

Tell stories and roleplay in the world of Flight Rising.
TOPIC | Chaos Dragon Rolplay
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((@ZeraLintarii Is it okay that Karel is higher-levelled in-RP?

Karel simply shook the Shadow Bolt off, nothing he hadn't faced before. He roared, diving towards Steve, who side-stepped. The Spiral crashed nose-first into the sand, undeterred by the slight injuries. He started drooling the black substance until it formed a large puddle soaking into the sand.

Steve attempted a Zephyr Bolt, but it was again shaken off. Karel snickered, raising his claws to the two.

"It'd be best if we all left before they infect us", he thought out loud.
((@ZeraLintarii Is it okay that Karel is higher-levelled in-RP?

Karel simply shook the Shadow Bolt off, nothing he hadn't faced before. He roared, diving towards Steve, who side-stepped. The Spiral crashed nose-first into the sand, undeterred by the slight injuries. He started drooling the black substance until it formed a large puddle soaking into the sand.

Steve attempted a Zephyr Bolt, but it was again shaken off. Karel snickered, raising his claws to the two.

"It'd be best if we all left before they infect us", he thought out loud.
(( @Raedwulf What level is Karel in the RP? Isn't steve a wind dragon??? My OCD is getting out of hand.))
(( @Raedwulf What level is Karel in the RP? Isn't steve a wind dragon??? My OCD is getting out of hand.))
((@ZeraLintarii Yeah, Steve's a Wind dragon, though I keep thinking he's Nature for some reason I can't quite understand. Karel is about level 9 in-RP.))
((@ZeraLintarii Yeah, Steve's a Wind dragon, though I keep thinking he's Nature for some reason I can't quite understand. Karel is about level 9 in-RP.))
((@ZeraLintarii, you know i really hate doing rps online becuz i suck at them. Whats a mary sue?i don't have much pratice in rps but i'll try to fix it *sigh* i knew i was going to have to change it. :[ ))
((@ZeraLintarii, you know i really hate doing rps online becuz i suck at them. Whats a mary sue?i don't have much pratice in rps but i'll try to fix it *sigh* i knew i was going to have to change it. :[ ))

Riza crawled up on Sola's back and wrapped her front paws around her sister's torso. "I-I'm ready," Riza whimpered.

Looking at the two male Fae's she yelled, "Forget attacking! Let's go! And don't fly! It'll make you easier to catch!" She turned waiting for them to follow her. Although she didn't know them, she didn't want to see anymore deaths.

(( @BlackRose11a Don't be so hard on yourself. C: You're pretty good. Just gotta practice. I started RPing not too long ago too. I'm still working on getting better at it. ))

Riza crawled up on Sola's back and wrapped her front paws around her sister's torso. "I-I'm ready," Riza whimpered.

Looking at the two male Fae's she yelled, "Forget attacking! Let's go! And don't fly! It'll make you easier to catch!" She turned waiting for them to follow her. Although she didn't know them, she didn't want to see anymore deaths.

(( @BlackRose11a Don't be so hard on yourself. C: You're pretty good. Just gotta practice. I started RPing not too long ago too. I'm still working on getting better at it. ))
((@Raksha18, i know i shouldn't but i do it any way. for some reason i like to be hard on myself. :? i'm gonna try again but no way am i doing it tonight. i wouldn't let my self finish))
((@Raksha18, i know i shouldn't but i do it any way. for some reason i like to be hard on myself. :? i'm gonna try again but no way am i doing it tonight. i wouldn't let my self finish))
((@BlackRose11a It you like to be hard on yourself then that can be a good thing sometimes. Just let it motivate you to be better. The only reason I considered your character to be a mary sue is because it was cured of the corruption. There is no cure for the corruption. (At least for now) Also, like Raksha said, practice makes perfect. I am also new to Rping as well. I do write as a hobby so that may have improved my skills. Try reading the guide to Rp i mentioned in the third post. It's really helpful.))

Kai flew away, towards his brothers, staying clear of the spiral. "Don't try to fight them!" He screamed, flying close to the ground. "Just run!"

His brothers obeyed, but ran instead of flew. Kai looked at the guardian behind them. It was gaining on them. The shadow fae prepared a dark bolt, using the elemental energy in the area to boost his power. He turned in mid air and threw it at the guardian, before diving and flipping back towards his fleeing brothers. Hopefully the attack at least slowed down the guardian.

((@BlackRose11a It you like to be hard on yourself then that can be a good thing sometimes. Just let it motivate you to be better. The only reason I considered your character to be a mary sue is because it was cured of the corruption. There is no cure for the corruption. (At least for now) Also, like Raksha said, practice makes perfect. I am also new to Rping as well. I do write as a hobby so that may have improved my skills. Try reading the guide to Rp i mentioned in the third post. It's really helpful.))

Kai flew away, towards his brothers, staying clear of the spiral. "Don't try to fight them!" He screamed, flying close to the ground. "Just run!"

His brothers obeyed, but ran instead of flew. Kai looked at the guardian behind them. It was gaining on them. The shadow fae prepared a dark bolt, using the elemental energy in the area to boost his power. He turned in mid air and threw it at the guardian, before diving and flipping back towards his fleeing brothers. Hopefully the attack at least slowed down the guardian.


Steve nodded, "Wait for me." He took off, Reinhild carried on his back. He zigged, zagged, and sped through the air faster than he'd ever had. Karel sped right behind Steve and Reinhild, his spindly body maneuvering through the trees with ease.

Steve nodded, "Wait for me." He took off, Reinhild carried on his back. He zigged, zagged, and sped through the air faster than he'd ever had. Karel sped right behind Steve and Reinhild, his spindly body maneuvering through the trees with ease.
Sola was agitated, seeing the flimsy branch of a tree she launched for it. At least she could try to slow the Guardian. She grabbed the heavy, but flexible branch in her claws. She slung it around the tree as far as she could and waited for the rampaging dragon to get close. When he was close enough, she released the branch and flew to the ground. When her claws hit the ground she took off running after the others. She was now way behind them and she hoped her legs wouldn't fail her as she heard the branch (hopefully) hit the Guardian with a loud splintering noise. She ran for the Fae's in front of her, she was gaining on them.

Sola was agitated, seeing the flimsy branch of a tree she launched for it. At least she could try to slow the Guardian. She grabbed the heavy, but flexible branch in her claws. She slung it around the tree as far as she could and waited for the rampaging dragon to get close. When he was close enough, she released the branch and flew to the ground. When her claws hit the ground she took off running after the others. She was now way behind them and she hoped her legs wouldn't fail her as she heard the branch (hopefully) hit the Guardian with a loud splintering noise. She ran for the Fae's in front of her, she was gaining on them.

((Ok, im back. I'll try to keep up :P))


She continued to run. But at least this time she wasn't alone, so that was a plus... Right?

'NO! Don't think, just run!' She thought quickly to herself. There was no way that she would die today. Not after coming so far by herself.


Sea continued to face the onslaught of the pure ones. None of the elemental attacks actually caused any damage, but they did startle him a little bit, and slow him down slightly. He was still bigger and faster than them, so catching up on foot was not hard.

That is, until the branch.

The branch came flying towards him and smacked him in the chest, causing him to stumble and fall over. This only made the whispers loader and more commanding, and Sea continued to grow enraged.

He got up onto his feet and ran, flapping his wings in an attempt to fly.

And fly he did.
But a Flying guardian with no control and a lot of weight means that speed builds faster than they can stop themselves, so crash landing was the only option.

So Sea made sure to make it count, and spiraled back down to hopefully intercept his prey.
((Ok, im back. I'll try to keep up :P))


She continued to run. But at least this time she wasn't alone, so that was a plus... Right?

'NO! Don't think, just run!' She thought quickly to herself. There was no way that she would die today. Not after coming so far by herself.


Sea continued to face the onslaught of the pure ones. None of the elemental attacks actually caused any damage, but they did startle him a little bit, and slow him down slightly. He was still bigger and faster than them, so catching up on foot was not hard.

That is, until the branch.

The branch came flying towards him and smacked him in the chest, causing him to stumble and fall over. This only made the whispers loader and more commanding, and Sea continued to grow enraged.

He got up onto his feet and ran, flapping his wings in an attempt to fly.

And fly he did.
But a Flying guardian with no control and a lot of weight means that speed builds faster than they can stop themselves, so crash landing was the only option.

So Sea made sure to make it count, and spiraled back down to hopefully intercept his prey.
S E C O N D U N I T #18925

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