

Tell stories and roleplay in the world of Flight Rising.
TOPIC | Chaos Dragon Rolplay
This thread is for roleplaying only. The applications to join this RP are being accepted here.

There is evidence that the shade was slain, but what about it's remains? What if touching these remains drains the unlucky dragons of their magical stores, and destroys them, leaving only the urge to drain other dragons and spread the chaos?

There are two types of dragons, the pure, and the corrupted. Pure dragons are those who have not been exposed to the chaos, and the corrupted are the dragons who have. They would be slowly consumed by the urge to corrupt. Dragons who have been corrupted directly (coming into contact w/substance) lose themselves within one day, other dragons (through battling, contact with the corrupted) within 3.

Corrupted dragons still retain the strengths and weaknesses of their original flight. They constantly cough up a black gunk, have no magical/elemental energy or ability to control any, their eyes turn black and the substance is infused with their blood.

Familiars are allowed, but are still able to be corrupted. Non-elemental familiars can be potential carriers, while corrupted elemental familiars attack anything magical they see/sense.
This thread is for roleplaying only. The applications to join this RP are being accepted here.

There is evidence that the shade was slain, but what about it's remains? What if touching these remains drains the unlucky dragons of their magical stores, and destroys them, leaving only the urge to drain other dragons and spread the chaos?

There are two types of dragons, the pure, and the corrupted. Pure dragons are those who have not been exposed to the chaos, and the corrupted are the dragons who have. They would be slowly consumed by the urge to corrupt. Dragons who have been corrupted directly (coming into contact w/substance) lose themselves within one day, other dragons (through battling, contact with the corrupted) within 3.

Corrupted dragons still retain the strengths and weaknesses of their original flight. They constantly cough up a black gunk, have no magical/elemental energy or ability to control any, their eyes turn black and the substance is infused with their blood.

Familiars are allowed, but are still able to be corrupted. Non-elemental familiars can be potential carriers, while corrupted elemental familiars attack anything magical they see/sense.
[quote][center]@CyanScorpion Name of Dragon: Azula Gender of Dragon: Femme Dragon's Species: Fae Type: Pure Personality: Sweet, bubbly little kid who is easily scared. She is aged 5 Flight: Light Companions/Allies: Nyla Name of Dragon: Nyla Gender of Dragon: Femme Dragon's Species: Mirror Type: Pure Personality: Ferocious and cautious. Stubborn. Generally a hard nut to crack. Flight: Light Companions/Allies: Azula Name of Dragon: Calley Gender of Dragon: Femme Dragon's Species: Tundra Type: Corrupted Personality: Really sweet and caring How Corrupted: In the forest, searching for food. She ate something that had the substance on it. Flight: Light Companions/Allies: None [/center][/quote] [quote][center]@Wolfenlied Name of Dragon: A Snow's Surprise (SnowySuprise, don't ask about the change of the name ^^;) Gender of Dragon: Female Dragon's Species: Mirror Type: Pure Personality: Being a hatchling, she had a fairly normal upbringing in her Nature Flight home. A substance soon began to appear across their cave, and her parents became corrupted. She did not however, but she wished she could still be with her family. She wanders around alone, getting lucky and staying alive. Flight: Nature Companions/Allies: Currently None Name of Dragon: A Sea's Wings (SeaWings) Gender of Dragon: Male Dragon's Species: Guardian Type: Corrupted Personality: He grew up in the Plaguelands, but soon returned to his homeland in the Shifting expanse. He worked hard under Stormcatcher, quickly rising among the ranks on the development team. He was trying to help out a fellow scientist when he ran into a strange substance covering a failed project. He attempted to remove the Strange thing, but soon became overpowered by it. In just a few hours he began to go insane, and within a day he could no longer control his actions and began to attack other scientists. He now wanders aimlessly, only thinking about the corruption. He still carries around his dead friends body, for no reason at all. Flight: Lightning Companions/Allies: Currently None [/center][/quote] [quote][center]@ZeraLintarii Name of Dragon: Kai Gender of Dragon: Male Dragon's Species: Fae Type: Pure Personality: Shy, quiet, but can be brave and protective if he wants to. He is easily scared by bigger dragons, or things that he doesn't understand. He fears the plague, because a crazed plague mirror once tormented him as a hatchling. He will fight alongside Stark, but prefers strategy over strength. He also prefers to flee half the time. Flight: Shadow Companions/Allies: Stark (Brother/Best Friend) Nikraw (Brother/Best Friend) Name of Dragon: Stark Gender of Dragon: Male Dragon's Species: Fae Type: Pure Personality: Outgoing, lively, adventurous, and is overly protective of Kai. He usually jumps headfirst into a situation, but uses his wits and skills to get out of trouble. This only works half the time. Flight: Light Companions/Allies: Kai (Brother/Best Friend) Nikraw (Brother/Best Friend) Name of Dragon: Nikraw Gender of Dragon: Male Dragon's Species: Fae Type: Pure Personality: Because he was kicked out of his original clan, He was adopted by a few shadow dragons. He can be aggresive at the worst of times, and often bullies Kai into doing his work for him. In a fight however, he is reliable. Flight: Plague Companions/Allies: Kai (Brother/Best Friend), Stark (Brother/Best Friend) [/center][/quote] [quote][center]@Raksha18 Name of Dragon: Riza Gender of Dragon: Female Age: Hatchling Dragon's Species: Fae Type: Pure Personality: Bold, hot headed, and strong willed. She shows promise with fighting when she gets older. Flight: Light Companions/Allies: Sola Name of Dragon: Oni Gender of Dragon: Male Age: Young Adult Dragon's species: Mirror Type: Corrupted Personality: Oni is very hard headed and rude. He has spurts of bloodlust where he will go and hunt for hours, and sometimes days depending on how bad the spurt is. Flight: Plague (lives in Light) Companions/Allies: None [/center][/quote] [quote][center]@Raedwulf Name of Dragon: Reinhild Gender of Dragon: Female Dragon's Species: Guardian Type: Pure Personality: Tenacious, stubborn. Is a scrapper, and will defend herself and her friends to the end. Has very little empathy or tact, and is considered a know-it-all by fellow dragons. Is trusting, good-natured, and possibly a little gullible. If corrupted, how: N/A Flight: Ice Companions/Allies: Steve Name of Dragon: Steve Gender of Dragon: Male Dragon's Species: Tundra Type: Pure Personality: Not book or street smart, extremely respectful, optimistic, and cheerful. Calm, cool demeanor, and not easily riled up. Doesn't like to see people suffer. Modest to a fault. Loves food. If corrupted, how: N/A Flight: Wind Companions/Allies: Reinhild Name of Dragon: Karel Gender of Dragon: Male Dragon's Species: Spiral Type: Corrupted Personality: Egotistical, looks down upon others unless they have something he wants, sadistic, conniving, highly intelligent both book and street-wise, "Nothing ventured, nothing gained" type, always eager to fight and lead. If corrupted, how: Came into contact with the substance when hunting in the Shifting Expanse. "Nothing venured, nothing gained", he thought before the substance took him. Flight: Lightning Companions/Allies: None [/center][/quote] [quote][center]@BlackRose11a Name of Dragon:LunaStar Gender of Dragon: Female Dragon's Species: fae Type: Pure Personality: she goes on warrior instinct and intellect alone and relies on her pure strength to get things done. she doesn't like to cry or show weakness. The outside may apear hard but she is soft hearted on the inside. Flight: Fire Companions/Allies: Whiteriver Name of Dragon: WhiteRiver Gender of Dragon: female Dragon's Species: fae Type: Pure Personality: even though she is an excelent fighter, she never saw fighting as a honorable thing to do. She learned only fight when any good soul is threatened. Like her name, she is free-going and likes going with the flow. she loves her family and will comfort them when they need her. She follows her mother's modo; Love, Acceptence, Family. Flight: Nature Companions/Allies: LunaStar[/center][/quote] [b]BIOS ARE CURRENTLY IN THE PROCESS OF BEING EDITED. [/b]

Name of Dragon: Azula
Gender of Dragon: Femme
Dragon's Species: Fae
Type: Pure
Personality: Sweet, bubbly little kid who is easily scared. She is aged 5
Flight: Light
Companions/Allies: Nyla

Name of Dragon: Nyla
Gender of Dragon: Femme
Dragon's Species: Mirror
Type: Pure
Personality: Ferocious and cautious. Stubborn. Generally a hard nut to crack.
Flight: Light
Companions/Allies: Azula

Name of Dragon: Calley
Gender of Dragon: Femme
Dragon's Species: Tundra
Type: Corrupted
Personality: Really sweet and caring
How Corrupted: In the forest, searching for food. She ate something that had the substance on it.
Flight: Light
Companions/Allies: None


Name of Dragon: A Snow's Surprise (SnowySuprise, don't ask about the change of the name ^^;)
Gender of Dragon: Female
Dragon's Species: Mirror
Type: Pure
Personality: Being a hatchling, she had a fairly normal upbringing in her Nature Flight home. A substance soon began to appear across their cave, and her parents became corrupted. She did not however, but she wished she could still be with her family. She wanders around alone, getting lucky and staying alive.
Flight: Nature
Companions/Allies: Currently None

Name of Dragon: A Sea's Wings (SeaWings)
Gender of Dragon: Male
Dragon's Species: Guardian
Type: Corrupted
Personality: He grew up in the Plaguelands, but soon returned to his homeland in the Shifting expanse. He worked hard under Stormcatcher, quickly rising among the ranks on the development team. He was trying to help out a fellow scientist when he ran into a strange substance covering a failed project. He attempted to remove the Strange thing, but soon became overpowered by it. In just a few hours he began to go insane, and within a day he could no longer control his actions and began to attack other scientists. He now wanders aimlessly, only thinking about the corruption. He still carries around his dead friends body, for no reason at all.
Flight: Lightning
Companions/Allies: Currently None


Name of Dragon: Kai
Gender of Dragon: Male
Dragon's Species: Fae
Type: Pure
Personality: Shy, quiet, but can be brave and protective if he wants to. He is easily scared by bigger dragons, or things that he doesn't understand. He fears the plague, because a crazed plague mirror once tormented him as a hatchling. He will fight alongside Stark, but prefers strategy over strength. He also prefers to flee half the time.
Flight: Shadow
Companions/Allies: Stark (Brother/Best Friend) Nikraw (Brother/Best Friend)

Name of Dragon: Stark
Gender of Dragon: Male
Dragon's Species: Fae
Type: Pure
Personality: Outgoing, lively, adventurous, and is overly protective of Kai. He usually jumps headfirst into a situation, but uses his wits and skills to get out of trouble. This only works half the time.
Flight: Light
Companions/Allies: Kai (Brother/Best Friend) Nikraw (Brother/Best Friend)

Name of Dragon: Nikraw
Gender of Dragon: Male
Dragon's Species: Fae
Type: Pure
Personality: Because he was kicked out of his original clan, He was adopted by a few shadow dragons. He can be aggresive at the worst of times, and often bullies Kai into doing his work for him. In a fight however, he is reliable.
Flight: Plague
Companions/Allies: Kai (Brother/Best Friend), Stark (Brother/Best Friend)


Name of Dragon: Riza
Gender of Dragon: Female
Age: Hatchling
Dragon's Species: Fae
Type: Pure
Personality: Bold, hot headed, and strong willed. She shows promise with fighting when she gets older.
Flight: Light
Companions/Allies: Sola

Name of Dragon: Oni
Gender of Dragon: Male
Age: Young Adult
Dragon's species: Mirror
Type: Corrupted
Personality: Oni is very hard headed and rude. He has spurts of bloodlust where he will go and hunt for hours, and sometimes days depending on how bad the spurt is.
Flight: Plague (lives in Light)
Companions/Allies: None

Name of Dragon: Reinhild
Gender of Dragon: Female
Dragon's Species: Guardian
Type: Pure
Personality: Tenacious, stubborn. Is a scrapper, and will defend herself and her friends to the end. Has very little empathy or tact, and is considered a know-it-all by fellow dragons. Is trusting, good-natured, and possibly a little gullible.
If corrupted, how: N/A
Flight: Ice
Companions/Allies: Steve

Name of Dragon: Steve
Gender of Dragon: Male
Dragon's Species: Tundra
Type: Pure
Personality: Not book or street smart, extremely respectful, optimistic, and cheerful. Calm, cool demeanor, and not easily riled up. Doesn't like to see people suffer. Modest to a fault. Loves food.
If corrupted, how: N/A
Flight: Wind
Companions/Allies: Reinhild

Name of Dragon: Karel
Gender of Dragon: Male
Dragon's Species: Spiral
Type: Corrupted
Personality: Egotistical, looks down upon others unless they have something he wants, sadistic, conniving, highly intelligent both book and street-wise, "Nothing ventured, nothing gained" type, always eager to fight and lead.
If corrupted, how: Came into contact with the substance when hunting in the Shifting Expanse. "Nothing venured, nothing gained", he thought before the substance took him.
Flight: Lightning
Companions/Allies: None


Name of Dragon:LunaStar
Gender of Dragon: Female
Dragon's Species: fae
Type: Pure
Personality: she goes on warrior instinct and intellect alone and relies on her pure strength to get things done. she doesn't like to cry or show weakness. The outside may apear hard but she is soft hearted on the inside.
Flight: Fire
Companions/Allies: Whiteriver

Name of Dragon: WhiteRiver
Gender of Dragon: female
Dragon's Species: fae
Type: Pure
Personality: even though she is an excelent fighter, she never saw fighting as a honorable thing to do. She learned only fight when any good soul is threatened. Like her name, she is free-going and likes going with the flow. she loves her family and will comfort them when they need her. She follows her mother's modo; Love, Acceptence, Family.
Flight: Nature
Companions/Allies: LunaStar

No Mary Sue/Gary Stu.
No God modding.
No Powerplaying.
No Metagaming.
Be Respectful.
Stay Active.

Link to the guide to RPing.

All dragons can have familiars. If you have less than 3 dragons, you can post an application for them anytime. However, this cannot happen in the middle of a fight. It can occur before your first post, after a battle or skirmish, or if your first dragons have been corrupted.

More rules will be added later.
No Mary Sue/Gary Stu.
No God modding.
No Powerplaying.
No Metagaming.
Be Respectful.
Stay Active.

Link to the guide to RPing.

All dragons can have familiars. If you have less than 3 dragons, you can post an application for them anytime. However, this cannot happen in the middle of a fight. It can occur before your first post, after a battle or skirmish, or if your first dragons have been corrupted.

More rules will be added later.
(( @ZeraLintarii Would you like to start? Or do you want someone else to? ))
(( @ZeraLintarii Would you like to start? Or do you want someone else to? ))
((@Raksha18 I suppose I should start.))

Stark had pestered Kai for so long, begging his brother to explore the Starfall Isles with him and Nikraw. The clan rarely went gathering there, so most of them knew little about it. Nikraw was only going because Stark said that they would pass through the Scarred Wasteland. This worried the shadow fae, but he couldn't deny his brother. He would just have to try not to drain himself.

The trio decided to walk halfway through the wasteland, before flying the rest of the way to the Isles. This would allow Kai a break throughout the journey, even though the Plague and Arcane energies were sure to make him ill. They were going to owe him big time after this.
((@Raksha18 I suppose I should start.))

Stark had pestered Kai for so long, begging his brother to explore the Starfall Isles with him and Nikraw. The clan rarely went gathering there, so most of them knew little about it. Nikraw was only going because Stark said that they would pass through the Scarred Wasteland. This worried the shadow fae, but he couldn't deny his brother. He would just have to try not to drain himself.

The trio decided to walk halfway through the wasteland, before flying the rest of the way to the Isles. This would allow Kai a break throughout the journey, even though the Plague and Arcane energies were sure to make him ill. They were going to owe him big time after this.
(Okay so with server overload last night got my post deleted, I'll try to remember everything I typed. XD)

It had been two days since it had begun. A strange illness is what they called it. The healer in the clan had been working feverishly to understand what was going on. Things became worse.. The infected dragons would become completely disoriented and lay still for nearly a half a day. Then this black fluid began to seep from their mouth and nose. Finally the dragons would awake. The color in there eyes was completely drained, they wouldn't respond to sound, sight, or smell. What they did react to was magical energy. They would chase and attack an uninfected dragon, sensing their magical energy. The healer was the next victim. From there it got progressively worse which brings me to now. Two days after we had discovered the corruption.

Sola was running, she wouldn't allow herself to slow. Her little sister Riza was on her back, hanging on for her life. She'd ran from home in the Sunbeam Terrace all the way to the Southwest edge of the Tangled Wood. It had nearly been a day since she grabbed her sister and ran from the clan. Everyone else had fallen ill. Herself and Riza were the only survivors. Sola was exhausted. Being a Fae she did not have good stamina to start with, it was even worse since she was carrying a hatchling on her back. Her paws had been rubbed raw, and she felt herself begin to slow. No! she thought, I can't rest now! What ever that illness is will catch us! She couldn't believe they were being hunted by their own family. All she could do now, is keep running until she'd put enough distance between her and her family so she could rest.

@ZeraLintarii (also I updated my characters, I Exalted Ichiro so Riza has taken his place. I also added a character to be corrupted.)
(Okay so with server overload last night got my post deleted, I'll try to remember everything I typed. XD)

It had been two days since it had begun. A strange illness is what they called it. The healer in the clan had been working feverishly to understand what was going on. Things became worse.. The infected dragons would become completely disoriented and lay still for nearly a half a day. Then this black fluid began to seep from their mouth and nose. Finally the dragons would awake. The color in there eyes was completely drained, they wouldn't respond to sound, sight, or smell. What they did react to was magical energy. They would chase and attack an uninfected dragon, sensing their magical energy. The healer was the next victim. From there it got progressively worse which brings me to now. Two days after we had discovered the corruption.

Sola was running, she wouldn't allow herself to slow. Her little sister Riza was on her back, hanging on for her life. She'd ran from home in the Sunbeam Terrace all the way to the Southwest edge of the Tangled Wood. It had nearly been a day since she grabbed her sister and ran from the clan. Everyone else had fallen ill. Herself and Riza were the only survivors. Sola was exhausted. Being a Fae she did not have good stamina to start with, it was even worse since she was carrying a hatchling on her back. Her paws had been rubbed raw, and she felt herself begin to slow. No! she thought, I can't rest now! What ever that illness is will catch us! She couldn't believe they were being hunted by their own family. All she could do now, is keep running until she'd put enough distance between her and her family so she could rest.

@ZeraLintarii (also I updated my characters, I Exalted Ichiro so Riza has taken his place. I also added a character to be corrupted.)
Calley stomped around, growling to herself. She hated the fact tthat she was corrupted. She hated how she couldn't be near others. In fact, she hated just about everything right now, which was the opposite of her personality. She was usually so calm and collected! Damn this corruption.
Calley stomped around, growling to herself. She hated the fact tthat she was corrupted. She hated how she couldn't be near others. In fact, she hated just about everything right now, which was the opposite of her personality. She was usually so calm and collected! Damn this corruption.
Currently: Offline

Final Fantasy Hatchery
The Mint Teacup||Digital and Traditional Art
((@Wolfenlied are you busy?))

After the group found a few runestones, treasure chests, and various apparel, they headed back to the Tangled Wood, all three dragons struggling to carry the large chest. They tried using magic to make the chest float, but the conflicting energies made Kai more ill than he already was. Eventually, they reached the Tangled wood, and all three dragons began to try to fly to the ground. This however, unbalanced the weight, and all of it ended up on Stark. It tipped over, causing the other two fae to lose their grip. It began to fall to the ground. Stark grabbed onto it, but it only pulled him down. He fell about 50 meters before Kai and Nikraw were able to dive down and get a grip on it, but the trio were too tired to fly with it again. They all slowly eased to the ground, dropping the chest when they were a few meters in the air.

They landed in the grass a few seconds later, laying sprawled on the ground. The wings and legs of all three dragons ached,and they all breathed heavily, trying to recover. Kai pressed his face into the soft purplish grass, comforted by the magical energies that flowed in the area.

"What's... that... over there...?" Nikraw said, his voice shaky. He was looking towards the
Sea of a Thousand Currents. A small form was dashing across the land. It started to slow, then sped up again. Suspicious, Nikraw began to walk, then run towards the small figure. Extending his wings. he began to fly, using Plague energy in order to power his flight. His wings were engulfed in a reddish flame, which flickered slightly in the wind. Nikraw's speed increased slightly, and he was soon able to identify the figure. It was a White fae with gold wings, and it seemed to be carrying a small stone winged fae on it's back.

He dove towards it, before flying directly above. He realized that the fae was female, but also of the Light flight. He sped up again and landed about 20 meters ahead of the fae. She looked tired and terrified, yet Nikraw saw no larger dragons nearby.


Stark and Kai watched as Nikraw flew off, and after making a quick decision, Stark followed him. Stark was slower than Nikraw and was only able to watch as he landed right in the path of a gold-winged fae. What is he doing?


((@CyanScorpion ...??? Corrupted dragons aren't supposed to know that they're corrupted, but hey, your free will I guess.))
((@Wolfenlied are you busy?))

After the group found a few runestones, treasure chests, and various apparel, they headed back to the Tangled Wood, all three dragons struggling to carry the large chest. They tried using magic to make the chest float, but the conflicting energies made Kai more ill than he already was. Eventually, they reached the Tangled wood, and all three dragons began to try to fly to the ground. This however, unbalanced the weight, and all of it ended up on Stark. It tipped over, causing the other two fae to lose their grip. It began to fall to the ground. Stark grabbed onto it, but it only pulled him down. He fell about 50 meters before Kai and Nikraw were able to dive down and get a grip on it, but the trio were too tired to fly with it again. They all slowly eased to the ground, dropping the chest when they were a few meters in the air.

They landed in the grass a few seconds later, laying sprawled on the ground. The wings and legs of all three dragons ached,and they all breathed heavily, trying to recover. Kai pressed his face into the soft purplish grass, comforted by the magical energies that flowed in the area.

"What's... that... over there...?" Nikraw said, his voice shaky. He was looking towards the
Sea of a Thousand Currents. A small form was dashing across the land. It started to slow, then sped up again. Suspicious, Nikraw began to walk, then run towards the small figure. Extending his wings. he began to fly, using Plague energy in order to power his flight. His wings were engulfed in a reddish flame, which flickered slightly in the wind. Nikraw's speed increased slightly, and he was soon able to identify the figure. It was a White fae with gold wings, and it seemed to be carrying a small stone winged fae on it's back.

He dove towards it, before flying directly above. He realized that the fae was female, but also of the Light flight. He sped up again and landed about 20 meters ahead of the fae. She looked tired and terrified, yet Nikraw saw no larger dragons nearby.


Stark and Kai watched as Nikraw flew off, and after making a quick decision, Stark followed him. Stark was slower than Nikraw and was only able to watch as he landed right in the path of a gold-winged fae. What is he doing?


((@CyanScorpion ...??? Corrupted dragons aren't supposed to know that they're corrupted, but hey, your free will I guess.))
((OOC: Sorry about that, my computer gave me an error whilst trying to post, and I ended up double posting. Argh.))
((OOC: Sorry about that, my computer gave me an error whilst trying to post, and I ended up double posting. Argh.))