user list or via the user search, with a username of a thing, topic or franchise you really like and send them a little something![/size][/font][/center] [center][size=4][font=Georgia][b][s]December 18th[/s][/b][/size][/font][/center] [center][size=4][font=Georgia]Donate apparel to your Flight's Free/Trade Apparel Thread or similar. Alternative: Send an apparel giftbomb to someone![/size][/font][/center] [center][size=4][font=Georgia][b][s]December 19th[/s][/b][/size][/font][/center] [center][size=4][font=Georgia]Random Act of Kindness Day 2! Do something nice for someone! It's up to you what that is [emoji=familiar heart size=1][/size][/font][/center] [center][size=4][font=Georgia][b][s]December 20th[/s][/b][/size][/font][/center] [center][size=4][font=Georgia]Self Care Day 2! Just like the first one, this is another day for yourself! Take a break if you need it, you've most certainly earned it [emoji=familiar heart size=1][/size][/font][/center] [center][size=4][font=Georgia][b][s]December 21st[/s][/b][/size][/font][/center] [center][size=4][font=Georgia]Dress up day! It's December, which means it is time to get into the festive spirit. The theme for this is Christmas, of course! Dress up a dragon in however you interpret this prompt and share them in this thread. Alternative: The theme can also be 'End of the year' whether that be the current season (Winter or Summer) or celebratory gear for New Years![/size][/font][/center] [center][size=4][font=Georgia][b][s]December 22nd[/s][/b][/size][/font][/center] [center][size=4][font=Georgia]There's nothing quite like Christmas coming early. Find a wishlist and gift something off it! Unsure of where to start? Find a random user and check their clan bio. Alternative: Know a collector or someone saving for something? Know someone who's currently undergoing challenge? Help them out and send them a little something! Unsure of where to find someone? Head across to '[url=]Quests and Challenges[/url]' and peruse through to help someone with their goals! Additionally, you could also consider heading to '[url=]Find a Dragon[/url]' to help users find their perfect dragon.[/size][/font][/center] [center][size=4][font=Georgia][b][s]December 23rd[/s][/b][/size][/font][/center] [center][size=4][font=Georgia]Help someone with a lair or hibernal den expansion (can be a newer or older player). If you need help with hibden stuff, [url=]this thread[/url] is quite lovely![/size][/font][/center] [center][size=4][font=Georgia][b][s]December 24th[/s][/b][/size][/font][/center] [center][size=4][font=Georgia]It's the night before Christmas! So let's all get together and share some of our favourite Christmas things, whether that be your favourite carol, favourite Christmas joke, a story you love, a recipe, or another reason as to why you love this time of year. If you do not celebrate Christmas, what do you like doing around this time of year? What are some of your favourite recipes, songs or jokes?[/size][/font][/center] [center][size=4][font=Georgia][b][s]December 25th[/s][/b][/size][/font][/center] [center][size=4][font=Georgia]Merry Christmas everyone! I hope you have a wonderful day with family and friends. There are no specific tasks to do for this day! Though if you're like me, I'll definitely be sending Christmas presents to friends when I can![/size][/font][/center] [center][size=4][font=Georgia][b][s]December 26th[/s][/b][/size][/font][/center] [center][size=4][font=Georgia]It's Boxing Day! Look through your hoard and give any stuff you don't really need away to members who might have not got much this holiday season[/size][/font][/center] [center][size=4][font=Georgia][b][s]December 27th[/s][/b][/size][/font][/center] [center][size=4][font=Georgia]Donate battle items to your Flight's battle item thread or similar. Alternative: Send a battle item giftbomb to someone![/size][/font][/center] [center][size=4][font=Georgia][b][s]December 28th[/s][/b][/size][/font][/center] [center][size=4][font=Georgia]Give a Nocturne egg or Night of the Nocturne Exclusive familiar/apparel/item to a random user, new player or a Flight program[/size][/font][/center] [center][size=4][font=Georgia][b][s]December 29th[/s][/b][/size][/font][/center] [center][size=4][font=Georgia]Everyone loves to dance with RNG at times, gift some Strange Chests to a random user! Alternative: Post your best Noc-Noc joke hehe[/size][/font][/center] [center][size=4][font=Georgia][b][s]December 30th[/s][/b][/size][/font][/center] [center][size=4][font=Georgia]Write a really nice review of someone's lair or a few of their dragons. You can write in here if you'd like to, or leave a small comment on their profile! It's always nice to know others appreciate your hard work. Alternatively: Browse through a lair and give a few of their dragons some likes![/size][/font][/center] [center][size=4][font=Georgia][b]December 31st[/b][/size][/font][/center] [center][size=4][font=Georgia]Give someone a gene or breed change scroll, an egg or another specialty item. This is designed to be the hardest challenge, seeing as it's at the end of the list. So be sure to save up ahead of time! If this feels a little too difficult you are simply able to gift instead![/size][/font][/center] [img][/img] [quote=Want to join in on the fun? Add yourself here!] [center][pinglist=6846][/center][/quote]
Story | Main Post | Task List | Raffle | Pinglist | Programs | Thanks | Participant Spreadsheet

Task List

Below you will find the task list for the month of December! Each day will correspond with a certain task that involves doing something nice for friends and strangers. Hopefully they will be interesting enough to do!

In the instance that you cannot complete a task for whatever reason whether it be you don't like the task/can't complete the task/other, you are more than welcome to simply gift something to another user or to a Flight program. If you're at a loss on finding someone to give things to, perhaps peruse through this list and pick a random player.

If you do not feel comfortable contacting and gifting strangers you are more than welcome to send through the gifts to me in a PM and I will pass on the gift to a player of your choice or to a random pick from the active player list. Please specify in the PM where you would like it to go.


December 1st
List up to 5 people (though you can do more if you wish!) you think make Flight Rising a better place for you and potentially for others! You are welcome to tag them here and tell them why, spread the love
December 2nd
Donate food to your Flight's food thread, or similar.

Alternative: Send a food giftbomb to someone!
December 3rd
Brew a Baldwin item for someone and gift it to them.

Alternative: Melt down some items and donate them to your flight bank or to a random user
December 4th
Put something on the Auction House for 1T! Whether that be an egg, a dragon, an apparel item or familiar! It's nice to sometimes snag a bargain and hopefully we all would've made someone's day!
December 5th
Have some fun in the fairgrounds!

Optional: Donate your earnings to a random player or to your flight bank/program of choice!

Challenge: Max out your fairgrounds and donate your earnings
December 6th
Create a small starter pack for one or two newer players!

Optional: In doing this perhaps give them something a little harder to obtain.
December 7th
Random Act of Kindness Day! Think of something nice to do for someone and do it, can be anything from gifting to writing a nice word or two about them or their dragons!
December 8th
Spend some time in your favourite Coliseum Venue. Donate your earnings to programs or bundle it all up in a package for someone!

Alternative: Level some dragons and donate the exalt earnings to your Flight Bank
December 9th
Donate familiars to your Flight's familiar thread or similar.

Alternative: Send a familiar giftbomb to someone or send them a familiar 'undiscovered' in their Bestiary!
December 10th
Self Care Day 1! A third of the way through the challenge and you're all doing so well, take a day to do something for yourself. Buy that apparel piece you've been wanting for a little, or relax in the fairgrounds for example, the choice is yours.
December 11th
Pick a random user and send them one or two items relating to their Flight's Festival

Challenge: Pick a year and send all items relating to that year (you can exclude skins and accents for this, as there are usually a lot of them)
December 12th
Trading Post challenge! Complete actions within the trading post and create a little package for someone based on your winnings, or donate them to your flight programs!

Stuck on what you could do? You could;
- send a donation of all your earnings from Tomo/Crim/Fiona
- buy a familiar, or two, from your Fiona selection and gift it to someone,
- gift your Pinkerton pull to a user or relevant flight program (e.g. berserker to the battlestone program)
- Share research notes with a user on your friend's list you don't often send notes to
- create a bundle based on all aspects of the trading post
December 13th
Participant Morale! This is a day to do something nice for others who are participating in this challenge. Feel free to pick a target- I mean fellow participant to support from a random post in this thread or from the participant spreadsheet list.
December 14th
Send in a donation to your Flight's Dom bank or perhaps another flight program of choice!
December 15th
Creativity Day! Pick a random dragon from a random user, a friend, or someone from this thread, and do something creative for them.

Stuck on what you could do? You could;
- create a small piece of art
- write a haiku
- write a poem
- find a song that fits their theme/aesthetic

Alternative: Support our creative communities (art sales | adoptables) by looking at some art/lore shops, signing up for ping lists, or ordering something from a shop! With this one you can do what is most comfortable for you and your budget
December 16th
Have some fun with others and participate in some lighthearted games and threads in 'Forum Games' or 'Dragon Share'. You only need to participate in one if you'd like, otherwise the sky's the limit
December 17th
Find a user from the user list or via the user search, whose username is similar to yours and do something nice for them/send them a little something!

Alternative: Find a user from the user list or via the user search, with a username of a thing, topic or franchise you really like and send them a little something!
December 18th
Donate apparel to your Flight's Free/Trade Apparel Thread or similar.

Alternative: Send an apparel giftbomb to someone!
December 19th
Random Act of Kindness Day 2! Do something nice for someone! It's up to you what that is
December 20th
Self Care Day 2! Just like the first one, this is another day for yourself! Take a break if you need it, you've most certainly earned it
December 21st
Dress up day! It's December, which means it is time to get into the festive spirit. The theme for this is Christmas, of course! Dress up a dragon in however you interpret this prompt and share them in this thread.

Alternative: The theme can also be 'End of the year' whether that be the current season (Winter or Summer) or celebratory gear for New Years!
December 22nd
There's nothing quite like Christmas coming early. Find a wishlist and gift something off it! Unsure of where to start? Find a random user and check their clan bio.

Alternative: Know a collector or someone saving for something? Know someone who's currently undergoing challenge? Help them out and send them a little something! Unsure of where to find someone? Head across to 'Quests and Challenges' and peruse through to help someone with their goals! Additionally, you could also consider heading to 'Find a Dragon' to help users find their perfect dragon.
December 23rd
Help someone with a lair or hibernal den expansion (can be a newer or older player). If you need help with hibden stuff, this thread is quite lovely!
December 24th
It's the night before Christmas! So let's all get together and share some of our favourite Christmas things, whether that be your favourite carol, favourite Christmas joke, a story you love, a recipe, or another reason as to why you love this time of year.

If you do not celebrate Christmas, what do you like doing around this time of year? What are some of your favourite recipes, songs or jokes?
December 25th
Merry Christmas everyone! I hope you have a wonderful day with family and friends. There are no specific tasks to do for this day! Though if you're like me, I'll definitely be sending Christmas presents to friends when I can!
December 26th
It's Boxing Day! Look through your hoard and give any stuff you don't really need away to members who might have not got much this holiday season
December 27th
Donate battle items to your Flight's battle item thread or similar.

Alternative: Send a battle item giftbomb to someone!
December 28th
Give a Nocturne egg or Night of the Nocturne Exclusive familiar/apparel/item to a random user, new player or a Flight program
December 29th
Everyone loves to dance with RNG at times, gift some Strange Chests to a random user!

Alternative: Post your best Noc-Noc joke hehe
December 30th
Write a really nice review of someone's lair or a few of their dragons. You can write in here if you'd like to, or leave a small comment on their profile! It's always nice to know others appreciate your hard work.

Alternatively: Browse through a lair and give a few of their dragons some likes!
December 31st
Give someone a gene or breed change scroll, an egg or another specialty item. This is designed to be the hardest challenge, seeing as it's at the end of the list. So be sure to save up ahead of time! If this feels a little too difficult you are simply able to gift instead!

Want to join in on the fun? Add yourself here! wrote:
~May the wind forever be in your favour and may it always be at your back~

Australian | FR +19 | She/Her
[center][font=Georgia][size=4][url=]Story [/url]| [url=]Main Post[/url] | [url=]Task List[/url] | [url=]Raffle [/url]| [url=]Pinglist [/url]| [url=]Programs [/url]| [url=]Thanks[/url] | [url=]Participant Spreadsheet[/url][/size] [center][b][size=6][font=Georgia]Raffle[/size][/font][/b][/center] [center][size=4][font=Georgia]~~Prizes will be added depending on number of participants~~ [center][img][/img][/center] [center][size=4][font=Georgia]The rules for the raffle are pretty straight forward: 1. You will earn a ticket for each daily task you complete, making a max of 31 possible tickets** 2. Names will be placed against a number and then drawn out using an [url=]RNG[/url] 3. The drawings will be done in rounds of 10 4. If you are pinged, you have 24 hours to respond with your prize preferences. In order of what you want most (e.g. if you're 2nd you'll pick 2 prizes, 8th you'll pick 8) 5. If there is no reply after 24 hours, you will go to the bottom of the next drawing. 6. If after the 2nd chance you still haven't replied, your ticket will be discarded. However, you will be eligible to be drawn again. 7. This will continue until all prizes are drawn (**All of this will be based on trust. I am doing this as my December Kindness Act and I trust that you will do the right thing by completing the tasks when you say you have. If you would like to provide screenshots of the messages etc, you may, though it is not necessary.) [center][img][/img][/center] [quote=1. Felix] [size=4][font=Georgia]Claimed[/quote] [quote=2. Jule] [size=4][font=georgia]Claimed [/quote] [quote=3. Space!] [size=4][font=georgia]Claimed [/quote] [quote=4. Sleepy Space] [size=4][font=georgia]Claimed[/quote] [quote=5. Choose Your Dragon] [size=4][font=georgia]Claimed [/quote] [quote=6. Expensive Tastes] [size=4][font=georgia]Claimed [/quote] [quote=7. National Treasure] [size=4][font=georgia]Claimed [/quote] [quote=8. Bubble Bubble] [size=4][font=georgia]Claimed [/quote] [quote=9. Familiar Faces] [size=4][font=georgia]Claimed [/quote] [quote=10. Dressed to Impress] [size=4][font=georgia]Claimed [/quote] [quote=11. Super Special] [size=4][font=georgia]Claimed [/quote] [quote=12. And Scene!] [size=4][font=georgia]Claimed [/quote] [quote=13. Bountiful Bundle] [size=4][font=georgia]Claimed [/quote] [quote=14. Where The Wild Things Are] [size=4][font=georgia]Claimed [/quote] [quote=15. Wish Upon A Star] [size=4][font=georgia]Claimed [/quote] [quote=16. Four Seasons] [size=4][font=georgia]Claimed [/quote] [quote=17. Eladrin's Guise] [size=4][font=georgia]Claimed [/quote] [quote=18. I Can See Your Halo] [size=4][font=georgia]Claimed [/quote] [quote=19. Eggcellent Choice!] [size=4][font=georgia]Claimed [/quote] [quote=20. Princess and the Pauper] [size=4][font=georgia]Claimed [/quote] [quote=21. Animated Friends] [size=4][font=georgia]Claimed [/quote] [quote=22. The Eyes Have It] [size=4][font=georgia]Claimed [/quote] [quote=23. Beneath the Sands] [size=4][font=georgia]Claimed [/quote] [quote=24. An Ancient Gathering] [size=4][font=georgia]Claimed [/quote] [quote=25. Tales from the Loop] [size=4][font=georgia]Claimed [/quote] [quote=26. Whisper] [size=4][font=georgia]Claimed [/quote] [quote=27. Queen of the Night] [size=4][font=georgia]Claimed [/quote] [quote=28. Into the Woods] [size=4][font=georgia]Claimed [/quote] [quote=29. Teddy Bears' Picnic] [size=4][font=georgia]Claimed [/quote] [quote=30. Deck of Many Things] [size=4][font=georgia]Claimed [/quote] [quote=31. Stacy] [size=4][font=georgia]Claimed [/quote] [quote=32. Rolling in the Deep] [size=4][font=georgia]Claimed [/quote] [quote=33. One With Nature] [size=4][font=georgia]Claimed [/quote] [quote=34. Swift as the Coursing River] [size=4]Claimed [/quote] [quote=35. Force of a Great Typhoon] [size=4][font=georgia]Claimed [/quote] [quote=36. Strength of a Raging Fire] [size=4][font=georgia]Claimed [/quote] [quote=37. Dark Side of the Moon] [size=4][font=georgia]Claimed [/quote] [quote=38. I'll Make a Dragon Out of You] [size=4][font=georgia]Claimed [/quote] [quote=39. Birds of a Feather] [size=4][font=georgia]Claimed [/quote] [quote=40. The Iron Giant] [size=4][font=georgia]Claimed [/quote] [img][/img] [quote=Want to join in on the fun? Add yourself here!] [center][pinglist=6846][/center][/quote]
Story | Main Post | Task List | Raffle | Pinglist | Programs | Thanks | Participant Spreadsheet

~~Prizes will be added depending on number of participants~~


The rules for the raffle are pretty straight forward:
1. You will earn a ticket for each daily task you complete, making a max of 31 possible tickets**
2. Names will be placed against a number and then drawn out using an RNG
3. The drawings will be done in rounds of 10
4. If you are pinged, you have 24 hours to respond with your prize preferences. In order of what you want most (e.g. if you're 2nd you'll pick 2 prizes, 8th you'll pick 8)
5. If there is no reply after 24 hours, you will go to the bottom of the next drawing.
6. If after the 2nd chance you still haven't replied, your ticket will be discarded. However, you will be eligible to be drawn again.
7. This will continue until all prizes are drawn

(**All of this will be based on trust. I am doing this as my December Kindness Act and I trust that you will do the right thing by completing the tasks when you say you have. If you would like to provide screenshots of the messages etc, you may, though it is not necessary.)

1. Felix wrote:
2. Jule wrote:
3. Space! wrote:
4. Sleepy Space wrote:
5. Choose Your Dragon wrote:
6. Expensive Tastes wrote:
7. National Treasure wrote:
8. Bubble Bubble wrote:
9. Familiar Faces wrote:
10. Dressed to Impress wrote:
11. Super Special wrote:
12. And Scene! wrote:
13. Bountiful Bundle wrote:
14. Where The Wild Things Are wrote:
15. Wish Upon A Star wrote:
16. Four Seasons wrote:
17. Eladrin's Guise wrote:
18. I Can See Your Halo wrote:
19. Eggcellent Choice! wrote:
20. Princess and the Pauper wrote:
21. Animated Friends wrote:
22. The Eyes Have It wrote:
23. Beneath the Sands wrote:
24. An Ancient Gathering wrote:
25. Tales from the Loop wrote:
26. Whisper wrote:
27. Queen of the Night wrote:
28. Into the Woods wrote:
29. Teddy Bears' Picnic wrote:
30. Deck of Many Things wrote:
31. Stacy wrote:
32. Rolling in the Deep wrote:
33. One With Nature wrote:
34. Swift as the Coursing River wrote:
35. Force of a Great Typhoon wrote:
36. Strength of a Raging Fire wrote:
37. Dark Side of the Moon wrote:
38. I'll Make a Dragon Out of You wrote:
39. Birds of a Feather wrote:
40. The Iron Giant wrote:

Want to join in on the fun? Add yourself here! wrote:
~May the wind forever be in your favour and may it always be at your back~

Australian | FR +19 | She/Her
[center][font=Georgia][size=4][url=]Story [/url]| [url=]Main Post[/url] | [url=]Task List[/url] | [url=]Raffle [/url]| [url=]Pinglist [/url]| [url=]Programs [/url]| [url=]Thanks[/url] | [url=]Participant Spreadsheet[/url][/size] [center][size=6][font=Georgia][b]Pinglists[/b][/size][/center] [center][img][/img][/center] [font=Georgia][size=4][/size] [center][size=5][font=Georgia][b]Start of the Event[/b][/size][/font][/center] [center][size=4][font=Georgia]Want to be notified when the December Kindness Challenge begins? Sign up using the button below![/size][/font][/center] [pinglist=6845] [center][size=5][font=Georgia][b]Daily Task Pinglist[/b][/size][/center] [center][size=4][font=Georgia]Want to be notified when a new daily task goes live? Sign up using the button below![/size][/font][/center] [pinglist=6846] [center][size=5][font=Georgia][b]DKC 2024[/b][/size][/center] [center][size=4][font=Georgia]Do you like the event so much that you wish to be notified when signups are open for 2024? Then the below button is for you![/size][/font][/center] [pinglist=6847] [center][img][/img][/center]
Story | Main Post | Task List | Raffle | Pinglist | Programs | Thanks | Participant Spreadsheet


Start of the Event
Want to be notified when the December Kindness Challenge begins? Sign up using the button below!

Daily Task Pinglist
Want to be notified when a new daily task goes live? Sign up using the button below!

DKC 2024
Do you like the event so much that you wish to be notified when signups are open for 2024? Then the below button is for you!

~May the wind forever be in your favour and may it always be at your back~

Australian | FR +19 | She/Her
[center][font=Georgia][size=4][url=]Story [/url]| [url=]Main Post[/url] | [url=]Task List[/url] | [url=]Raffle [/url]| [url=]Pinglist [/url]| [url=]Programs [/url]| [url=]Thanks[/url] | [url=]Participant Spreadsheet[/url][/size] [center][size=6][font=Georgia][b]Programs[/b][/size] [center][img][/img][/center] [font=Georgia][size=4]A number of tasks throughout this challenge will reference sending things to Flight banks, programs or similar, and sometimes finding these things can be difficult. This post will contain a list of forum threads to assist others with finding the correct place for things! If there is a program you are aware of that is active and accepting donations, let me know and I will endeavour to add it here for ease of access [emoji=familiar heart size=1] If a program linked to below is no longer active or has changed URL location, please let me know or send through the new link and I will update accordingly. **Note: Titles below are just placeholders, they will change to the name of the program if applicable** [center]---[/center] [emoji=arcane rune size=1] [font=Georgia][size=4][b]Arcane[/b][/size] [emoji=arcane rune size=1] [font=Georgia][size=4]Apparel | Familiars | [url=]Battlestones[/url] | Baldwin | Materials | Item | [url=]Hibden[/url] | [url=]Lair Expansions[/url] | [url=]Treasure/Gem Bank[/url] | [url=]Food[/url] | [url=]Swipp[/url] [/size] [emoji=earth rune size=1] [font=Georgia][size=4][b]Earth[/b][/size] [emoji=Earth rune size=1] [font=Georgia][size=4][url=]Apparel [/url]| [url=]Familiars [/url]| [url=]Lvl 25 Initiative (Battlestones)[/url] | [url=]Dragonhome Alchemical Supply (Baldwin)[/url] | [url=]Materials [/url]| [url=]Item [/url]| [url=]The Storeroom (Hibden)[/url] |[url=] Lair Expansions[/url] | [url=]Treasure/Gem Bank[/url] | [url=]Dragonhome Foodbank [/url][/size] [emoji=fire rune size=1] [font=Georgia][size=4][b]Fire[/b][/size] [emoji=Fire rune size=1] [font=Georgia][size=4]Apparel | [url=]Familiars in Flames[/url] | [url=]The Hearth[/url]| Baldwin | Materials | Item | [url=]Hibernal Help Hub[/url] | [url=]Feeding Our Fires (Lair)[/url] | [url=]Lava Bank[/url]/[url=]Blacksand Bank[/url] | [url=]Mather's Lava Cookies (Food)[/url] | [url=]Searing Sellswords (Lvl 25 Rental)[/url][/size] [emoji=ice rune size=1] [font=Georgia][size=4][b]Ice[/b][/size] [emoji=Ice rune size=1] [font=Georgia][size=4][url=]Apparel[/url] | [url=]Familiars[/url] | [url=]Battlestones[/url] | [url=]Baldwin[/url] | [url=]Materials[/url] | [url=]Item[/url] | [url=]Hibden[/url] | [url=]Lair Expansions[/url] | [url=]Treasure/Gem Bank[/url] | [url=]Food[/url] [/size] [emoji=light rune size=1] [font=Georgia][size=4][b]Light[/b][/size] [emoji=Light rune size=1] [font=Georgia][size=4][url=]Apparel[/url] | Familiars | [url=]Battlestones[/url] | Baldwin | Materials | Item | [url=]Hibden[/url] | Lair Expansions | [url=]Treasure/Gem Bank[/url] | [url=]Food[/url] | [url=]Level 25 Dragon Lending[/url][/size] [emoji=lightning rune size=1] [font=Georgia][size=4][b]Lightning[/b][/size] [emoji=Lightning rune size=1] [font=Georgia][size=4]Apparel | [url=]Familiars[/url] | [url=]Battlestones[/url] | [url=]Baldwin [/url]| [url=]Materials [/url]| [url=]Item [/url]| Hibden |[url=] Lair Expansions[/url] | [url=]Treasure/Gem Bank[/url] [/size] [emoji=nature rune size=1] [font=Georgia][size=4][b]Nature[/b][/size] [emoji=Nature rune size=1] [font=Georgia][size=4][url=]Apparel [/url]| [url=]Familiars (On pause)[/url] | [url=]Battlestones [/url]| [url=]Baldwin [/url]| Materials | Item | [url=]Hibden [/url]| [url=]Lair Expansions[/url] | [url=]Treasure/Gem Bank[/url] | [url=]Food [/url]| [url=]Dragons[/url] | [url=]Donation Centre[/url][/size] [emoji=plague rune size=1] [font=Georgia][size=4][b]Plague[/b][/size] [emoji=Plague rune size=1] [font=Georgia][size=4]Apparel | Familiars (Send to RS members) | [url=]Battlestones[/url] | Baldwin (Send to RS members) | [url=]Materials[/url] | Item | [url=]Hibden[/url] | [url=]Lair Expansions[/url] | [url=]Treasure/Gem Bank[/url] | [url=]Food[/url] | [url=]Funding Genes[/url][/size] [emoji=shadow rune size=1] [font=Georgia][size=4][b]Shadow[/b][/size] [emoji=Shadow rune size=1] [font=Georgia][size=4]Apparel | Familiars | [url=]Battlestones[/url] | Baldwin | Materials | [url=]Gene Crowdfunding[/url] | [url=]Hibden[/url] | [url=]Lair Expansions[/url] | [url=]Treasure/Gem Bank[/url] [/size] [emoji=water rune size=1] [font=Georgia][size=4][b]Water[/b][/size] [emoji=Water rune size=1] [font=Georgia][size=4][url=]Apparel [/url]| [url=]Familiars [/url]| [url=]Battlestones [/url]| Baldwin | Materials | Item | [url=]Hibden [/url]| Lair Expansions | [url=]Treasure/Gem Bank[/url] | [url=]Food[/url] [/size] [emoji=wind rune size=1] [font=Georgia][size=4][b]Wind[/b][/size] [emoji=Wind rune size=1] [font=Georgia][size=4][url=]Apparel [/url]| [url=]Familiars [/url]| [url=]Battlestones[/url] | [url=]Baldwin[/url] | Materials | Item | [url=]Hibden [/url]| [url=]D.R.A.F.T.S (Lair Expansions)[/url] | Treasure/Gem (send to any Council member) | [url=]Feed the Dragons Initiative[/url][/size] [img][/img] [quote=Want to join in on the fun? Add yourself here!] [center][pinglist=6846][/center][/quote]
Story | Main Post | Task List | Raffle | Pinglist | Programs | Thanks | Participant Spreadsheet


A number of tasks throughout this challenge will reference sending things to Flight banks, programs or similar, and sometimes finding these things can be difficult. This post will contain a list of forum threads to assist others with finding the correct place for things!

If there is a program you are aware of that is active and accepting donations, let me know and I will endeavour to add it here for ease of access

If a program linked to below is no longer active or has changed URL location, please let me know or send through the new link and I will update accordingly.

**Note: Titles below are just placeholders, they will change to the name of the program if applicable**



Apparel | Familiars | Battlestones | Baldwin | Materials | Item | Hibden | Lair Expansions | Treasure/Gem Bank | Food | Swipp


Apparel | Familiars | Lvl 25 Initiative (Battlestones) | Dragonhome Alchemical Supply (Baldwin) | Materials | Item | The Storeroom (Hibden) | Lair Expansions | Treasure/Gem Bank | Dragonhome Foodbank


Apparel | Familiars in Flames | The Hearth| Baldwin | Materials | Item | Hibernal Help Hub | Feeding Our Fires (Lair) | Lava Bank/Blacksand Bank | Mather's Lava Cookies (Food) | Searing Sellswords (Lvl 25 Rental)


Apparel | Familiars | Battlestones | Baldwin | Materials | Item | Hibden | Lair Expansions | Treasure/Gem Bank | Food


Apparel | Familiars | Battlestones | Baldwin | Materials | Item | Hibden | Lair Expansions | Treasure/Gem Bank | Food | Level 25 Dragon Lending


Apparel | Familiars | Battlestones | Baldwin | Materials | Item | Hibden | Lair Expansions | Treasure/Gem Bank


Apparel | Familiars (On pause) | Battlestones | Baldwin | Materials | Item | Hibden | Lair Expansions | Treasure/Gem Bank | Food | Dragons | Donation Centre


Apparel | Familiars (Send to RS members) | Battlestones | Baldwin (Send to RS members) | Materials | Item | Hibden | Lair Expansions | Treasure/Gem Bank | Food | Funding Genes


Apparel | Familiars | Battlestones | Baldwin | Materials | Gene Crowdfunding | Hibden | Lair Expansions | Treasure/Gem Bank


Apparel | Familiars | Battlestones | Baldwin | Materials | Item | Hibden | Lair Expansions | Treasure/Gem Bank | Food


Apparel | Familiars | Battlestones | Baldwin | Materials | Item | Hibden | D.R.A.F.T.S (Lair Expansions) | Treasure/Gem (send to any Council member) | Feed the Dragons Initiative


Want to join in on the fun? Add yourself here! wrote:
~May the wind forever be in your favour and may it always be at your back~

Australian | FR +19 | She/Her
[center][font=Georgia][size=4][url=]Story [/url]| [url=]Main Post[/url] | [url=]Task List[/url] | [url=]Raffle [/url]| [url=]Pinglist [/url]| [url=]Programs [/url]| [url=]Thanks[/url] | [url=]Participant Spreadsheet[/url][/size] [center][size=6][font=Georgia][b]Thanks[/b][/size][/center] [center][img][/img][/center] [center][size=4][font=Georgia]It warms my heart to see so many people getting into the spirit of random acts of kindness and sharing this challenge/journey with each other. The reward is knowing that we, throughout the course of this challenge, will have managed to put a smile on someone's face and make their day that little bit better. So thank you to you guys, the participants, for joining in with this event and for putting in your time and effort! You are the reason why I will continue to do this event for as long as I can. Thanks also goes to @HermaMora for their stunning thread graphics, @Blitzdrache for the gorgeous badges and @shariza for their engaging writing for the daily story. Thank you for being awesome and for adding that special touch to this thread and the challenge, it really does help to bring everything to life. I would also like to thank all of those who offered their services or donated for prizes, and all of those who offered their help and support in setting up the challenge! Gathering everything and managing the set up is always a bit of an effort throughout the year, so all of the support has been tremendous and very much appreciated. [img][/img] [quote=Want to join in on the fun? Add yourself here!] [center][pinglist=6846][/center][/quote]
Story | Main Post | Task List | Raffle | Pinglist | Programs | Thanks | Participant Spreadsheet

It warms my heart to see so many people getting into the spirit of random acts of kindness and sharing this challenge/journey with each other. The reward is knowing that we, throughout the course of this challenge, will have managed to put a smile on someone's face and make their day that little bit better. So thank you to you guys, the participants, for joining in with this event and for putting in your time and effort! You are the reason why I will continue to do this event for as long as I can.

Thanks also goes to @HermaMora for their stunning thread graphics, @Blitzdrache for the gorgeous badges and @shariza for their engaging writing for the daily story. Thank you for being awesome and for adding that special touch to this thread and the challenge, it really does help to bring everything to life.

I would also like to thank all of those who offered their services or donated for prizes, and all of those who offered their help and support in setting up the challenge! Gathering everything and managing the set up is always a bit of an effort throughout the year, so all of the support has been tremendous and very much appreciated.


Want to join in on the fun? Add yourself here! wrote:
~May the wind forever be in your favour and may it always be at your back~

Australian | FR +19 | She/Her
~May the wind forever be in your favour and may it always be at your back~

Australian | FR +19 | She/Her
[center][img][/img][/center] [center][font=Georgia][size=4]This event is now open for sign ups! You can find a link to the respective pinglists [url=]here[/url] or below! As always at this time of the year I am still in the setting up phase, so please bear with me whilst I finish finalising the thread and adding everything in [emoji=familiar heart size=1] The thread will definitely be 100% completed and finalised a couple days prior to the 1st December so you can always check back to view an updated thread closer to opening hehe. If you have any questions or concerns please do not hesitate to let me know. -- This is the last ping which will use the @ commands, future pingouts will be done using the new pinglist function. If there is a list you feel needs to be added in, please let me know. [b]DKC 2023 Pinglist Notification below:[/b] @Aprycus @Ronnie1107 @mesai @SilentWanderer @smeen @AspenCrow @Xirei @IamNoHere @shiro3tora @AtticaIonia @Voronwis @EmotionalTree @Kvon @Kitanya @SagittariusAx @WeiYing @Vyria @Watercolour @posibee @Redspike944 @ApprenticeWriter @williwawwarden @kyomaku @blighthollows @mix @late711 @Kothra @Stolen @uruhead @Petall @CasualFlier @Auralyx @zecal @Seonais @Deramadus @Juxta13 @Zenhugz @crystallarium @Norayna0ekoa @Cyanidegoat @Cheesedragon @TheDeathseer @kitsune56 @gravitycon @dragonBMA @Sinjin @BunnySox @Crescentstar711 @JoweeTheRaposa @Yews @CatTail @Salazia @Mandragorum @Regxlia @Brightershine @mylongshanks[/center] [center][img][/img][/center] [quote=Want to join in on the fun? Add yourself here!] [center][pinglist=6845] [pinglist=6846][/center][/quote]

This event is now open for sign ups! You can find a link to the respective pinglists here or below!

As always at this time of the year I am still in the setting up phase, so please bear with me whilst I finish finalising the thread and adding everything in The thread will definitely be 100% completed and finalised a couple days prior to the 1st December so you can always check back to view an updated thread closer to opening hehe.

If you have any questions or concerns please do not hesitate to let me know.


This is the last ping which will use the @ commands, future pingouts will be done using the new pinglist function. If there is a list you feel needs to be added in, please let me know.

DKC 2023 Pinglist Notification below:

@Aprycus @Ronnie1107 @mesai @SilentWanderer @smeen @AspenCrow @Xirei @IamNoHere @shiro3tora @AtticaIonia @Voronwis @EmotionalTree @Kvon @Kitanya @SagittariusAx @WeiYing @Vyria @Watercolour @posibee @Redspike944 @ApprenticeWriter @williwawwarden @kyomaku @blighthollows @mix @late711 @Kothra @Stolen @uruhead @Petall @CasualFlier @Auralyx @zecal @Seonais @Deramadus @Juxta13 @Zenhugz @crystallarium @Norayna0ekoa @Cyanidegoat @Cheesedragon @TheDeathseer @kitsune56 @gravitycon @dragonBMA @Sinjin @BunnySox @Crescentstar711 @JoweeTheRaposa @Yews @CatTail @Salazia @Mandragorum @Regxlia @Brightershine @mylongshanks
Want to join in on the fun? Add yourself here! wrote:
~May the wind forever be in your favour and may it always be at your back~

Australian | FR +19 | She/Her
Ohh it's here!! I'm so excited, I've come a long way since last year and I'm ready to spread some more kindness this time around [emoji=familiar heart size=1]
Ohh it's here!! I'm so excited, I've come a long way since last year and I'm ready to spread some more kindness this time around
A Coatl with Rose Cherub, Rose Seraph, Banana Stained and Bright Light eyes, swaying it's tail and spreading it's wings. nO0P8i8.png