

Tell stories and roleplay in the world of Flight Rising.
TOPIC | {Private} Descending Darkness

Tamara nodded, Andrik did seem to be their best bet. She sighed, and pulled out a single dagger from it's sheath. Perhaps they did stand a chance. If they were only able to distract the mages long enough, the others would be able to get a clear shot. But the wizards most likely had wards protecting them....that would make it difficult to do anything other than attack their minds. She reached out to Andrik mentally.

Galin spotted some mages. We'll need your help with magic. I'm not sure if this will work, but I can act like a channel for your energy.....if you have difficulty keeping your strength constant or controlled I'd be able to help then.

She couldn't be sure if that would work, but it seemed to make sense to her. Hmm, what would be a good plan of attack?


Sellion stopped his pouting and chose to ready his weapons. The she-elf was doing it, so that gave him reason enough to do the same. And it may or may not have been an excuse to be close to her.

Tamara nodded, Andrik did seem to be their best bet. She sighed, and pulled out a single dagger from it's sheath. Perhaps they did stand a chance. If they were only able to distract the mages long enough, the others would be able to get a clear shot. But the wizards most likely had wards protecting them....that would make it difficult to do anything other than attack their minds. She reached out to Andrik mentally.

Galin spotted some mages. We'll need your help with magic. I'm not sure if this will work, but I can act like a channel for your energy.....if you have difficulty keeping your strength constant or controlled I'd be able to help then.

She couldn't be sure if that would work, but it seemed to make sense to her. Hmm, what would be a good plan of attack?


Sellion stopped his pouting and chose to ready his weapons. The she-elf was doing it, so that gave him reason enough to do the same. And it may or may not have been an excuse to be close to her.

Explains why he decided to nearly ground my dragon... Andrik grumbled a little sourly.

It was clear to tell that he was not pleased with how that had been done. He, however, moved over towards Tamara and Galin. Did he agree with this course of action? No, not really. Still had trust issues with the half-blood, but at least he was on their side. For now anyway... And when Galin moved off silently, Andrik was quick to follow. Had his bow and arrows at the ready, just in case.


The she-elf (whose name I need to look back up again) glanced at Sellion a moment. Brow rose, she just watching as he attempted to be sneaky in what he was really doing. Getting close to her.

Explains why he decided to nearly ground my dragon... Andrik grumbled a little sourly.

It was clear to tell that he was not pleased with how that had been done. He, however, moved over towards Tamara and Galin. Did he agree with this course of action? No, not really. Still had trust issues with the half-blood, but at least he was on their side. For now anyway... And when Galin moved off silently, Andrik was quick to follow. Had his bow and arrows at the ready, just in case.


The she-elf (whose name I need to look back up again) glanced at Sellion a moment. Brow rose, she just watching as he attempted to be sneaky in what he was really doing. Getting close to her.

Tamara could feel the bite of bitterness in Andrik's words. Yes, she agreed, the act of walking to Valthar's head was a bad choice, but she was sure Galin had a good reason for it. She turned toward the rest of the group.

"Please stay here, the three of us will call if we need help."

She then stalked off after the two men. Her daggers were still concealed beneath her cloak. Now was the time to get into the mindset of a hunter. She had to be silent and quick, one false move could possibly spell death for the group. Her mind went back to focus on her magic energy, and the minds of Draco and Andrik. Draco, she could contact with a plea for help or more energy; Andrik, she would be able to read his attacks and move in a way that would complement his strategy. It was too bad Galin had no such connection to their minds, they wouldn't know what his plan was, and he wouldn't know what they were doing. Perhaps that would become a problem.


(XD I was wondering that too. lol She never introduced herself...and I don't know if the she-elf has even spoke a word to them.)

Sellion noticed a glance directed his way, and paused to gaze back and wave with a smile. See, he wasn't all that bad. His mind screamed at him, telling him he was just being weird right now. Surely he must look like an idiot at this point. His eyes wandered to watch Tamara and the other two men disappear. So they were to stay until summoned. Well, that allowed plenty of time for team bonding. Or...maybe just some one on one bonding.

Tamara could feel the bite of bitterness in Andrik's words. Yes, she agreed, the act of walking to Valthar's head was a bad choice, but she was sure Galin had a good reason for it. She turned toward the rest of the group.

"Please stay here, the three of us will call if we need help."

She then stalked off after the two men. Her daggers were still concealed beneath her cloak. Now was the time to get into the mindset of a hunter. She had to be silent and quick, one false move could possibly spell death for the group. Her mind went back to focus on her magic energy, and the minds of Draco and Andrik. Draco, she could contact with a plea for help or more energy; Andrik, she would be able to read his attacks and move in a way that would complement his strategy. It was too bad Galin had no such connection to their minds, they wouldn't know what his plan was, and he wouldn't know what they were doing. Perhaps that would become a problem.


(XD I was wondering that too. lol She never introduced herself...and I don't know if the she-elf has even spoke a word to them.)

Sellion noticed a glance directed his way, and paused to gaze back and wave with a smile. See, he wasn't all that bad. His mind screamed at him, telling him he was just being weird right now. Surely he must look like an idiot at this point. His eyes wandered to watch Tamara and the other two men disappear. So they were to stay until summoned. Well, that allowed plenty of time for team bonding. Or...maybe just some one on one bonding.

Perhaps it would... Perhaps not. It all depended on ho well they could read the half-blood. He seemed to be able to read them real well, already. It was as if everyone was an open book to him, and all he had to do was skim the pages and glean what information he wanted. Galin was waiting for them in the shadows. There, sure enough, was a party of mages. He pointed them out to the pair.

"Those two are also skilled in hand to hand... I'll take care of them while you pick off the magic wielders."

He trusted in his own abilities and that darkness to pull him through this. And Galin knew that they had their dragons to help them.


((I can't remember her name for the life of me. Nee to look... But no, she really hasn't spoken... XD))

A brow rose at the wave. yes, Sellion was being a little weird, but that was alright. Attention turned then to polishing her weapons and armor. As if they weren't black enough already.

Perhaps it would... Perhaps not. It all depended on ho well they could read the half-blood. He seemed to be able to read them real well, already. It was as if everyone was an open book to him, and all he had to do was skim the pages and glean what information he wanted. Galin was waiting for them in the shadows. There, sure enough, was a party of mages. He pointed them out to the pair.

"Those two are also skilled in hand to hand... I'll take care of them while you pick off the magic wielders."

He trusted in his own abilities and that darkness to pull him through this. And Galin knew that they had their dragons to help them.


((I can't remember her name for the life of me. Nee to look... But no, she really hasn't spoken... XD))

A brow rose at the wave. yes, Sellion was being a little weird, but that was alright. Attention turned then to polishing her weapons and armor. As if they weren't black enough already.
@Wolvenflame77 ((So sorry for the late reply. I had some surprise extra hours at work.))

Tamara found herself gulping slightly as they came upon the camp. There were more than she had thought. Without help this would have been impossible for her alone. Thank the stars she hadn't stayed behind that one time to attempt reasoning with them. This wasn't just a wandering group of messengers. She nodded at the instruction from Galin, she could take a couple of them at once, she was sure of that. Hopefully Andrik could take the others. Tamara prepared herself for invading two of the mage's minds, and quietly waited for the best time to reveal her presence. Then she would attack, when they were confused and unsure who had found them.


Sellion soon sat near the she-elf, but not near enough to cause anyone to blame him for being forward. He had his bag of arrows out and slowly began to go through them to inspect the tips and shafts for any flaws. He would see what her reaction to this would be.
@Wolvenflame77 ((So sorry for the late reply. I had some surprise extra hours at work.))

Tamara found herself gulping slightly as they came upon the camp. There were more than she had thought. Without help this would have been impossible for her alone. Thank the stars she hadn't stayed behind that one time to attempt reasoning with them. This wasn't just a wandering group of messengers. She nodded at the instruction from Galin, she could take a couple of them at once, she was sure of that. Hopefully Andrik could take the others. Tamara prepared herself for invading two of the mage's minds, and quietly waited for the best time to reveal her presence. Then she would attack, when they were confused and unsure who had found them.


Sellion soon sat near the she-elf, but not near enough to cause anyone to blame him for being forward. He had his bag of arrows out and slowly began to go through them to inspect the tips and shafts for any flaws. He would see what her reaction to this would be.
((It's alright. I've been busy painting and al that good stuff.))

Galin was rather silent, eyes narrowing. He snuck up rather easily upon the first knight, and slit his throat with ease before the rest were alerted to their presence. That was when Andrik struck as well. The man was quick with a bow. Fired off three arrows per second. Each one hit its mark unless said target moved. The arrows would be easy to retrieve.

This was the first time Andrik had ever killed a man, though, and the shock was likely to overcome him when all this was over. Taking the life of an animal was one thing. Taking the life of another human being was something else entirely.


"You sit so close to women often?" mused the tone.

The she-elf had a good, strong voice. Kept at her work, glanced at Sellion a moment before looking to her armor and weapon. Ah, they were dark enough... It was time to sharpen the blades. After all, she had to be quick and stealthy. A dull blade did not make for an easy kill.
((It's alright. I've been busy painting and al that good stuff.))

Galin was rather silent, eyes narrowing. He snuck up rather easily upon the first knight, and slit his throat with ease before the rest were alerted to their presence. That was when Andrik struck as well. The man was quick with a bow. Fired off three arrows per second. Each one hit its mark unless said target moved. The arrows would be easy to retrieve.

This was the first time Andrik had ever killed a man, though, and the shock was likely to overcome him when all this was over. Taking the life of an animal was one thing. Taking the life of another human being was something else entirely.


"You sit so close to women often?" mused the tone.

The she-elf had a good, strong voice. Kept at her work, glanced at Sellion a moment before looking to her armor and weapon. Ah, they were dark enough... It was time to sharpen the blades. After all, she had to be quick and stealthy. A dull blade did not make for an easy kill.

Tamara pounced the same time Andrik did, her knifes were thrown with accuracy, downing a few of them, and weakening a stronger one. At that point, Tamara used her mind to rush at his, and quickly knock him unconscious. Well, that went better than expected. She hadn't thought the fight would end so easily. Part of her considered this being a trap. If it was, they just walked right into it. She kept her mind guarded, yet open to find any other beings nearby.


Sellion didn't have much time to think of a proper answer, so the truth just spilled out.

"Much closer actually. This is probably the farthest I sat from such a beautiful woman in a long while."

His face paled as his words replayed in his mind. Well, there went making a good impression. He huffed at himself, his shoulders sagging slightly as he turned back to his work. He sharpened the arrow tips as best as he could before blackening them with polish.

Tamara pounced the same time Andrik did, her knifes were thrown with accuracy, downing a few of them, and weakening a stronger one. At that point, Tamara used her mind to rush at his, and quickly knock him unconscious. Well, that went better than expected. She hadn't thought the fight would end so easily. Part of her considered this being a trap. If it was, they just walked right into it. She kept her mind guarded, yet open to find any other beings nearby.


Sellion didn't have much time to think of a proper answer, so the truth just spilled out.

"Much closer actually. This is probably the farthest I sat from such a beautiful woman in a long while."

His face paled as his words replayed in his mind. Well, there went making a good impression. He huffed at himself, his shoulders sagging slightly as he turned back to his work. He sharpened the arrow tips as best as he could before blackening them with polish.

She would find none. Galin wasn't lying, and there had been plenty of opportunities to destroy the two, honestly. He could have done it at any point, killing them. But he would not. They were his only chance at getting his sister back. He needed her...badly. Would do anything to get her back. It seemed that everyone was down...except for one. This one he grabbed by the collar of their shirt, and yanked up. Seemed wounded by both Andrik and Tamara. That hidden dagger he had was taken out, and jammed into the knee wound, causing a sharp yelp.

"Where is my sister at," he seethed, growling lowly.

But the man just wasn't talking. Andrik had to avert his gaze as Galin just got into his darkness and just went at it with the poor man. He really didn't stand a chance... Andrik glanced at Tamara, wondering what they ought to do as the man just refused answer and continued to receive torment.


She smiled a bit at that, laughed a little. Oh, this poor man was rather rusty.

"Why, thank you. Sellion, is it?"

She had went ahead and set her equipment aside, offered to take a few arrows for him and help.

She would find none. Galin wasn't lying, and there had been plenty of opportunities to destroy the two, honestly. He could have done it at any point, killing them. But he would not. They were his only chance at getting his sister back. He needed her...badly. Would do anything to get her back. It seemed that everyone was down...except for one. This one he grabbed by the collar of their shirt, and yanked up. Seemed wounded by both Andrik and Tamara. That hidden dagger he had was taken out, and jammed into the knee wound, causing a sharp yelp.

"Where is my sister at," he seethed, growling lowly.

But the man just wasn't talking. Andrik had to avert his gaze as Galin just got into his darkness and just went at it with the poor man. He really didn't stand a chance... Andrik glanced at Tamara, wondering what they ought to do as the man just refused answer and continued to receive torment.


She smiled a bit at that, laughed a little. Oh, this poor man was rather rusty.

"Why, thank you. Sellion, is it?"

She had went ahead and set her equipment aside, offered to take a few arrows for him and help.

Tamara found herself gagging and turning away when Galin plunged a knife into the man's open wound. Had she really been that way before Andrik saved her? It made her sick thinking about the many she had tortured in the same fashion before. Only, she hadn't been able to draw that lust back as easily as Galin could. Her limbs started shaking from the terror of her victim's screams. She couldn't stand here and let Galin put the same pain on this man, it was wrong. With shaky steps she approached the half blood, until she stood a mere foot away. Her face was knotted as her mind continued to think on those painful memories.

"Galin....that's enough. They can't help us anymore. We'll just have to scout the palace out to find your sister."


What was she laughing at? Was he really doing that badly? Sellion was so used to women fawning over him anyway that it took no real effort on his part to win them over.

"Yes, that's me. Sellion Rosewater, at your service."

He dipped his head politely just before she moved over. The young elf was honestly surprised she had taken the initiative here. He just quietly handed over a few arrows with a small blush on his cheeks.

Tamara found herself gagging and turning away when Galin plunged a knife into the man's open wound. Had she really been that way before Andrik saved her? It made her sick thinking about the many she had tortured in the same fashion before. Only, she hadn't been able to draw that lust back as easily as Galin could. Her limbs started shaking from the terror of her victim's screams. She couldn't stand here and let Galin put the same pain on this man, it was wrong. With shaky steps she approached the half blood, until she stood a mere foot away. Her face was knotted as her mind continued to think on those painful memories.

"Galin....that's enough. They can't help us anymore. We'll just have to scout the palace out to find your sister."


What was she laughing at? Was he really doing that badly? Sellion was so used to women fawning over him anyway that it took no real effort on his part to win them over.

"Yes, that's me. Sellion Rosewater, at your service."

He dipped his head politely just before she moved over. The young elf was honestly surprised she had taken the initiative here. He just quietly handed over a few arrows with a small blush on his cheeks.
((Sorry I haven't replied as fast. Been pretty tired and now I'm at my sister's.))

The man almost rounded on her, but he recalled vaguely that she was helping him. With a disgusted look on his face, he ended the man's life. Didn't get anything he needed to know... It upset him. Badly, and it showed. Galin just wanted his sister back... Smashed his fist into the nearest tree before stalking back to the others. Of course, he wouldn't make his presence known...was in a foul mood and he knew he was likely to snap at the first person who made a tiny mistake.


Andrik sighed, watched the whole ordeal. He moved to Tamara, placed a hand upon her shoulder.

"You did good," he stated softly.


"I've heard quite a bit about you. Are all those rumors I hear true?"

She knew she had him blushing, smiled a bit to herself. The young she-elf worked on the arrows given to her, carefully and precisely.
((Sorry I haven't replied as fast. Been pretty tired and now I'm at my sister's.))

The man almost rounded on her, but he recalled vaguely that she was helping him. With a disgusted look on his face, he ended the man's life. Didn't get anything he needed to know... It upset him. Badly, and it showed. Galin just wanted his sister back... Smashed his fist into the nearest tree before stalking back to the others. Of course, he wouldn't make his presence known...was in a foul mood and he knew he was likely to snap at the first person who made a tiny mistake.


Andrik sighed, watched the whole ordeal. He moved to Tamara, placed a hand upon her shoulder.

"You did good," he stated softly.


"I've heard quite a bit about you. Are all those rumors I hear true?"

She knew she had him blushing, smiled a bit to herself. The young she-elf worked on the arrows given to her, carefully and precisely.