

Tell stories and roleplay in the world of Flight Rising.
TOPIC | {Private} Descending Darkness
((No worries. I'm kinda spotting off and on anyway.))

Fear gripped her as she was faced with Galin's dark side, she wouldn't stand a chance, just like before. Tamara tried not to look too relieved as he stalked off after killing the man. Her heart pounded in her chest, that very well could have been a near death experience. Andrik's hand was warm and soothing, allowing her heart to again beat at it's usual pace. She reached up with her hand to gently lay it on top of his.

"I hope that's the worst end we'll get of him....It's lucky for us that he's got some control over that side." Or I'd probably be dead she finished in thought.


Sellion found himself cringing as she mentioned rumors as a soft pink colored his cheeks. His hands stopped what they were doing for a moment as he searched for a good answer. There was none though, he'd just have to own it.

"Quite probably...I've only heard a handful of them myself..."

He muttered, suddenly finding an interest in buffing an arrow head, rubbing an invisible scratch. Why was he being shy? This was usually the time he would go off bragging. Why didn't he want this she-elf to see him the way his reputation stated?
((No worries. I'm kinda spotting off and on anyway.))

Fear gripped her as she was faced with Galin's dark side, she wouldn't stand a chance, just like before. Tamara tried not to look too relieved as he stalked off after killing the man. Her heart pounded in her chest, that very well could have been a near death experience. Andrik's hand was warm and soothing, allowing her heart to again beat at it's usual pace. She reached up with her hand to gently lay it on top of his.

"I hope that's the worst end we'll get of him....It's lucky for us that he's got some control over that side." Or I'd probably be dead she finished in thought.


Sellion found himself cringing as she mentioned rumors as a soft pink colored his cheeks. His hands stopped what they were doing for a moment as he searched for a good answer. There was none though, he'd just have to own it.

"Quite probably...I've only heard a handful of them myself..."

He muttered, suddenly finding an interest in buffing an arrow head, rubbing an invisible scratch. Why was he being shy? This was usually the time he would go off bragging. Why didn't he want this she-elf to see him the way his reputation stated?

He definitely agreed there silently. That could have gone bad. Very bad. At least that was the last of it this night. Andrik pulled her into him a moment, looked about the carnage. Dear God... He'd just helped kill these men. He knew that they would have done the same but. Still. He felt absolutely sick to his stomach...

"Why don't we clean this up and release the horses... Don't need to leave a trail behind for someone to follow..."

Kept the shock and shake from his voice thankfully.


Glancing at Sellion again, she found herself giggling a bit.

"I don't ever recall hearing you as being shy. It's quite adorable."

She offered him a friendly smile. Sure, she knew of Sellion's reputation, but she wanted to know before she judged.

He definitely agreed there silently. That could have gone bad. Very bad. At least that was the last of it this night. Andrik pulled her into him a moment, looked about the carnage. Dear God... He'd just helped kill these men. He knew that they would have done the same but. Still. He felt absolutely sick to his stomach...

"Why don't we clean this up and release the horses... Don't need to leave a trail behind for someone to follow..."

Kept the shock and shake from his voice thankfully.


Glancing at Sellion again, she found herself giggling a bit.

"I don't ever recall hearing you as being shy. It's quite adorable."

She offered him a friendly smile. Sure, she knew of Sellion's reputation, but she wanted to know before she judged.

Tamara felt the disgust rising in Andrik as it seeped through their connection. That must have been the first time he's had to kill....sympathy washed over as she remembered how hard it had been for her to kill. Back had opened the door to madness. She shook off the memories and nuzzled her face into his shoulder. It felt good to be held like this. And she had to agree, they should mask any sort of trail.

"There's an earth spell that will allow us to quickly bury the men. I believe the words were 'echad-ceven haudh'...That spell drains a lot of energy, and I'm not sure I would have the strength to make so many..."

(Traslation 'make/fashion earth tomb')


His blush darkened when she giggled. What was this woman that he lost his usual cool? Was it simply because she wasn't acting like the girls before? Those who wanted him because of the rumors. He'd always been unsatisfied with them, and he had jumped at the chance to actually win a woman over as a man should. But here he was, faced with a hole that he'd dug himself. He chuckled a little, as he halfheartedly made this comment.

"Then enjoy it while you can, cause 'Shy Sellion' will be gone by morning."

Yeah, right. Even the way he said it wasn't convincing. It was strange to not being the one causing the blushes, but giving them out himself in abundance.

Tamara felt the disgust rising in Andrik as it seeped through their connection. That must have been the first time he's had to kill....sympathy washed over as she remembered how hard it had been for her to kill. Back had opened the door to madness. She shook off the memories and nuzzled her face into his shoulder. It felt good to be held like this. And she had to agree, they should mask any sort of trail.

"There's an earth spell that will allow us to quickly bury the men. I believe the words were 'echad-ceven haudh'...That spell drains a lot of energy, and I'm not sure I would have the strength to make so many..."

(Traslation 'make/fashion earth tomb')


His blush darkened when she giggled. What was this woman that he lost his usual cool? Was it simply because she wasn't acting like the girls before? Those who wanted him because of the rumors. He'd always been unsatisfied with them, and he had jumped at the chance to actually win a woman over as a man should. But here he was, faced with a hole that he'd dug himself. He chuckled a little, as he halfheartedly made this comment.

"Then enjoy it while you can, cause 'Shy Sellion' will be gone by morning."

Yeah, right. Even the way he said it wasn't convincing. It was strange to not being the one causing the blushes, but giving them out himself in abundance.
((Elvish is cool... XD))

He gave a small nod. Andrik knew he could do it. Or at least a good portion.

"I'll help. Wanna show me how it's done first?"

WHo knew... Perhaps this would be handy in the castle-city. After all, they were going to a very, very dangerous place. One that they weren't guaranteed to live from...


She smiled again, laughed a little. SOmehow, she honestly doubted that.

"So, tell me... What is the real Sellion like? Nothing from the rumors, because we all know those can be twisted."

THe arrows were soon handed back to the young elf. He seemed very different from the rumors given.
((Elvish is cool... XD))

He gave a small nod. Andrik knew he could do it. Or at least a good portion.

"I'll help. Wanna show me how it's done first?"

WHo knew... Perhaps this would be handy in the castle-city. After all, they were going to a very, very dangerous place. One that they weren't guaranteed to live from...


She smiled again, laughed a little. SOmehow, she honestly doubted that.

"So, tell me... What is the real Sellion like? Nothing from the rumors, because we all know those can be twisted."

THe arrows were soon handed back to the young elf. He seemed very different from the rumors given.
@Wolvenflame77 ((I like using it too. :)

Tamara gave a small nod, and stepped over to the first man that lay dead by their feet. She inhaled and exhaled slowly, then delved into her magic.

"Echad-ceven haudh"

As she commanded it, Tamara made a small motion with her hands, as if guiding the earth to move over the man's body. A low rumble was heard and as if it were alive, a section of the earth snaked over top the man and hid him from view. As the energy seeped from her magic, the woman staggered a step back. Yeah, she wouldn't be able to do all of them. With a smile, she turned back to Andrik.

"And that's how it works. Just imagine the earth moving over the bodies and it will do that. You can cover more than one at a time, but that takes a lot more energy to do."


Sellion gave a small chuckle. The real Sellion, huh? He'd nearly forgotten about it himself. Hmm, usually he'd lock that side of him away, and just be what everyone expected of him. An honest answer would do best here.

"You're looking at him. Nearly the opposite of the rumors.....except the enjoying the company of women....that's still the same..."

Unfortunately it was true. Even if he had followed his dream to be a healer like his mother, he'd still have found some woman to bed with. But perhaps not. As an archer he was often the center of attention, and women threw themselves at him. But if he were a meager healer, maybe he wouldn't have started that practice...too late to change now though. The arrows had been finished by now, and were put away. Having nothing else to do with his hands at the moment, Sellion folded them in his lap.
@Wolvenflame77 ((I like using it too. :)

Tamara gave a small nod, and stepped over to the first man that lay dead by their feet. She inhaled and exhaled slowly, then delved into her magic.

"Echad-ceven haudh"

As she commanded it, Tamara made a small motion with her hands, as if guiding the earth to move over the man's body. A low rumble was heard and as if it were alive, a section of the earth snaked over top the man and hid him from view. As the energy seeped from her magic, the woman staggered a step back. Yeah, she wouldn't be able to do all of them. With a smile, she turned back to Andrik.

"And that's how it works. Just imagine the earth moving over the bodies and it will do that. You can cover more than one at a time, but that takes a lot more energy to do."


Sellion gave a small chuckle. The real Sellion, huh? He'd nearly forgotten about it himself. Hmm, usually he'd lock that side of him away, and just be what everyone expected of him. An honest answer would do best here.

"You're looking at him. Nearly the opposite of the rumors.....except the enjoying the company of women....that's still the same..."

Unfortunately it was true. Even if he had followed his dream to be a healer like his mother, he'd still have found some woman to bed with. But perhaps not. As an archer he was often the center of attention, and women threw themselves at him. But if he were a meager healer, maybe he wouldn't have started that practice...too late to change now though. The arrows had been finished by now, and were put away. Having nothing else to do with his hands at the moment, Sellion folded them in his lap.

That seemed easy enough to him. Andrik was certain he could help. He'd first made sure to catch Tamar abefore she fell. Didn't want her over doing it, really. He soon gave a nod, though, and mimicked what she had done. Started out with just a single body before he attempted two at a time. It was tiring, but nothing like what he should have felt normally.


She laughed a little at that.

"Alright. I want to see something the real Sellion would do instead of this one I hear about all the time."

Sure, it was impressive he could shoot a bow, but she knew that was a show. There was something much deeper to this man than most of the ladies seemed to really realize, and if there was one thing the she-elf knew, it was that she did not want to be with a fake, so to speak.

That seemed easy enough to him. Andrik was certain he could help. He'd first made sure to catch Tamar abefore she fell. Didn't want her over doing it, really. He soon gave a nod, though, and mimicked what she had done. Started out with just a single body before he attempted two at a time. It was tiring, but nothing like what he should have felt normally.


She laughed a little at that.

"Alright. I want to see something the real Sellion would do instead of this one I hear about all the time."

Sure, it was impressive he could shoot a bow, but she knew that was a show. There was something much deeper to this man than most of the ladies seemed to really realize, and if there was one thing the she-elf knew, it was that she did not want to be with a fake, so to speak.

Tamara waited until she was steady on her feet before standing on her own. Perhaps she would busy herself with turning the horses loose. That seemed like a safe alternative. She watched as Andrik did the first one, and he seemed to handle that well. This made her comfortable enough to walk toward the poor beasts that lost their masters. It really was a shame...these must have been some of the finest mounts of the king. She took their tack and set it aside before sending them away with a word of blessing. With any luck they would live a long while in the wild.


She wanted to see something...Sellion was a little unsure of how to proceed. He chewed his lip in thought, perhaps this was his chance to change? To finally tie himself down to one woman. The young elf pushed himself up from his seat, only to kneel in front of this woman.

"Then...with your permission, mi'lady. I'd like to request time with you to show what sort of man I truly am."

He gently scooped up her hand in his own, giving her plenty of time to pull away. If she didn't, he brought her hand up to his lips and placed a gentle kiss there. Not something seductive in any way, but rather the act of a gentleman. Perhaps it wasn't the best way for him to get some more time with her, but it would do for now.

Tamara waited until she was steady on her feet before standing on her own. Perhaps she would busy herself with turning the horses loose. That seemed like a safe alternative. She watched as Andrik did the first one, and he seemed to handle that well. This made her comfortable enough to walk toward the poor beasts that lost their masters. It really was a shame...these must have been some of the finest mounts of the king. She took their tack and set it aside before sending them away with a word of blessing. With any luck they would live a long while in the wild.


She wanted to see something...Sellion was a little unsure of how to proceed. He chewed his lip in thought, perhaps this was his chance to change? To finally tie himself down to one woman. The young elf pushed himself up from his seat, only to kneel in front of this woman.

"Then...with your permission, mi'lady. I'd like to request time with you to show what sort of man I truly am."

He gently scooped up her hand in his own, giving her plenty of time to pull away. If she didn't, he brought her hand up to his lips and placed a gentle kiss there. Not something seductive in any way, but rather the act of a gentleman. Perhaps it wasn't the best way for him to get some more time with her, but it would do for now.
((Sorry this is such a late reply. You caught me as I actually came down with a stomach bug. ... Or flu. Dunno what it was. But it's passed now.))

By this point, Andrik found himself a little wary, tired. All the bodies were taken care of, and he sighed softly. Yeah, he was tired... That was a lot of work, and still being a novice, he didn't quite yet have the capacity for doing such arduous tasks for a long period of time. Attention turned then to Tamara, he smiling a little.

"Shall we go meet up with Galin then? Seems you're the only one who can talk to him as of now."


A brow rose at that. She just watched as he seemed to go and think about what was said and done. And when he'd taken her hand, she did not pull back. That was rather rude, really.

"I'll have to take you up on that once our little adventure here is complete."

If it is even a true story... she thought to herself.

It was hard to tell with Galin.
((Sorry this is such a late reply. You caught me as I actually came down with a stomach bug. ... Or flu. Dunno what it was. But it's passed now.))

By this point, Andrik found himself a little wary, tired. All the bodies were taken care of, and he sighed softly. Yeah, he was tired... That was a lot of work, and still being a novice, he didn't quite yet have the capacity for doing such arduous tasks for a long period of time. Attention turned then to Tamara, he smiling a little.

"Shall we go meet up with Galin then? Seems you're the only one who can talk to him as of now."


A brow rose at that. She just watched as he seemed to go and think about what was said and done. And when he'd taken her hand, she did not pull back. That was rather rude, really.

"I'll have to take you up on that once our little adventure here is complete."

If it is even a true story... she thought to herself.

It was hard to tell with Galin.
((Ah, don't worry about it. It's not like we can control when we get sick. Bleh. I'm glad you're feeling better.))

Tamara had just finished going through the discarded saddlebags when Andrik came over. She actually found quite a few useful things. Another good knife, some medicines, as well as a letter calling for her death as a traitor. So the king had found out she left his service. Ah, well, she thought he may. A small giggle left her lips as Andrik mention her being the only one to get Galin to see reason.

"Yes, we should find him, and go on. I'd like to make it a little farther before we camp."

With that she set out in the direction the half blood had stalked. Hopefully he had been able to calm his dark side by this time. She wasn't sure what they would do if he were still fuming.


Sellion found himself grinning like an idiot as she accepted. His grip around her hand tightened a little as he resisted the urge to simply kiss her right there. That would be a step backward, not forward he was sure.

"You mean it?! I...I mean..."

Sellion's excited outburst garnered the attention of Thallion as he stood watch at the edge of the clearing. The young elf blushed again and released her hand to sit beside her once more. He took a moment to suppress his excited behavior, and folded his hands in his lap.

"Thank you...I'll look forward to it."
((Ah, don't worry about it. It's not like we can control when we get sick. Bleh. I'm glad you're feeling better.))

Tamara had just finished going through the discarded saddlebags when Andrik came over. She actually found quite a few useful things. Another good knife, some medicines, as well as a letter calling for her death as a traitor. So the king had found out she left his service. Ah, well, she thought he may. A small giggle left her lips as Andrik mention her being the only one to get Galin to see reason.

"Yes, we should find him, and go on. I'd like to make it a little farther before we camp."

With that she set out in the direction the half blood had stalked. Hopefully he had been able to calm his dark side by this time. She wasn't sure what they would do if he were still fuming.


Sellion found himself grinning like an idiot as she accepted. His grip around her hand tightened a little as he resisted the urge to simply kiss her right there. That would be a step backward, not forward he was sure.

"You mean it?! I...I mean..."

Sellion's excited outburst garnered the attention of Thallion as he stood watch at the edge of the clearing. The young elf blushed again and released her hand to sit beside her once more. He took a moment to suppress his excited behavior, and folded his hands in his lap.

"Thank you...I'll look forward to it."
((Yeah, it sucks... XD ))

Galin was...decent, if one wished for a term to use. He'd just been watching the group from the shadows of the forest. Sneered a bit to himself at Sellion's outburst over the she-elf's statement. He would have just taken it. ... No, bad thoughts. That wasn't him, but the darkness... He growled lowly to himself, shook his head. Remained where he was for their safety more than anything else. The bloodshed had gotten his blood boiling.


It took a little bit, but Andrik eventually spotted Galin. The half-blood was good at hiding himself. He pointed the man out to Tamara, waited patiently there for her. He'd be ready to help in a moment's notice, honestly.


This had her laughing a bit.

"You're welcome."

She then got up and moved to get things packed again. Who knew when they were ready to leave, but it was best to be prepared before hand, really.
((Yeah, it sucks... XD ))

Galin was...decent, if one wished for a term to use. He'd just been watching the group from the shadows of the forest. Sneered a bit to himself at Sellion's outburst over the she-elf's statement. He would have just taken it. ... No, bad thoughts. That wasn't him, but the darkness... He growled lowly to himself, shook his head. Remained where he was for their safety more than anything else. The bloodshed had gotten his blood boiling.


It took a little bit, but Andrik eventually spotted Galin. The half-blood was good at hiding himself. He pointed the man out to Tamara, waited patiently there for her. He'd be ready to help in a moment's notice, honestly.


This had her laughing a bit.

"You're welcome."

She then got up and moved to get things packed again. Who knew when they were ready to leave, but it was best to be prepared before hand, really.