

Tell stories and roleplay in the world of Flight Rising.
TOPIC | 1x1 Roleplay with FumblingNarwhal
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“W-Well, ah, I kinda really only wanna dance with you… But if there’s others you’d prefer to dance with, then be my guest, I won’t force you to do anything…” Avery stammered as she looked away from him, suddenly shy. “I thought about asking this one guy to prom, but I was too shy, scared. I’m a chicken and fully willing to admit it.”

“Har har. We all went through an embarrassing phase at some point, I had my emo phase.” Elsie grimaced slightly before she laughed. “I’ll own it though. Way to claim you pretty much fell. On the floor.” She poked him in the side. “Knowing Jayce, since he’s such a ladies man, he’s probably already had about three, maybe five girlfriends? Yes?”
“W-Well, ah, I kinda really only wanna dance with you… But if there’s others you’d prefer to dance with, then be my guest, I won’t force you to do anything…” Avery stammered as she looked away from him, suddenly shy. “I thought about asking this one guy to prom, but I was too shy, scared. I’m a chicken and fully willing to admit it.”

“Har har. We all went through an embarrassing phase at some point, I had my emo phase.” Elsie grimaced slightly before she laughed. “I’ll own it though. Way to claim you pretty much fell. On the floor.” She poked him in the side. “Knowing Jayce, since he’s such a ladies man, he’s probably already had about three, maybe five girlfriends? Yes?”
"No, no," Tanner hurriedly waved his hands. "Don't blame yourself, it's hard sometimes! Plus, I think the guy traditionally asks the girl out. Just as a heads up, I'm not that great at remembering the steps and patterns for the fancier-ish dances. If I step on your feet too much feel free to find a diffrent partner-er-Dance partner."

"Come to think of it," Stacy cocked her head to the side. "I don't think Jayce actually had any 'offical' girlfriends. Did you?"
"Eehh," Jayce shrugged, somewhat embarrassed. "I didn't have any girlfriends,... technically? I know I can confidently say I never dated any of them."
"Hah, yeah, but you did always have at least one girl tailing you at all moments."
"Wasn't my fault though." He sniffed disdainfully.
"No, no," Tanner hurriedly waved his hands. "Don't blame yourself, it's hard sometimes! Plus, I think the guy traditionally asks the girl out. Just as a heads up, I'm not that great at remembering the steps and patterns for the fancier-ish dances. If I step on your feet too much feel free to find a diffrent partner-er-Dance partner."

"Come to think of it," Stacy cocked her head to the side. "I don't think Jayce actually had any 'offical' girlfriends. Did you?"
"Eehh," Jayce shrugged, somewhat embarrassed. "I didn't have any girlfriends,... technically? I know I can confidently say I never dated any of them."
"Hah, yeah, but you did always have at least one girl tailing you at all moments."
"Wasn't my fault though." He sniffed disdainfully.
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Avery smiled and rolled her eyes slightly. “You’ll be fine. It’s just a basic slow dance song, just sway back and forth. Simple. I promise you, I don’t bite. Unless it’s full moon, the worse night of the month, I’m pretty much harmless.” She sighed quietly before she smiled. “Perks of being a werewolf, yeah?”

“Oh.” Elsie went quiet, thinking for a moment. “Interesting. I mean, I’d consider that being some sort of homie-hopper, meaning you’re a player.” She smiled teasingly, thoroughly enjoying the pain she was putting him through. “Not at all, wasn’t like you were trying anyways. I always had to deal with the annoying guys that always wanted to take me out or something.. Kept commenting about how great I smelled.” She rolled her eyes, over the idea. Without realizing it, she had experienced vampires. “There was five of them, to be exact. Terribly persistent.”
Avery smiled and rolled her eyes slightly. “You’ll be fine. It’s just a basic slow dance song, just sway back and forth. Simple. I promise you, I don’t bite. Unless it’s full moon, the worse night of the month, I’m pretty much harmless.” She sighed quietly before she smiled. “Perks of being a werewolf, yeah?”

“Oh.” Elsie went quiet, thinking for a moment. “Interesting. I mean, I’d consider that being some sort of homie-hopper, meaning you’re a player.” She smiled teasingly, thoroughly enjoying the pain she was putting him through. “Not at all, wasn’t like you were trying anyways. I always had to deal with the annoying guys that always wanted to take me out or something.. Kept commenting about how great I smelled.” She rolled her eyes, over the idea. Without realizing it, she had experienced vampires. “There was five of them, to be exact. Terribly persistent.”
Tanner gave a nervous little smile.
"...Yeah. So, I'm not sure if there's a schedule, but I think they normally do the slow songs around the end of the evening. Do you wanna snack in the meantime? Did you wanna hang out with any of your friends for a bit?"
He was a tad worried Avery might spend the whole time trying to squeeze conversation out of Tanner and forget to hang out with her closer friends.

"Eesh," A frown of concern from Jayce. "Its probably worse for you because you're a girl. Just a tip from me: don't date dudes who are really into how things smell. Guys like that are sooooo weird, you have no idea."
Stacy made a 'blegh' face, agreeing with Jayce. "Yeah, don't date guys like that, actually just don't date anyone, makes life a lot easier, in my opinion at least. "

(Note: stacey is not a werewolf or vamp.)
Tanner gave a nervous little smile.
"...Yeah. So, I'm not sure if there's a schedule, but I think they normally do the slow songs around the end of the evening. Do you wanna snack in the meantime? Did you wanna hang out with any of your friends for a bit?"
He was a tad worried Avery might spend the whole time trying to squeeze conversation out of Tanner and forget to hang out with her closer friends.

"Eesh," A frown of concern from Jayce. "Its probably worse for you because you're a girl. Just a tip from me: don't date dudes who are really into how things smell. Guys like that are sooooo weird, you have no idea."
Stacy made a 'blegh' face, agreeing with Jayce. "Yeah, don't date guys like that, actually just don't date anyone, makes life a lot easier, in my opinion at least. "

(Note: stacey is not a werewolf or vamp.)
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Avery’s eyes seemed to bright slightly at the mention of food, and a smile spread its way across her face. “Food? Where?” She looked about, her short height eliminating her ability to see about and around the room. “I-I can go get food, I just feel guilty leaving you by yourself.. are you sure you’re ok with that?”

“Probably. Good idea. Well I haven’t. So you’re lucky there. It makes more then looks to impress me. Personality and who the guy really is a big part of it.” Elsie nodded. “Oh I don’t doubt the fact that only talking to someone, or not even dating is easier, keeps you out of drama. That’s what I’m scared of.”

(Ohhh gotcha!)
Avery’s eyes seemed to bright slightly at the mention of food, and a smile spread its way across her face. “Food? Where?” She looked about, her short height eliminating her ability to see about and around the room. “I-I can go get food, I just feel guilty leaving you by yourself.. are you sure you’re ok with that?”

“Probably. Good idea. Well I haven’t. So you’re lucky there. It makes more then looks to impress me. Personality and who the guy really is a big part of it.” Elsie nodded. “Oh I don’t doubt the fact that only talking to someone, or not even dating is easier, keeps you out of drama. That’s what I’m scared of.”

(Ohhh gotcha!)
"-ah, erm..." Tanner attempted to peek around some taller dudes. The combination of teens dancing around the room, loud music invading everyone's ears, and flashing lights that practically blinded, Locating or concentrating one thing was near impossible.
"here, this way!" Taking ahold of Avery's hand, Tanner led her over to the buffet table.
"and don't feel stuck with me... I can chill with myself..."

"ugh, yeah." Stacy gave a disdainful sniff. "Plenty of drama, 99% of the time not worth your time or energy. Remember not to give people space in your brain if they don't deserve it. Know. Your. Worth!"
The last three words from Stacy were accompanied with three matching boops on the nose to Elsie.
Jayce smiled and nodded "Hey Elsie, do you do any sport stuff? I don't remember if you ever mentioned anything specific..."
"-ah, erm..." Tanner attempted to peek around some taller dudes. The combination of teens dancing around the room, loud music invading everyone's ears, and flashing lights that practically blinded, Locating or concentrating one thing was near impossible.
"here, this way!" Taking ahold of Avery's hand, Tanner led her over to the buffet table.
"and don't feel stuck with me... I can chill with myself..."

"ugh, yeah." Stacy gave a disdainful sniff. "Plenty of drama, 99% of the time not worth your time or energy. Remember not to give people space in your brain if they don't deserve it. Know. Your. Worth!"
The last three words from Stacy were accompanied with three matching boops on the nose to Elsie.
Jayce smiled and nodded "Hey Elsie, do you do any sport stuff? I don't remember if you ever mentioned anything specific..."
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DragonFruit Baby
“I don’t think I could ever feel like I’m forced to be around you, I enjoy your company.” Avery smiled shyly as she grabbed a plate, successfully plating a few veggies and a brownie. “I’d spend the entire dance night with you, that is, if you really want, I mean I don’t want it to seem like I’m too persistent, and I don’t wanna make it weird and stuff I just like y-er, I like spending time with you and stuff. You know?”

Elsie’s eyes widened as she flinched slightly. “I just try to stay out of other peoples problems, you know? I don’t wanna make this problems mine. Scares me.” She shivered slightly. “I used to play soccer, along with dance and volleyball. But I broke my foot during a volleyball championship match, and never went back. I’ve got other problems, so I’ve never really tried sports again. When I panic I can’t breathe and I pass out. Sooo if I ever freak out immensely, don’t be surprised if I say something about not being able to breathe.”
“I don’t think I could ever feel like I’m forced to be around you, I enjoy your company.” Avery smiled shyly as she grabbed a plate, successfully plating a few veggies and a brownie. “I’d spend the entire dance night with you, that is, if you really want, I mean I don’t want it to seem like I’m too persistent, and I don’t wanna make it weird and stuff I just like y-er, I like spending time with you and stuff. You know?”

Elsie’s eyes widened as she flinched slightly. “I just try to stay out of other peoples problems, you know? I don’t wanna make this problems mine. Scares me.” She shivered slightly. “I used to play soccer, along with dance and volleyball. But I broke my foot during a volleyball championship match, and never went back. I’ve got other problems, so I’ve never really tried sports again. When I panic I can’t breathe and I pass out. Sooo if I ever freak out immensely, don’t be surprised if I say something about not being able to breathe.”
"u-um, yeah... same..." Tanner looked down at his hands, his face sprinkled with a little blush of pink. He paused momentarily, waiting for Avery to serve herself food. Then, grabbing a plate, Tanner started down the food line. The moment he smelt the fresh apple pie, he knew what he wanted on his plate. That... and a brownie. Feeling a bit immature, Tanner snuck to the beginning of the table and guilty scooped some fruit onto his plate.
When he was content with his food choices, Tanner leaned on a wall a tad away from the table.

"Oof, wow," Jayce raised his eyebrows. "Sounds not fun. Honestly, a good reason to be done playing. Anyways, if you are interested in watching, there's a Boys Volleyball match the day after tomorrow. Both me and Alex will be there. So, you know, if you wannnttt to watch, ya totally can, but you don't have to if you have any reason why not."
"u-um, yeah... same..." Tanner looked down at his hands, his face sprinkled with a little blush of pink. He paused momentarily, waiting for Avery to serve herself food. Then, grabbing a plate, Tanner started down the food line. The moment he smelt the fresh apple pie, he knew what he wanted on his plate. That... and a brownie. Feeling a bit immature, Tanner snuck to the beginning of the table and guilty scooped some fruit onto his plate.
When he was content with his food choices, Tanner leaned on a wall a tad away from the table.

"Oof, wow," Jayce raised his eyebrows. "Sounds not fun. Honestly, a good reason to be done playing. Anyways, if you are interested in watching, there's a Boys Volleyball match the day after tomorrow. Both me and Alex will be there. So, you know, if you wannnttt to watch, ya totally can, but you don't have to if you have any reason why not."
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DragonFruit Baby
Avery finished getting her food, enough that it was rather apparent she was a werewolf, as a normal human girl wouldn’t eat so much fruit of veggies that she had picked. With a rather lost expression on her face, she looked about, searching for Tanner. After searching for him, she eventually found him, a small smile made its way across her face as she moved towards him. “Sorry. Lost track of you for a moment.”

“Yep, I’m done playing. Morgan and I will already be there. She apparently has to attend every single sporting event, so we’ll even be there early, if that makes you feel better.” Elsie smiled, seeming rather excited at the thought. “Don’t exactly understand every sport, but eh, guys volleyball can’t be that different.”
Avery finished getting her food, enough that it was rather apparent she was a werewolf, as a normal human girl wouldn’t eat so much fruit of veggies that she had picked. With a rather lost expression on her face, she looked about, searching for Tanner. After searching for him, she eventually found him, a small smile made its way across her face as she moved towards him. “Sorry. Lost track of you for a moment.”

“Yep, I’m done playing. Morgan and I will already be there. She apparently has to attend every single sporting event, so we’ll even be there early, if that makes you feel better.” Elsie smiled, seeming rather excited at the thought. “Don’t exactly understand every sport, but eh, guys volleyball can’t be that different.”
"N-no, you're good, I guess I ran off a bit too quickly."
Tanner peered down at his plate piled with food. Even though the fruit was recently harvested, almost perfectly ripe, he still picked through it. Before he could even finished the mixed fruit, the kid couldn't resist but to jump to the pie. The pastry's aroma had been invading Tanners senses with its sweet, freshly baked sent.
"Weird question, but, what would be the perfect day for you?"

"Nice!" Jayce broke into a grin. "And yeah, Volleyball isn't that different. As long as ya like sports in general. Does Morgan actually 'have' to attend every sport event, or does she just like sports?"
From what he remembered, Morgan didn't seem like a big sport person to him. Maybe she was, but it seemed a tad unlikely.
Stacy had wandered off from the conversation, now talking to a group of other older girls.
"N-no, you're good, I guess I ran off a bit too quickly."
Tanner peered down at his plate piled with food. Even though the fruit was recently harvested, almost perfectly ripe, he still picked through it. Before he could even finished the mixed fruit, the kid couldn't resist but to jump to the pie. The pastry's aroma had been invading Tanners senses with its sweet, freshly baked sent.
"Weird question, but, what would be the perfect day for you?"

"Nice!" Jayce broke into a grin. "And yeah, Volleyball isn't that different. As long as ya like sports in general. Does Morgan actually 'have' to attend every sport event, or does she just like sports?"
From what he remembered, Morgan didn't seem like a big sport person to him. Maybe she was, but it seemed a tad unlikely.
Stacy had wandered off from the conversation, now talking to a group of other older girls.
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