

Tell stories and roleplay in the world of Flight Rising.
TOPIC | Lost Hatchlings in Starwood Strand-FULL
((Double post there.))
((Double post there.))
'Why are you frowning?' -Temeraire's first words.
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Ambrose gritted his teeth as Zeph's magic did its work. Healing spells worked much in the same way as herbal medicine - and both means stung like one of the Stormcather's lightning bolts in the bite on his tail. "I swear if that Chimera isn't already dead I'll kill him myself," he muttered. After a few moments, the stinging turned to a soothing warmth that dulled the pain in the wound. When he looked back at Zeph and his tail, the Guardian's neck fans rattled in surprise. Arcanist's sheltering wings, his wound was healed! Granted, it was not expertly done and a light scar would remain with him for the rest of his life, but it was still mended to the point where he no longer bled and that the skin was closed over it. "Wow, you're a natural healer," remarked the Guardian. "If you didn't have those gold eyes, I'd think you were Arcane as good as your magic is! Thank you."

The fans up and down Morro's body rattled in warning to whoever was in the bushes. Her patience had run out, and she was in no mood to play more hide and seek in the woods. "Come out," she growled. "Or I'll bring you out myself, and believe you me that is the last you want at the moment."

@Raksha18 ((Don't worry, you're fine. ;D ))
Ambrose gritted his teeth as Zeph's magic did its work. Healing spells worked much in the same way as herbal medicine - and both means stung like one of the Stormcather's lightning bolts in the bite on his tail. "I swear if that Chimera isn't already dead I'll kill him myself," he muttered. After a few moments, the stinging turned to a soothing warmth that dulled the pain in the wound. When he looked back at Zeph and his tail, the Guardian's neck fans rattled in surprise. Arcanist's sheltering wings, his wound was healed! Granted, it was not expertly done and a light scar would remain with him for the rest of his life, but it was still mended to the point where he no longer bled and that the skin was closed over it. "Wow, you're a natural healer," remarked the Guardian. "If you didn't have those gold eyes, I'd think you were Arcane as good as your magic is! Thank you."

The fans up and down Morro's body rattled in warning to whoever was in the bushes. Her patience had run out, and she was in no mood to play more hide and seek in the woods. "Come out," she growled. "Or I'll bring you out myself, and believe you me that is the last you want at the moment."

@Raksha18 ((Don't worry, you're fine. ;D ))
(( @XenSilverQuill Is this RP still alive?))
(( @XenSilverQuill Is this RP still alive?))
((I hope so... I'm not sure where The13Inquisitor is…
((I hope so... I'm not sure where The13Inquisitor is…
((@XenSilverQuill: I'm here, just waiting for someone to advance the story. I've got nothing to work with presently.))
((@XenSilverQuill: I'm here, just waiting for someone to advance the story. I've got nothing to work with presently.))
'Why are you frowning?' -Temeraire's first words.
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Well, in that case, Raksha, would you like to continue next?)
Well, in that case, Raksha, would you like to continue next?)
(( @XenSilverQuill Sure. I can continue. ))
(( I didn't put a post for Kuro because I have nothing to write for him. He's still looking for Nightseer. ))

Zeph smiled at Ambrose and then looked down at his paws, his bashfulness had returned due to the compliment. "I should be thanking you really. You saved us all." Zeph looked up at Ambrose and Memoria. "Should we go find your sister and my brother? They went ahead, I think Kuro was trying to catch up with Nightseer." He looked at them evenly and awaited their responses. He was slightly worried that his brother hadn't returned.

Mulgor had finally reached where the blood smelled strongest. He landed near by and began to make his way to where the now dead chimera was. Doing this was slightly difficult for him due to his massive size. He bumped into a few trees on the way, when he broke through the brush he stopped dead in his tracks. Standing before him was another Guardian and an Imperial. He puffed himself up, if his hatchlings were near he had to get to them fast. Although he couldn't smell his sons' blood he still wasn't sure if they were injured. Lucky for Mulgor, he was born in the arcane territory so he was familiar with the area. "May I ask what you two are looking for..?" He refused to show nervousness, if it came down to it he could always escape even though he hated running.
(( @XenSilverQuill Sure. I can continue. ))
(( I didn't put a post for Kuro because I have nothing to write for him. He's still looking for Nightseer. ))

Zeph smiled at Ambrose and then looked down at his paws, his bashfulness had returned due to the compliment. "I should be thanking you really. You saved us all." Zeph looked up at Ambrose and Memoria. "Should we go find your sister and my brother? They went ahead, I think Kuro was trying to catch up with Nightseer." He looked at them evenly and awaited their responses. He was slightly worried that his brother hadn't returned.

Mulgor had finally reached where the blood smelled strongest. He landed near by and began to make his way to where the now dead chimera was. Doing this was slightly difficult for him due to his massive size. He bumped into a few trees on the way, when he broke through the brush he stopped dead in his tracks. Standing before him was another Guardian and an Imperial. He puffed himself up, if his hatchlings were near he had to get to them fast. Although he couldn't smell his sons' blood he still wasn't sure if they were injured. Lucky for Mulgor, he was born in the arcane territory so he was familiar with the area. "May I ask what you two are looking for..?" He refused to show nervousness, if it came down to it he could always escape even though he hated running.
"Hatchlings? Indeed. Seems to be a running trend around here tonight. Ours went down there." Azrael indicated the hollow.

"Well, it must be okay otherwise you'd be hearing 'Seer swearing and fighting." Memoira replied. "We'd best follow them for now." She added, setting off after the others.
"Hatchlings? Indeed. Seems to be a running trend around here tonight. Ours went down there." Azrael indicated the hollow.

"Well, it must be okay otherwise you'd be hearing 'Seer swearing and fighting." Memoira replied. "We'd best follow them for now." She added, setting off after the others.
'Why are you frowning?' -Temeraire's first words.
9PO79Ra.png kBLPNEQ.png
(( @XenSilverQuill You still there? ))
(( @XenSilverQuill You still there? ))
Her fans rattled as she sniffed the newcomer cautiously. Smelling neither blood nor anything suspicious on him, she stepped forward and spoke with tentative civility. "We were looking for our missing hatchlings, mine and his respectively. And we might have caught up to them, too, save for the fact we had a tussle with a Chimera." Morro pushed disdainfully at the carcass. "I don't suppose you wanted to join us in searching for them, do you?"

Ambrose made to say that saving them had not been all his doing, but the rest were already heading down the tunnel before he could say anything. He hurried after them, but stopped dead in his tracks when he heard a squeaking coming down the tunnel. A rather familiar, grumpy squeaking. The Guardian turned his head to see a very dusty Runic bat climbing along the inside of the tunnel. /Had better get a dragon's weight in insects for this,/ Giovanni grumbled in the language of his species. /Oi! Ambry, Sucrose, or whatever your name is! All you lot, you got a whole Flight up there looking for your sorry hides! Move back up!/

Her fans rattled as she sniffed the newcomer cautiously. Smelling neither blood nor anything suspicious on him, she stepped forward and spoke with tentative civility. "We were looking for our missing hatchlings, mine and his respectively. And we might have caught up to them, too, save for the fact we had a tussle with a Chimera." Morro pushed disdainfully at the carcass. "I don't suppose you wanted to join us in searching for them, do you?"

Ambrose made to say that saving them had not been all his doing, but the rest were already heading down the tunnel before he could say anything. He hurried after them, but stopped dead in his tracks when he heard a squeaking coming down the tunnel. A rather familiar, grumpy squeaking. The Guardian turned his head to see a very dusty Runic bat climbing along the inside of the tunnel. /Had better get a dragon's weight in insects for this,/ Giovanni grumbled in the language of his species. /Oi! Ambry, Sucrose, or whatever your name is! All you lot, you got a whole Flight up there looking for your sorry hides! Move back up!/
