

Tell stories and roleplay in the world of Flight Rising.
TOPIC | 1x1 Roleplay with FumblingNarwhal
Avery smiled as he offered the punch. “Thank you. So. How was your night? Getting ready and all. I’d assume it was probably uneventful, knowing you guys, but us girls had fun. Morgan fussed over Elsie all night, and nearly ran out of time for herself.” She rolled her eyes and smiled absentmindedly as she watched the party go about around the two of them. “Gotta admit, this isn’t all I thought it’d be.”

Elsie stepped backwards, eventually bumping into the wall as she quietly watched them speak. A painful thought came to mind, but she pushed it away, looking away from the two. The human couldn’t hear their conversation, which was probably for the best. It would only make things worse, and her jealously wouldn’t make anything better. It wasn’t that she didn’t like it when Jayce spoke to other girls, but it was the insecurity that she wasn’t good enough for him. With a quiet sigh, she looked down at the ground, slightly disappointed. She’d wait for him to notice her. It’d be rude to interrupt their conversation now.
Avery smiled as he offered the punch. “Thank you. So. How was your night? Getting ready and all. I’d assume it was probably uneventful, knowing you guys, but us girls had fun. Morgan fussed over Elsie all night, and nearly ran out of time for herself.” She rolled her eyes and smiled absentmindedly as she watched the party go about around the two of them. “Gotta admit, this isn’t all I thought it’d be.”

Elsie stepped backwards, eventually bumping into the wall as she quietly watched them speak. A painful thought came to mind, but she pushed it away, looking away from the two. The human couldn’t hear their conversation, which was probably for the best. It would only make things worse, and her jealously wouldn’t make anything better. It wasn’t that she didn’t like it when Jayce spoke to other girls, but it was the insecurity that she wasn’t good enough for him. With a quiet sigh, she looked down at the ground, slightly disappointed. She’d wait for him to notice her. It’d be rude to interrupt their conversation now.
"Yeah," Tanner nodded when Avery asked about last evening. "We may or may not have spent the entire time playing Super Smash Bros..."
The teen had broken into a little smile after Avery accepted the drink. He plucked a dark chocolate cookie off of a nearby plate and began munching on it. His mind was buzzing with excitement due to the activity around them. Some people chatting, others playing games, and a few doing casual dances to the music. The DJ was 100% killin' it.
"What exactly did you expect prom to be? This isn't your first one, is it?"

After a few minutes of chatting, Jayce paused. He just realized Elsie was nearby.
"HEY, ELSIE!" He called, waving his arms to get her attention. He motioned for her to come over.
"Who is that?" The lady asked with a tilt of her head.
"She was new this semester, so you wouldn't know her."
"Ah, I see." She took a sip of her punch and eyed Elsie somewhat suspiciously.
"Yeah," Tanner nodded when Avery asked about last evening. "We may or may not have spent the entire time playing Super Smash Bros..."
The teen had broken into a little smile after Avery accepted the drink. He plucked a dark chocolate cookie off of a nearby plate and began munching on it. His mind was buzzing with excitement due to the activity around them. Some people chatting, others playing games, and a few doing casual dances to the music. The DJ was 100% killin' it.
"What exactly did you expect prom to be? This isn't your first one, is it?"

After a few minutes of chatting, Jayce paused. He just realized Elsie was nearby.
"HEY, ELSIE!" He called, waving his arms to get her attention. He motioned for her to come over.
"Who is that?" The lady asked with a tilt of her head.
"She was new this semester, so you wouldn't know her."
"Ah, I see." She took a sip of her punch and eyed Elsie somewhat suspiciously.
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“Sounds like a good time management. I’d probably do the same thing if I wasn’t with the girls all evening.” Avery looked away, utterly terrified as she rested her hands at her sides. She looked from him, then back to the dance floor. Do it Avery, Morgan said it’d be fine. We’re practically in love, right? Gently reaching down, without looking at him, she entwined her smaller hand with his, their fingers interlocking in a soft and sweet gesture. “Yeah, it’s my first prom. I’d say it’s been a good night. You agree?”

Elsie looked up in surprise, slightly caught off guard as she made her way towards the two, antsy. “Uh, hi? I’m Elsie.” She smiled sweetly, her tone genuine as she looked at the taller girl.
“Sounds like a good time management. I’d probably do the same thing if I wasn’t with the girls all evening.” Avery looked away, utterly terrified as she rested her hands at her sides. She looked from him, then back to the dance floor. Do it Avery, Morgan said it’d be fine. We’re practically in love, right? Gently reaching down, without looking at him, she entwined her smaller hand with his, their fingers interlocking in a soft and sweet gesture. “Yeah, it’s my first prom. I’d say it’s been a good night. You agree?”

Elsie looked up in surprise, slightly caught off guard as she made her way towards the two, antsy. “Uh, hi? I’m Elsie.” She smiled sweetly, her tone genuine as she looked at the taller girl.
He almost dropped his punch.
Tanner's reaction to Avery holding his hand consisted of singularly standing still. When he felt his cup slipping out of his hand, he only clutched it harder. All the sounds around him were muffled, almost like trying to hear something through stacks of blankets. He could feel his face getting warm as he blushed. He could also feel his lip quivering in an attempt not to break into a smile. Still, he did not look at Avery, only stared into the crowed, still holding her hand.

"Stacy, Elsie. Elsie, Stacy." Jayce calmly introduced them to each other.
Stacy was taller than Jayce. Her form was towering and judgmental, almost threatening. Her expression almost looked like a mixture of disappointment and complete disgust. As if to affirm any negative thoughts, the lady crossed her arms pridefully.
Then she broke out in laughter... the friendly kind?
"Nice to meet you Elsie!" She smiled and stuck out her hand to shake Elsie's.
"I am Jayce's old friend. I promise, it isn't any deeper than that." She gave Elsie a teasing wink. "We knew each other for a few years. We haven't really hung out since I graduated."
He almost dropped his punch.
Tanner's reaction to Avery holding his hand consisted of singularly standing still. When he felt his cup slipping out of his hand, he only clutched it harder. All the sounds around him were muffled, almost like trying to hear something through stacks of blankets. He could feel his face getting warm as he blushed. He could also feel his lip quivering in an attempt not to break into a smile. Still, he did not look at Avery, only stared into the crowed, still holding her hand.

"Stacy, Elsie. Elsie, Stacy." Jayce calmly introduced them to each other.
Stacy was taller than Jayce. Her form was towering and judgmental, almost threatening. Her expression almost looked like a mixture of disappointment and complete disgust. As if to affirm any negative thoughts, the lady crossed her arms pridefully.
Then she broke out in laughter... the friendly kind?
"Nice to meet you Elsie!" She smiled and stuck out her hand to shake Elsie's.
"I am Jayce's old friend. I promise, it isn't any deeper than that." She gave Elsie a teasing wink. "We knew each other for a few years. We haven't really hung out since I graduated."
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Avery gently squeezed his hand in an affirming manner, not wanting to cause any sort of awkwardness in between the two at the moment. “So you’ve been to prom before? Or a formal before? I never thought there would be so many people here.. And I don’t recognize most of them. They don’t come here, do they?” She gestured with her free hand towards a few guys nearby. “I don’t remember seeing them before tonight.”

Elsie smiled shyly again, still a little nervous as she shook hands with the older girl. “Nice to meet you. You’re very pretty.” Her eyes widened as the complement she had thought of slipped out of her mouth. A blush started to make its way up her face at the mention of their status. “W-Well I’m glad you two are reunited. Jayce has a tendency to ignore people sometimes.” She smiled as she teased him.
Avery gently squeezed his hand in an affirming manner, not wanting to cause any sort of awkwardness in between the two at the moment. “So you’ve been to prom before? Or a formal before? I never thought there would be so many people here.. And I don’t recognize most of them. They don’t come here, do they?” She gestured with her free hand towards a few guys nearby. “I don’t remember seeing them before tonight.”

Elsie smiled shyly again, still a little nervous as she shook hands with the older girl. “Nice to meet you. You’re very pretty.” Her eyes widened as the complement she had thought of slipped out of her mouth. A blush started to make its way up her face at the mention of their status. “W-Well I’m glad you two are reunited. Jayce has a tendency to ignore people sometimes.” She smiled as she teased him.
"Belgenwell. I-I think they go to Belgenwell High, its not too far from here."
Tanner was already feeling awkward. Mostly just because he thought he was being awkward. He had finished drinking his punch and had thrown the cup away. His free hand was subtly swinging.
"Yeah, I've been at a few different Prom thingies. My family used to move a lot, so I've seen a pretty good verity. There's normally even more people... Knight Highschool had, like, 3,450+ students. That was probably the biggest school I'd ever attended though..."

"I do not." Jayce crossed his arms and pouted. "I just sometimes, er, forget..."
"I think that's close enough." Stacy laughed. "Your keeping-in-touch skills do need a bit of a tune up."
"Yeah, yeah, whatever." he rolled his eyes, but did smile. He turned his attention back to Elsie
"Anyways, I'm glad you were able to make it! Was Morgan able to get some dancing lessons into you?"
"Belgenwell. I-I think they go to Belgenwell High, its not too far from here."
Tanner was already feeling awkward. Mostly just because he thought he was being awkward. He had finished drinking his punch and had thrown the cup away. His free hand was subtly swinging.
"Yeah, I've been at a few different Prom thingies. My family used to move a lot, so I've seen a pretty good verity. There's normally even more people... Knight Highschool had, like, 3,450+ students. That was probably the biggest school I'd ever attended though..."

"I do not." Jayce crossed his arms and pouted. "I just sometimes, er, forget..."
"I think that's close enough." Stacy laughed. "Your keeping-in-touch skills do need a bit of a tune up."
"Yeah, yeah, whatever." he rolled his eyes, but did smile. He turned his attention back to Elsie
"Anyways, I'm glad you were able to make it! Was Morgan able to get some dancing lessons into you?"
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Avery, on the other hand, seemed rather oblivious to his uncomfortable-awkward state as she looked up at him and smiled, he’d pearly white canines slightly elongated like a wolves. Werewolf’s. “Interesting. Never heard of them before, although my parents were always adamant I came to school here, as this is where they met and fell and love. Typical highschool sweethearts. That’s impressive. I’d say I’ve been to a few fancy dinner parties, but nothing like this…”

“Maybe turn the notifications up on your phone. That’s a great start.” Elsie snickered. “Uh, well, kinda?” She smiled sheepishly. “I tried my hardest to learn for you, but it was a bit of a struggle. I started to get the hang of it towards the end though. Most of the dances here are pretty basic, from what Morgan told me.”
Avery, on the other hand, seemed rather oblivious to his uncomfortable-awkward state as she looked up at him and smiled, he’d pearly white canines slightly elongated like a wolves. Werewolf’s. “Interesting. Never heard of them before, although my parents were always adamant I came to school here, as this is where they met and fell and love. Typical highschool sweethearts. That’s impressive. I’d say I’ve been to a few fancy dinner parties, but nothing like this…”

“Maybe turn the notifications up on your phone. That’s a great start.” Elsie snickered. “Uh, well, kinda?” She smiled sheepishly. “I tried my hardest to learn for you, but it was a bit of a struggle. I started to get the hang of it towards the end though. Most of the dances here are pretty basic, from what Morgan told me.”
Tanner gave a little nod in agreement with Avery's words. He wasn't sure if he had anything to say. If he did find the words, they might be taken wrongly. But to sum up his main feelings, Tanner was happy. Happy his day went well. Happy Avery liked what he'd worn. Happy everyone around him was happy. And Happy that it looked like he had a chance with Avery.
"Did anyone end up inviting you to prom?" He felt it was a dumb question, but he wasn't actually sure."... or did you just go with Elsie and Morgan?"

"Ppff, yeah," Jayce waved an arm dismissively. "A good pile of the 'dances' just consist of people doing whatever the heck they want. Sometimes just sitting in a corner doing a little bounce is the vibe. Mostly just making sure the info didn't drop outta your head."
"You should've seen Jayce at his first prom." Stacy grinned evilly
"Stace, please." He gave an eyeroll.
"Come onnn, it's not that bad." She patted him on the head, which was easy considering the height difference. "He wandered in like a lost kitten wearing a hoodie.
One of the girls asked him to dance and, I kid you not, he tripped and knocked over at least four people! There was this spot in the dance floor with people sprawled out on the ground!"
Tanner gave a little nod in agreement with Avery's words. He wasn't sure if he had anything to say. If he did find the words, they might be taken wrongly. But to sum up his main feelings, Tanner was happy. Happy his day went well. Happy Avery liked what he'd worn. Happy everyone around him was happy. And Happy that it looked like he had a chance with Avery.
"Did anyone end up inviting you to prom?" He felt it was a dumb question, but he wasn't actually sure."... or did you just go with Elsie and Morgan?"

"Ppff, yeah," Jayce waved an arm dismissively. "A good pile of the 'dances' just consist of people doing whatever the heck they want. Sometimes just sitting in a corner doing a little bounce is the vibe. Mostly just making sure the info didn't drop outta your head."
"You should've seen Jayce at his first prom." Stacy grinned evilly
"Stace, please." He gave an eyeroll.
"Come onnn, it's not that bad." She patted him on the head, which was easy considering the height difference. "He wandered in like a lost kitten wearing a hoodie.
One of the girls asked him to dance and, I kid you not, he tripped and knocked over at least four people! There was this spot in the dance floor with people sprawled out on the ground!"
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Avery shook her head. “Nope. I just got ready with Elsie and Morgan, and came with them. Never asked anyone, and no one asked me.” She shrugged, completely at ease. It didn’t bother that there hadn’t been anyone that had asked her, as anw simply wanted to go and have fun. Tanner was one of the reasons she came, too. She wouldn’t admit it, but she was too nervous internally to ask him to dance, so if anyone he’d have to speak up. “How bout you?”

“Sounds like fun. This is a good formal though, not gonna lie.” Elsie snickered. “Gee whiz. That’s crazy. I’m so sorry. My guess this is pre glow up Jayce? Sounds interesting, wish I could have seen this all run down.” She giggled as she looked from Stacy to Jayce. “Sounds like a miniature, slightly less mature version of Tanner.”
Avery shook her head. “Nope. I just got ready with Elsie and Morgan, and came with them. Never asked anyone, and no one asked me.” She shrugged, completely at ease. It didn’t bother that there hadn’t been anyone that had asked her, as anw simply wanted to go and have fun. Tanner was one of the reasons she came, too. She wouldn’t admit it, but she was too nervous internally to ask him to dance, so if anyone he’d have to speak up. “How bout you?”

“Sounds like fun. This is a good formal though, not gonna lie.” Elsie snickered. “Gee whiz. That’s crazy. I’m so sorry. My guess this is pre glow up Jayce? Sounds interesting, wish I could have seen this all run down.” She giggled as she looked from Stacy to Jayce. “Sounds like a miniature, slightly less mature version of Tanner.”
"Me?" Tanner almost sounded surprised. "Oh, no, of course not. I was gonna ask some one but, you know, got busy... and stuff..."
The teen looked down at his shoes, a little bit embarrassed. He knew he should've taken the time to ask her, he knew it couldn't be THAT hard, and he knew she had to be a tad sad no one invited her to the literal party of the year.
"So... if ya don't find anyone specific to dance with... I,,.. um, I can do it with you, only if you want though, just for fun, cuz, like, you know..."

"Pre-glowup?!?" Jayce feigned shock and crossed his arms disdainfully. "What do you mean, I've totally been this handsome my entire life! It wouldn't have mattered if you saw me then because you probably would've been charmed by my graceful decent to the floor."
By the end of his sentence, both him and Stace were absolutely cracking up.
"Me?" Tanner almost sounded surprised. "Oh, no, of course not. I was gonna ask some one but, you know, got busy... and stuff..."
The teen looked down at his shoes, a little bit embarrassed. He knew he should've taken the time to ask her, he knew it couldn't be THAT hard, and he knew she had to be a tad sad no one invited her to the literal party of the year.
"So... if ya don't find anyone specific to dance with... I,,.. um, I can do it with you, only if you want though, just for fun, cuz, like, you know..."

"Pre-glowup?!?" Jayce feigned shock and crossed his arms disdainfully. "What do you mean, I've totally been this handsome my entire life! It wouldn't have mattered if you saw me then because you probably would've been charmed by my graceful decent to the floor."
By the end of his sentence, both him and Stace were absolutely cracking up.
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