

Tell stories and roleplay in the world of Flight Rising.
TOPIC | Chaos Dragon Rolplay
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Oh no! No no no! NO!

The sight of Karel, oozing the black substance from his mouth, was something they didn't want to see. How could it happen to him, of all dragons? Why here? They thought that they were safe in the Southern Icefield, that it wouldn't even reach them, but now one of the Corrupted was in their cave. Mistakenly thinking the disease couldn't survive in the cold was something most of the Raedwulf clan wouldn't live to learn from.

It turned out, Karel had picked up the infection from hunting. The animals of the Frigid Floes were too delicious for the hungry dragon to resist, even when they were covered in suspicious goop. The black substance oozed out of teeth marks he'd made in the carcass, slipping into his hungry maw along with the elk's blood. It took no more than a day for him to lose his mind, what he originally had that passed as a mind, anyway.

Kedehern and Max already vacated the lair, as did Mina and Svenja. Benjamin, Mava, Scott, and the others tried to kill Karel to stop the spread, but only fell dead or infected themselves. The only two left in the lair alive and uncorrupt were Steve and Reinhild, the new arrivals. Karel's tenacious pursuit of them saw them banished from the Southern Icefield, their home.

"I'm hungry", Reinhild groaned.

"I know, there's not much we can do about that right now. We'll reach the Tangled Wood soon, and we'll find something there. Hopefully none of the stuff's gotten there yet", Steve replied. The Tundra's wings spread themselves again; alternation between running and flying allowed him to go further than normal, especially with the little Guardian on his back. Going through the Ashfall Wastes overheated him to the point of nearly succumbing to it, but he'd managed to get himself out of there before long.

"Steve, promise you'll never leave my side."

"I promise, Reinhild."


Karel had managed to follow the duo into the Ashfall Wastes, yet managed to lose them quickly. He'd never lost prey before, especially not prey this big. He sighed, turning towards other dragons in the area. He could smell the pure, uninfected inhabitants of a nearby village. They would be his prey if he couldn't find the remaining Raedwulfs.
Oh no! No no no! NO!

The sight of Karel, oozing the black substance from his mouth, was something they didn't want to see. How could it happen to him, of all dragons? Why here? They thought that they were safe in the Southern Icefield, that it wouldn't even reach them, but now one of the Corrupted was in their cave. Mistakenly thinking the disease couldn't survive in the cold was something most of the Raedwulf clan wouldn't live to learn from.

It turned out, Karel had picked up the infection from hunting. The animals of the Frigid Floes were too delicious for the hungry dragon to resist, even when they were covered in suspicious goop. The black substance oozed out of teeth marks he'd made in the carcass, slipping into his hungry maw along with the elk's blood. It took no more than a day for him to lose his mind, what he originally had that passed as a mind, anyway.

Kedehern and Max already vacated the lair, as did Mina and Svenja. Benjamin, Mava, Scott, and the others tried to kill Karel to stop the spread, but only fell dead or infected themselves. The only two left in the lair alive and uncorrupt were Steve and Reinhild, the new arrivals. Karel's tenacious pursuit of them saw them banished from the Southern Icefield, their home.

"I'm hungry", Reinhild groaned.

"I know, there's not much we can do about that right now. We'll reach the Tangled Wood soon, and we'll find something there. Hopefully none of the stuff's gotten there yet", Steve replied. The Tundra's wings spread themselves again; alternation between running and flying allowed him to go further than normal, especially with the little Guardian on his back. Going through the Ashfall Wastes overheated him to the point of nearly succumbing to it, but he'd managed to get himself out of there before long.

"Steve, promise you'll never leave my side."

"I promise, Reinhild."


Karel had managed to follow the duo into the Ashfall Wastes, yet managed to lose them quickly. He'd never lost prey before, especially not prey this big. He sighed, turning towards other dragons in the area. He could smell the pure, uninfected inhabitants of a nearby village. They would be his prey if he couldn't find the remaining Raedwulfs.
((Sorry. I fell of the face of the earth a little bit ago and I just came back. I'll revise it.))

Calley padded across the land in search for more food. She sniffed the air, looking left and right, hoping to catch the sweet scent of berries in the air. She smiled sweetly and continued on with her journey for food.

Nyla went at a steady trot. Azula was asleep on her back and she didn't want to wake her, but she didn't want to stay in one place either. She swore under her breath as she stepped on a sharp rock and continued onward. She wanted to find others. She didn't want to be alone. She suddenly took flight into the air. The ground was suffocating her. She started to panic a little, wondering if she dropped Azula.
((Sorry. I fell of the face of the earth a little bit ago and I just came back. I'll revise it.))

Calley padded across the land in search for more food. She sniffed the air, looking left and right, hoping to catch the sweet scent of berries in the air. She smiled sweetly and continued on with her journey for food.

Nyla went at a steady trot. Azula was asleep on her back and she didn't want to wake her, but she didn't want to stay in one place either. She swore under her breath as she stepped on a sharp rock and continued onward. She wanted to find others. She didn't want to be alone. She suddenly took flight into the air. The ground was suffocating her. She started to panic a little, wondering if she dropped Azula.
Currently: Offline

Final Fantasy Hatchery
The Mint Teacup||Digital and Traditional Art
Sola continued to run, she needed to get as far away as she could. She didn't notice the Fae flying behind her, until he landed in front of her that is. She tried to skid to a stop but her claws were so raw she ended up tripping and crashing to the ground. Little Riza was thrown from her sister's back and rolled to a stop a few feet away from Sola. Sola shook, she had to get out of here. She tried to stand but ended up collapsing. This is it, she thought. They'll catch us and kill us.. She let out a feeble whimper as she struggled to stand.

Riza recovered from her fall and ran to Sola's side. She hissed at the other Fae. She would protect her sister with her life. After all, Sola is doing the same for her. "Stay away!" she hissed again and fanned out her crests. Then she puffed up her chests and stretched out her wings to look bigger.

Sola continued to run, she needed to get as far away as she could. She didn't notice the Fae flying behind her, until he landed in front of her that is. She tried to skid to a stop but her claws were so raw she ended up tripping and crashing to the ground. Little Riza was thrown from her sister's back and rolled to a stop a few feet away from Sola. Sola shook, she had to get out of here. She tried to stand but ended up collapsing. This is it, she thought. They'll catch us and kill us.. She let out a feeble whimper as she struggled to stand.

Riza recovered from her fall and ran to Sola's side. She hissed at the other Fae. She would protect her sister with her life. After all, Sola is doing the same for her. "Stay away!" she hissed again and fanned out her crests. Then she puffed up her chests and stretched out her wings to look bigger.

As Stark got closer, he realized that it was a small fae, with a smaller one clinging onto it's back. It tried to stop it seemed, but only tripped and crashed to the ground. The smaller fae, which had stone wings, tumbled off. The larger fae, with gold wings, seemed to be struggling to stand. Nikraw approached them slowly, and the stone-winged fae ran in front of the larger one, spreading it's wings out and fanning out it's crests. This didn't do much for it, for it didn't look much larger. Nikraw only approached the small fae, seeming to hesitate when it fanned out it's wings. He then fanned out his own, blocking any light from shining upon the small form.

Stark watched in horror, before diving down to join them. Please don't do anything you'll regret...

Stark knew that Nikraw probably didn't have intentions to hurt the smaller fae, or the bigger one for that matter, but the next thing he did was so stupid, that Stark facepalmed in mid-flight.

Nikraw grabbed the poor fae by the tail.


You idiot.
As Stark got closer, he realized that it was a small fae, with a smaller one clinging onto it's back. It tried to stop it seemed, but only tripped and crashed to the ground. The smaller fae, which had stone wings, tumbled off. The larger fae, with gold wings, seemed to be struggling to stand. Nikraw approached them slowly, and the stone-winged fae ran in front of the larger one, spreading it's wings out and fanning out it's crests. This didn't do much for it, for it didn't look much larger. Nikraw only approached the small fae, seeming to hesitate when it fanned out it's wings. He then fanned out his own, blocking any light from shining upon the small form.

Stark watched in horror, before diving down to join them. Please don't do anything you'll regret...

Stark knew that Nikraw probably didn't have intentions to hurt the smaller fae, or the bigger one for that matter, but the next thing he did was so stupid, that Stark facepalmed in mid-flight.

Nikraw grabbed the poor fae by the tail.


You idiot.
When the strange Fae fanned out his wings Riza stood her ground and hissed again, warning the male that she wouldn't hesitate to attack.

Then the Fae reached out and before she could react he grabbed ahold of her tail. Her mind spun, and all the pent up rage she'd had as a result of losing almost all of her family reared it's ugly head upon this strange Fae. She screeched and slashed at the male with teeth and claws. Since she was too young to learn magic, she'd taken to physical blows. Flailing her wings, she hit at him with them repeatedly and hissed. How dare you! she raged in her mind. I'll make sure you regret getting close to us! She screeched again and repeated her attacks.

Sola couldn't see or hear what was going on. Her fall had caused her to smack her head pretty hard. She wavered between unconsciousness and semiconsciousness. Laying on the ground nearly unconscious, she whimpered and began to shake. Instinctively she curled herself into a ball and shivered. Then, she fell motionless as she completely blacked out.

When the strange Fae fanned out his wings Riza stood her ground and hissed again, warning the male that she wouldn't hesitate to attack.

Then the Fae reached out and before she could react he grabbed ahold of her tail. Her mind spun, and all the pent up rage she'd had as a result of losing almost all of her family reared it's ugly head upon this strange Fae. She screeched and slashed at the male with teeth and claws. Since she was too young to learn magic, she'd taken to physical blows. Flailing her wings, she hit at him with them repeatedly and hissed. How dare you! she raged in her mind. I'll make sure you regret getting close to us! She screeched again and repeated her attacks.

Sola couldn't see or hear what was going on. Her fall had caused her to smack her head pretty hard. She wavered between unconsciousness and semiconsciousness. Laying on the ground nearly unconscious, she whimpered and began to shake. Instinctively she curled herself into a ball and shivered. Then, she fell motionless as she completely blacked out.

When he grabbed on to her tail, the hatchling jumped on him and started to claw and bite him. Nikraw couldn't say that this was unexpected, but he was surprised at the ferocity of the fae's attacks. He let go of the hatchling and tried to get her off, and heard a soft thump near him. Too busy to worry about that, he focused on getting his attacker off of him, even though she wasn't doing much damage.


Stark landed next to the fighting pair, and snickered a little. He noticed that the larger fae behind them looked very weak, but had no injuries. Why was a fae running anyway? Ignoring the pair of fighting dragons behind him (if you could call that a fight), he walked over to the larger fae. She was still trying to get up, but was whimpering and shaking. She then lay still, seemingly unconscious. Stark had gotten a glimpse of her eyes, and seeing that she was of the Light flight, both surprised and calmed him. He could help her easily, and wouldn't be overpowered if it led to a fight, but what was a Light dragon doing in the Tangled Wood?

He began to form a small orb of magic. It was small and greenish, but had a small glowing yellow orb in the center. It would take a few minutes for it to be perfect, but at least it wasn't unstable.


Kai watched the group on the beach, they all were too far away for him to see clearly, but he saw something white and small attach itself to a larger black form. He snickered at this, before creating a small orb of energy in his claws. He opened the chest, pulling out a few insects. He closed the chest and began to eat them, looking at the clouds in the sky. A small black dot was hovering in the air, but it was too far away for him to see.

Strange. He watched it intently, and the form started to grow in size. He stared. Another dragon? Why?

When he grabbed on to her tail, the hatchling jumped on him and started to claw and bite him. Nikraw couldn't say that this was unexpected, but he was surprised at the ferocity of the fae's attacks. He let go of the hatchling and tried to get her off, and heard a soft thump near him. Too busy to worry about that, he focused on getting his attacker off of him, even though she wasn't doing much damage.


Stark landed next to the fighting pair, and snickered a little. He noticed that the larger fae behind them looked very weak, but had no injuries. Why was a fae running anyway? Ignoring the pair of fighting dragons behind him (if you could call that a fight), he walked over to the larger fae. She was still trying to get up, but was whimpering and shaking. She then lay still, seemingly unconscious. Stark had gotten a glimpse of her eyes, and seeing that she was of the Light flight, both surprised and calmed him. He could help her easily, and wouldn't be overpowered if it led to a fight, but what was a Light dragon doing in the Tangled Wood?

He began to form a small orb of magic. It was small and greenish, but had a small glowing yellow orb in the center. It would take a few minutes for it to be perfect, but at least it wasn't unstable.


Kai watched the group on the beach, they all were too far away for him to see clearly, but he saw something white and small attach itself to a larger black form. He snickered at this, before creating a small orb of energy in his claws. He opened the chest, pulling out a few insects. He closed the chest and began to eat them, looking at the clouds in the sky. A small black dot was hovering in the air, but it was too far away for him to see.

Strange. He watched it intently, and the form started to grow in size. He stared. Another dragon? Why?


Steve saw something on a beach, which started to come closer into view. Another dragon, perhaps uncorrupt. He hovered over the beach, looking towards the Fae. He was suspicious of the creature, so he decided to keep his distance.

"Can you help me? My clanmate's hungry."

The small hatchling on his back, Reinhild, crawled on top of Steve's head.

Steve saw something on a beach, which started to come closer into view. Another dragon, perhaps uncorrupt. He hovered over the beach, looking towards the Fae. He was suspicious of the creature, so he decided to keep his distance.

"Can you help me? My clanmate's hungry."

The small hatchling on his back, Reinhild, crawled on top of Steve's head.

Kai blinked, confused. A large tundra was flying towards the wood. It stopped to hover above him, staring. The tundra was a male, and fairly large. "Can you help me? My clanmate's hungry." It asked, staring at him. A small guardian climbed on top of it's head, staring down at him. Kai pondered helping them, as he was alone. What if this dragon decided to attack? But the tundra did have a hatchling with him, so Kai knew that his request had to be true.

He reopened the chest that he had just opened, beginning to pull out some small insects. He recognized the dragon atop the tundra's head to he a guardian. Leader had once told him about how guardians were able to eat any food, but preferred meat over anything else. "I only have insects. Will that work for you?"

Kai blinked, confused. A large tundra was flying towards the wood. It stopped to hover above him, staring. The tundra was a male, and fairly large. "Can you help me? My clanmate's hungry." It asked, staring at him. A small guardian climbed on top of it's head, staring down at him. Kai pondered helping them, as he was alone. What if this dragon decided to attack? But the tundra did have a hatchling with him, so Kai knew that his request had to be true.

He reopened the chest that he had just opened, beginning to pull out some small insects. He recognized the dragon atop the tundra's head to he a guardian. Leader had once told him about how guardians were able to eat any food, but preferred meat over anything else. "I only have insects. Will that work for you?"
The Fae seemed nice enough to Steve. He'd recognized some of the insects that the smaller dragon started pulling from the chest, and was hopeful that it would be enough for the hatchling, who was already growing too big to ride on him for much longer. He had to stifle a small laugh when he thought of that.

Reinhild nodded enthusiastically, "What kind of insects do ya got?"

"Mind you manners", Steve chided. He'd taught the young hatchling manners, since her father wasn't too willing to do so himself. He didn't mind; this was his future mate, and he didn't want her ending up like her psycho father.

"Okay. I'll have a few insects please, and I don't care what kind."

The Fae seemed nice enough to Steve. He'd recognized some of the insects that the smaller dragon started pulling from the chest, and was hopeful that it would be enough for the hatchling, who was already growing too big to ride on him for much longer. He had to stifle a small laugh when he thought of that.

Reinhild nodded enthusiastically, "What kind of insects do ya got?"

"Mind you manners", Steve chided. He'd taught the young hatchling manners, since her father wasn't too willing to do so himself. He didn't mind; this was his future mate, and he didn't want her ending up like her psycho father.

"Okay. I'll have a few insects please, and I don't care what kind."


Kai pulled out a bunch of Albino Dashers and Wasteland Paupers. Some of them had died, others still moving. He placed them in a small pile next to him. There were about 20 insects in the pile, what he once considered a feast as a hatchling. He sighed, closed the chest, and jumped on top of it.

Kai pulled out a bunch of Albino Dashers and Wasteland Paupers. Some of them had died, others still moving. He placed them in a small pile next to him. There were about 20 insects in the pile, what he once considered a feast as a hatchling. He sighed, closed the chest, and jumped on top of it.
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