

Tell stories and roleplay in the world of Flight Rising.
TOPIC | Brotherhood of The Fallen ((full))
OOC: I apologize on the wait. A few guests over and it got hectic. I'm updating everything now. Leaders will also be updated.
OOC: I apologize on the wait. A few guests over and it got hectic. I'm updating everything now. Leaders will also be updated.
Dragon Rescuer
occ: ok! I got my forms together should I send them over?
occ: ok! I got my forms together should I send them over?
OOC: @ZenithDragon Yep! PM them to me and if you want them to be a leader. I'm editing in dragons right now. (Coding, grrrr, lol)
OOC: @ZenithDragon Yep! PM them to me and if you want them to be a leader. I'm editing in dragons right now. (Coding, grrrr, lol)
Dragon Rescuer
[url=] [img][/img] [/url] [b]NAME:[/b] Moonshatter [b]NICKNAME:[/B] Moon [B]FLIGHT:[/B] Arcane [b]STRENGTH:[/b] Stealthy and quick, good night vision, able to use some weak magic (mostly energy blasts and small illusions, things good for drawing attention away from zir/the main group) [b]WEAKNESS:[/B] Rash, doesn't trust others easily, not good at taking on multiple foes at once, tires easily, not good at working in a group, relies almost entirely on speed for defense, is physically weak Moon is bigender (identifies simultaneously as male and female) and uses "zi/zir" pronouns (zi would be used like he and zir would be used like him and his, I understand this could be confusing and you just just use she/her pronouns for Moon but I understand this can be confusing and even I slip up with zir pronouns sometimes so "she/her" pronouns are also fine). Ze is often stoic and guarded but has occasional bursts of strong emotion. Ze is wary around other dragons, especially if they're from different flights but will avoid conflict unless someone else starts it. [url=] [img][/img] [/url] [b]NAME:[/b] Savara [b]NICKNAME:[/B] None [B]FLIGHT:[/B] Shadow [b]STRENGTH:[/b] A lot of raw strength and good at close combat, very enthusiastic, always tries to keep spirits up when it seems like all hope is lost [b]WEAKNESS:[/B] Not good at strategizing and rushes into things, often starts fights (both verbal and physical), has a large and easily hurt ego, cannot use magic, will rarely admit that he is at a disadvantage even if it's glaringly obvious Savara does his best to keep up a "tough guy" persona but inside he's insecure and afraid of looking weak. He sees backing out of a fight as weak and finds the idea of dying a martyr for a cause as his ideal way to die. Despite this, if he ever doubts that he will be able to take on a certain opponent, he tries to find the quickest way to escape. Although he won't admit it, he has a lot of empathy for others and will silently sympathize with their fears and worries. [url=] [img][/img] [/url] [b]NAME:[/b] Loretto [b]NICKNAME:[/B] None [B]FLIGHT:[/B] Arcane [b]STRENGTH:[/b] Outwardly optimistic, comforting, good healer because of knowledge of herbs [b]WEAKNESS:[/B] Secretly pessimistic and easily loses hope, not a good fighter and physically weak, supersticious, easily spooked by supernatural things/things mentioning the supernatural (like ghosts, demons, etc) Loreto is very gentle and timid. She is a pacifist largely because she always felt like she would never be strong and able to fight well, so she studied medicine in hopes that she would become useful one day. She always tries to cheer others up and prevent them from losing hope, but often ends up draining herself and bottles up her fears. She always has salt and at least one good luck charm of some kind with her just incase she runs into dangerous supernatural creatures (but luckily has not had any trouble from any so far).


NAME: Moonshatter
FLIGHT: Arcane
STRENGTH: Stealthy and quick, good night vision, able to use some weak magic (mostly energy blasts and small illusions, things good for drawing attention away from zir/the main group)
WEAKNESS: Rash, doesn't trust others easily, not good at taking on multiple foes at once, tires easily, not good at working in a group, relies almost entirely on speed for defense, is physically weak

Moon is bigender (identifies simultaneously as male and female) and uses "zi/zir" pronouns (zi would be used like he and zir would be used like him and his, I understand this could be confusing and you just just use she/her pronouns for Moon but I understand this can be confusing and even I slip up with zir pronouns sometimes so "she/her" pronouns are also fine). Ze is often stoic and guarded but has occasional bursts of strong emotion. Ze is wary around other dragons, especially if they're from different flights but will avoid conflict unless someone else starts it.


NAME: Savara
FLIGHT: Shadow
STRENGTH: A lot of raw strength and good at close combat, very enthusiastic, always tries to keep spirits up when it seems like all hope is lost
WEAKNESS: Not good at strategizing and rushes into things, often starts fights (both verbal and physical), has a large and easily hurt ego, cannot use magic, will rarely admit that he is at a disadvantage even if it's glaringly obvious

Savara does his best to keep up a "tough guy" persona but inside he's insecure and afraid of looking weak. He sees backing out of a fight as weak and finds the idea of dying a martyr for a cause as his ideal way to die. Despite this, if he ever doubts that he will be able to take on a certain opponent, he tries to find the quickest way to escape. Although he won't admit it, he has a lot of empathy for others and will silently sympathize with their fears and worries.


NAME: Loretto
FLIGHT: Arcane
STRENGTH: Outwardly optimistic, comforting, good healer because of knowledge of herbs
WEAKNESS: Secretly pessimistic and easily loses hope, not a good fighter and physically weak, supersticious, easily spooked by supernatural things/things mentioning the supernatural (like ghosts, demons, etc)

Loreto is very gentle and timid. She is a pacifist largely because she always felt like she would never be strong and able to fight well, so she studied medicine in hopes that she would become useful one day. She always tries to cheer others up and prevent them from losing hope, but often ends up draining herself and bottles up her fears. She always has salt and at least one good luck charm of some kind with her just incase she runs into dangerous supernatural creatures (but luckily has not had any trouble from any so far).
@Bluejey @ZenithDragon @kawaiicatprince @GiftOfArtemis @maevrisha @zoroark [indent][list][b]GOLDENFANG[/b] paced angrily, huffing with rage. "This won't DO!" he finally snapped, swatting away the map. How could they ever predict Avrae's pattern? He was so erratic, unpredictable, and struck with such force that nobody could defend the villages and towns from his wrath in time. There was no point stressing on that now. He had been quiet for a while now so he probably wasn't planning attack until he was strong enough. They had time... but that was the scariest thing to consider. The golden maned tundra decided to tend to those around him for now as he walked out to the main room of the Brotherhood's establishment. Many dragons were busy practicing and chatting, but the tension was not something to be ignored. They all knew what they were going through. [b]TIGERTOOTH[/B] huffed, flopping down after he finished cleaning the swords. Seeing Goldenfang walking off to the center fire almost spurred him to run and say hi. While still tiny, the guardian knew he wanted to be just as big and tough as these warriors of the Brotherhood. They were just so... awesome! What little dragon could resist that idea? But somebody tapped his head. Mintpool eyed the youngster pointedly before he grumbled and resumed his cleaning. She walked off though and Tigertooth was pretty sure nobody was around. He really admired Jaywing's work and Tiger couldn't help himself! He grabbed the small dagger and stabbed at the air. "Hiyah!" the pipsqueak cried. "Take that, bad dragons! Nobody can stand up to Tigertooth, evil slayer!" He seemed to be enjoying his fun, and not paying attention to the responsibilities piling up behind him. [b]JAYWING[/b] grimaced at the show of all the swords he had to tend to. So many needed tempering and shields that needed buffed from their dents. It was a lot to ask for. One dragon to all of this? The gray guardian swiped at the sweat on his forehead. No, he needed to consider an apprentice. The Brotherhood needed so much! He was always ready to tackle the task but... day in and day out around the forge was a bother. So he stepped away, getting a breather from the work to see if perhaps he could feed his growling stomach. [b]MINTPOOL[/b] laughed at the young boy's actions. He was adorable, and had the heart of a warrior, but he had a long amount of growing to do. She eyed the dragons around her and turned her spotted muzzle to the air. "Who wants to train with me?" she proclaimed, loud and clear. She had no fear in being challenged. "Give it a break, Mint," Jaywing chuckled as he passed her. She blushed but still went on to find her challenge. Maybe she was acting like a young, brash dragoness but she was as ready as any warrior for the potential of attack.[/indent][/list]
@Bluejey @ZenithDragon @kawaiicatprince @GiftOfArtemis @maevrisha @zoroark
GOLDENFANG paced angrily, huffing with rage. "This won't DO!" he finally snapped, swatting away the map. How could they ever predict Avrae's pattern? He was so erratic, unpredictable, and struck with such force that nobody could defend the villages and towns from his wrath in time. There was no point stressing on that now. He had been quiet for a while now so he probably wasn't planning attack until he was strong enough. They had time... but that was the scariest thing to consider. The golden maned tundra decided to tend to those around him for now as he walked out to the main room of the Brotherhood's establishment. Many dragons were busy practicing and chatting, but the tension was not something to be ignored. They all knew what they were going through.

TIGERTOOTH huffed, flopping down after he finished cleaning the swords. Seeing Goldenfang walking off to the center fire almost spurred him to run and say hi. While still tiny, the guardian knew he wanted to be just as big and tough as these warriors of the Brotherhood. They were just so... awesome! What little dragon could resist that idea? But somebody tapped his head. Mintpool eyed the youngster pointedly before he grumbled and resumed his cleaning. She walked off though and Tigertooth was pretty sure nobody was around. He really admired Jaywing's work and Tiger couldn't help himself! He grabbed the small dagger and stabbed at the air. "Hiyah!" the pipsqueak cried. "Take that, bad dragons! Nobody can stand up to Tigertooth, evil slayer!" He seemed to be enjoying his fun, and not paying attention to the responsibilities piling up behind him.

JAYWING grimaced at the show of all the swords he had to tend to. So many needed tempering and shields that needed buffed from their dents. It was a lot to ask for. One dragon to all of this? The gray guardian swiped at the sweat on his forehead. No, he needed to consider an apprentice. The Brotherhood needed so much! He was always ready to tackle the task but... day in and day out around the forge was a bother. So he stepped away, getting a breather from the work to see if perhaps he could feed his growling stomach.

MINTPOOL laughed at the young boy's actions. He was adorable, and had the heart of a warrior, but he had a long amount of growing to do. She eyed the dragons around her and turned her spotted muzzle to the air. "Who wants to train with me?" she proclaimed, loud and clear. She had no fear in being challenged.

"Give it a break, Mint," Jaywing chuckled as he passed her. She blushed but still went on to find her challenge. Maybe she was acting like a young, brash dragoness but she was as ready as any warrior for the potential of attack.
Dragon Rescuer
Im sorry but I am going to have to back out. A bunch of stuff started happening around here and I dont think I could keep up with such a big rp. Sorry! );
Im sorry but I am going to have to back out. A bunch of stuff started happening around here and I dont think I could keep up with such a big rp. Sorry! );
OOC: @Bluejey :( I'm really sorry to hear. If you ever want to roleplay again, just let me know and you'll be happily welcomed back!
OOC: @Bluejey :( I'm really sorry to hear. If you ever want to roleplay again, just let me know and you'll be happily welcomed back!
Dragon Rescuer
occ: should I type my intro now?
occ: should I type my intro now?
Three females mirrors set out from their lair early in the morning. The Tangled Wood was always foggy, and this was especially true of the Driftwood Drag.

"Aquilo, why do we have to get up so early?" Skia whined. You could tell she was half asleep by the rear set of eyes she was keeping closed.

"Stop being a baby!" Oniros shouted, her voice brass, but not at all unpleasant. "The sooner we get there, the sooner I can kick tail!"

Aquilo rolled her eyes. Yeah, she was the oldest, but why did they have to act so immature? Aquilo stifled a yawn. It was early, but it was a long trek to the brotherhood.

(Where is the brotherhood exactly? I don't know if you said or not *blushes* but I couldn't find it.))
Three females mirrors set out from their lair early in the morning. The Tangled Wood was always foggy, and this was especially true of the Driftwood Drag.

"Aquilo, why do we have to get up so early?" Skia whined. You could tell she was half asleep by the rear set of eyes she was keeping closed.

"Stop being a baby!" Oniros shouted, her voice brass, but not at all unpleasant. "The sooner we get there, the sooner I can kick tail!"

Aquilo rolled her eyes. Yeah, she was the oldest, but why did they have to act so immature? Aquilo stifled a yawn. It was early, but it was a long trek to the brotherhood.

(Where is the brotherhood exactly? I don't know if you said or not *blushes* but I couldn't find it.))
Dart ran through the trees, the land growing lighter by the minute. Ra stumbled along behind him, but not nearly as fast. The smoke swirled around him and stung his eyes and throat but he pushed through the discomfort to the edge of the smoke, away from their now destroyed home. His front paw made contacts with sand instead of the hard packed dirt of the steepes and he fell flat on his face, breathing hard from the excertion of the run. He looked up, the rising sun falling on his face, to see the sea of a thousand currents before him. breathing in the salty air Dart got up and looked back to see how far behind Ra was.

Ra made her own pace through the trees. It didn't matter that they were running from Avraes followers, she couldn't see and Dart had left her behind. The Sun was rising, she could see the light touching the tops of the bamboo stalks and that was comforting. Moving a little faster now that she had the light to guide her she burst through the edge of the bamboo forest and onto the beach where Dart was. "Its not far is it? I refuse to walk more than a week." Looking back the way she had come to the smoke and embers flying in the strong wind. "I'll go back to our destroyed home if its more than a week."

((OOC i'd also like to know where is the brotherhood, i can't find anything either))
Dart ran through the trees, the land growing lighter by the minute. Ra stumbled along behind him, but not nearly as fast. The smoke swirled around him and stung his eyes and throat but he pushed through the discomfort to the edge of the smoke, away from their now destroyed home. His front paw made contacts with sand instead of the hard packed dirt of the steepes and he fell flat on his face, breathing hard from the excertion of the run. He looked up, the rising sun falling on his face, to see the sea of a thousand currents before him. breathing in the salty air Dart got up and looked back to see how far behind Ra was.

Ra made her own pace through the trees. It didn't matter that they were running from Avraes followers, she couldn't see and Dart had left her behind. The Sun was rising, she could see the light touching the tops of the bamboo stalks and that was comforting. Moving a little faster now that she had the light to guide her she burst through the edge of the bamboo forest and onto the beach where Dart was. "Its not far is it? I refuse to walk more than a week." Looking back the way she had come to the smoke and embers flying in the strong wind. "I'll go back to our destroyed home if its more than a week."

((OOC i'd also like to know where is the brotherhood, i can't find anything either))