

Tell stories and roleplay in the world of Flight Rising.
TOPIC | Private RP: The Regenstadt Creeper
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The massive city, made of approximately 30 districts, wasn't always a clean place. A place of scientific conquest couldn't completely shake the criminal element, after all. In reality, no place could, regardless of how advanced it was.

Everyday, there were many crimes committed in Regenstadt. Hundreds of break-ins plagued home and business alike, even laboratories. Many children went missing, some assumed to be deceased. Gang wars and other brutal crimes were occasional, yet ever present threats to the rest of the citizens. Indeed, this city wasn't the perfect utopia that most outsiders painted it to be.

Outside of Regenstadt Art Gallery, the body of a female Procyne Procyonid lay on the sidewalk. Her head had been bashed in with some blunt instrument, though what exactly was used could not be identified and wasn't at the crime scene. She had her keys out, possibly as a feeble attempt at self-defense. Her name was Risa Aldrig; single, young, childless, and a Chemistry student at Regenstadt University. Oddly enough, she wasn't a native of Regenstadt; she was from Belejringsted.

Someone would have to stand up and solve this horrendous crime, but the cops needed all the help they could get; there was little trace of the murderer, and whoever it could have been had probably skipped town by now.

The massive city, made of approximately 30 districts, wasn't always a clean place. A place of scientific conquest couldn't completely shake the criminal element, after all. In reality, no place could, regardless of how advanced it was.

Everyday, there were many crimes committed in Regenstadt. Hundreds of break-ins plagued home and business alike, even laboratories. Many children went missing, some assumed to be deceased. Gang wars and other brutal crimes were occasional, yet ever present threats to the rest of the citizens. Indeed, this city wasn't the perfect utopia that most outsiders painted it to be.

Outside of Regenstadt Art Gallery, the body of a female Procyne Procyonid lay on the sidewalk. Her head had been bashed in with some blunt instrument, though what exactly was used could not be identified and wasn't at the crime scene. She had her keys out, possibly as a feeble attempt at self-defense. Her name was Risa Aldrig; single, young, childless, and a Chemistry student at Regenstadt University. Oddly enough, she wasn't a native of Regenstadt; she was from Belejringsted.

Someone would have to stand up and solve this horrendous crime, but the cops needed all the help they could get; there was little trace of the murderer, and whoever it could have been had probably skipped town by now.
( I go with my intro.)

A young human male was already traveling to the scene of the crime. He had heard about the murder on the news and wanted to do what he could to help. He looked around 19 or 20 wore average clothing and rather worn sneakers with a cap atop his black hair. Now, he admittedly didn't have much experience (or any for that matter) with solving a murder. He did however possess some common sense skills and street smarts that might aid him....if the authorities would accept his help. He looked around and started up toward the Regenstadt Art Gallery. Who was this, you ask? His name is Erik Knight and he was also a student at the University.
(soooo thats really it then ^^' was it good? btw if anythings out let me know so I can edit it)
( I go with my intro.)

A young human male was already traveling to the scene of the crime. He had heard about the murder on the news and wanted to do what he could to help. He looked around 19 or 20 wore average clothing and rather worn sneakers with a cap atop his black hair. Now, he admittedly didn't have much experience (or any for that matter) with solving a murder. He did however possess some common sense skills and street smarts that might aid him....if the authorities would accept his help. He looked around and started up toward the Regenstadt Art Gallery. Who was this, you ask? His name is Erik Knight and he was also a student at the University.
(soooo thats really it then ^^' was it good? btw if anythings out let me know so I can edit it)
((It was good, yes. @ZenithDragon))

The investigators outside the Art Gallery turned towards the young man approaching. They were busy at work, and didn't feel like being hassled by an outsider today.

"Young man, a murder just happened here." The investigator that spoke was an older human male, about fifty, who stared down the young man intimidatingly.

The other investigators were busy in the background, gathering evidence for the case and sealing off the area around the body.

The old man continued, "If you're looking to see artwork, you're out of luck. The owners closed shop until this is solved."
((It was good, yes. @ZenithDragon))

The investigators outside the Art Gallery turned towards the young man approaching. They were busy at work, and didn't feel like being hassled by an outsider today.

"Young man, a murder just happened here." The investigator that spoke was an older human male, about fifty, who stared down the young man intimidatingly.

The other investigators were busy in the background, gathering evidence for the case and sealing off the area around the body.

The old man continued, "If you're looking to see artwork, you're out of luck. The owners closed shop until this is solved."
"I know I heard." Erik responded "And," He cleared his throat hoping to sound professional "I would like to try and help solve the murder." If they wouldn't accept his help....he decided he'd investigate the matter himself....though that would be much more difficult.
"I know I heard." Erik responded "And," He cleared his throat hoping to sound professional "I would like to try and help solve the murder." If they wouldn't accept his help....he decided he'd investigate the matter himself....though that would be much more difficult.

The old detective burst out laughing, "You, kid? Hey, everybody, get a load of this."

The other detectives stopped working to join in the mocking laughter, pointing at the young man. The laughter soon died down, though, and they continued their work.

"Listen, you need to go to college for forensics. You can't just watch TV and expect to know everything."

The old detective burst out laughing, "You, kid? Hey, everybody, get a load of this."

The other detectives stopped working to join in the mocking laughter, pointing at the young man. The laughter soon died down, though, and they continued their work.

"Listen, you need to go to college for forensics. You can't just watch TV and expect to know everything."
Well it doesn't exactly look like they've gotten anywhere, and they already graduated He thought rolling his eyes. He didn't say it though because he knew it was a longshot offering his help. Ok, so he wasn't the most qualified person to come in and solve the case. He could still do something. He looked at the dead girl. Why her though... He knew very few murders were done without a cause. "Alright then." He said turning to leave, realizing they wouldn't accept his help. He would have to work alone (unless he has friends) to solve this....and it just got much harder.
Well it doesn't exactly look like they've gotten anywhere, and they already graduated He thought rolling his eyes. He didn't say it though because he knew it was a longshot offering his help. Ok, so he wasn't the most qualified person to come in and solve the case. He could still do something. He looked at the dead girl. Why her though... He knew very few murders were done without a cause. "Alright then." He said turning to leave, realizing they wouldn't accept his help. He would have to work alone (unless he has friends) to solve this....and it just got much harder.

Back at the Regenstadt University library, a blond Arctic Alopeid read a book about forensics. He had a final coming up in a week, so he was hard at work studying.

"I pray to Percival that the test is easy", he uttered before he resumed reading.

This young man's name was Thomas, and he was of the Arrow clan judging by his telltale freckles and 5'1" stature.

Back at the Regenstadt University library, a blond Arctic Alopeid read a book about forensics. He had a final coming up in a week, so he was hard at work studying.

"I pray to Percival that the test is easy", he uttered before he resumed reading.

This young man's name was Thomas, and he was of the Arrow clan judging by his telltale freckles and 5'1" stature.
Erik entered the University's library. Before he could do anything, he needed to find out more about the dead girl. All he knew so far was that she, like him, was a student at the University. He had decided he would ask the librarian if she had seen her around here and if anyone was with her. He still needed to establish at least one suspect before any more progress could be made. "Hello." He said to the librarian.
Erik entered the University's library. Before he could do anything, he needed to find out more about the dead girl. All he knew so far was that she, like him, was a student at the University. He had decided he would ask the librarian if she had seen her around here and if anyone was with her. He still needed to establish at least one suspect before any more progress could be made. "Hello." He said to the librarian.
The librarian gave a curt nod, "What can I help you with today?"

For a librarian, especially one with such laconic interactions with others, she still managed to be awfully nice. Her black hair was pulled up in a bun held together with a scrunchy, and her dark skin was free of blemishes. She was a Desert Alopeid, her ears extremely large.
The librarian gave a curt nod, "What can I help you with today?"

For a librarian, especially one with such laconic interactions with others, she still managed to be awfully nice. Her black hair was pulled up in a bun held together with a scrunchy, and her dark skin was free of blemishes. She was a Desert Alopeid, her ears extremely large.
"I was wondering if you knew anything about Risa Aldrig." Erik said. He hoped the librarian wouldn't ask why. He already got laughed at by the police and detectives. He'd rather not reveal his intentions to her.....although a small lie would help if necessary.
"I was wondering if you knew anything about Risa Aldrig." Erik said. He hoped the librarian wouldn't ask why. He already got laughed at by the police and detectives. He'd rather not reveal his intentions to her.....although a small lie would help if necessary.
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