

Tell stories and roleplay in the world of Flight Rising.
TOPIC | Lost Hatchlings in Starwood Strand-FULL
((The posts themselves might be able to tell you better than I can. ^_^; If you just skim through them real quick, that should catch you up just fine. Is that all right? :o ))
((The posts themselves might be able to tell you better than I can. ^_^; If you just skim through them real quick, that should catch you up just fine. Is that all right? :o ))

(( That's fine. xDD Does this rp have a posting order? ))

(( That's fine. xDD Does this rp have a posting order? ))
((None that I set or I'm aware of, no. I have been waiting for Raksha18 to make another post before I make my next one, but other than that no particular order. XD ))
((None that I set or I'm aware of, no. I have been waiting for Raksha18 to make another post before I make my next one, but other than that no particular order. XD ))

(( Okay. xD I tried to skim over the posts and I'm not sure I really got anything so I'll just make a post and see how things go. xD I'll just wing it. Let me know if anything needs to be changed. Also, I'm not familiar with the Flight Rising lore. Should I be? ))

(( Okay. xD I tried to skim over the posts and I'm not sure I really got anything so I'll just make a post and see how things go. xD I'll just wing it. Let me know if anything needs to be changed. Also, I'm not familiar with the Flight Rising lore. Should I be? ))
((Don't worry, we'll work you in! XD Just know that sometimes dragons refer to their Flight gods when they curse and that we might mention local flora and fauna native to area. Have fun!))
((Don't worry, we'll work you in! XD Just know that sometimes dragons refer to their Flight gods when they curse and that we might mention local flora and fauna native to area. Have fun!))

(( Okay. If I have any questions then I'll ask you. :3 Anyway, I am working on my post now. It's probably going to be fairly long. It'll probably be one of those posts where you or someone else will have to find me since I don't exactly know where everyone is right now. xDD ))

(( Okay. If I have any questions then I'll ask you. :3 Anyway, I am working on my post now. It's probably going to be fairly long. It'll probably be one of those posts where you or someone else will have to find me since I don't exactly know where everyone is right now. xDD ))
[center][url=] [img][/img] [/url][/center] It had been late at night when the Guardian came. He had been a rogue male that was determined to start a clan of his any cost. The Guardian had attacked the nest of a lone female Pearlcatcher. Celeste was one of four hatchlings that the female guarded. However, the Guardian wasn't interested in the adult female since she would refuse to mate with him in order to help him advance his clan and it would be more trouble than its worth to force her into submission. Celeste watched as the large Guardian male slaughtered her mother. As hatchlings, her and her 3 brothers could do nothing against him. Unfortunately for her brothers the male wasn't interested in them since they couldn't lay eggs and they would probably fight back as they grew older if he chose to keep them as warriors. That left just Celeste who was shaking in fear and cowering at the back of the nest, hiding behind what was left of her mother and her brothers. She helped when the male snatched her up in his claws and took flight. Celeste was young and couldn't fly very well but she could somewhat glide. She watched as the ground became farther and farther away. She whimpered at the sight of her dead family as they disappeared into the distance. The young hatchling didn't know how long or how far the male had taken her but enough was enough! She gathered all of the strength and courage she possessed and bit down onto the Guardian's leg as hard as she could. The male roared out in pain, releasing his grip on the young hatchling. He quickly tried to regain his grip but it was already too late. However, his claws had caught Celeste's tender wings, slicing into them and preventing her from even gliding properly. She fell. And fell. And fell. And then...blackness. The young Pearlcatcher had collided with the side of a cliff and rolled down into a river. The current carried her down the river until her body finally came to rest at the river's mouth. She was alive but only just. He body was battered, bloody, and broken. It was amazing that she had even survived such a fall but she had somehow managed to do so. Celeste's eyes opened slightly and she let out a small, weak whimper. The smell of her blood would probably attract predators but she wasn't in a state where she could defend herself. Without her mother she knew she would have to toughen up...or die. Those were the only options. She let out a small growl as she forced her broken body to move, staggering to her feet. Every step she took pained her greatly and she limped severely but she had to move on and find some place to hide in case that Guardian came after her again.

It had been late at night when the Guardian came. He had been a rogue male that was determined to start a clan of his any cost. The Guardian had attacked the nest of a lone female Pearlcatcher. Celeste was one of four hatchlings that the female guarded. However, the Guardian wasn't interested in the adult female since she would refuse to mate with him in order to help him advance his clan and it would be more trouble than its worth to force her into submission.

Celeste watched as the large Guardian male slaughtered her mother. As hatchlings, her and her 3 brothers could do nothing against him. Unfortunately for her brothers the male wasn't interested in them since they couldn't lay eggs and they would probably fight back as they grew older if he chose to keep them as warriors. That left just Celeste who was shaking in fear and cowering at the back of the nest, hiding behind what was left of her mother and her brothers.

She helped when the male snatched her up in his claws and took flight. Celeste was young and couldn't fly very well but she could somewhat glide. She watched as the ground became farther and farther away. She whimpered at the sight of her dead family as they disappeared into the distance.

The young hatchling didn't know how long or how far the male had taken her but enough was enough! She gathered all of the strength and courage she possessed and bit down onto the Guardian's leg as hard as she could. The male roared out in pain, releasing his grip on the young hatchling. He quickly tried to regain his grip but it was already too late. However, his claws had caught Celeste's tender wings, slicing into them and preventing her from even gliding properly.

She fell. And fell. And fell. And then...blackness. The young Pearlcatcher had collided with the side of a cliff and rolled down into a river. The current carried her down the river until her body finally came to rest at the river's mouth. She was alive but only just. He body was battered, bloody, and broken. It was amazing that she had even survived such a fall but she had somehow managed to do so.

Celeste's eyes opened slightly and she let out a small, weak whimper. The smell of her blood would probably attract predators but she wasn't in a state where she could defend herself. Without her mother she knew she would have to toughen up...or die. Those were the only options.

She let out a small growl as she forced her broken body to move, staggering to her feet. Every step she took pained her greatly and she limped severely but she had to move on and find some place to hide in case that Guardian came after her again.
((I'm in the same boat, so it should, I'm not promising,be easy to get into things if we work together))
((I'm in the same boat, so it should, I'm not promising,be easy to get into things if we work together))
tumblr_inline_n5l9fw5kQh1scrvs1.png Feel free to ping me! ^W^
sometime in the night, the young hatchling heard a guardian,most likely one with no clan, snarling in pain. the hatchling knew he had been up to something,something not to have pride for, to have been hurt that badly. the hatchling then found the scent of blood in the distance, Guardian odor was covering the stench
sometime in the night, the young hatchling heard a guardian,most likely one with no clan, snarling in pain. the hatchling knew he had been up to something,something not to have pride for, to have been hurt that badly. the hatchling then found the scent of blood in the distance, Guardian odor was covering the stench
tumblr_inline_n5l9fw5kQh1scrvs1.png Feel free to ping me! ^W^
as he followed the odor, he dug into his hoard of food to grab some for the trip ahead. the insects and plants would last the longest, so he chose them to take. he had found the guardian later, only to find his own father, bitten in the leg. the hatchling fled, and ran as far away from his father, remembering what he did, "I'm no longer following you and your ways, good-bye." he heard something walking throught the grass, he was sure he was chaught by the one who he ran from, both now and back then.
as he followed the odor, he dug into his hoard of food to grab some for the trip ahead. the insects and plants would last the longest, so he chose them to take. he had found the guardian later, only to find his own father, bitten in the leg. the hatchling fled, and ran as far away from his father, remembering what he did, "I'm no longer following you and your ways, good-bye." he heard something walking throught the grass, he was sure he was chaught by the one who he ran from, both now and back then.
tumblr_inline_n5l9fw5kQh1scrvs1.png Feel free to ping me! ^W^