

Tell stories and roleplay in the world of Flight Rising.
TOPIC | Private RP: The Regenstadt Creeper
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The rock struck Al, but bounced off uselessly. He turned around, dropping Thomas.

"You'll regret that."

His hands filled with a dark energy, forming a ball, and shooting it towards Erik.
The rock struck Al, but bounced off uselessly. He turned around, dropping Thomas.

"You'll regret that."

His hands filled with a dark energy, forming a ball, and shooting it towards Erik.
"Oh shoot!" Erik dived out of the way barely dodging. "What the-How?"
"Oh shoot!" Erik dived out of the way barely dodging. "What the-How?"
((@ZenithDragon Everyone can use magic. Remember the different systems.))

Al smirked, "That's right. I'm not stupid enough to not fight with magic."
((@ZenithDragon Everyone can use magic. Remember the different systems.))

Al smirked, "That's right. I'm not stupid enough to not fight with magic."
((@Raedwulf Oh right! ^^; I guess I never gave much thought to what element Erik would be using if it came to fighting))

Erik quickly got back up to his feet You have got to be kidding me! "What do you want?!" He said. True, as a back up plan, they intended to find out more about the party from Al....but fighting him wasn't exactly planned!
((@Raedwulf Oh right! ^^; I guess I never gave much thought to what element Erik would be using if it came to fighting))

Erik quickly got back up to his feet You have got to be kidding me! "What do you want?!" He said. True, as a back up plan, they intended to find out more about the party from Al....but fighting him wasn't exactly planned!
((Understandable. I'll let you think for a bit.))

"I just want you and Thomas to stop bothering me. I know what you want. You want a confession from me, don't you?"

"Uh, that's not exactly..."

"Shut up!" Al threw his hands up in the air, "You guys want me to confess to a crime I didn't commit. Well, no way."
((Understandable. I'll let you think for a bit.))

"I just want you and Thomas to stop bothering me. I know what you want. You want a confession from me, don't you?"

"Uh, that's not exactly..."

"Shut up!" Al threw his hands up in the air, "You guys want me to confess to a crime I didn't commit. Well, no way."
Idiot! Erik was slightly surprised "Thats not true!" He pleaded "We did want to ask you about who went to the party you had the night of the murder!"
@Raedwulf ((Ok I have an element for him))
Idiot! Erik was slightly surprised "Thats not true!" He pleaded "We did want to ask you about who went to the party you had the night of the murder!"
@Raedwulf ((Ok I have an element for him))
Al groaned, writing down a list of names in sloppy writing.


He obviously still wasn't too sober, given the writing was like that of a child's.
Al groaned, writing down a list of names in sloppy writing.


He obviously still wasn't too sober, given the writing was like that of a child's.
"Eheh." Erik said going over to Thomas "You ok?" Sheesh! Let us get some evidence against you before you go charging us!
"Eheh." Erik said going over to Thomas "You ok?" Sheesh! Let us get some evidence against you before you go charging us!
Thomas nodded, "I'm fine. Al can't really hurt me anyway, he's too stupid."

"YAAAARGH", Al charged another dark ball.

"Alright, you're not stupid, Al."

It was either concede or be beaten up.
Thomas nodded, "I'm fine. Al can't really hurt me anyway, he's too stupid."

"YAAAARGH", Al charged another dark ball.

"Alright, you're not stupid, Al."

It was either concede or be beaten up.
"EEK!" Erik pulled Thomas out of the way "You had antagonize him didn't you?" He didn't really want to fight but their options were running slim.
"EEK!" Erik pulled Thomas out of the way "You had antagonize him didn't you?" He didn't really want to fight but their options were running slim.
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