[quote name="@Almedha" date="2020-01-17 06:18:29" ]
And thank you for being a lovely person as well. It's always nice to come across someone in Suggestions that doesn't get bent out of shape and/or go overboard with harsh language and whatnot.[/quote]
Thank you! Likewise dear c:
I don't have anything worth contributing with at this point (I've also just finished uni for today so I'm burnt out lol) but yeah, I'm fine with agreeing to disagree, given that we both just want a fair and fun game. The world would be very boring, too, if everyone agreed on everything ;)
[quote name="@Almedha" date="2020-01-17 06:18:29" ]
[quote]The thing is- it is not 'your dragons' that are nicknaming mine- it is the player/user that owns them (the parents).[/quote]
I think this is a matter of semantics. There's not an insignificant number of players, though, that don't care about lore and so would assign nicknames solely based on their aesthetics, and I think they should be allowed to do that, too. But to me, it [i]is[/i] "my dragons nicknaming your dragon." [/quote]
I agree, this is just differing interpretations of a mechanic (like people do with exalting), I just see it as a mechanic (I tend to separate game mechanic from interpretation) but I understand that not everyone sees it that way since everyone sees things differently and that's ok.
[quote name="@Almedha" date="2020-01-17 06:18:29" ]Basically, whatever would increase the enjoyment of a dragon by the person that owns it is what I want. And I think that it is very important that people's dragons appear to others the way they want them to appear.[/quote]
I fully agree with this, we just have a different way of reasoning to achieve that.
[quote name="@Almedha" date="2020-01-17 06:18:29" ]
--Additionally, and I just thought of this because if this were implemented I wouldn't use it to change a dragon's name in the list, I would [i]love[/i] to use this to indicate for myself an others which offsprings have lore or are mine or are exalted. It would be especially useful if you could use extra characters like hyphens or parentheses. That way, you could put on you lair page or wherever that offspring with an -e- at the end are exalted and ones with an -l- have lore. And I would love that. Even would make it easier for visitors to know which kids to go to for more fun stories or art or whatever if someone decided to use it this way.
Would be amazing.
There is actually a suggestion thread that is suggesting something very close to this! I was gonna post in it but figured I'd do so after I rest.
It would make buying old dragons much easier (ability to see what has been exalted through generations) and honestly checking lists funny (i have a fodder breeder with close to 200 offspring, that would a nice trip). I don't know if there is a bigger/more detailed version of the same suggestion around though.
Almedha wrote on 2020-01-17 06:18:29:
And thank you for being a lovely person as well. It's always nice to come across someone in Suggestions that doesn't get bent out of shape and/or go overboard with harsh language and whatnot.
Thank you! Likewise dear c:
I don't have anything worth contributing with at this point (I've also just finished uni for today so I'm burnt out lol) but yeah, I'm fine with agreeing to disagree, given that we both just want a fair and fun game. The world would be very boring, too, if everyone agreed on everything ;)
Almedha wrote on 2020-01-17 06:18:29:
The thing is- it is not 'your dragons' that are nicknaming mine- it is the player/user that owns them (the parents).
I think this is a matter of semantics. There's not an insignificant number of players, though, that don't care about lore and so would assign nicknames solely based on their aesthetics, and I think they should be allowed to do that, too. But to me, it
is "my dragons nicknaming your dragon."
I agree, this is just differing interpretations of a mechanic (like people do with exalting), I just see it as a mechanic (I tend to separate game mechanic from interpretation) but I understand that not everyone sees it that way since everyone sees things differently and that's ok.
Almedha wrote on 2020-01-17 06:18:29:
Basically, whatever would increase the enjoyment of a dragon by the person that owns it is what I want. And I think that it is very important that people's dragons appear to others the way they want them to appear.
I fully agree with this, we just have a different way of reasoning to achieve that.
Almedha wrote on 2020-01-17 06:18:29:
--Additionally, and I just thought of this because if this were implemented I wouldn't use it to change a dragon's name in the list, I would love to use this to indicate for myself an others which offsprings have lore or are mine or are exalted. It would be especially useful if you could use extra characters like hyphens or parentheses. That way, you could put on you lair page or wherever that offspring with an -e- at the end are exalted and ones with an -l- have lore. And I would love that. Even would make it easier for visitors to know which kids to go to for more fun stories or art or whatever if someone decided to use it this way.
Would be amazing.
There is actually a suggestion thread that is suggesting something very close to this! I was gonna post in it but figured I'd do so after I rest.
It would make buying old dragons much easier (ability to see what has been exalted through generations) and honestly checking lists funny (i have a fodder breeder with close to 200 offspring, that would a nice trip). I don't know if there is a bigger/more detailed version of the same suggestion around though.
I'd support this if it only applies to unnamed dragons or only the owner of the dragon sees the nickname.
I'd support this if it only applies to unnamed dragons or only the owner of the dragon sees the nickname.
[quote]There is actually a suggestion thread that is suggesting something very close to this! I was gonna post in it but figured I'd do so after I rest.
It would make buying old dragons much easier (ability to see what has been exalted through generations) and honestly checking lists funny (i have a fodder breeder with close to 200 offspring, that would a nice trip). I don't know if there is a bigger/more detailed version of the same suggestion around though.[/quote]
At the risk of going off-topic, I have seen that thread (and other suggestions like it)! I think that it's okay, but not nearly as good as being able to modify one's list in the way I described. Granted, I think having an optional exalt marker display automatically would be fantastic. But we couldn't have an automatic marker for, say, a dragon with lore or art like we could if we were allowed to give nicknames to our dragons' offspring.
Full disclosure, like I said before, I wouldn't actually use this to change the names in my dragons' offspring lists. I [url=https://flightrising.com/main.php?dragon=18471454]buy[/url] and [url=https://flightrising.com/main.php?dragon=20720695]love[/url] dragons that have unnamed offspring (exalted or in dead lairs) or unnamed [url=https://flightrising.com/main.php?dragon=9165573]parents[/url]. I'm sure some of the dragons I have bought and kept came with offspring with names I never would have chosen myself. [url=https://flightrising.com/main.php?dragon=47754555]Like owo[/url], I guess. But it would be cool to mark for visitors that I own Sadko's kid Makari and he has (*ahem* will have one day...) lore and that his other kid Nerissa has some lore in somebody else's lair.
That would be impossible to mark or differentiate otherwise. Dragons with lore like Sadko have things in their bio. [url=https://flightrising.com/main.php?dragon=48460268]Torgal[/url] also has things in his bio, but it's not lore. And I don't think there's really a good way to automate that.
But also
[quote]we just have a different way of reasoning to achieve that.[/quote]
More like different priorities on whose happiness is more important. The offspring's owner's happiness is more important in your scenario.
There is actually a suggestion thread that is suggesting something very close to this! I was gonna post in it but figured I'd do so after I rest.
It would make buying old dragons much easier (ability to see what has been exalted through generations) and honestly checking lists funny (i have a fodder breeder with close to 200 offspring, that would a nice trip). I don't know if there is a bigger/more detailed version of the same suggestion around though.
At the risk of going off-topic, I have seen that thread (and other suggestions like it)! I think that it's okay, but not nearly as good as being able to modify one's list in the way I described. Granted, I think having an optional exalt marker display automatically would be fantastic. But we couldn't have an automatic marker for, say, a dragon with lore or art like we could if we were allowed to give nicknames to our dragons' offspring.
Full disclosure, like I said before, I wouldn't actually use this to change the names in my dragons' offspring lists. I
buy and
love dragons that have unnamed offspring (exalted or in dead lairs) or unnamed
parents. I'm sure some of the dragons I have bought and kept came with offspring with names I never would have chosen myself.
Like owo, I guess. But it would be cool to mark for visitors that I own Sadko's kid Makari and he has (*ahem* will have one day...) lore and that his other kid Nerissa has some lore in somebody else's lair.
That would be impossible to mark or differentiate otherwise. Dragons with lore like Sadko have things in their bio.
Torgal also has things in his bio, but it's not lore. And I don't think there's really a good way to automate that.
But also
we just have a different way of reasoning to achieve that.
More like different priorities on whose happiness is more important. The offspring's owner's happiness is more important in your scenario.
While I wouldn't mind having this be entirely personal as in only the owner of the dragon sees nicknames, I do agree with Almedha that I see anything on a dragon's page as belonging to me.
IE, while right now, once a dragon is not owned by use, we have no control over the names that show up on the offspring list, I do believe that we should. However, I also do not agree that we should be able to dictate to other players what they can name (or that they must name) dragons.
That is why I see nicknames as being great. While I understand that to some players seeing a nickname contrary to what their lore states can be offputting, I have also seen players object to lore in biographies that has elements they dislike (ie, someone mentioned that one of the dragons they sold now has lore that the parents were cruel and abandoned that dragon and that the parents' clans were the same. I have also seen others complain about lore that refers to the dragons they bought not meshing with their own lore). However, I don't feel that basing your lore around what it says on dragons' pages that you don't own is a good idea, whether that is in a biography box or it is in the offspring list.
IE, think of this way. You have a dragon that came from a one egg nest. It is the only dragon bred from that pair in 2 years. So you incorporate it into your lore that it is an only, much beloved child from dragons who can't have other children. Then the owner comes back, or decides to rebreed the dragons, sells them or decides to breed the parents to other children.
Suddenly your 'only child' isn't, and the parents are producing hatchlings every X days (as often as they can). If you based your lore on what shows up on the parents' page, you now have to change your entire lore or find some way to write the change in the parents' habits into your lore.
That is why I feel that it is best to ignore the parents or offspring unless you own them and have full control over them. Because things can change, without warning and the only thing you have control over are the dragons you own.
so, I do understand your point of view, I just don't agree with it. I agree with Almedha that the owners of the dragon should be in full control over what is displayed on their dragon's page. This includes names of dragons, and this would allow that without affecting the actual owner of the dragon, unless they, like you, do base things around what is displayed on the parent's page.
While I wouldn't mind having this be entirely personal as in only the owner of the dragon sees nicknames, I do agree with Almedha that I see anything on a dragon's page as belonging to me.
IE, while right now, once a dragon is not owned by use, we have no control over the names that show up on the offspring list, I do believe that we should. However, I also do not agree that we should be able to dictate to other players what they can name (or that they must name) dragons.
That is why I see nicknames as being great. While I understand that to some players seeing a nickname contrary to what their lore states can be offputting, I have also seen players object to lore in biographies that has elements they dislike (ie, someone mentioned that one of the dragons they sold now has lore that the parents were cruel and abandoned that dragon and that the parents' clans were the same. I have also seen others complain about lore that refers to the dragons they bought not meshing with their own lore). However, I don't feel that basing your lore around what it says on dragons' pages that you don't own is a good idea, whether that is in a biography box or it is in the offspring list.
IE, think of this way. You have a dragon that came from a one egg nest. It is the only dragon bred from that pair in 2 years. So you incorporate it into your lore that it is an only, much beloved child from dragons who can't have other children. Then the owner comes back, or decides to rebreed the dragons, sells them or decides to breed the parents to other children.
Suddenly your 'only child' isn't, and the parents are producing hatchlings every X days (as often as they can). If you based your lore on what shows up on the parents' page, you now have to change your entire lore or find some way to write the change in the parents' habits into your lore.
That is why I feel that it is best to ignore the parents or offspring unless you own them and have full control over them. Because things can change, without warning and the only thing you have control over are the dragons you own.
so, I do understand your point of view, I just don't agree with it. I agree with Almedha that the owners of the dragon should be in full control over what is displayed on their dragon's page. This includes names of dragons, and this would allow that without affecting the actual owner of the dragon, unless they, like you, do base things around what is displayed on the parent's page.
Huge support! 'Unnamed' drives me crazy.
Huge support! 'Unnamed' drives me crazy.
I just love the idea of changing the unnamed, especially if i got a dragon and its previous offspring were unnamed before being exalted. I like having them all named. Weird "habit" i guess. But i like
I just love the idea of changing the unnamed, especially if i got a dragon and its previous offspring were unnamed before being exalted. I like having them all named. Weird "habit" i guess. But i like
I like this idea! I think the pencil should be up by the Lineage, so it's clearer.
I like this idea! I think the pencil should be up by the Lineage, so it's clearer.
I support this idea.
I have some dragons I'd like to pretend are first gen or other such things and honestly? I don't see why it's a big deal for the owner of the offspring? It won't change your dragon and your lore may not match up with my lore, but we can then continue on our own ways. If I changed Krina to Krani one day, but you had Krina listed as the mom in the lore and prefer it to stay such in your dragon's page? Feel free!
The nickname would only show up on that dragon's page that is using those nicknames and I do like the idea that it be noted somehow that a nickname is being used.
I support this idea.
I have some dragons I'd like to pretend are first gen or other such things and honestly? I don't see why it's a big deal for the owner of the offspring? It won't change your dragon and your lore may not match up with my lore, but we can then continue on our own ways. If I changed Krina to Krani one day, but you had Krina listed as the mom in the lore and prefer it to stay such in your dragon's page? Feel free!
The nickname would only show up on that dragon's page that is using those nicknames and I do like the idea that it be noted somehow that a nickname is being used.
this concept has my full support!!
this concept has my full support!!
fynch/fyn | any pronouns | wl | +15fr