

Tell stories and roleplay in the world of Flight Rising.
TOPIC | {Private} Descending Darkness
{A private RP for myself and Fayestar}

Stories had been passed down from one generation to the next of great winged beasts. He'd always dreamed of them, the giant creatures of old. Legends said that they'd all fallen into myth, having never been seen for many, many, many ages. A sigh was given as the young man, roughly twenty in age, went to work in the garden of his lone cabin. He lived off alone in a forest, muttering to himself about a few things.

The year had been rather dry, the living here difficult. He would have gone and died if it wasn't for his skills at hunting. The bow he'd created from an oak tree proved strong and faithful. The kingdom had fallen into disarray during this time, as well, he having gone to lengths to avoid it all. From the rumors he'd been told and heard of, the king was murdered in the dead of night, his wife and children having run. Where the true heir hid was a mystery. Or well, heirs. From his understanding, there had been a brother and sister.

They were nothing more than babes at the time of the king's fall. And that had been several years ago. Grumbling again to himself, he paused, listening. The sounds of the forest had quieted down, and he glanced about the area. The hoe was put against the log cabin, the young man slowly reaching for his bow and quiver. Was it another person? No one came to visit him. Or...was it something else?

Whatever it was didn't walk on two legs. He'd gotten used to the sounds of animals. This walked upon four. Eyes narrowed a wee bit, trying to discern what it was that approached his home.

"Hello?" he called out, a bit worried, perhaps even curious.

Heart thumped wildly in his chest. Was it an animal? Or perhaps, though he was sure it'd be wrong, a dragon?
{A private RP for myself and Fayestar}

Stories had been passed down from one generation to the next of great winged beasts. He'd always dreamed of them, the giant creatures of old. Legends said that they'd all fallen into myth, having never been seen for many, many, many ages. A sigh was given as the young man, roughly twenty in age, went to work in the garden of his lone cabin. He lived off alone in a forest, muttering to himself about a few things.

The year had been rather dry, the living here difficult. He would have gone and died if it wasn't for his skills at hunting. The bow he'd created from an oak tree proved strong and faithful. The kingdom had fallen into disarray during this time, as well, he having gone to lengths to avoid it all. From the rumors he'd been told and heard of, the king was murdered in the dead of night, his wife and children having run. Where the true heir hid was a mystery. Or well, heirs. From his understanding, there had been a brother and sister.

They were nothing more than babes at the time of the king's fall. And that had been several years ago. Grumbling again to himself, he paused, listening. The sounds of the forest had quieted down, and he glanced about the area. The hoe was put against the log cabin, the young man slowly reaching for his bow and quiver. Was it another person? No one came to visit him. Or...was it something else?

Whatever it was didn't walk on two legs. He'd gotten used to the sounds of animals. This walked upon four. Eyes narrowed a wee bit, trying to discern what it was that approached his home.

"Hello?" he called out, a bit worried, perhaps even curious.

Heart thumped wildly in his chest. Was it an animal? Or perhaps, though he was sure it'd be wrong, a dragon?
The vulnerable animal lifted it's head. It's smooth indigo hide still glistened with the slime from hatching. This small newly hatched dragon padded along the forest floor, stretching its thin wings to dry them. A snort sounded as it tried to identify this new scent. It cocked it's head as the creature listened to the distinct beats of a two footed creature. The small animal shook itself, it had no reason to think that this new creature would hurt it. As the odd looking biped walked into view, the hatchling made a small mewing noise.
The vulnerable animal lifted it's head. It's smooth indigo hide still glistened with the slime from hatching. This small newly hatched dragon padded along the forest floor, stretching its thin wings to dry them. A snort sounded as it tried to identify this new scent. It cocked it's head as the creature listened to the distinct beats of a two footed creature. The small animal shook itself, it had no reason to think that this new creature would hurt it. As the odd looking biped walked into view, the hatchling made a small mewing noise.
Now that was something he'd never seen before. At first he honestly couldn't believe it. Was this really a little dragon? A creature from the lore of old? The bow was slung over his chest then, his hands now free to try and help this small being. It must have been newly hatched, based off the fact it was rather trusting of him and seemed to glisten.

Was that slime? Ew. Kneeling down, he offered out his hand, back of it to the drake. Was it like a dog? He had no idea. Took the precaution regardless. The last thing he wanted was to be bitten by tiny sharp teeth.

"Hello, there," he called again, voice kept low so as not to startle the poor creature.
Now that was something he'd never seen before. At first he honestly couldn't believe it. Was this really a little dragon? A creature from the lore of old? The bow was slung over his chest then, his hands now free to try and help this small being. It must have been newly hatched, based off the fact it was rather trusting of him and seemed to glisten.

Was that slime? Ew. Kneeling down, he offered out his hand, back of it to the drake. Was it like a dog? He had no idea. Took the precaution regardless. The last thing he wanted was to be bitten by tiny sharp teeth.

"Hello, there," he called again, voice kept low so as not to startle the poor creature.
The little neck craned forward reaching toward the offered hand. The small egg tooth on the tip of its muzzle grazed his finger tips. This thing smelled funny. There was a tangy pungent smell mixed with an earthy deep scent. With a small sneeze, the creature fumbled forward on shaky legs.

A deep knowledge and passion ignited in the small body. The little creature reached up to tap it's egg tooth on the palm offered. Light burst from the contact point. A warm sensation of connection rose in the small leathery body.

The little dragonet made several clicks in response to the man's voice.
The little neck craned forward reaching toward the offered hand. The small egg tooth on the tip of its muzzle grazed his finger tips. This thing smelled funny. There was a tangy pungent smell mixed with an earthy deep scent. With a small sneeze, the creature fumbled forward on shaky legs.

A deep knowledge and passion ignited in the small body. The little creature reached up to tap it's egg tooth on the palm offered. Light burst from the contact point. A warm sensation of connection rose in the small leathery body.

The little dragonet made several clicks in response to the man's voice.
The moment the light burst forth, the man had jumped a little bit, falling onto his rear in surprise. What had that been? Confused, highly, as he just held onto his palm. He had no idea what had just occurred during that contact, and it made him want to know more.

Hearing the little clicks in response to his words, he slowly stood up. Well, it'd be rude of him to refuse the little one a place to stay, especially in a dangerous forest. These times were not good ones to be young and alone.

"Why not follow me?" he then questioned, motioning for the tyke to go with him.

Hopefully it would. He wasn't quite so sure yet about how it'd react.
The moment the light burst forth, the man had jumped a little bit, falling onto his rear in surprise. What had that been? Confused, highly, as he just held onto his palm. He had no idea what had just occurred during that contact, and it made him want to know more.

Hearing the little clicks in response to his words, he slowly stood up. Well, it'd be rude of him to refuse the little one a place to stay, especially in a dangerous forest. These times were not good ones to be young and alone.

"Why not follow me?" he then questioned, motioning for the tyke to go with him.

Hopefully it would. He wasn't quite so sure yet about how it'd react.
A light rumble emanated from the small throat. It shook itself, magic energy still pulsing through its body. The infant took a leap forward, and bounded after the man keeping to his heels. It followed as an obedient dog, staying quiet as a lamb.

Hungry. the sole thought of the small dragon. The hatchling used most of its energy to break out of its shell prison. The creatures head snapped around as something flashed across it's vision. It cocked its head at the tiny being. Another snort sent the insect jumping away. Food Instincts immediately took control as the dragonet stalked the bug, occasionally pouncing. Pain The small animal looked dazed as it sat on its haunches after bouncing off a tree. The infant hadn't seen the wood in front of it, and had run into it head first.

The small babe sniffed, suddenly finding itself further away from the warm man. It let out several pitiful croaks as it tried to call the human back.
A light rumble emanated from the small throat. It shook itself, magic energy still pulsing through its body. The infant took a leap forward, and bounded after the man keeping to his heels. It followed as an obedient dog, staying quiet as a lamb.

Hungry. the sole thought of the small dragon. The hatchling used most of its energy to break out of its shell prison. The creatures head snapped around as something flashed across it's vision. It cocked its head at the tiny being. Another snort sent the insect jumping away. Food Instincts immediately took control as the dragonet stalked the bug, occasionally pouncing. Pain The small animal looked dazed as it sat on its haunches after bouncing off a tree. The infant hadn't seen the wood in front of it, and had run into it head first.

The small babe sniffed, suddenly finding itself further away from the warm man. It let out several pitiful croaks as it tried to call the human back.
(So sorry about that wait. FR freaked out on me.)

Flexing that hand a bit that the youngster had touched, he paused in his walking. Looking back, he found the small child missing from sight. Oh dear... At least he could hear it. Going back the way he'd come, he knelt down.

"You alright there?"

Looked as if it'd run itself right into a tree. If it were hungry, he could easily cut up some strips of meat for the child and feed it that. Might even find itself in heaven tasting the raw meat.
(So sorry about that wait. FR freaked out on me.)

Flexing that hand a bit that the youngster had touched, he paused in his walking. Looking back, he found the small child missing from sight. Oh dear... At least he could hear it. Going back the way he'd come, he knelt down.

"You alright there?"

Looked as if it'd run itself right into a tree. If it were hungry, he could easily cut up some strips of meat for the child and feed it that. Might even find itself in heaven tasting the raw meat.
The small dragon sat still shivering a little as it waited to be found. It ducked its head as he approached. Was this being upset with it for leaving? At the question, the little tyke rubbed its face with a paw.

It hurts here. It thought to itself. The little stomach growled with the want of food. Tired....Hungry....Scared A few emotions flicked through the mind of this creature.

It waddled closer and curled up at the man's feet. Maybe after a short nap it could catch some food.
The small dragon sat still shivering a little as it waited to be found. It ducked its head as he approached. Was this being upset with it for leaving? At the question, the little tyke rubbed its face with a paw.

It hurts here. It thought to itself. The little stomach growled with the want of food. Tired....Hungry....Scared A few emotions flicked through the mind of this creature.

It waddled closer and curled up at the man's feet. Maybe after a short nap it could catch some food.
Well, they couldn't stay out here. Chuckling a bit to himself, he picked up the small being and began to walk back home. He had the perfect spot to put the newborn. His own bed would provide warmth and comfort, far better than he. What he wore was summer clothing, and in this heat, it was a need.

Was he angry? No, more worried than upset. At least the little one proved to be alright, for the most part. All he'd need to do was grab something, perhaps a wet cloth and lay it over its head. That would hopefully help soothe the ache.
Well, they couldn't stay out here. Chuckling a bit to himself, he picked up the small being and began to walk back home. He had the perfect spot to put the newborn. His own bed would provide warmth and comfort, far better than he. What he wore was summer clothing, and in this heat, it was a need.

Was he angry? No, more worried than upset. At least the little one proved to be alright, for the most part. All he'd need to do was grab something, perhaps a wet cloth and lay it over its head. That would hopefully help soothe the ache.
The little heart fluttered quietly on. Dreams of shiny trinkets and yummy beetles danced into the little mind. A shudder ran through the small body as darkness invaded the paradise. It whimpered slightly, curling into a tight ball. The animal struck out with its fore paws trying to attach the invading shadow. Suddenly the tyke lept up to its feet and ran forward off the bed.

A tiny growl rumbled as the creature wondered where it was. It scented the air. The same tangy sweet scent cloaked this place, smelling of the man earlier. This smell set the small being at ease, at least it was safe here.
The little heart fluttered quietly on. Dreams of shiny trinkets and yummy beetles danced into the little mind. A shudder ran through the small body as darkness invaded the paradise. It whimpered slightly, curling into a tight ball. The animal struck out with its fore paws trying to attach the invading shadow. Suddenly the tyke lept up to its feet and ran forward off the bed.

A tiny growl rumbled as the creature wondered where it was. It scented the air. The same tangy sweet scent cloaked this place, smelling of the man earlier. This smell set the small being at ease, at least it was safe here.