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TOPIC | Why is there STILL no keybind???
In Coliseum. Seriously. It is 2024. Why is there no keybind for "Fight On"?? I have extreme fibromyalgia, any mouse clicks are PAINFUL. My younger sibling literally only has one arm. We need to be able to play coli one-handed. Staff, I am begging you, stop treating disabled players like an afterthought.
In Coliseum. Seriously. It is 2024. Why is there no keybind for "Fight On"?? I have extreme fibromyalgia, any mouse clicks are PAINFUL. My younger sibling literally only has one arm. We need to be able to play coli one-handed. Staff, I am begging you, stop treating disabled players like an afterthought.
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I 100000% support adding keybind for the "fight on." It makes no sense to not have one, especially since most battles take 10-30 seconds. That's still a lot of needing to use the mouse when keybinds should have removed that need.

While we're at it make it so you can pick your own keybinds as well!
I 100000% support adding keybind for the "fight on." It makes no sense to not have one, especially since most battles take 10-30 seconds. That's still a lot of needing to use the mouse when keybinds should have removed that need.

While we're at it make it so you can pick your own keybinds as well!
Support, would be a good accessibility feature!
Support, would be a good accessibility feature!
[quote name="Polyhymnia" date="2024-06-12 08:41:26" ] While we're at it make it so you can pick your own keybinds as well! [/quote] I would really love this. I use the keyboard mode sparingly because the default keybinds gradually add strain to my hands and I need to alternate movements in order to reduce repetitive strain injury pain. I also have shaky hands, so sometimes I accidentally double tap, which is really inconvenient because the "select skill user" then unintentionally chains into the "select skill" when I don't want it. If I could map my own keybinds, I could customize the settings to be more appropriate for my hand condition. From a developer's perspective, updating the logic to use mapped keybinds isn't hard, but implementing the UI/UX for it is slightly time-consuming, so I try to be patient and hope that custom keybinds come some day.
Polyhymnia wrote on 2024-06-12 08:41:26:
While we're at it make it so you can pick your own keybinds as well!

I would really love this.

I use the keyboard mode sparingly because the default keybinds gradually add strain to my hands and I need to alternate movements in order to reduce repetitive strain injury pain. I also have shaky hands, so sometimes I accidentally double tap, which is really inconvenient because the "select skill user" then unintentionally chains into the "select skill" when I don't want it. If I could map my own keybinds, I could customize the settings to be more appropriate for my hand condition.

From a developer's perspective, updating the logic to use mapped keybinds isn't hard, but implementing the UI/UX for it is slightly time-consuming, so I try to be patient and hope that custom keybinds come some day.
Bonsai pixels (tofu and tea motif) by miirshroom
Support so much for a keybind for Fight On as well as custom keybinds because basic QoL for everyone.
Support so much for a keybind for Fight On as well as custom keybinds because basic QoL for everyone.
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If writers are supposed to "show not tell," why are we called "storytellers" and not "storyshow-ers"?
Support, this is very much needed.
Support, this is very much needed.
Support to prevent my carpal tunnel pain
Support to prevent my carpal tunnel pain
Please. For a lot of people, there's literally no point to having keyboard controls if there are still things that require mouse clicks. There is no reason to not have a keybind for fight on.
Please. For a lot of people, there's literally no point to having keyboard controls if there are still things that require mouse clicks. There is no reason to not have a keybind for fight on.
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he/him or ae/aer only please.
psa: messages in cancelled CRs aren't viewable!
Hugeeeee support for just.. obvious accessibility reasons.
Hugeeeee support for just.. obvious accessibility reasons.

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Support support support! This is an accessibility issue that needs to be addressed.
Support support support! This is an accessibility issue that needs to be addressed.
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