

Tell stories and roleplay in the world of Flight Rising.
TOPIC | warriors roleplay! IC
Dovefeather leans forward as she listens to his story. She stays attentive during the whole thing and only begins to speak once he's finished. "Wow... That must've been terrible having to leave your mother and siblings. And I'm so sorry you had to lose your mate and kits to those mouse-brained foxes." She pauses for a second to look at the ground before continuing. "It must be hard loosing everyone in your family. I don't think I'd be able to cope with it." The she-cat mumbles before bringing her blue gaze back to the tom. "But hey, at least you got to see sights that no other cat has gotten to see before. And I'm sure you came across several other kind cats that you befriended. On top of that, you could start your own family here! There are plenty of she-cats that are looking for mates and kits of their own." She says the last parts excitedly. She was trying to make the tom feel a bit better. She figured if he started another family again that he would be happy and want to stay here with the clan cats.
Dovefeather leans forward as she listens to his story. She stays attentive during the whole thing and only begins to speak once he's finished. "Wow... That must've been terrible having to leave your mother and siblings. And I'm so sorry you had to lose your mate and kits to those mouse-brained foxes." She pauses for a second to look at the ground before continuing. "It must be hard loosing everyone in your family. I don't think I'd be able to cope with it." The she-cat mumbles before bringing her blue gaze back to the tom. "But hey, at least you got to see sights that no other cat has gotten to see before. And I'm sure you came across several other kind cats that you befriended. On top of that, you could start your own family here! There are plenty of she-cats that are looking for mates and kits of their own." She says the last parts excitedly. She was trying to make the tom feel a bit better. She figured if he started another family again that he would be happy and want to stay here with the clan cats.
"I did run across many views, I saw giant hills that blocked out the sun sometimes." Poppyseed replied. "I want to stay here, but I'm not so sure about having another family, Birch was perfect, and so were our kits." He thought about if there was anybody he wanted to have a family with, and nobody came to mind. He was lying about the whole story, but he might have to have a mate in order for the clan to respect him more. He made his nest in the den a bit, and kneaded the moss. He asked her "Did you always want to be a medicine cat? Or did you ever envy the queens with their kits?"
"I did run across many views, I saw giant hills that blocked out the sun sometimes." Poppyseed replied. "I want to stay here, but I'm not so sure about having another family, Birch was perfect, and so were our kits." He thought about if there was anybody he wanted to have a family with, and nobody came to mind. He was lying about the whole story, but he might have to have a mate in order for the clan to respect him more. He made his nest in the den a bit, and kneaded the moss. He asked her "Did you always want to be a medicine cat? Or did you ever envy the queens with their kits?"
She/her today
I'm a Fool, No More, No Less.
Hellenistic Pagan (I do witchcraft and I believe in the Greek Gods)
She glances at the ground, thinking about his question. A few heartbeats pass before she gives a slight shrug and watches him again. "I mean, I love being the clans medicine cat, but... There are times I envy the queens. I do wish to have kits of my own one day. However I know that'll never happen." She nervously giggles to hide her slight sadness over the fact that she'd never have kits. "And though there are days I regret being a medicine cat, I don't think I'd go back. I was never a good warrior and I think I would just be a burden to the clan if I tried to be one. That's why I took the path of a medicine cat. I guess you could say it suits me well." She plasters a fake smile to her face, trying to convince not only him but herself that she was happy with her position in the clan.
She glances at the ground, thinking about his question. A few heartbeats pass before she gives a slight shrug and watches him again. "I mean, I love being the clans medicine cat, but... There are times I envy the queens. I do wish to have kits of my own one day. However I know that'll never happen." She nervously giggles to hide her slight sadness over the fact that she'd never have kits. "And though there are days I regret being a medicine cat, I don't think I'd go back. I was never a good warrior and I think I would just be a burden to the clan if I tried to be one. That's why I took the path of a medicine cat. I guess you could say it suits me well." She plasters a fake smile to her face, trying to convince not only him but herself that she was happy with her position in the clan.
Stormleg listens to the story. "It seems true." He nodded at the tom, but suspicion glinted in his eye. "Do you need anything else?" he mewed.
Stormleg listens to the story. "It seems true." He nodded at the tom, but suspicion glinted in his eye. "Do you need anything else?" he mewed.

~ call me minty, ean, or sunny

~ she/they! biromantic!!

~ I have a lore shop, if you wanted to check it out
Poppyseed originally took Dovefeather's answer at face value, but then realized there was a deep sadness in her eyes when she said that she liked her rank in the clan. He licked her on the forehead to comfort her. after he did so, he realized he had just done something only soft cats do, and he padded away, but not fast enough to undo all the work she had done.
Poppyseed originally took Dovefeather's answer at face value, but then realized there was a deep sadness in her eyes when she said that she liked her rank in the clan. He licked her on the forehead to comfort her. after he did so, he realized he had just done something only soft cats do, and he padded away, but not fast enough to undo all the work she had done.
She/her today
I'm a Fool, No More, No Less.
Hellenistic Pagan (I do witchcraft and I believe in the Greek Gods)
Before licking Dovefeather, Poppyseed added "No, I might go hunt."
Before licking Dovefeather, Poppyseed added "No, I might go hunt."
She/her today
I'm a Fool, No More, No Less.
Hellenistic Pagan (I do witchcraft and I believe in the Greek Gods)
Dovefeather watches him leave, a bit surprised at his reaction. She didn't think he would try to comfort her after telling him the things she did. The she-cat gives a long sigh before getting to her paws. She then walks out of her den and heads towards the fresh kill pile. Dovefeather picks up a plump vole and begins chowing down on her meal. As she does so, she begins thinking about what she had told the tom. This was a secret that she had kept to herself and she had just told a cat that she barely knew about it.
Dovefeather watches him leave, a bit surprised at his reaction. She didn't think he would try to comfort her after telling him the things she did. The she-cat gives a long sigh before getting to her paws. She then walks out of her den and heads towards the fresh kill pile. Dovefeather picks up a plump vole and begins chowing down on her meal. As she does so, she begins thinking about what she had told the tom. This was a secret that she had kept to herself and she had just told a cat that she barely knew about it.
Stormleg rolled his eyes at the tom walking away. He shook his head, clearing his thoughts. "I'll hunt." He said. And tail this rouge....

He hurried out the camp, finding a spot in the river, and tried to catch a fish, while keeping his eyes open for Poppyseed.
Stormleg rolled his eyes at the tom walking away. He shook his head, clearing his thoughts. "I'll hunt." He said. And tail this rouge....

He hurried out the camp, finding a spot in the river, and tried to catch a fish, while keeping his eyes open for Poppyseed.

~ call me minty, ean, or sunny

~ she/they! biromantic!!

~ I have a lore shop, if you wanted to check it out
Poppyseed went to the edge of the camp, he licked at his fur to get some of the stench from the woods off, and he started to go towards the large river that most cats hunted at. If he wanted to be a part of this clan, he had to learn how to catch fish. He couldn't seem weak though, so he decided to do it on his own. Once he got to the river, he looked for fish. He spotted a large minnow, and waited for it to come to him. Once it was close, he slashed his claws through the water, and missed it. He found another minnow, and this time, he still didn't catch it, but he did feel the fish on his paw pads.
Poppyseed went to the edge of the camp, he licked at his fur to get some of the stench from the woods off, and he started to go towards the large river that most cats hunted at. If he wanted to be a part of this clan, he had to learn how to catch fish. He couldn't seem weak though, so he decided to do it on his own. Once he got to the river, he looked for fish. He spotted a large minnow, and waited for it to come to him. Once it was close, he slashed his claws through the water, and missed it. He found another minnow, and this time, he still didn't catch it, but he did feel the fish on his paw pads.
She/her today
I'm a Fool, No More, No Less.
Hellenistic Pagan (I do witchcraft and I believe in the Greek Gods)
Stormleg heard some slashing a little bit up the river. He grasped the trout he had caught in his jaws and made his way over to the sound. He spotted Poppyseed struggling with catching fish.
"Need help?" he asked, amusement plain in his words.
Stormleg heard some slashing a little bit up the river. He grasped the trout he had caught in his jaws and made his way over to the sound. He spotted Poppyseed struggling with catching fish.
"Need help?" he asked, amusement plain in his words.

~ call me minty, ean, or sunny

~ she/they! biromantic!!

~ I have a lore shop, if you wanted to check it out