

Tell stories and roleplay in the world of Flight Rising.
TOPIC | Brotherhood of The Fallen ((full))
OOC: @ZenithDragon, Yep! Go ahead and type your intro up! @GiftOfArtemis, my bad. Located in the center, between the Scarred Wasteland (Plague), the Tangled Wood (Shadow), and Sea of a Thousand Currents (Water). Close to as center of the map as possible.
OOC: @ZenithDragon, Yep! Go ahead and type your intro up! @GiftOfArtemis, my bad. Located in the center, between the Scarred Wasteland (Plague), the Tangled Wood (Shadow), and Sea of a Thousand Currents (Water). Close to as center of the map as possible.
Dragon Rescuer
The wind seem to be on his side that day, supporting his wings as he ran across the plateau of the Zephyr Steppes. He leaped over any small patches of bamboo while running around the taller stalks. He was on a journey and he was not going to let anything get in his way.

Where was he going? What could possibly be more important than leaving his clan behind, a clan that he was a leader to?

The Brotherhood of the Fallen.

Stories of this place was nothing more than a rumor, more or less, but he had a feeling in his gut that it was real. Sadly, he had to leave his clan behind to find out. If this place was real, then perhaps this place would help him become stronger and he was not going to turn that opportunity down if that means being a better leader.

He suddenly skidded on the grassy plain, twisting his body around to lean his weight back like an anchor. Lowering his upper body, he dug his front claws into the ground, slowing his speed down immensely. Fortunately, he stopped just before he ran off the edge of a tall cliff. Dust flew from the said cliff as he glanced down to see what had awaited him at the bottom. Water.

He had reached the Water territory, a neighboring land of Wind. His destination was just kitty-corner of Water's territory, however... he's not a good swimmer. Sighing softly, he took a step away from the edge, looking up at the distance. He swore he could see where the Brotherhood was, though his mind was more than likely tricking him. He was so close, so he should continue on. The rising sun grabbed his attention as he felt the warm rays hit his golden brown fur. His seafoam colored feathers ruffled from the sudden relaxing moment, although he quickly shook his head like a horse, snorting to get himself back to focus on what he was doing. He has many more mornings to look forward to bask in the waking sun.

The Wildclaw took a deep breath, hoping that the Windsinger would give him wind currents that would help him cross the waters. His adrenaline kicked in; he exhaled quickly only to take a deep breath as he leaped off the edge of the cliff, spreading out his feathered wings to catch a warm drift. Another breath to calm himself down, the smell of water suddenly filling his nostrils. He had hoped that this trip was going to be worth it in the end.
The wind seem to be on his side that day, supporting his wings as he ran across the plateau of the Zephyr Steppes. He leaped over any small patches of bamboo while running around the taller stalks. He was on a journey and he was not going to let anything get in his way.

Where was he going? What could possibly be more important than leaving his clan behind, a clan that he was a leader to?

The Brotherhood of the Fallen.

Stories of this place was nothing more than a rumor, more or less, but he had a feeling in his gut that it was real. Sadly, he had to leave his clan behind to find out. If this place was real, then perhaps this place would help him become stronger and he was not going to turn that opportunity down if that means being a better leader.

He suddenly skidded on the grassy plain, twisting his body around to lean his weight back like an anchor. Lowering his upper body, he dug his front claws into the ground, slowing his speed down immensely. Fortunately, he stopped just before he ran off the edge of a tall cliff. Dust flew from the said cliff as he glanced down to see what had awaited him at the bottom. Water.

He had reached the Water territory, a neighboring land of Wind. His destination was just kitty-corner of Water's territory, however... he's not a good swimmer. Sighing softly, he took a step away from the edge, looking up at the distance. He swore he could see where the Brotherhood was, though his mind was more than likely tricking him. He was so close, so he should continue on. The rising sun grabbed his attention as he felt the warm rays hit his golden brown fur. His seafoam colored feathers ruffled from the sudden relaxing moment, although he quickly shook his head like a horse, snorting to get himself back to focus on what he was doing. He has many more mornings to look forward to bask in the waking sun.

The Wildclaw took a deep breath, hoping that the Windsinger would give him wind currents that would help him cross the waters. His adrenaline kicked in; he exhaled quickly only to take a deep breath as he leaped off the edge of the cliff, spreading out his feathered wings to catch a warm drift. Another breath to calm himself down, the smell of water suddenly filling his nostrils. He had hoped that this trip was going to be worth it in the end.

they/them | faq | wishlist | +2
The sun began to rise where the three dragons were resting just outside Starwood Strand. While they managed to get out of the deceptively lovely forest by nightfall, they lost the rest of their clan in the mesmerizing wood.

Loretto had said a prayer to The Arcanist and another to The Tidelord the night before and again after she woke up, wishing for her adopted kinsmen's safety. She feared that the forest had taken hold of them and they had become lost to the living world.

Moon had stayed up for most of the night partially to alert the other two of any enemies that may attack them in the night, and partially to brood over zir sister's betrayal and siding with Avrae. If the Loretto and Savara had taken notice of zir distress, they said nothing, knowing that Moon would answer in only vague monosyllables or lash out at them.

Savara felt restless. He paced back and forth looking in all directions a few yards away from his companions, scanning the area for signs of anything that might be enemies or their clan. Seeing nothing but the occasional satin mouse, he came to a halt and yelled out to the other dragons. "If anyone else made it out, we'll find them later," he said, "The sun's up and we need to move!" He flapped his wings and took off, Loretto following suit moments after. Moon took a second to snap out of zir musing and took to the sky, catching up with zir companions quickly.
The sun began to rise where the three dragons were resting just outside Starwood Strand. While they managed to get out of the deceptively lovely forest by nightfall, they lost the rest of their clan in the mesmerizing wood.

Loretto had said a prayer to The Arcanist and another to The Tidelord the night before and again after she woke up, wishing for her adopted kinsmen's safety. She feared that the forest had taken hold of them and they had become lost to the living world.

Moon had stayed up for most of the night partially to alert the other two of any enemies that may attack them in the night, and partially to brood over zir sister's betrayal and siding with Avrae. If the Loretto and Savara had taken notice of zir distress, they said nothing, knowing that Moon would answer in only vague monosyllables or lash out at them.

Savara felt restless. He paced back and forth looking in all directions a few yards away from his companions, scanning the area for signs of anything that might be enemies or their clan. Seeing nothing but the occasional satin mouse, he came to a halt and yelled out to the other dragons. "If anyone else made it out, we'll find them later," he said, "The sun's up and we need to move!" He flapped his wings and took off, Loretto following suit moments after. Moon took a second to snap out of zir musing and took to the sky, catching up with zir companions quickly.
Skye was preparing to leave for the brotherhood's location. She had accepted the role of leader of the Arcane Flight within the Brotherhood. Her mate, Lief, her close friends Jaden and Tydal, Anwar, and her son Aereo were coming with her, even though she didn't want to put them through what danger she'd be facing, but they were clear about going. "Are you almost ready?" Lief asked "Yeah." Skye said "Are you sure you want to come? I mean the clan needs a leader too...." "We've been through this already." Lief chuckled "Ederick and Zyl will be in charge while we're gone and there're more then enough responsible adults to watch the draclings." "But putting you, our son and our friend's through this....I don't know..." "Last I checked, we all had something that gave us an edge over an enemy." Lief said "Hey you guys almost ready??" Tydal came in "We got to travel across the Scarred Wasteland to get to the meeting place, and we won't do that sitting around!" Lief sighed. That was the one thing he didn't like about this. The only other way to the location would be to fly or swim across Water Flight. And since none of the traveling group were strong swimmers and only acouple group members were suited for distance flights, land travel was the best option.

After saying good-bye to everyone from the edge of Wind Flight territory. The group set off through the Plague Flight. They carried with them some supplies that the Brotherhood could use and food rations that could be eaten along the way. They're journey to the Brotherhood had begun.
Skye was preparing to leave for the brotherhood's location. She had accepted the role of leader of the Arcane Flight within the Brotherhood. Her mate, Lief, her close friends Jaden and Tydal, Anwar, and her son Aereo were coming with her, even though she didn't want to put them through what danger she'd be facing, but they were clear about going. "Are you almost ready?" Lief asked "Yeah." Skye said "Are you sure you want to come? I mean the clan needs a leader too...." "We've been through this already." Lief chuckled "Ederick and Zyl will be in charge while we're gone and there're more then enough responsible adults to watch the draclings." "But putting you, our son and our friend's through this....I don't know..." "Last I checked, we all had something that gave us an edge over an enemy." Lief said "Hey you guys almost ready??" Tydal came in "We got to travel across the Scarred Wasteland to get to the meeting place, and we won't do that sitting around!" Lief sighed. That was the one thing he didn't like about this. The only other way to the location would be to fly or swim across Water Flight. And since none of the traveling group were strong swimmers and only acouple group members were suited for distance flights, land travel was the best option.

After saying good-bye to everyone from the edge of Wind Flight territory. The group set off through the Plague Flight. They carried with them some supplies that the Brotherhood could use and food rations that could be eaten along the way. They're journey to the Brotherhood had begun.
((OOC: @wildfire, ummm...this going to continue?))
((OOC: @wildfire, ummm...this going to continue?))