Niharike @
Added you both the the preorders and to the general pinglist!
No worries, I'll give you a ping if and when a second run might happen :)
I am terrible at responding to pings and messages, but I will respond eventually! If I don't the ping probably got lost or I just forgot to, so no worries pinging/messaging me again. It's never anything personal!
@Sourdeer, could I possibly get a preview of the accent on this guy?
Sourdeer, could I possibly get a preview of the accent on this guy?

Sure thing!
Sure thing!
I am terrible at responding to pings and messages, but I will respond eventually! If I don't the ping probably got lost or I just forgot to, so no worries pinging/messaging me again. It's never anything personal!
sourdeer oh wow that looks super pretty! Can I order it?
sourdeer oh wow that looks super pretty! Can I order it?
Haha of course! I'll put you down for the 5th slot :)
Haha of course! I'll put you down for the 5th slot :)
I am terrible at responding to pings and messages, but I will respond eventually! If I don't the ping probably got lost or I just forgot to, so no worries pinging/messaging me again. It's never anything personal!
@Sourdeer BEWTEEN THE TREES IS SO LOVELY may i have some previews please? without apparel is fine!
Sourdeer BEWTEEN THE TREES IS SO LOVELY may i have some previews please? without apparel is fine!

Sourdeer - Hi there! Can I be added to your general pinglist please? I'm especially interested in any future male imp accents xD Thanks!
Sourdeer - Hi there! Can I be added to your general pinglist please? I'm especially interested in any future male imp accents xD Thanks!
Note: I often mis-type words with similar sounds (ex: Handful and Handle) or words that start the same (away and aware). I also leave out words like 'then,' 'with,' 'that,' a lot. I proofread carefully but my brain usually skips over these mistakes. My apologies if I posted jibberish on your thread! Feel free to ask for clarification! I swear I make sense. For the most part. ;D
Here you go friend!
Of course! I'll be sure to ping you extra hard for any male imp accents ;)
Here you go friend!
Of course! I'll be sure to ping you extra hard for any male imp accents ;)
I am terrible at responding to pings and messages, but I will respond eventually! If I don't the ping probably got lost or I just forgot to, so no worries pinging/messaging me again. It's never anything personal!
Sourdeer hhhh it looks lovely on Lonan but it doesn't fit his personality so i'll have to pass this time around. I NEED MORE SPIRALS *shakes fist
but please put me on your general pinglist! ;v;
Sourdeer hhhh it looks lovely on Lonan but it doesn't fit his personality so i'll have to pass this time around. I NEED MORE SPIRALS *shakes fist
but please put me on your general pinglist! ;v;
if you release Dip in the Wyrmwond i really want it
if you release Dip in the Wyrmwond i really want it