

Tell stories and roleplay in the world of Flight Rising.
TOPIC | Brotherhood of The Fallen ((full))
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[center][img][/img][/center] [b]RULES[/b] [indent][list]1. FR rules apply! 2. General RP rules apply. (You know these, right? No godmodding or powerplaying without permission, blahblahblah) 3. Have fun! That's... that's about it.[/list][/indent] [b]PLOT[/b] [indent][list]A long time ago, a guardian by the name of Kelirth, Champion of the Skies, founded what was known as the Brotherhood. He swore to protect the laws of the Deities and to uphold all that was true and just. Most didn't understand his reason as all was peaceful between the forces. Shadow and Light, Earth and Ice, Water and Fire, no two forces clashed between each other. They sought dominance in strength, but all in good fun and never for true power. Many refused to follow the Champion, despite his worth and strength. They claimed he would only bring trouble to them, not fight it. But he had seen a dark future that none else would be able to fight. A dragon was born by the name of Avrae who was not born to his home and of wind. No, his eyes shared no single color of the dragons and his powers stretched beyond the twisting breezes. He carried the magical grace of the Arcanist, and the boiling fires of Flamecaller. He brought disease through Plaguebringer and brought the light of Lightweaver. He was no dragon of true blood but a monster, honing the powers to take his place among the Deities. No. Destroy the Deities and claim all of the lands they once laid their names to. Avrae brought darkness to all. This had been fifty years after the passing of Kelirth and only a few dragons dared to hold up his ideals of the Brotherhood. Now that this disaster has struck, it is up to them and other chosen warriors to restore the balance and power in the lands. Only in the Brotherhood of the Fallen will the power to give new life to the lands be found. Question is, will they truly be able to destroy Avrae, Bringer of Destruction?[/list][/indent] [b]NOTES[/b] [indent][list]Right now, the Brotherhood is more concerned on building its strength. Later on, I'll introduce the battles with Avrae and his followers. Tasks can be listed below. [B]The Brotherhood[/b] is located in the center of the map between the sectors of Water, Shadow, and Plague![/list][/indent]

    1. FR rules apply!

    2. General RP rules apply. (You know these, right? No godmodding or powerplaying without permission, blahblahblah)

    3. Have fun!

    That's... that's about it.

    A long time ago, a guardian by the name of Kelirth, Champion of the Skies, founded what was known as the Brotherhood. He swore to protect the laws of the Deities and to uphold all that was true and just. Most didn't understand his reason as all was peaceful between the forces. Shadow and Light, Earth and Ice, Water and Fire, no two forces clashed between each other. They sought dominance in strength, but all in good fun and never for true power. Many refused to follow the Champion, despite his worth and strength. They claimed he would only bring trouble to them, not fight it.

    But he had seen a dark future that none else would be able to fight.

    A dragon was born by the name of Avrae who was not born to his home and of wind. No, his eyes shared no single color of the dragons and his powers stretched beyond the twisting breezes. He carried the magical grace of the Arcanist, and the boiling fires of Flamecaller. He brought disease through Plaguebringer and brought the light of Lightweaver. He was no dragon of true blood but a monster, honing the powers to take his place among the Deities. No. Destroy the Deities and claim all of the lands they once laid their names to.

    Avrae brought darkness to all.

    This had been fifty years after the passing of Kelirth and only a few dragons dared to hold up his ideals of the Brotherhood. Now that this disaster has struck, it is up to them and other chosen warriors to restore the balance and power in the lands. Only in the Brotherhood of the Fallen will the power to give new life to the lands be found.

    Question is, will they truly be able to destroy Avrae, Bringer of Destruction?

    Right now, the Brotherhood is more concerned on building its strength. Later on, I'll introduce the battles with Avrae and his followers. Tasks can be listed below.
The Brotherhood is located in the center of the map between the sectors of Water, Shadow, and Plague!
Dragon Rescuer
[b]TASKS[/b] [indent][list]1. Recruit warriors to the Brotherhood. 2. Build up supplies to prepare for the attack.[/list][/indent] [b]NEWS[/b] [indent][list]We need leaders to the flights, and they don't all have to be found right away. The Brotherhood is just starting to get on its feet so a few are okay for now and more to be found later on. Only ONE LEADER per person for now.[/list][/indent] [b]UPDATES[/b] [indent][list]Currently NOT open to new members, but will in the future most likely.[/list][/indent] [b]PING LIST[/b] [INDENT]If you were pinged, you are free to join! New members will be allowed later on once this group gets itself in and situated. Since you all responded to the original thread and all. [list]@Bluejey @ZenithDragon @kawaiicatprince @GiftOfArtemis @maevrisha @zoroark[/list][/indent]
    1. Recruit warriors to the Brotherhood.

    2. Build up supplies to prepare for the attack.

    We need leaders to the flights, and they don't all have to be found right away. The Brotherhood is just starting to get on its feet so a few are okay for now and more to be found later on. Only ONE LEADER per person for now.

    Currently NOT open to new members, but will in the future most likely.

If you were pinged, you are free to join! New members will be allowed later on once this group gets itself in and situated. Since you all responded to the original thread and all.
Dragon Rescuer
[b]FORMAT[/b] [indent]Please PM the format below to WildFire to join! It'll be added to this list and you can start! Really simple. [list][code][b]NAME:[/b] [b]NICKNAME:[/B] [B]FLIGHT:[/B] (Up to you if you want your dragon to stand for your flight or for the flight they were born in.) [b]STRENGTH:[/b] [b]WEAKNESS:[/B][/code][/list][/indent] [B]PLOT CHARACTERS[/b] [indent][list][b][u]Avrae[/u][/b] is often better known as the Bringer of Destruction. By some strange powers, he has managed to control all powers of the flights and plans to use them to bring down the Deities themselves. Currently he is gaining his strength and followers. He is a wildclaw dragon. [b][u]Kelirth[/b][/u] was known as the Champion of the Skies. A guardian who was known to help all and bring goodness wherever he went. He founded the Brotherhood and is respected highly among its companions. He may be deceased, but his meaning stands strong.[/indent][/list] [b]LEADERS[/b] [indent][list][b]Nature:[/b] [b]Light:[/b] [b]Lightning:[/b] [b]Fire:[/b] Goldenfang (Wildfire) [b]Ice:[/b] [b]Arcane:[/b] Skye (ZenithDragon) [b]Earth:[/b] [b]Shadow:[/b] Aquilo (GiftOfArtemis) [b]Water:[/b] [b]Wind:[/b] Keir (zoroark) [b]Plague:[/b] [/list][/indent] [b]CHARACTERS[/b] [indent][list][b]NAME:[/b] [url=]Aquilo[/url] (GiftOfArtemis) [b]NICKNAME:[/b] tis sofias (of wisdom) [b]FLIGHT:[/b] shadow [b]STRENGTH:[/b] her mental ability, she is quick witted, especially with battle plans and combat strategy. While not as physically strong as Oniros, she is very, very fast, and very very smart. [b]WEAKNESS:[/b] no magic ability - - - - - - - - - - [b]NAME:[/b] [url=]Oniros[/url] (GiftOfArtemis) [b]NICKNAME:[/b] Tis exousias [b]FLIGHT:[/b] shadow [b]STRENGTH:[/b] physically strong, cunning in battle, and quick for the kill. She has fought and trained against dragons much larger, till the point that size is no matter [b]WEAKNESS:[/b] weak to magic attacks - - - - - - - - - - [b]NAME:[/b] [url=]Skia[/url] (GiftOfArtemis) [b]NICKNAME:[/b] Tis tharros (of courage) [b]FLIGHT:[/b] shadow [b]STRENGTH:[/b] magic. Know many spells, defensive and offensive. [b]WEAKNESS:[/b] physically weak - - - - - - - - - - [b]NAME:[/b] [url=]Galdur[/url] (Maevrisha) [b]NICKNAME:[/b] Dart [b]FLIGHT:[/b] Wind [b]STRENGTH:[/b] Dart is very fast and agile with both his running and his flying. [b]WEAKNESS:[/b] He doesn't like fire at all because he is very scared about his beautiful feathers catching on fire. [b]PERSONALITY:[/b] Dart won't take any dragon bullying another dragon, and loves to stand up for the smaller dragons. because he used to be a tiny fae he knows what its like to be little. He is very caring and can be very fatherly to younger dragons. on occasion he can be a little vain about his looks, and all his feathers must look right or he won't stop fussing. - - - - - - - - - - [b]NAME:[/b] [url=]Raggiana[/url] (Maevrisha) [b]NICKNAME:[/b] Ra or Rae [b]FLIGHT:[/b] Light [b]STRENGTH:[/b] Ra has the eyes of an eagle. She can spot things from very high up in the air are can even see the tinyest mouse in a grass field from the sky. [b]WEAKNESS:[/b] She can't see in the dark at all so unless there is some sort of bright light source around (even fire balls work) she won't go anywhere at night. Also she doesn't know how to fight. [b]PERSONALITY:[/b] She is very spoiled by Dart and expects everyone else to do everything for her. She is not a very good hunter and rarely leaves the lair. She also loves being the center of attention and is a very diva like dragon. - - - - - - - - - - [b]NAME:[/b] [url=]Keir[/url] (zoroark) [b]NICKNAME:[/b] n/a [b]FLIGHT:[/b] Wind [b]STRENGTH:[/b] Physical strength, his claws, agility on ground and in air, and his tail is pretty strong. He is small, but he can sometimes use that to his advantage. Camouflage. [b]WEAKNESS:[/b] Magically weak, can be too proud of his leadership/sometimes will try to take control - - - - - - - - - - [b]NAME:[/b] [URL=]Goldenfang[/URL] (Wildfire) [b]NICKNAME:[/b] Gold [b]FLIGHT:[/b] Fire [b]STRENGTH:[/b] Organized, Strategic, Intelligent [b]WEAKNESS:[/b] Hates mess, Little empathy, Difficulty expressing himself, Blames others, Cannot handle cold at all - - - - - - - - - - [b]NAME:[/b] [URL=]Tigertooth[/URL] (Wildfire) [b]NICKNAME:[/b] Tiger [b]FLIGHT:[/b] Light [b]STRENGTH:[/b] Playful and easygoing, Positive, Hardworking [b]WEAKNESS:[/b] Being a child still, he isn't very strong in any form of battle. Merely a hand around the Brotherhood for now. - - - - - - - - - - [b]NAME:[/b] [URL=]Jaywing[/URL] (Wildfire) [b]NICKNAME:[/b] Jay [b]FLIGHT:[/b] Plague [b]STRENGTH:[/b] Blacksmith of the Brotherhood. Helpful, Brings out best in others, People-oriented [b]WEAKNESS:[/b] Does not understand unkindness, pushover, refuses to fight himself. - - - - - - - - - - [b]NAME:[/b] [URL=]Mintpool[/URL] (Wildfire) [b]NICKNAME:[/b] Mint [b]FLIGHT:[/b] Lightning [b]STRENGTH:[/b] Courageous attitude can sometimes be infectious, Always ready, Never backs down [b]WEAKNESS:[/b] Arrogant, Impulsive, Weak fighter - - - - - - - - - - [b]NAME:[/b] [URL=]Lief[/URL] (ZenithDragon) [b]NICKNAME:[/b] n/a [b]FLIGHT:[/b] Wind [b]STRENGTH:[/b] Good leader, incredibly fast and lethal, powerful lungs. [b]WEAKNESS:[/b] Cannot fly for long periods, slightly hot tempered - - - - - - - - - - [b]NAME:[/b] [URL=]Skye[/URL] (ZenithDragon) [b]NICKNAME:[/b] n/a [b]FLIGHT:[/b] Arcane, but helps with Wind flight [b]STRENGTH:[/b] Large and well armored, kind, has some skill with magic [b]WEAKNESS:[/b] Slow, unable to fit in small places - - - - - - - - - - [b]NAME:[/b] [URL=]Jaden Drako[/URL] (ZenithDragon) [b]NICKNAME:[/b] Jade, Leafpelt [b]FLIGHT:[/b] Nature, but serves Wind flight [b]STRENGTH:[/b] Great with magic, strong healer, resistant to cold, kind personality [b]WEAKNESS:[/b] Weak to high temperatures - - - - - - - - - - [b]NAME:[/b] [URL=]Tydal Wavv[/URL] (ZenithDragon) [b]NICKNAME:[/b] Ty [b]FLIGHT:[/b] Water but serves Wind Flight [b]STRENGTH:[/b] Great with magic, fast [b]WEAKNESS:[/b] Small size, slightly hyper - - - - - - - - - - [b]NAME:[/b] [URL=]Anwar Wavv[/URL] (ZenithDragon) [b]NICKNAME:[/b] The Wind, Knotsalot [b]FLIGHT:[/b] Wind [b]STRENGTH:[/b] VERY flexible, agile [b]WEAKNESS:[/b] Sometimes gets tangled, hyper - - - - - - - - - - [b]NAME:[/b] [URL=]Aereosis[/URL] (ZenithDragon) [b]NICKNAME:[/b] Aereo [b]FLIGHT:[/b] Wind [b]STRENGTH:[/b] Fast, nimble, strong lungs, fun loving [b]WEAKNESS:[/b] Cannot fly for long periods - - - - - - - - - - [b]NAME:[/b] [URL=]Moonshatter[/URL] (kawaiicatprince) [b]NICKNAME:[/b] Moon [b]FLIGHT:[/b] Arcane [b]STRENGTH:[/b] Stealthy and quick, good night vision, able to use some weak magic (mostly energy blasts and small illusions, things good for drawing attention away from zir/the main group) [b]WEAKNESS:[/b] Rash, doesn't trust others easily, not good at taking on multiple foes at once, tires easily, not good at working in a group, relies almost entirely on speed for defense, is physically weak [b]NOTES:[/B] Moon is bigender (identifies simultaneously as male and female) and uses "zi/zir" pronouns (zi would be used like he and zir would be used like him and his, I understand this could be confusing and you just just use she/her pronouns for Moon but I understand this can be confusing and even I slip up with zir pronouns sometimes so "she/her" pronouns are also fine). Ze is often stoic and guarded but has occasional bursts of strong emotion. Ze is wary around other dragons, especially if they're from different flights but will avoid conflict unless someone else starts it. - - - - - - - - - - [b]NAME:[/b] [URL=]Savara[/URL] (kawaiicatprince) [b]NICKNAME:[/b] n/a [b]FLIGHT:[/b] Shadow [b]STRENGTH:[/b] A lot of raw strength and good at close combat, very enthusiastic, always tries to keep spirits up when it seems like all hope is lost [b]WEAKNESS:[/b] Not good at strategizing and rushes into things, often starts fights (both verbal and physical), has a large and easily hurt ego, cannot use magic, will rarely admit that he is at a disadvantage even if it's glaringly obvious [b]NOTES:[/B] Savara does his best to keep up a "tough guy" persona but inside he's insecure and afraid of looking weak. He sees backing out of a fight as weak and finds the idea of dying a martyr for a cause as his ideal way to die. Despite this, if he ever doubts that he will be able to take on a certain opponent, he tries to find the quickest way to escape. Although he won't admit it, he has a lot of empathy for others and will silently sympathize with their fears and worries. - - - - - - - - - - [b]NAME:[/b] [URL=]Loretto[/URL] (kawaiicatprince) [b]NICKNAME:[/b] n/a [b]FLIGHT:[/b] Arcane [b]STRENGTH:[/b] Outwardly optimistic, comforting, good healer because of knowledge of herbs [b]WEAKNESS:[/b] Secretly pessimistic and easily loses hope, not a good fighter and physically weak, supersticious, easily spooked by supernatural things/things mentioning the supernatural (like ghosts, demons, etc) [b]NOTES:[/B] Loreto is very gentle and timid. She is a pacifist largely because she always felt like she would never be strong and able to fight well, so she studied medicine in hopes that she would become useful one day. She always tries to cheer others up and prevent them from losing hope, but often ends up draining herself and bottles up her fears. She always has salt and at least one good luck charm of some kind with her just incase she runs into dangerous supernatural creatures (but luckily has not had any trouble from any so far). [/list][/indent]
Please PM the format below to WildFire to join! It'll be added to this list and you can start! Really simple.
[b]NAME:[/b] [b]NICKNAME:[/B] [B]FLIGHT:[/B] (Up to you if you want your dragon to stand for your flight or for the flight they were born in.) [b]STRENGTH:[/b] [b]WEAKNESS:[/B]

Avrae is often better known as the Bringer of Destruction. By some strange powers, he has managed to control all powers of the flights and plans to use them to bring down the Deities themselves. Currently he is gaining his strength and followers. He is a wildclaw dragon.

Kelirth was known as the Champion of the Skies. A guardian who was known to help all and bring goodness wherever he went. He founded the Brotherhood and is respected highly among its companions. He may be deceased, but his meaning stands strong.

Fire: Goldenfang (Wildfire)
Arcane: Skye (ZenithDragon)
Shadow: Aquilo (GiftOfArtemis)
Wind: Keir (zoroark)

NAME: Aquilo (GiftOfArtemis)
NICKNAME: tis sofias (of wisdom)
FLIGHT: shadow
STRENGTH: her mental ability, she is quick witted, especially with battle plans and combat strategy. While not as physically strong as Oniros, she is very, very fast, and very very smart.
WEAKNESS: no magic ability

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NAME: Oniros (GiftOfArtemis)
NICKNAME: Tis exousias
FLIGHT: shadow
STRENGTH: physically strong, cunning in battle, and quick for the kill. She has fought and trained against dragons much larger, till the point that size is no matter
WEAKNESS: weak to magic attacks

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NAME: Skia (GiftOfArtemis)
NICKNAME: Tis tharros (of courage)
FLIGHT: shadow
STRENGTH: magic. Know many spells, defensive and offensive.
WEAKNESS: physically weak

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NAME: Galdur (Maevrisha)
STRENGTH: Dart is very fast and agile with both his running and his flying.
WEAKNESS: He doesn't like fire at all because he is very scared about his beautiful feathers catching on fire.
PERSONALITY: Dart won't take any dragon bullying another dragon, and loves to stand up for the smaller dragons. because he used to be a tiny fae he knows what its like to be little. He is very caring and can be very fatherly to younger dragons. on occasion he can be a little vain about his looks, and all his feathers must look right or he won't stop fussing.

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NAME: Raggiana (Maevrisha)
STRENGTH: Ra has the eyes of an eagle. She can spot things from very high up in the air are can even see the tinyest mouse in a grass field from the sky.
WEAKNESS: She can't see in the dark at all so unless there is some sort of bright light source around (even fire balls work) she won't go anywhere at night. Also she doesn't know how to fight.
PERSONALITY: She is very spoiled by Dart and expects everyone else to do everything for her. She is not a very good hunter and rarely leaves the lair. She also loves being the center of attention and is a very diva like dragon.

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NAME: Keir (zoroark)
STRENGTH: Physical strength, his claws, agility on ground and in air, and his tail is pretty strong. He is small, but he can sometimes use that to his advantage. Camouflage.
WEAKNESS: Magically weak, can be too proud of his leadership/sometimes will try to take control

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NAME: Goldenfang (Wildfire)
STRENGTH: Organized, Strategic, Intelligent
WEAKNESS: Hates mess, Little empathy, Difficulty expressing himself, Blames others, Cannot handle cold at all

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NAME: Tigertooth (Wildfire)
STRENGTH: Playful and easygoing, Positive, Hardworking
WEAKNESS: Being a child still, he isn't very strong in any form of battle. Merely a hand around the Brotherhood for now.

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NAME: Jaywing (Wildfire)
FLIGHT: Plague
STRENGTH: Blacksmith of the Brotherhood. Helpful, Brings out best in others, People-oriented
WEAKNESS: Does not understand unkindness, pushover, refuses to fight himself.

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NAME: Mintpool (Wildfire)
FLIGHT: Lightning
STRENGTH: Courageous attitude can sometimes be infectious, Always ready, Never backs down
WEAKNESS: Arrogant, Impulsive, Weak fighter

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NAME: Lief (ZenithDragon)
STRENGTH: Good leader, incredibly fast and lethal, powerful lungs.
WEAKNESS: Cannot fly for long periods, slightly hot tempered

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NAME: Skye (ZenithDragon)
FLIGHT: Arcane, but helps with Wind flight
STRENGTH: Large and well armored, kind, has some skill with magic
WEAKNESS: Slow, unable to fit in small places

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NAME: Jaden Drako (ZenithDragon)
NICKNAME: Jade, Leafpelt
FLIGHT: Nature, but serves Wind flight
STRENGTH: Great with magic, strong healer, resistant to cold, kind personality
WEAKNESS: Weak to high temperatures

- - - - - - - - - -

NAME: Tydal Wavv (ZenithDragon)
FLIGHT: Water but serves Wind Flight
STRENGTH: Great with magic, fast
WEAKNESS: Small size, slightly hyper

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NAME: Anwar Wavv (ZenithDragon)
NICKNAME: The Wind, Knotsalot
STRENGTH: VERY flexible, agile
WEAKNESS: Sometimes gets tangled, hyper

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NAME: Aereosis (ZenithDragon)
STRENGTH: Fast, nimble, strong lungs, fun loving
WEAKNESS: Cannot fly for long periods

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NAME: Moonshatter (kawaiicatprince)
FLIGHT: Arcane
STRENGTH: Stealthy and quick, good night vision, able to use some weak magic (mostly energy blasts and small illusions, things good for drawing attention away from zir/the main group)
WEAKNESS: Rash, doesn't trust others easily, not good at taking on multiple foes at once, tires easily, not good at working in a group, relies almost entirely on speed for defense, is physically weak
NOTES: Moon is bigender (identifies simultaneously as male and female) and uses "zi/zir" pronouns (zi would be used like he and zir would be used like him and his, I understand this could be confusing and you just just use she/her pronouns for Moon but I understand this can be confusing and even I slip up with zir pronouns sometimes so "she/her" pronouns are also fine). Ze is often stoic and guarded but has occasional bursts of strong emotion. Ze is wary around other dragons, especially if they're from different flights but will avoid conflict unless someone else starts it.

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NAME: Savara (kawaiicatprince)
FLIGHT: Shadow
STRENGTH: A lot of raw strength and good at close combat, very enthusiastic, always tries to keep spirits up when it seems like all hope is lost
WEAKNESS: Not good at strategizing and rushes into things, often starts fights (both verbal and physical), has a large and easily hurt ego, cannot use magic, will rarely admit that he is at a disadvantage even if it's glaringly obvious
NOTES: Savara does his best to keep up a "tough guy" persona but inside he's insecure and afraid of looking weak. He sees backing out of a fight as weak and finds the idea of dying a martyr for a cause as his ideal way to die. Despite this, if he ever doubts that he will be able to take on a certain opponent, he tries to find the quickest way to escape. Although he won't admit it, he has a lot of empathy for others and will silently sympathize with their fears and worries.

- - - - - - - - - -

NAME: Loretto (kawaiicatprince)
FLIGHT: Arcane
STRENGTH: Outwardly optimistic, comforting, good healer because of knowledge of herbs
WEAKNESS: Secretly pessimistic and easily loses hope, not a good fighter and physically weak, supersticious, easily spooked by supernatural things/things mentioning the supernatural (like ghosts, demons, etc)
NOTES: Loreto is very gentle and timid. She is a pacifist largely because she always felt like she would never be strong and able to fight well, so she studied medicine in hopes that she would become useful one day. She always tries to cheer others up and prevent them from losing hope, but often ends up draining herself and bottles up her fears. She always has salt and at least one good luck charm of some kind with her just incase she runs into dangerous supernatural creatures (but luckily has not had any trouble from any so far).
Dragon Rescuer
If you were pinged, congrats! YOu're the first ones to join. Once all of you folks get situated into the roleplay, we will be opening up to more but I want to give you all the first dibs. ^_^
If you were pinged, congrats! YOu're the first ones to join. Once all of you folks get situated into the roleplay, we will be opening up to more but I want to give you all the first dibs. ^_^
Dragon Rescuer
I am here with me small army of helpers! ^^
I am here with me small army of helpers! ^^
Ill take a shadow spot if I'm allowed! The Triarchy of Shadow Oniros [url=] [img][/img] [/url] Strong, cunning physical fighter. More of a pessimist. Oniros isn't quite evil, but her concept of justice is slightly off kilter. Aquilo [url=] [img][/img] [/url] Wise and kind. Aquilo wants to help anyone and everything. This is her tragic flaw. She would prefer not to fight, insisting on using her words instead, but is quite deadly in the air. Skia [url=] [img][/img] [/url] Skia is a force to be reckoned with when she busts out her magic ability. She learned under Aural, an astounding shaman. Skia is well learned in both defensive and offensive spells.
Ill take a shadow spot if I'm allowed!

The Triarchy of Shadow



Strong, cunning physical fighter. More of a pessimist. Oniros isn't quite evil, but her concept of justice is slightly off kilter.



Wise and kind. Aquilo wants to help anyone and everything. This is her tragic flaw. She would prefer not to fight, insisting on using her words instead, but is quite deadly in the air.



Skia is a force to be reckoned with when she busts out her magic ability. She learned under Aural, an astounding shaman. Skia is well learned in both defensive and offensive spells.
OOC; Awesome, can't wait! (just realized I maybe should do OOC so I don't lose track of everything. XD) Once I get a few characters in, I can start the rp!
OOC; Awesome, can't wait! (just realized I maybe should do OOC so I don't lose track of everything. XD) Once I get a few characters in, I can start the rp!
Dragon Rescuer
OOC: @GiftofArtemis How did I miss that? Yes, you may feel free to have the Shadow leader! Just send me the bio and I'll add it in.
OOC: @GiftofArtemis How did I miss that? Yes, you may feel free to have the Shadow leader! Just send me the bio and I'll add it in.
Dragon Rescuer
occ: uh...what exactly do you want to see in a leader? (I might take wind....but I don't know if I'm cut out for a major role yet ^^')
occ: uh...what exactly do you want to see in a leader? (I might take wind....but I don't know if I'm cut out for a major role yet ^^')
OOC: @ZenithDragon All they do is represent that flight. No personality is truly needed. So you're a wind clan. You can have the wind leader. But say you have an earth dragon. Your earth dragon can be leader of the earth flight in the Brotherhood. Either or works.

@GiftOfArtemis Please message me the quick format so I can add them to the list. :)
OOC: @ZenithDragon All they do is represent that flight. No personality is truly needed. So you're a wind clan. You can have the wind leader. But say you have an earth dragon. Your earth dragon can be leader of the earth flight in the Brotherhood. Either or works.

@GiftOfArtemis Please message me the quick format so I can add them to the list. :)
Dragon Rescuer
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