
Skins and Accents

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TOPIC | SourAccents| [Snap H] Bantam Beastiary!

Aww she's lovely! Would you mind if i featured her in my accent spotlight?

Hehehe you must come to the snapper side >:)c we will have little BEASTIES in the future

Aww she's lovely! Would you mind if i featured her in my accent spotlight?

Hehehe you must come to the snapper side >:)c we will have little BEASTIES in the future
I am terrible at responding to pings and messages, but I will respond eventually! If I don't the ping probably got lost or I just forgot to, so no worries pinging/messaging me again. It's never anything personal!
@pinglist-28181 Hello! Sorry for having to actually ping you all so soon but I realised doing previews I made a big mistake - I forgot the lines of Arcane Primal will layer [i]on top[/i] of Stubby Stargazer, right over the third eye - Big error when it was made to specifically match! To correct this, I will be releasing [b] two variants of Stubby Stargazer[/b]. The one you all signed up for, and another that will work with Arcane Primal. The difference can be seen below - [center][b]Stubby Stargazer[/b] [img][/img] [b]Stubby Stargazer Primal[/b] [img][/img][/center] [size=2]note: this is just a mockup of how it would layer over the entire accent[/size] If any of you would like to swap over to the Primal Cohesive version, you can do so below! Just unsubscribe from Stubby Stargazer and sign up for Stubby Stargazer PRIMAL! The original version will still be printed in addition to the primal complaint one. If the change is too big for you and you'd rather no accent at all, no worries - I completely understand :) [pinglist=28181] [pinglist=28276] Sorry again for this - especially considering the promo image had it layering incorrectly! Wasn't my intention to falsely advertise.
@Stubby Stargazer

Hello! Sorry for having to actually ping you all so soon but I realised doing previews I made a big mistake - I forgot the lines of Arcane Primal will layer on top of Stubby Stargazer, right over the third eye - Big error when it was made to specifically match!

To correct this, I will be releasing two variants of Stubby Stargazer. The one you all signed up for, and another that will work with Arcane Primal. The difference can be seen below -
Stubby Stargazer

Stubby Stargazer Primal
note: this is just a mockup of how it would layer over the entire accent

If any of you would like to swap over to the Primal Cohesive version, you can do so below! Just unsubscribe from Stubby Stargazer and sign up for Stubby Stargazer PRIMAL! The original version will still be printed in addition to the primal complaint one.

If the change is too big for you and you'd rather no accent at all, no worries - I completely understand :)

Sorry again for this - especially considering the promo image had it layering incorrectly! Wasn't my intention to falsely advertise.

I am terrible at responding to pings and messages, but I will respond eventually! If I don't the ping probably got lost or I just forgot to, so no worries pinging/messaging me again. It's never anything personal!

Oh absolutely, thank you for asking!

Oh absolutely, thank you for asking!
Signed up for the Primal version, thanks for the update!
Signed up for the Primal version, thanks for the update!
@Sourdeer Could I please see previews of Atomic Alien and Tiny Terror on this dragon? [url=][img][/img][/url]

Could I please see previews of Atomic Alien and Tiny Terror on this dragon?

@Royalfirefly Of course! :) Atomic Alien - [img][/img] Tiny Terror - [img][/img]

Of course! :)

Atomic Alien -

Tiny Terror -
I am terrible at responding to pings and messages, but I will respond eventually! If I don't the ping probably got lost or I just forgot to, so no worries pinging/messaging me again. It's never anything personal!
Thank you so much!
Thank you so much!
[emoji=eternal youth size=1]
Hiya! I'm on the pinglist for tiny terror, and I'm so excited! Random question, how much will it be? I want to put the money in my vault so I will be ready to accept the pa and so I don't accidentally use it for some other projects, but I couldn't see the price listed anywhere, thank you!! <3<3
Hiya! I'm on the pinglist for tiny terror, and I'm so excited! Random question, how much will it be? I want to put the money in my vault so I will be ready to accept the pa and so I don't accidentally use it for some other projects, but I couldn't see the price listed anywhere, thank you!! <3<3
They will be 500g! I've sent em off so fingers crossed they'll come in soon :D
They will be 500g! I've sent em off so fingers crossed they'll come in soon :D
I am terrible at responding to pings and messages, but I will respond eventually! If I don't the ping probably got lost or I just forgot to, so no worries pinging/messaging me again. It's never anything personal!