

Tell stories and roleplay in the world of Flight Rising.
TOPIC | {Private} Descending Darkness
@Wolvenflame77 ( ( we love torturing our characters. At least I a point.))

Morcion did keep an eye on the two. Another false move and he may use his hammer to bash the man. He again returned to explaining how armor was to be kept and used.


Sanya nodded slightly, glad he had answered her question. Why did she care how he felt? She was still confused as to why it would bother her to see him killed. Now that he was aware of her, she began attaching the armor to his body. Her hands still shook from the ordeal, and now she was a little jumpy if something moved to quickly. Fear was rather evident in her demeanor. But each time someone else offered to do this, Sanya would decline.

"I see. Children are very innocent...fragile...and yet stronger than many adults." She didn't want to pry, but of course the question of who Galin was referring to was present in her mind.
@Wolvenflame77 ( ( we love torturing our characters. At least I a point.))

Morcion did keep an eye on the two. Another false move and he may use his hammer to bash the man. He again returned to explaining how armor was to be kept and used.


Sanya nodded slightly, glad he had answered her question. Why did she care how he felt? She was still confused as to why it would bother her to see him killed. Now that he was aware of her, she began attaching the armor to his body. Her hands still shook from the ordeal, and now she was a little jumpy if something moved to quickly. Fear was rather evident in her demeanor. But each time someone else offered to do this, Sanya would decline.

"I see. Children are very innocent...fragile...and yet stronger than many adults." She didn't want to pry, but of course the question of who Galin was referring to was present in her mind.
((XD I know I do.))

The man didn't blame him. Andrik decided that he had learned enough about the armor after having gone over it twice with Morcion. He was comfortable now with it, so it could be taken off with ease.



Galin had lost himself again by watching the children, but he was still easily aware of Sanya. Made sure not to move too quickly for her. No need in startling her or possibly anyone else. Knew that he was being watched rather closely. Didn't mean he wasn't relaxed. He was perfectly so, as i he didn't care that they were staring at him. And not all of the staring was friendly.
((XD I know I do.))

The man didn't blame him. Andrik decided that he had learned enough about the armor after having gone over it twice with Morcion. He was comfortable now with it, so it could be taken off with ease.



Galin had lost himself again by watching the children, but he was still easily aware of Sanya. Made sure not to move too quickly for her. No need in startling her or possibly anyone else. Knew that he was being watched rather closely. Didn't mean he wasn't relaxed. He was perfectly so, as i he didn't care that they were staring at him. And not all of the staring was friendly.

Tamara had finished her daggers, and walked back to Andrik. Due to the loud sounds of the grinding wheel she had missed the entire scene. Her eyes scanned the armor Andrik was wearing before she smiled. It looked perfect.

"That looks great Morcion. Andrik, how's it feel? Have you gotten used to it yet?"

- -

Noticing his silence once more, Sanya also fell silent. The rest of his armor was attached within a couple minutes. She smiled, enjoying the fact that she had overcome her fear of him at the moment. Sure it was still there, but only at the back of her mind. Reaching out, she lightly tapped his shoulder to catch his attention.

"Does everything feel alright? I can adjust some of the buckles if they don't feel right."

Tamara had finished her daggers, and walked back to Andrik. Due to the loud sounds of the grinding wheel she had missed the entire scene. Her eyes scanned the armor Andrik was wearing before she smiled. It looked perfect.

"That looks great Morcion. Andrik, how's it feel? Have you gotten used to it yet?"

- -

Noticing his silence once more, Sanya also fell silent. The rest of his armor was attached within a couple minutes. She smiled, enjoying the fact that she had overcome her fear of him at the moment. Sure it was still there, but only at the back of her mind. Reaching out, she lightly tapped his shoulder to catch his attention.

"Does everything feel alright? I can adjust some of the buckles if they don't feel right."

"Getting used to it may tae a couple days, but I think it's fine," the man commented.

At least it wasn't too tight, nor too loose. Andrik really did like what Morcion had done for him. Would never be able to thank the elf enough for the gorgeous armor.


A glance was cast towards her, a nod give. Everything was fine for him. Likely he'd just wear the breast plate, but still. Galin didn't complain about the armor, so it was good.

"Getting used to it may tae a couple days, but I think it's fine," the man commented.

At least it wasn't too tight, nor too loose. Andrik really did like what Morcion had done for him. Would never be able to thank the elf enough for the gorgeous armor.


A glance was cast towards her, a nod give. Everything was fine for him. Likely he'd just wear the breast plate, but still. Galin didn't complain about the armor, so it was good.

Tamara smiled, truly relieved that Andrik had some sort of protection from arrows and such. It would be one worry she didn't have to deal with when the fighting would begin. Her eyes wandered over to the corner Galin was standing in. Surprisingly, he wasn't alone. Hmm, that was interesting. Was this woman not afraid of him? Perhaps she would let them be and see if anything came of their conversation.

"It looks like Galin has his fitted properly as well. We really can't express how much this helped us Morcion. These are great sets."


Sanya smiled thankfully. At least it was all properly fitting. That meant her job here was finished. Well, unless he needed anything more.

"Did you want to leave everything on? I can help you with it if you'd rather not wear everything."

Tamara smiled, truly relieved that Andrik had some sort of protection from arrows and such. It would be one worry she didn't have to deal with when the fighting would begin. Her eyes wandered over to the corner Galin was standing in. Surprisingly, he wasn't alone. Hmm, that was interesting. Was this woman not afraid of him? Perhaps she would let them be and see if anything came of their conversation.

"It looks like Galin has his fitted properly as well. We really can't express how much this helped us Morcion. These are great sets."


Sanya smiled thankfully. At least it was all properly fitting. That meant her job here was finished. Well, unless he needed anything more.

"Did you want to leave everything on? I can help you with it if you'd rather not wear everything."

Andrik watched the duo a few moments, then turned to thank Morcion as well. This was something he just couldn't express. And when things were set right, he'd repay this village a debt he owed them. Surely they would want to come home, and he'd gladly help them rebuild everything.


The half-blood shook his head. He could easily take it of himself. For some reason, he really didn't want her anymore frightened than what she already was. Knew he'd spooked her real good earlier with his antics.

"Thank you, but all is well."

Andrik watched the duo a few moments, then turned to thank Morcion as well. This was something he just couldn't express. And when things were set right, he'd repay this village a debt he owed them. Surely they would want to come home, and he'd gladly help them rebuild everything.


The half-blood shook his head. He could easily take it of himself. For some reason, he really didn't want her anymore frightened than what she already was. Knew he'd spooked her real good earlier with his antics.

"Thank you, but all is well."
@Wolvenflame77 ( ( I'm gonna be evil for a moment, just to see Galin's reaction.))

Sanya nodded with a small curtsy, as was normal for her family anyway. She seemed to hesitate for a moment, obviously thinking something over. Whatever it was, it was never acted on.

"I wish you well on your journey. Do stay safe."

After her parting words she turned and walked over to Morcion. He wouldn't need her anymore, so she would bid everyone farewell. She only said a few words to excuse herself. Her next actions may have been curious though. As before she dipped a curtsy, but, rather than leave, she quickly pressed a single kiss on Tamara's and Morcion's cheek. Again something only a few families practiced.


Tamara looked over to see the girl approaching. If she were correct in guessing, this was an elf who had originally lived in this area. The woman said farewell, and pressed a kissed to her cheek. Tamara smiled when she left out Andrik, at least she wouldn't have other women kissing him. Even if it were just on the cheek, it was nice to have him all to herself.

Morcion seemed used to Sanya's behavior, and even repeated the action by pressing his lips to her cheek. Not that they were more than friends, even if that would be a normal assumption. Morcion had simply decided he liked that form of goodbyes, so he adopted the practice with a few people.
@Wolvenflame77 ( ( I'm gonna be evil for a moment, just to see Galin's reaction.))

Sanya nodded with a small curtsy, as was normal for her family anyway. She seemed to hesitate for a moment, obviously thinking something over. Whatever it was, it was never acted on.

"I wish you well on your journey. Do stay safe."

After her parting words she turned and walked over to Morcion. He wouldn't need her anymore, so she would bid everyone farewell. She only said a few words to excuse herself. Her next actions may have been curious though. As before she dipped a curtsy, but, rather than leave, she quickly pressed a single kiss on Tamara's and Morcion's cheek. Again something only a few families practiced.


Tamara looked over to see the girl approaching. If she were correct in guessing, this was an elf who had originally lived in this area. The woman said farewell, and pressed a kissed to her cheek. Tamara smiled when she left out Andrik, at least she wouldn't have other women kissing him. Even if it were just on the cheek, it was nice to have him all to herself.

Morcion seemed used to Sanya's behavior, and even repeated the action by pressing his lips to her cheek. Not that they were more than friends, even if that would be a normal assumption. Morcion had simply decided he liked that form of goodbyes, so he adopted the practice with a few people.
(( XD Poor Galin lol))

Andrik simply watched and gave a polite bow in return. It was the least he could do in all honesty. Gaze shifted to Galin as he watched the half-blood watching Sanya. Eyes never left her until she was gone. His attention then returned to the children, but it was easy to see that the hal-elf was muttering to himself. What about? Who knew.

One would have thought it was about what he would normally be doing, but how wrong the assumption was. Galin was actually jealous!
(( XD Poor Galin lol))

Andrik simply watched and gave a polite bow in return. It was the least he could do in all honesty. Gaze shifted to Galin as he watched the half-blood watching Sanya. Eyes never left her until she was gone. His attention then returned to the children, but it was easy to see that the hal-elf was muttering to himself. What about? Who knew.

One would have thought it was about what he would normally be doing, but how wrong the assumption was. Galin was actually jealous!
@Wolvenflame77 ( ( XD that's awesome. I thought it would be something like that, but then I was like, worst case scenario, Morcion could end up dead. Glad that didn't happen. ))

Tamara's gaze had caught sight of Galin staring before he turned away. Aw, maybe he actually found a friend. She was glad that a few people had accepted his presence. Maybe he would find a home here when they got back. Hmm, it was a thought. Right now they should probably get moving.

"Andrik. I think we should be saying our farewells as well. It's getting late, and we still have a bit of walking to do."

Morcion wished them luck and health. The last thing that needed to happen was another tragedy. The villagers had been through so much already.
@Wolvenflame77 ( ( XD that's awesome. I thought it would be something like that, but then I was like, worst case scenario, Morcion could end up dead. Glad that didn't happen. ))

Tamara's gaze had caught sight of Galin staring before he turned away. Aw, maybe he actually found a friend. She was glad that a few people had accepted his presence. Maybe he would find a home here when they got back. Hmm, it was a thought. Right now they should probably get moving.

"Andrik. I think we should be saying our farewells as well. It's getting late, and we still have a bit of walking to do."

Morcion wished them luck and health. The last thing that needed to happen was another tragedy. The villagers had been through so much already.
((XD Yup, lol))

"Agreed. Again, thank you so much for all you've done, Morcion."

That included his rather fine arrow heads. Time to go gather the others and take off. Seemed they were traveling by night and sleeping by day. And then there were the mages they'd need to deal with. It was likely they were still hunting for Tamara and Draco, and were having no success in doing so.
((XD Yup, lol))

"Agreed. Again, thank you so much for all you've done, Morcion."

That included his rather fine arrow heads. Time to go gather the others and take off. Seemed they were traveling by night and sleeping by day. And then there were the mages they'd need to deal with. It was likely they were still hunting for Tamara and Draco, and were having no success in doing so.